Spiritual Warfare Chapter 3

If we live in the natural realm, 
we don’t war with stratages
employing human weapons, 
using manipulation to achieve our aims. 
Instead, our spiritual weapons are 
energized with divine power 
to effectively dismantle 
the defenses behind 
which people hide.
2 Corinthians10:3-6
 For though we walk in the flesh, 
we do not war according to the flesh.   
For the weapons of our warfare 
are not carnal 
but mighty in God 
for pulling down strongholds,   
casting down arguments 
and every high thing
 that exalts itself against
 the knowledge of God,
 bringing every thought 
into captivity to 
the obedience of Christ,  
 and being ready to 
punish all disobedience 
when your obedience is fulfilled.
Our vision as intercessors
is to destroy strong hold
the enemy has erected
in the lives of those around us
If they are not living in
Love, Joy, Peace
patience, kindness, goodness
faithfulness, gentleness, self control
then there is a stronghold at work
which needs to be taken down.
There is a divine intervention
in heaven when we
begin to war on this earth.
There is three possible modes
a soldier can be in
when they go to war

and desertion.
our goal is to see 
the enemy flee so
we must be determined
to see them defeated
 in our heart.
we must be comitted
at being in the offensive.
advancing and taking ground.

Our spiritual weapons
The Name of Jesus
The blood of Jesus
Our agreement with God
Binding and loosing
Word and Testimony.
There are two spiritual
tools that go hand in hand
Obedience and Faith
in all cases it is rare
to find one without the other.
Faith in Gods provision
requires obedience
to His word.
Gods provision for us will work
when we apply faith
having faith in the weapons
God has provided for us.
Faith in 
the Name of Jesus
The power of Jesus
Faith to know 
that power exists in us,
dwells in us,
enpowers us.
The truth is 
as we follow Him in faith, 
believing in Him, 
we will do the same 
mighty miracles that He did
even greater miracles than these 
because He goes to be 
with The Father!
John 14:12-14
Most assuredly, I say to you,
 he who believes in Me,
the works that I do 
he will do also; 
and greater works
 than these he will do,
 because I go to My Father.  
 And whatever 
you ask in My name, 
that I will do, 
that the Father
 may be glorified in the Son.   
If you ask anything 
in My name, 
I will do it.
Let the faith of God be in us   
Listen to the truth 
the Holy Spirit speaks to us
 If we say to this mountain 
with great faith and having no doubt,  
Enemy or problem or sickness
be lifted up and 
thrown into the midst of the sea,
 and believes that 
what we say will happen,
 it will be done.   
This is the reason He urges us to 
boldly believe for whatever 
we ask for in prayer
believe that we have 
received it 
and it will be ours.
Mark 11:22-24
So Jesus answered and said to them, 
“Have faith in God.
   For assuredly, 
I say to you, 
whoever says to this mountain, 
‘Be removed and be cast into the sea,’
 and does not doubt in his heart,
 but believes that those things 
he says will be done,
 he will have whatever he says.   
Therefore I say to you, 
whatever things you ask 
when you pray, 
believe that you receive them,
 and you will have them.
One of our most important 
training exercises
is declaring the victory we have,
decreeing the victory Christ has won.
Speaking The Word of God
loud and strong.
establishing strong 
foundational faith thoughts.
The meditation we have done
can be used by the Holy Spirit
who will quicken to us
scripture for different stiuations.
We can demolish every 
deceptive fantasy 
 that opposes God 
and break through every 
arrogant attitude that is raised up
 in defiance of
 the true knowledge of God. 
We capture, 
like prisoners of war, 
every thought
  and insist that it bow
 in obedience to 
the Anointed One.
Our attitude need to be
 Faith, obedience and belief.
these are opposed to
fear, doubt and unbelief.
our objective then is to
Speak faith as a command.
Acts 16:18
And this she did for many days.
  But Paul, greatly annoyed, 

turned and said to the spirit, 
“I command you in 
the name of Jesus Christ
 to come out of her.”
 And he came out
 that very hour.
At this point we can now see
that that there is a commitment
involve with obedience.
The Holy Spirit will
impress on us the need to
pray for people and
we may even sense
what they are going through.
Its important at this point
to understand that these
problems they are having
are not transfered to us
but we only sense as 
The Holy Spirit shares
which gives us a greater insight
for what to pray.
This becomes more as
we commit ourselves
to God and draw closer.
we are chosen to withstand
the enemy and 
aggressively oppose him
and all he stands for.
Hell hates it when we 
go to prayer in this attitude
so he will try to stop us 
by throwing diversions
in our path.
When we commit to prayer
we can be sure 
his plans are foiled. 
  Revelations 12:10,11
Then I heard a 
loud voice saying in heaven, 
“Now salvation, and strength,
 and the kingdom of our God, 
and the power of 
His Christ have come,
 for the accuser of our brethren,
 who accused them 
before our God
 day and night, 
has been cast down.   
And they overcame him 
by the blood of the Lamb 
and by the word of their testimony, 
and they did not love
 their lives to the death.
we conquered him 
 through the blood of the Lamb
 and the powerful 

