Prayers in this book
Stand in the gate of the Lord's house,
and proclaim there this word, and say,
‘Hear the word of the Lord,
all you Children of God
all you Judah
who enter in at these gates
to worship the Lord!
Jer 7:2
and proclaim there this word, and say,
‘Hear the word of the Lord,
all you Children of God
all you Judah
who enter in at these gates
to worship the Lord!
Jer 7:2
Lord we enter
Your gates with thanksgiving
and into Your courts with Praise.
We thank You and Bless Your name Psalm 100
We come boldly and with confidence
to Your throne to obtain
Mercy and Grace to help in time of need Heb 4:16
to Your throne to obtain
Mercy and Grace to help in time of need Heb 4:16
Prayer 1
Colossians 1:9-18
Colossians 1:9-18
this reason we also,
since the day we heard it,
since the day we heard it,
not cease to pray for,
and to ask that we may be filled
with the knowledge of Your will Father
and to ask that we may be filled
with the knowledge of Your will Father
all wisdom and spiritual understanding;
we may walk worthy of you Lord,
pleasing You,
being fruitful in every good work
being fruitful in every good work
increasing in Your knowledge Father God;
with all might,
according to Your glorious power,
for all patience and longsuffering with joy;
according to Your glorious power,
for all patience and longsuffering with joy;
thanks to You Father
who has qualified us to be
partakers of the inheritance
of the saints in the light.
who has qualified us to be
partakers of the inheritance
of the saints in the light.
have delivered us from
the power of darkness and
conveyed us into the kingdom
of Your Son of His love,
the power of darkness and
conveyed us into the kingdom
of Your Son of His love,
whom we have redemption
through Your blood,
through Your blood,
forgiveness of our sins.
you are the image
of the invisible God,
of the invisible God,
firstborn over all creation.
by You all things were
created that are in heaven
created that are in heaven
that are on earth,
visible and invisible,
visible and invisible,
thrones or dominions
or principalities or powers.
or principalities or powers.
things were created
through You and for You.
through You and for You.
You are before all things,
and in You all things consist.
And Lord You are the head
of the body, the church,
and in You all things consist.
And Lord You are the head
of the body, the church,
is the beginning,
the firstborn from the dead,
the firstborn from the dead,
in all things
You have pre-eminence.
Prayer 2
You have pre-eminence.
Prayer 2
Father, in The Name of Jesus
We pray for a hedge of protection, job1:10
Your Angels Lord to
Encamp round about us,
We pray for a hedge of protection, job1:10
Your Angels Lord to
Encamp round about us,
the name of Jesus
we thank You, Father,
that we dwell in
the secret place of the Most High
and abide under the shadow
we thank You, Father,
that we dwell in
the secret place of the Most High
and abide under the shadow
or the arrow
that flies by day
or the pestilence that
walks in darkness
or the destruction
that lays waste at noonday.
a thousand may fall
at our side
and ten thousand
at our right hand
but it will not come near us.
Only with our eyes
will we behold
and see the reward
of the wicked.
that flies by day
or the pestilence that
walks in darkness
or the destruction
that lays waste at noonday.
a thousand may fall
at our side
and ten thousand
at our right hand
but it will not come near us.
Only with our eyes
will we behold
and see the reward
of the wicked.
Even the most high our dwelling place
no evil shall befall us,
no accident will overtake us,
and no plague,
virus or calamity
shall come near us;
for You give Your angels charge
no evil shall befall us,
no accident will overtake us,
and no plague,
virus or calamity
shall come near us;
for You give Your angels charge
You, and You will answer.
You will be with us in times of trouble,
satisfy us with a long life,
and show us Your salvation
You will be with us in times of trouble,
satisfy us with a long life,
and show us Your salvation
Surely goodness
and mercy shall follow us
all the days of our lives
and we will dwell
in the house of the Lord Forever.
and mercy shall follow us
all the days of our lives
and we will dwell
in the house of the Lord Forever.
Prayer 3
shine upon us,
And be gracious to us;
You lift up Your countenance
upon us,
And give us peace.”Numbers 6:24-27
Father God,
It’s to our advantage
the name of Jesus Christ
bless us with
the promises of God, which are
the promises of God, which are
Spirit make us
healthy and strong in
body, mind, and spirit
and to move in faith and expectancy.
healthy and strong in
body, mind, and spirit
and to move in faith and expectancy.
God's angels be with us
to protect and keep us.
to protect and keep us.
blessed with supernatural strength
to turn our eyes from
to turn our eyes from
and evil things,
and to shut out
and evil things,
and to shut out
and the negative.
and the negative.
may we behold
the beauty of things
that You have planned for
us as we obey Your Word.
the beauty of things
that You have planned for
us as we obey Your Word.
