God's Name

God's Name 
When we understand God's name
we begin to see the depths
of who He is,
our relationship begins to blossom.
our prayer life becomes enriched
and we understand more of 
His provision for us.
El Shaddai
El Simchah Giyl
Jehovah Jireh
Jehovah Rapha
Jehovah Nissi
Jehovah Mekaddish
Jehovah Shalom
Jehovah Tsidkenu
Jehovah Shammah
Jehovah Rohi

Its when we seek
obedience and service
we begin to understand
who is the master of our lives.
a revelation unfolds 
of our relationship
which God sustains towards us,
and in time what 
He expects of us.
He is our Sovereign Lord.
Many times Jesus
was called 
Its an important
name to confess with
our mouths in our
prayer and praise time.
As we walk deeper
we begin to see
He is the rewarder
and wants to give us gifts.
these are all based
on what we need
as His servant to
equip us for our mission.
By confessing 
we are proclaiming
that we are His
Inheritance, His possession.

When we declare
we are declaring His
very foundation strength.
Mighty, Strong, Almighty,
Victorious, Omnipotent,
 Supreme Commander and Cheif
of everything.

 El Shaddai
This name when spoken
declares All bountiful,
All suffiency
The Blessing One.
He is filling and making
everything right,
fruitful, everything is possible.
we see this in the way
God judges and purges
when He speaks.
Abram received
a revelation of 
'El Shaddai'
and his very personallity
was changed.
To this effect God
changes his name
to Abraham
when He had spoken to him
and told him,
'I AM 
'El Shaddai''
Almighty God.
Genesis 17:1,2
When Abram was 
ninety-nine years old,
 the Lord appeared to Abram
 and said to him, 
“I am Almighty God;
 walk before Me and be blameless. 
  And I will make My covenant
 between Me and you, 
and will multiply 
you exceedingly.” 

 El Simchah Giyl
My Exceeding Joy
 Both simchah and giyl 
are word for gladness, mirth, 
pleasure, and great joy! 
This name is like calling God 
your ecstatic joy. 
This joy stands outside 
of all circumstances. 
Earthly pleasures have an end 
and all other happiness 
can fall in trials. 
The joy we can have 
(because He lives inside of us)
 goes beyond circumstance. 
Even amidst the trials 
we can have an
 inexpressible joy 
manifesting from His presence!
Nehemiah 8:10
 “Do not be grieved, 
for the joy of the LORD
 is your strength.
 Psalm 43:4
Then I will go to the altar of God,
  To God my exceeding joy;
  And on the harp I will praise You,
  O God, my God.

El Simchah Giyl

  El Rachum
Compassionate (merciful)
This name expresses how much
 God acts as our Father. 
He is rich in compassion and mercy
He does not want to see 
His children fall.
 We can know that our prayers, 
and our tears, 
will never be wasted. 
The God of compassion 
hears them and is merciful
 so we may not be distressed. 
Let us, in turn,
 have ears to hear
 and eyes to see
 the world in compassion 
the way our Father does.
Deuteronomy 4:31
 (for the Lord your God 
is a merciful God),
 He will not forsake you
 nor destroy you, 
nor forget the covenant 
of your fathers 
which He swore to them.

El Rachum

El Qanna
Jealous God
Our God is a jealous God, 
desiring our praise 
to be for Him alone. 
El Qanna is about
 the marriage relationship
 between Yahweh and us. 
His jealousy is not 
out of selfishness,
 but a passionate love saying, 
“never will I leave you, 
never will I forsake you”.
 It is because of His 
burning love for us
 that His jealousy is so great. 
This is our El Qanna:
 Deuteronomy 4:24
“For the Lord your God
 is a consuming fire,
 a jealous God.”
 Give Him your whole heart today,
 and all of the glory! 
El Qanna

Sovereign of all
Creator as Triune God
Preserver of all His creation.
creative governing supreme power.
Everything that was
 ever made by Him,
He assumes a great love for.
To invoke the very
resurrection power
that raised Christ
from the grave
in His Glory.
When we declare
we are declaring
we no longer live
but Christ lives in us,
resurrected powerfully in us
so much so that
when this world looks
at us they see Christ
because of what
has done in us.

In Hebrew the word
'Havah' means
to be or being.
Absolutely self existant
Eternal and 
permanently unchangable.
God of Revelation.
One of the most used names
in The Word of God

Jehovah Jireh
His provision shall be seen
a knowing that provision is provided
He will certainly provide
for that need which
has been forseen beforehand.
The great provision
for our redemption
in the sacrifice
of his only Son
Genesis 22:8
And Abraham said,
“My son, God will provide 
for Himself the lamb
 for a burnt offering.”
 So the two of them 
went together.
 Genesis 22:14
And Abraham called 
the name of the place,
as it is said to this day, 
“In the Mount of the Lord
 it shall be provided.”
 Jehovah Jireh