word of his testimony.
 we triumphed because

 we do not love and cling
 to our own lives, 

even when faced 
against death.
Why, because we are hidden
with Christ in God
 Our crucifixion with Christ 
has severed the tie to this life, 
and now our true life
 is hidden away
 in God in Christ.
Colossians 3:3
For you died,
 and your life is 
hidden with Christ in God.
As He laid down His life
we now must lay down our lives
interceeding for others
1 John 3:16
 By this we know love, 
because He laid down 
His life for us. 
And we also ought to 
lay down our lives

 for the brethren.
we were joined 
with him in his death, 
then we are joined
 with him in his life!   
we are joined 
with him in his sufferings,  
then we will reign
 together with him 
in his triumph.
2 Timothy 2:11-13
This is a faithful saying:
   For if we died with Him,
  We shall also live with Him.   

If we endure,
   We shall also reign with Him.
  If we deny Him,
  He also will deny us.  

 If we are faithless,
   He remains faithful;

  He cannot deny Himself. 

Praying in The Spirit

This is our communication.
very much like having
a radio and talking to 
base command

we use this mainly
in our devotions,
praise and worship.
When we speaks in tongues,
 no one understands a word we say, 
because we are not
 speaking to others, 
but to God
we is speaking
 intimate mysteries in the Spirit.
sometimes we can find ourself
in a position of
not knowing what to do
or pray for.
 This is when we 
Pray in the Spirit.
by doing this we can 
bring needs before the Lord
Our helper
The Holy Spirit
enables us to pray 
the perfect will of God
The Holy Spirit uses us
like a conduit
praying through our spirit
our prayer language.
When we pray in the physical
we can be inflienced by 
all earthly things.
Feelings, thoughts
desires, experiences,
understanding, will
and the enemies favorite,
also if we dont know Gods word
very well, this will inflience
our physical prayers.
Our God gives us 
a heavenly language
that superceeds 
our mind, will and emotions
giving us an advantage
of no physical interruptions.
The Holy Spirit takes hold of us
 in our human frailty
 to empower us in our weakness. 
For example, 
at times we don’t even know
 how to pray, 
or know the best things to ask for. 
But the Holy Spirit rises up 
within us to
  on our behalf,
 pleading to God 
with emotional sighs 
 too deep for words.
 Romans 8:26,27
Likewise the Spirit 
also helps in our weaknesses. 
For we do not know
 what we should pray for
 as we ought, 
but the Spirit Himself
 makes intercession for us 
with groanings which 
cannot be uttered.   
Now He who searches
 the hearts knows what 
the mind of the Spirit is,
 because He makes intercession
 for the saints according 
to the will of God.
when we pray in tongues
Our spirit prays
but our mind is unfruitful.
this is not a bad thing
 we just have no clear understanding 
of what is being said.
Remember we are praying
the perfect will of God
when we do this.
Since we have this confidence, 
we can also have great boldness 
before Him,
 for if we present any request
 agreeable to His will, 
He will hear us.   
And if we know that He hears us
 in whatever we ask,
 we also know that 
we have obtained 
the requests we ask of Him.
The important point here is
we pray according to His will
If it dos'ent line up 
with the word of God
we can expect not to receive.
James 4:3
You ask and do not receive, 
because you ask amiss, 
that you may spend it
 on your pleasures.
When we pray in the Spirit
we dont understand
but God does.
He supplies us causing us
to be built up.
as we pray He strengthens us
and encourages us
in our spiritual fight
  we will constantly 
and progressively 
build ourselves up 
on the foundation 
of our most holy faith 
 by praying every 
moment in the Spirit.    
If we attach our hearts
 to the love of God 
and receive the mercy of 
our Lord Jesus Christ,
 who gives us eternal life.
 Jude 1:20,21
But you, beloved, 
building yourselves up on 
your most holy faith,
 praying in the Holy Spirit,
 keep yourselves 
in the love of God, 
looking for the mercy 
of our Lord Jesus Christ 
unto eternal life.
As we press into God
The Holy Spirit will
prompt us at times
to be on alert
with opportune time
and strategies. our hand-to-hand fight
 is not with human beings,
 but with the highest principalities
 and authorities 
operating in rebellion 
under the heavenly realms
   hold this dark world in bondage.
So when we pray in the Spirit
we have the authority
of heaven behind it.
Embrace the power 
of salvation’s full deliverance, 
like a helmet to protect 
our thoughts from lies. 
And take the mighty 
razor-sharp Spirit-sword
  of the spoken Word of God.
 Pray passionately in the Spirit,