God bless our ears
to hear the lovely,
to hear the lovely,
uplifting and the encouraging.
our minds be
strong, disciplined,
strong, disciplined,
and faith-filled.
our feet walk in
holiness and our steps
holiness and our steps
ordered by You Lord.
our hands be
tender and helping,
tender and helping,
those in need.
our hearts be humble
and receptive to one another
and receptive to one another
to the things of You Father,
not to the world.
not to the world.
grace Father
be upon our homes,
they may be a sanctuary
of rest and renewal,
of rest and renewal,
havens of peace
where sounds of joy and
where sounds of joy and
grace our walls,
love and
unconditional acceptance
unconditional acceptance
one another is
the constant rule.
the constant rule.
God give us
the spiritual strength to
the spiritual strength to
the evil one
and avoid temptation.
and avoid temptation.
grace God be
upon us to fulfill
upon us to fulfill
dreams and visions.
Lord You bless us and keep us;
Lord You make your face shine upon us,
And be gracious to us;
You lift up Your countenance
upon us,
And give us peace.”Numbers 6:24-27
goodness and mercy
follow us all the
follow us all the
of our long life Psalm 23:6
we live in
the house of our Lord.
the house of our Lord.
Prayer 4
as it is in heaven
in the name of
Jesus Christ.
Jesus Christ.
We Loose our
will and emotions to the truth
and to the blood of Jesus.
will and emotions to the truth
and to the blood of Jesus.
We Loose our bodies,
souls and spirits to the will and
purpose of God for our lives.
souls and spirits to the will and
purpose of God for our lives.
We Loose ourselves
to the mind of Christ
that our very thoughts,
feelings and purpose of our hearts
and minds would mirror
Your life Lord Jesus.
to the mind of Christ
that our very thoughts,
feelings and purpose of our hearts
and minds would mirror
Your life Lord Jesus.
“We loose our feet to
the paths of righteousness
that our steps would be
steady, ordered and sure.
the paths of righteousness
that our steps would be
steady, ordered and sure.
We are loosed to the work of
the cross with all of its
love, joy, peace,
patience, kindness,
goodness, faithfulness,
gentleness, self-control,
the cross with all of its
love, joy, peace,
patience, kindness,
goodness, faithfulness,
gentleness, self-control,
Lord Your
Mercy, Grace and Glory
be apon us.
Father in the Name of Jesus
Mercy, Grace and Glory
be apon us.
Father in the Name of Jesus
“We bind
every stronghold associated with
every wrong
ungodly pattern of thinking,
wrong attitudes,
every stronghold associated with
every wrong
ungodly pattern of thinking,
wrong attitudes,
wrong ideas,
wrong desires,
wrong desires,
wrong beliefs,
wrong motivations,
wrong motivations,
wrong habits,
wrong behaviors and any
old wrong ways of thinking
we Bind them all
In the Name Of Jesus Christ.
wrong behaviors and any
old wrong ways of thinking
we Bind them all
In the Name Of Jesus Christ.
We bind any stronghold
in our life that has been
in our life that has been
justifying and protecting
hard feelings against anyone.
hard feelings against anyone.
We bind the strongholds
of unforgiveness,
fear and distrust from us.
of unforgiveness,
fear and distrust from us.
“We bind the power
and effects of deceptions
and lies from us.
and effects of deceptions
and lies from us.
“In the name
of Jesus,
we bind the power
and effects of any
harsh or hard words
or curse spoken to,
about or by us.
we bind the power
and effects of any
harsh or hard words
or curse spoken to,
about or by us.
We bind all
generational bondages
and associated strongholds
from us.
generational bondages
and associated strongholds
from us.
We bind all
and bondages from us
that may have been caused by
mistakes we have made.
and bondages from us
that may have been caused by
mistakes we have made.
Father, in
the name of Jesus,
we Bind
all generational bondages
of any kind from mistakes made
at any point between generations.
we Bind
all generational bondages
of any kind from mistakes made
at any point between generations.
We bind them right here,
right now.
They will not bind or curse
any more members
of our families or friends.
right now.
They will not bind or curse
any more members
of our families or friends.
“We bind the strongman;
we bind Satan
that may spoil our house
and we loose
every material
and spiritual possession
he has taken from us
to be returned.
we bind Satan
that may spoil our house
and we loose
every material
and spiritual possession
he has taken from us
to be returned.
We bind the enemy’s influence
over every part
of our bodies, souls and spirits
during this day, week, and year
in the mighty
Name of Jesus Christ.
over every part
of our bodies, souls and spirits
during this day, week, and year
in the mighty
Name of Jesus Christ.
We bind the confusion
and blindness
of the god of this world
from our minds and hearts
that has kept us from seeing
the light of
the gospel of Jesus Christ.
and blindness
of the god of this world
from our minds and hearts
that has kept us from seeing
the light of
the gospel of Jesus Christ.