 as you constantly intercede 
with every form of prayer 
at all times. 
Pray the blessings of God 
upon all his believers.
Ephesians 6:18
 praying always with all prayer 
and supplication in the Spirit, 
being watchful to this end 
with all perseverance 
and supplication 
for all the saints  
James 5:16
Confess your trespasses 
to one another, 
and pray for one another, 
that you may be healed. 
The effective,
 fervent prayer of a 
righteous man avails much.
Prayer in a conscious act 
if we are praying in the spirit
or praying in our will,
we consciously detemine to do it.
so it is with faith.
When Peter walk on the water
his faith action
was to get out of the boat
he moved his feet on the water
in obedience to Jesus say come.
The miracle was faith in action
 our miacle is speaking
a language we dont understand
we step out in faith and utter.
The Holy Spirit gives us
this utterence as we 
step out of the boat.
The more we use it 
the better it gets.
   So here’s what we’ve concluded.
 we will pray in the Spirit,
 but we will also pray 
with our mind engaged.
 we will sing rapturous praises
 in the Spirit, 
but we will also sing 
with our mind engaged.
The enemy knows that
The Holy Spirit will
point us at his weakest defence.
As we pray in the spirit
praising and worshiping
the Lord we can also
regain territory for
those who we are praying for.

Let us look at our weapons

1.Our authority in
The Name of Jesus
There are three areas
The Name of Jesus
has power over
Earth, Heaven and Hell.
our body is now
 the sacred temple 
of the Spirit of Holiness, 
who lives in you? 
You don’t belong to
 yourself any longer, 
for the gift of God,
 the Holy Spirit,
 lives inside your sanctuary.
1 Corinthian 6:19
Or do you not know that 
your body is the temple
 of the Holy Spirit
 who is in you,
 whom you have from God, 
and you are not your own?
We have the right
to take the Name of Jesus
and use it knowing
He is stand right here
with us in Glory.
Luke 10:19
 I give you the authority 
to trample on serpents
 and scorpions, 
and over all the power of 
the enemy, 
and nothing shall
 by any means hurt you.
We have been given
 power and authority
over the power of the enemy
In the name of Jesus.
We can ask the Father in
His name
 The Lord will do 
whatever we ask Him
 to do when we ask Him 
in His Name.
 And that is how the Son 
will show what the Father 
is really like and bring glory to Him.  
 Ask The Lord anything in His Name,
 and He will do it for us.
John 14:13,14
 And whatever you ask in My name,
 that I will do, 
that the Father may be 
glorified in the Son.   
If you ask anything
 in My name,
 I will do it.

Philippians 2:9-11
Therefore God also has
 highly exalted Him and 
given Him the name
 which is above every name,   
that at the name of Jesus 
every knee should bow,
 of those in heaven,
 and of those on earth,
 and of those under the earth,   
and that every tongue
 should confess that 
Jesus Christ is Lord, 
to the glory of 
God the Father. 
Everything that is in Heaven
on Earth or under Earth
has to bow at 
The name of Jesus Christ.
God recognises His Name
everytime we use it.
The devil looses ground everytime
we use The Name of Jesus
Say the name of Jesus
By the authority
vested in us in
The Name of Jesus
we bind you satan,
we bind all principalities, 
and come against powers, 
against the rulers of 
the darkness of this age, 
against spiritual hosts of 
wickedness in 
the heavenly places.
We break the powers 
over this situation
We loose any stronghold
and destroy every evil work
or assignment
in the Name of Jesus
Father we ask
that Your will be done
which we praise You for.
In the Name of Jesus
and by Your authority 
we declare it done
in the power of the 
Holy Spirit.
Thankyou that the power
of the Holy Spirit
working in us
anoints us with His
Authority to use 
The Name of Jesus
to defeat and destroy
The works of the devil.
As intercessors
we must use the authority
vested in the Name of Jesus
to put a stop on any
work of the devil
that is wreaking havoc
with God Kingdom saints.
We who join ourselves to the Lord 
are mingled into one spirit with Him.
God will unveil within us 
the unlimited riches of His glory 
and favor until 
supernatural strength floods 
our innermost being with 
His divine might 
and explosive power.
 as we constantly use our faith, 
the life of Christ will be released 
deep inside us, 
and the resting place of 
His love will become 
the very source 
and root of our life.
we will be empowered 
to discover what every 
holy one experiences
the great magnitude
  of the astonishing love of Christ 
in all its dimensions. 
How deeply intimate 
and far-reaching is His love! 
How enduring and inclusive it is!
 Endless love beyond measurement
 that transcends our understanding
this extravagant love 
pours into us until we are filled 
to overflowing with the fullness of God!
Ephesians 6:16-19
that He would grant you,
 according to the riches of His glory,
 to be strengthened with 
might through His Spirit 
in the inner man,   
that Christ may dwell 
in your hearts through faith; 
that you, 
being rooted 
and grounded in love,  
may be able to comprehend 
with all the saints 
what is the width and length
 and depth and height
to know the love of Christ 
which passes knowledge; 
that you may be filled
 with all the fullness of God.
 God raised Jesus to life! 
And since God’s Spirit of 
Resurrection lives in us, 
He will also raise our dying body
 to life by the same Spirit 
that breathes life into us.
Romans 8:11
But if the Spirit of Him 
who raised Jesus
 from the dead dwells in you,
 He who raised Christ
 from the dead will also give life
 to your mortal bodies
 through His Spirit 
who dwells in you.
When Jesus asked Peter
who he thought he was
Peters reply united Them together
their relationship
became personal.
there was an acceptance.
This is our key 
to use the name of Jesus
in a personal relationship
with Him
our time of fellowship
is vital and needs to be nutured
only then will we truely
understand to bring
Him Glory as we use His name.
Acts 3:1-8
 Now Peter and John 
went up together to the temple 
at the hour of prayer, the ninth hour.   
And a certain man 
lame from his mother's womb was carried, 
whom they laid daily
 at the gate of the temple 
which is called Beautiful,
 to ask alms from those 
who entered the temple;   
who, seeing Peter and John
 about to go into the temple,
 asked for alms.   
And fixing his eyes on him,
 with John, Peter said, “Look at us.”   
So he gave them his attention, 
expecting to receive
 something from them.   
Then Peter said, 
“Silver and gold I do not have,
 but what I do have I give you:
 In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth,
 rise up and walk.”   
And he took him 
by the right hand 
and lifted him up, 
and immediately his feet 
and ankle bones received strength.  
 So he, leaping up, 
stood and walked 
and entered the temple with them
walking, leaping, and praising God.
Miracle signs 
will accompany us as we believe: 
we will drive out demons
 in the power of Jesus name. 
we will speak in tongues.
   we will be supernaturally
 protected from snakes 
and from drinking 
anything poisonous.  
And we will lay hands
 on the sick and heal them.
Mark 16:17,18
 And these signs will 
follow those who believe: 
In My name
 they will cast out demons;
 they will speak with new tongues;
   they will take up serpents; 
and if they drink anything deadly,
 it will by no means hurt them; 
they will lay hands on the sick, 
and they will recover.”

2. Our covering
The Blood of Jesus
But now the Anointed One Jesus
has become the King-Priest 
of every wonderful thing that has come.  
For He serves in a greater,
 more perfect heavenly tabernacle 
 not made by men.   
And He has entered once 
and forever into
 the Holiest Sanctuary of All, 
not with the blood 
of animal sacrifices, 
but the sacred blood 
of his own sacrifice.
 And He alone has made
 our salvation  secure forever!
   Under the old covenant 

the blood of bulls, goats, 
and the ashes of a heifer 
were sprinkled on those 
who were defiled 
and effectively cleansed them 
outwardly from their 
ceremonial impurities.   
Yet how much more will 
the sacred blood of the Messiah
The Lamb of God
thoroughly cleanse our consciences!
 For by the power
 of the eternal Spirit 
he has offered himself 
to God as the perfect  Sacrifice
 that now frees  us from
 our dead works  
to worship and
 serve Our Living God.
Hebrews 9:12:14
It was symbolic for 
the present time in which 
both gifts and sacrifices are offered 
which cannot make him 
who performed the service perfect
 in regard to the conscience
concerned only with foods and drinks, 
various washings, 
and fleshly ordinances imposed until 
the time of reformation.
   The Heavenly Sanctuary
    But Christ came as High Priest 