We call forth and loose every
precious word of Scripture
that has ever entered
into our mind and heart
that it would rise up
in power within us and
precious word of Scripture
that has ever entered
into our mind and heart
that it would rise up
in power within us and
Father let Your Spirit
flow out of us
Words of Wisdom,
Faith, Healings,
Working of Miracles
Descerning of Spirits
Tongues 1Cor12;8-10
interpretation of tongues
To be strengthened with
Power in the inner man Eph 3:16
Help us to grow fruitfully
so, Your
1 Spirit Lord would rest upon us.
2 Spirit of Extraordinary Wisdom,
3 Spirit of Perfect Understanding,
4 Spirit of Wise Strategy,
5 Spirit of Mighty Power and strength,
6 Spirit of Revelation and Knowledge,
7 Spirit of reverential awe
and fearful worship of
Our Father Yahweh.
Thank you,
Lord Jesus,
for whoever The Son
has set free are free indeed.
Prayer 5
has set free are free indeed.
Prayer 5
Father God, You have seated us
in heavenly places
with Christ far above
all principalities and powers
and might and dominion
and every name that is named
not only in this age
but also in that which is to come Eph 1:19-23
in the name of Jesus Christ
Father Let Your angels
ordain terrifying noises 2 Kings 7:6
to chase out all
enemy spirits
in heavenly places
with Christ far above
all principalities and powers
and might and dominion
and every name that is named
not only in this age
but also in that which is to come Eph 1:19-23
in the name of Jesus Christ
Father Let Your angels
ordain terrifying noises 2 Kings 7:6
to chase out all
enemy spirits
past, present, and future.
Father deploy angels
to defend and attack
against strongholds
set against us.
Lord, restore seven-fold, Prov 6:31
everything that spiritual thieves
have stolen from us.
We bind every
spiritual strongman holding
our privileges, rights
or property captive
to defend and attack
against strongholds
set against us.
Lord, restore seven-fold, Prov 6:31
everything that spiritual thieves
have stolen from us.
We bind every
spiritual strongman holding
our privileges, rights
or property captive
Father cause
all the demonic obstacles
that have been established
in our hearts or
against our prosperity or health
to be bound in Jesus name.
Father, break the backbone of
any further spirit of
conspiracy and treachery
Lord help us to see
our mistakes and faults
and to do all in Your power
to overcome and correct them.
Father, show us what to do
so that
financial market place crisis
would be bound
and not arise in our affairs.
Lord, give us wisdom and
send us divine counselors to help
walk out of any
unfavourable situations and
formulate plans of recovery
to keep us on the top.
We command every past,
present or future
enemy stronghold
or spiritual power
standing against us
to be bound
all the demonic obstacles
that have been established
in our hearts or
against our prosperity or health
to be bound in Jesus name.
Father, break the backbone of
any further spirit of
conspiracy and treachery
Lord help us to see
our mistakes and faults
and to do all in Your power
to overcome and correct them.
Father, show us what to do
so that
financial market place crisis
would be bound
and not arise in our affairs.
Lord, give us wisdom and
send us divine counselors to help
walk out of any
unfavourable situations and
formulate plans of recovery
to keep us on the top.
We command every past,
present or future
enemy stronghold
or spiritual power
standing against us
to be bound
In the Name of Jesus Christ
Lord help us to move in
Prosperity, Healing,
Finance, Blessing, Hope,
Love, Joy, Peace,
Patients, Kindness, Gal 5:22-26
Goodness, Faithfulness,
Gentleness, Self Control
fill us Father with
a good measure,
pressed down,
shaken together,
and running over
rushing back to our lap.Luke 6:38
Help us Lord
to erect strongholds
to prevent future failures.
Father let our proposals be
too hot for the enemy to sit upon.
Lord help us to maintain success
in all we put our hands to.
Lord, show
dreams, visions and prophecy
that would advance our cause.
Lord, Let us see
Finance, Blessing, Hope,
Love, Joy, Peace,
Patients, Kindness, Gal 5:22-26
Goodness, Faithfulness,
Gentleness, Self Control
fill us Father with
a good measure,
pressed down,
shaken together,
and running over
rushing back to our lap.Luke 6:38
Help us Lord
to erect strongholds
to prevent future failures.
Father let our proposals be
too hot for the enemy to sit upon.
Lord help us to maintain success
in all we put our hands to.
Lord, show
dreams, visions and prophecy
that would advance our cause.
Lord, Let us see
into the spiritual realm,
like You Lord
To foresee and discern in
situations, strategies
and Kingdom advancements
in and around us
and in market place.
situations, strategies
and Kingdom advancements
in and around us
and in market place.