of the good things to come, 
with the greater and more perfect tabernacle
 not made with hands, 
that is, not of this creation.   
Not with the blood of goats and calves, 
but with His own blood 
He entered the Most Holy Place 
once for all, 
having obtained eternal redemption.  
 For if the blood of bulls and
 goats and the ashes of a heifer, 
sprinkling the unclean,
 sanctifies for the purifying of the flesh,  
 how much more shall 
the blood of Christ, 
who through the eternal Spirit
 offered Himself without spot to God, 
cleanse your conscience from
 dead works to serve 
the living God?
Through the Blood of Christ
we receive Salvation,
we are birthed into His Kingdom.
Through the Blood of Christ
We have atonement,
are sins are blotted out.
 Through the Blood of Christ
we are redeemed from the curse,
paid in full and purchased back to life.
Through the Blood of Christ
we are justified,
no longer guilty
acquited of all sin.
Through the Blood of Christ
we are made Righteous,
in right standing with
The Lord God, our Father.
Through the Blood of Christ
we are given santification 
we draw our eternal salvation,
joined together with Christ
In Him we are given 
wisdom, virtue
our holiness and 
our redemption.
       Through the Blood of Christ
our sin is cancelled out
never to be remembered.  
  Hebrews 9:22
And according to the law 
almost all things are purified with blood, 
and without shedding of blood
 there is no remission.
  Through the Blood of Christ
everything in God's provision
is given to us
we are reconciled
into God's Love.
Through the Blood of Christ
we have overcoming power
victorious power
our delegated authority.
   Revelation 12:11
And they overcame him 
by the blood of the Lamb 
and by the word of their testimony,
 and they did not love 
their lives to the death.
 Through the Blood of Christ
God provides deliverence
we are released from the powers
of darkness and brought into
His glorious light
 Colossians 1:13
He has delivered us 
from the power of darkness and 
conveyed us into the kingdom of 
the Son of His love,
 Through the Blood of Christ
we have forgiveness 
1 John 1:9
If we confess our sins, 
He is faithful and just 
to forgive us our sins 
and to cleanse us from
 all unrighteousness. 
Through the Blood of Christ
we are cleansed from all sin
1 John 1:7

 But if we walk in the light
 as He is in the light, 
we have fellowship 
with one another,
 and the blood of Jesus Christ 
His Son cleanses us 
from all sin.
 Through the Blood of Christ
we have a new covenant
  Hebrews 10:9,10
then He said, 
“Behold, I have come to do Your will, O God.”
 He takes away the first
 that He may establish the second.   
By that will we have been sanctified 
through the offering of 
the body of Jesus Christ 
once for all. 
 Hebrews 15-18
 But the Holy Spirit 
also witnesses to us;
 for after He had said before,
     “This is the covenant 

that I will make with them
 after those days, says the Lord:
 I will put My laws into their hearts, 
and in their minds I will write them,”  
 then He adds, 
“Their sins and their lawless deeds
 I will remember no more.”
   Now where there is remission of these,
 there is no longer an offering for sin.
Our place is to remind the enemy
of what God has already done
completed and sealed.
we plead the Blood of Jesus 
over us and all for protection
it is a doorway protection
in the spiritual.
we are in essence
wiping the entrance
with the blood of the lamb
so the enemy can not touch
what we have claimed.
death has lost its sting.  
1 Corinthians 15:55-58
O Death, where is your sting?
  O Hades, where is your victory?”
    The sting of death is sin,

and the strength of sin is the law.  
 But thanks be to God, 
who gives us the victory 
through our Lord Jesus Christ.
The blood of Jesus
secures peace and victory
and is complete.

3.Agreeing with The Holy Spirit
Many time we will be called
 to spiritual battles

by the Holy Spirit
It's in those times we
need to be in agreement
with another or in 
one accord.
Acts 2:1
When the Day of Pentecost 
had fully come, 
they were all with 
one accord
 in one place.
Its important to have 
a prayer partner
or partners.
when we are of the same spirit
in our prayers
it creates a strength
of spiritual power
increasing overcoming faith.
Allow the Holy Spirit
to choose for you
and dont look to the physical
in any choice of who
 you prayer with.
one of the most important
 things to remember
is that communication between
you and your prayer partner
has to be frequent and secure.
Another thing to do
is test for
purety, Holiness,
being above reproach.
look out for hidden agenders.
when we sense 
all is good
do a final prayer asking for 
God's blessing till you sense 
He is pleased.
An eternal truth: 
If two of us agree
 to ask God for something 
in a symphony of prayer, 
 Our heavenly Father
 will do it for us.
   For wherever two or three 
come together in honor 
of my name,
  He is right there
 with us.
Matthew 18:19,20
Again I say to you that if 
two of you agree on earth 
concerning anything
 that they ask, 
it will be done for them 
by My Father in heaven.
   For where two or three 
are gathered together
 in My name,
 I am there 
in the midst of them.
Ecclesiastes 4:12
Though one may be 
overpowered by another,
 two can withstand him.
  And a threefold cord

 is not quickly broken.
We need to pray in Gods will
and it will take time to
get into agreement
in harmony with
prayer partners. 
its important to 
stop imitating the ideals 
and opinions of the culture 
around us,  
but be inwardly transformed 
by the Holy Spirit
 through a total reformation 
of how we think. 
This will empower us
 to discern God’s will 
as we live a beautiful life, 
satisfying and perfect 
in His eyes. 
Romans 12:2
And do not be conformed 
to this world, 
but be transformed 
by the renewing of your mind, 
that you may prove 
what is that good and acceptable 
and perfect will of God.
If our hearts are pure
and right
God's Grace will abound.
As we continue
we will learn to discern
our prayer partners heart
and the Holy Spirit
will lead us into all truth.
as we pray
be conscious not 
to listen to bad reports
or wispers the enemy may
try to effect us with.
we must stand on what 
God has told us
our sure footing
is on God Word.
if it lines up with
Gods word we are solid
overcoming and victorious.
Always start by
 asking the Holy Spirit
to be present as we start to pray.
pray in one accord with Him
For and agreement.

4.The Locks of Heaven
Binding & Loosing
God will give us 
the keys of heaven’s kingdom realm
 to forbid on earth
 that which is forbidden
 in heaven, 
and to release on earth 
that which is released 
in heaven.
Matthew 16:17-19
Jesus answered and said to him, 
“Blessed are you,
 Simon Bar-Jonah,
 for flesh and blood has not 
revealed this to you, 
 but My Father who is in heaven.   
And I also say to you 
that you are Peter,
 and on this rock
 I will build My church,
 and the gates of Hades 
shall not prevail against it.
   And I will give you
 the keys of the kingdom of heaven, 
and whatever you bind 
on earth 
will be bound in heaven, 
and whatever you loose 
on earth
 will be loosed in heaven.
Gods very thought here is
in a state of being
already bound
or already loosed
or to put it another way
when we bind on earth
it is already bound in heaven
and when we loose something
in this earth

it is already loosed in heaven.
 Would we dare enter the house 
of a mighty man
 and steal his property? 
First he (Satan the devil)
 must be overpowered 
and tied up by one 
who is stronger than he(Jesus). 
Then his entire house 
can be plundered 
and every possession stolen.
Luke 10:18,19
And He said to them, 
“I saw Satan fall 
like lightning from heaven.
I give you the authority
 to trample on 
serpents and scorpions, 
and over all the power of the enemy, 
and nothing shall 
by any means hurt you. 
1 John 3:8,9
 He who sins is of the devil, 
for the devil has sinned
 from the beginning. 
For this purpose 
the Son of God 
was manifested,
 that He might destroy 
the works of the devil.
   Whoever has been born of God
 does not sin, 
for His seed remains in him;
 and he cannot sin, 
because he has been
 born of God.

we must remember when using these keys
it always has to be about
Kingdom purposes.
Binding and loosing
is the confidence
and assurance we have
when we confess, decree or declare
of God's order and Governing Power
against the disorder 
of sins power,
satans rule
 over something.
Discernment is important
to identify
who the strongman is.
This can be asked of 
The Holy Spirit.
Satan’s belongings are undisturbed
 as he stands guard over
 his fortress kingdom,
 strong and fully armed 
with an arsenal of many weapons.
   But when one stronger
 than he comes (Jesus) 
to attack and overpower him, 
the stronger one will empty
 the arsenal in which he trusted. 
The conqueror will ransack 
his kingdom and 
distribute all the spoils of victory.
   This is a war
Luke 11:21-23
When a strong man,
 fully armed, 
guards his own palace,
 his goods are in peace.
   But when a stronger than he 
comes upon him and 
overcomes him,
 he takes from him 
all his armor in which he trusted,
 and divides his spoils.
   He who is not with Me 
is against Me, 
and he who does not gather
 with Me scatters.
Our hand-to-hand combat
 is not with human beings,
 but with the highest principalities 
and authorities
 operating in rebellion
 under the heavenly realms.
  For they are a powerful class 
of demon-gods  
and evil spirits 
that hold  this dark 
world in bondage.
Because of this,
we must wear all the armor 
that God provides so
 we’re protected as we confront
 the slanderer,
  for we are destined for all things 
 and will rise victorious.
This may even need fasting
Mattthew 17:14
And when they had 
come to the multitude,
 a man came to Him,
 kneeling down to Him and saying,
   “Lord, have mercy on my son,
 for he is an epileptic 
and suffers severely;
 for he often falls into the fire
 and often into the water.
   So I brought him to Your disciples, 
but they could not cure him.”
     Then Jesus answered and said,