To be blessed
with a double portion
Father, we ask that
the angels of prosperity
would withdraw the riches of
the gentiles and ungodly
and transfer them to us.
Lord, create and open
new and profitable
divine opportunities for us.
We shall pay our tithes to
You God alone
and we shall not be
servants of the lender
and every debt will be
completely repaid
by God’s
poured out abundance,2 corinthians 9:8
in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.
Our God will rebuke the devourer
for us so that he will not destroy
the fruits of our ground
or our vines fail
to bear fruit for us in the field or
the seed fail to produce 100 fold
where Your word has been sown and
Father open for us
the windows of heaven
and pour out for us such blessing Malachi 3:10-12
that there will not be
room enough to receive it all
the angels of prosperity
would withdraw the riches of
the gentiles and ungodly
and transfer them to us.
Lord, create and open
new and profitable
divine opportunities for us.
We shall pay our tithes to
You God alone
and we shall not be
servants of the lender
and every debt will be
completely repaid
by God’s
poured out abundance,2 corinthians 9:8
in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.
Our God will rebuke the devourer
for us so that he will not destroy
the fruits of our ground
or our vines fail
to bear fruit for us in the field or
the seed fail to produce 100 fold
where Your word has been sown and
Father open for us
the windows of heaven
and pour out for us such blessing Malachi 3:10-12
that there will not be
room enough to receive it all
for You will prepare
a table before us
and anoint our heads with oil,
our cups will run over
and we shall be called blessed Psalm 23:6
and a delight in the land
says the Lord of hosts.
Prayer 6
a table before us
and anoint our heads with oil,
our cups will run over
and we shall be called blessed Psalm 23:6
and a delight in the land
says the Lord of hosts.
Prayer 6
Father God,
It’s to our advantage
To declare a thing
and it come to pass
and it come to pass
Living in the present
with a mind for the future,
with a mind for the future,
set on the promises of God
Lord, make everything
in our lives fresh
in our lives fresh
Your presence Lord
is here today to bring healing
is here today to bring healing
We release the
miraculous Resurrection
power of God
to heal now in Jesus Name
miraculous Resurrection
power of God
to heal now in Jesus Name
We thank you Lord
that you are bringing us into a
that you are bringing us into a
fresh place and a fresh space in You.
That You are drawing us closer
We understand that
we are as close to You
as we want to be and today
we are deciding to
draw closer to You,
in Jesus Name.
we are as close to You
as we want to be and today
we are deciding to
draw closer to You,
in Jesus Name.
We declare
the blessing of the Lord
over our lives
the blessing of the Lord
over our lives
We declare that we have come
into the kingdom
for such a time as this
into the kingdom
for such a time as this
And You are making us
rich without sorrow,
heartache or fear
rich without sorrow,
heartache or fear
This is our day,
our divine hour,
our collision with
destiny in Christ
our divine hour,
our collision with
destiny in Christ
We bless with
the seed of Christ,
the seed of Christ,
His power and
the purpose of His grace
the purpose of His grace
We draw apon the anointing
now to release us into
now to release us into
our God given destiny
There is today an insatiable,
unquenchable desire
to reach the lost inside of us
to reach the lost inside of us
We have a chasm that craves
the revelation of
Your soul winning grace
the revelation of
Your soul winning grace
By the spirit of
the sovereign Lord
the sovereign Lord
we are walking in
Your soul winning anointing
Your soul winning anointing
Your Spiritual understanding
and an authentic love
for the lost is
and an authentic love
for the lost is
leading us forward.
We release ourselves
from fear past,
present and future
from fear past,
present and future
We release ourselves
into the harvest fields of life.
into the harvest fields of life.
We declare we are
Soul Winner,
Wise, Compassionate
and Compelling.
Soul Winner,
Wise, Compassionate
and Compelling.
Our past is forgiven
and our present reconciled
to reach out and rescue
and our present reconciled
to reach out and rescue
We will live in victory,
love in meekness,
love in meekness,
give in grace,
and grow in strength
and grow in strength
in the mighty name of
Jesus Christ,
Jesus Christ,
Prayer 7
Heavenly Father
we are sorry for our sins and
repent of our rebellious ways
we believe in our heart that You
sacrificed Your Son
on the cross then
raised Him from the dead
Defeating the devil.
Cleanse us from our sin
by the blood of the Lamb
Receiving us as Your Child.
You are Helping us to
understand Your
Love, Forgiveness,
Mercy and Grace
and drawing us closer to You.
Thank you for saving us
We declare that Jesus is our
Lord and risen King and Savior
we have been crucified with Christ
it is no longer us who lives,
but Christ lives in us and
by faith we live
in the Son of God
and come before You
ABBA Father
with Thanksgiving and Praise
in our hearts
as heirs of
the Kingdom God in