 “O faithless and perverse generation, 
how long shall I be with you?
 How long shall I bear with you? 
Bring him here to Me.”
   And Jesus rebuked the demon, 
and it came out of him; 
and the child was cured
 from that very hour.
     Then the disciples came to Jesus 

privately and said, 
“Why could we not cast it out?”
     So Jesus said to them, 

“Because of your unbelief;
 for assuredly, I say to you,
 if you have faith as a mustard seed,
 you will say to this mountain,
 ‘Move from here to there,’
 and it will move; 
and nothing will be impossible for you.
   However, this kind does not go out
 except by prayer and fasting.”
We as believers
have the right to declare
authority to call down
or resist satan
and bind the strongman
In the Name of Jesus Christ
When we do this
it important to 
assist each other in prayer
There is strength in numbers
understand more of
authority and the chain of command
of God's people.
never move without
the Holy Spirits authority
and direction.
Luke 13:11-13
And behold, 
there was a woman 
who had a spirit of infirmity
 eighteen years, 
and was bent over 
and could in no way 
raise herself up.
   But when Jesus saw her, 
He called her to Him 
and said to her, 
Woman, you are loosed
 from your infirmity.”
   And He laid His hands on her, 
and immediately 
she was made straight,
 and glorified God.
When our hearts move with God's heart
compassion rises to meet the need.
When Jesus saw her condition,
His heart felt the Fathers heart.
He called her over 
and gently laid His hands on her. 
Then He said, 
“Dear woman, you are free. 
I release you forever 
from this crippling spirit.”
 Instantly she stood straight
 and tall and 
overflowed with glorious 
praise to God!
Binding should always go with loosing.
When we bind
we secure the enemy
with presure
so he can not move.
Then we loose
to obtain liberty
using God's Word.
so to understand it
binding is on the enemy
and loosing is to sustain victory
always looking to the Holy Spirit
for the revelation
pray like this:
In the mighty and precious
name of Jesus Christ
We take authority over you satan
binding all your works
your demonic spirits assigned
against God's Kingdom kids.
We loose every person,
let them go free in Jesus Christ name
we demand you cease all activity,
maneuvers against
any child of God
we are covered by
The Blood of Jesus,
the precious Lamb slain for us.
Holy Spirit reveal to us all
the enemies plans.
lead us Lord in this attack.
We thank You Lord
That You are watching over 
Your word to Perform it
and it will not return void
but accomplish that
which You have sent it to do
in the Name of Jesus.

When we fast, 
don’t look like those 
who pretend to be spiritual. 
They want everyone 
to know they’re fasting, 
so they appear 
in public looking miserable,
 gloomy, and disheveled. 
They’ve already received
 their reward in full. 
  When we fast, 
don’t let it be obvious, 
but instead, wash your face  
and groom yourself
 and realize that your Father
 in the secret place
 is the one who is watching 
all that you do
 in secret and will continue
 to reward you openly.
Its important to check
our motives.
Is our hearts in tune
with the Holy Spirit
set on God's purpose?
Never fast to impress anyone
except God.
 Luke 4:1,2
Then Jesus, 
being filled with the Holy Spirit, 
returned from the Jordan 
and was led by the Spirit 
into the wilderness,
   being tempted for forty days
 by the devil.
 And in those days He ate nothing,
 and afterward,
 when they had ended, 
He was hungry.
Fasting and Prayer together
make us more sensitive
spiritually to God's Word,
to hearing His voice.
causing us to have more power
in our lives
to combat the 
forces of the enemy.
 Acts 13:2
As they ministered to 
the Lord and fasted,
 the Holy Spirit said,
 “Now separate to Me Barnabas
 and Saul for the work 
to which I have called them.”
   Then, having fasted and prayed, 
and laid hands on them,
 they sent them away.
Isaiah 58:6-8
Is this not the fast 
that I have chosen:
  To loose the bonds of wickedness,
  To undo the heavy burdens,
  To let the oppressed go free,
  And that you break every yoke? 
   Is it not to share

your bread with the hungry,
  And that you bring 

to your house 
the poor who are cast out;
  When you see the naked,

 that you cover him,
  And not hide yourself 

from your own flesh? 
   Then your light shall 

break forth like the morning,
  Your healing shall 

spring forth speedily,
  And your righteousness

 shall go before you;
  The glory of the Lord 

shall be your rear guard. 
   Then you shall call, 

and the Lord will answer;
Joel 1:14
Consecrate a fast,
  Call a sacred assembly;
  Gather the elders
  And all the inhabitants of the land
  Into the house of the Lord your God,
  And cry out to the Lord.

The Holy Spirit led Jesus
 into the lonely wilderness
 in order to reveal his strength
 against the accuser  
by going through
 the ordeal of testing.
    And after fasting for forty days, 
 Jesus was extremely 
weak and famished.
   Then the tempter came 
to entice him to provide food 
by doing a miracle. 
So he said to Jesus,
 “How can you possibly be 
the Son of God 
and go hungry? 
Just order these stones 
to be turned into
 loaves of bread.”
   He answered,

 “The Scriptures say:
  Bread alone will not satisfy,
 but true life is 

found in every word,
 which constantly goes forth

 from God’s mouth.”
Matthew 4:4
It is written, 
Man shall not live 
by bread alone,
 but by every word 
that proceeds 
from the mouth of God.
We can see
that there is a spiritual
and physical discipline
given by fasting
when we look at 
 A prophetess named Anna 
was also in the temple court that day.
 While Simeon was prophesying 
over Mary and Joseph 
and the baby, 
Anna walked up to them
after she had been
serving God 
with night-and-day 
prayer and fasting
and burst forth with 
a great chorus of praise 
to God for the child. 
And from that day forward 
she told everyone in Jerusalem
 who was waiting 
for their redemption 
that the anticipated 
Messiah had come!
Luke 2:36-38
Now there was one,
 Anna, a prophetess, 
the daughter of Phanuel, 
of the tribe of Asher. 
She was of a great age,
 and had lived with a husband
 seven years from her virginity; 
  and this woman was a widow 
of about eighty-four years, 
who did not depart from the temple,
 but served God 
with fastings and prayers
 night and day.   
And coming in that instant 
she gave thanks to the Lord,
 and spoke of Him 
to all those who looked for 
redemption in Jerusalem.
 Fasting also produces
a passion to pray for
our country
our community
our church
and our family
Matthew 9:15
And Jesus said to them, 
“Can the friends 
of the bridegroom 
mourn as long as 
the bridegroom is with them? 
But the days will come
 when the bridegroom 
will be taken away 
from them, 
and then they will fast
Fasting ensures us of
strengthened spiritual prayer.
prayer that reaches 
the throne room of God

Acts 10:30,31
 “Four days ago I was fasting 
until this hour; 
and at the ninth hour
 I prayed in my house,
 and behold
 a man stood before me
 in bright clothing, 
  and said, ‘Cornelius, 
your prayer has been heard, 
and your alms are
 remembered in 
the sight of God.
 whenever we pray, 
we should be alone with our Father 
praying to Him in secret. 
And our Father, 
who sees all we do, 
will overwhelmingly bless us.
Matthew 6:6
But you, when you pray, 
go into your room, 
and when you have shut your door, 
pray to your Father 
who is in the secret place;
 and your Father 
who sees in secret 
will reward you openly.
 Nehemiah found great humility through
fasting and repentance 
and Daniel received
revelations of God's way
and God's will for the future.
It also strengthens 
us with authority
and power
in our prayer life
for Spiritual Warfare. 
Matthew 4:10
Then Jesus said to him,
 “Away with you, Satan!
 For it is written, 
‘You shall worship
 the Lord your God, 
and Him only you shall serve.’ ”
     Then the devil left Him, 

and behold,
 angels came 
and ministered to Him.
Never think that fasting 
is a punishment
but more that it will 
give us a better prospective,
a proper mentle attutude
view it as a way to 
willingly get closer
to God diligently
by humbling ourselves.
Moving our heart closer
 and closer to God, 
and he will come 
even closer to you. 
 But make sure we 
cleanse ourselves
 as we are all sinners
and keep our heart pure 
and stop doubting.
James 4:8-10
Draw near to God 
and He will draw near to you. 
Cleanse your hands, 
you sinners; 
and purify your hearts, 
you double-minded.   
Lament and mourn and weep! 
Let your laughter be turned 
to mourning and 
your joy to gloom.   
Humble yourselves
 in the sight of the Lord, 
and He will lift you up.
As we fast we will notice
our spirit being more sensative
to the moves of the Holy Spirit.
spiritual gifts become 
more accessable
an unction to funtion
and discern becomes hightened.
a keener prospective 
of Gods word and 
the depths of revelation.
Our prayer life will
become more focused.
At this point
its important to have
definite goals in mind
to bring our prayers
into an offensive.
Isaiah 61
 The Spirit of the Lord God is upon Me, 
 Because the Lord has anointed Me
  To preach good tidings to the poor;
  He has sent Me to heal the brokenhearted,
  To proclaim liberty to the captives,
  And the opening of the prison to those who are bound;
   To proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord,
  And the day of vengeance of our God;
  To comfort all who mourn,
   To console those who mourn in Zion,
  To give them beauty for ashes,
  The oil of joy for mourning,
  The garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness;
  That they may be called trees of righteousness,
  The planting of the Lord, that He may be glorified.”
   And they shall rebuild the old ruins,
  They shall raise up the former desolations,
  And they shall repair the ruined cities,
  The desolations of many generations.
   Strangers shall stand and feed your flocks,
  And the sons of the foreigner
  Shall be your plowmen and your vinedressers.
   But you shall be named the priests of the Lord,
  They shall call you the servants of our God.
  You shall eat the riches of the Gentiles,
  And in their glory you shall boast.
   Instead of your shame you shall have double honor,
  And instead of confusion they shall rejoice in their portion.
  Therefore in their land they shall possess double;
  Everlasting joy shall be theirs.



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