 Jehovah Rapha 

He Heals
talks of restoration
to heal or cure
To break the yoke
spiritually and physically
Jesus did this
when took our sins
in his own body
on the tree.
The tree of God's provision
healing mans need 
He heals both the soul
and the body
of all disease
There a four conditions
 for healing.
 1.Diligently hear God's voice
acknowledge Him as God; 
live free from idolatry.
 2.Live righteous lives in His sight. 
3.Give ear to His commandments
not just the ten, but all of them. 
4.Keep all His statutes
regulations for life.
 Exodus 15:26
“If you diligently heed 
the voice of the Lord your God
 and do what is right
 in His sight,
 give ear to His commandments 
and keep all His statutes, 
I will put none of the diseases
 on you which 
I have brought on the Egyptians.
 For I am the Lord
 who heals you.”
 Jehovah Rapha

Jehovah Nissi
My banner
a sign of deliverence
to raise a standard
victory in our spiritual battle.
to rally behind God
in truimph
revelation of a miracle.
The very cause
God's battle
The upraise hands of Moses
in the midst of Battle
victory over 
The powers of evil.
God's banner over us
Isaiah explains in his
forteenth prophecy
  in more detail
as he prophecies Jesus
  "The cut-off stump 
of Jesse will sprout,
 and a fruitful Branch 

will grow from his roots:
  the Spirit of Yahweh

 will rest upon him,
 the Spirit of 

Extraordinary Wisdom,
 the Spirit of

 Perfect Understanding
 the Spirit of 

Wise Strategy,
 the Spirit of 

Mighty Power,
 the Spirit of 

 and the Spirit of 

the Fear of Yahweh.
  He will find his delight 

in living by 
the Spirit of 
the Fear of the Lord.
 He will neither judge 

by appearances
 nor make his decisions 

based on rumors.
  With righteousness 

he will uphold justice for the poor
 and defend the lowly of the earth.
 His words will be like

 a scepter of power
 that conquers the world,
 and with his breath he will 

slay the lawless one.
  Righteousness will be 

his warrior’s sash
 and faithfulness his belt."

Jesus is our
 banner of redemption,
our banner of warfare.
2 Corinthian 2:14
 Now thanks be to God 
who always leads us 
in triumph in Christ, 
and through us diffuses 
the fragrance of His knowledge 
in every place.

Exodus 17:14,15
 Then the Lord said to Moses, 
“Write this for a memorial
 in the book and recount
 it in the hearing of Joshua, 
that I will utterly blot out
 the remembrance of Amalek
 from under heaven.”
   And Moses built an altar
 and called its name, 

 נִסִּי יְהוָֹה
 Jehovah Nissi

 Jehovah Mekaddish
The one who sacrifices
talks of being set apart for God
to santify oneself and be hallow
to dedicate and consecrate
and be holy.
To look purely at
our Lords life.
Jesus was from 
begining to end
set apart by 
the power of the Holy Spirit
He is totally Holy
The Lamb of God
without spot
without sin
the perfect sactifice
to redeem us.
He became our high priest. 
Luke 1:35
 And the angel answered 
and said to her, 
“The Holy Spirit 
will come upon you, 
and the power of the Highest 
will overshadow you; 
therefore, also,
 that Holy One who is to be born 
will be called the Son of God.
 For God made  
the only one who did not know sin 
to become sin for us,  
so that we who 
did not know righteousness 
might become
 the righteousness of God
 through our union with him.
 He understands humanity, 
for as a Man, 
our magnificent King-Priest 
was tempted in every way 
just as we are,
 and conquered sin.
    So now we come freely 
and boldly to where
 love is enthroned,
  to receive mercy’s kiss 
and discover the grace
 we urgently need 
to strengthen  us 
in our time of weakness.
Hebrew 4:15,16
For we do not have a High Priest 

who cannot sympathize
 with our weaknesses,
 but was in all points
 tempted as we are, 
yet without sin.   
Let us therefore come boldly
 to the throne of grace,
 that we may obtain mercy 
and find grace
 to help in time of need.
 Ephesians 1:4-7
just as He chose us 
in Him before
the foundation of the world,
 that we should be holy 
and without blame 
before Him in love,
   having predestined us 
to adoption as sons
 by Jesus Christ to Himself,
 according to the 
good pleasure of His will,
   to the praise of 
the glory of His grace,
 by which He made us 
accepted in the Beloved.
     In Him we have redemption

 through His blood, 
the forgiveness of sins,
 according to 
the riches of His grace
As God's pre destined
Sons and daughters
we must be holy in practice
as well as seperate in 
our position spiritually.
God has done this already for us,
but we need to walk in it
as our inheritance.
 Feast on all the treasures 
of the heavenly realm 
and fill our thoughts 
with heavenly realities,
 and not with the distractions
 of the natural realm.
   Our crucifixion with Christ

 has severed the tie to this life,
 and now our true life
 is hidden away 
in God in Christ.

Colossians 3:1
If then you were raised with Christ,
 seek those things which are above, 
where Christ is, 
sitting at the right hand of God.
Leviticus 20:8
And you shall keep My statutes, 
and perform them:
 I am the Lord who 
sanctifies you.
 Jehovah Mekaddish

Jehovah Shalom
Our Peace
It is God's desire
to be at peace with us.
all through the old
we see peace sacrifices
of blood to bring
right fellowship
between God and man.
Wholeness, Welfare.
Harmony of relationship
 with God.
A feeling of peace
when something is completed.
a giving of satisfaction.
Jesus is our
Prince of Peace.
He made peace for us
through His blood sacrifice.
Peace come through
trust and obedience
Our peace is forfilled
when we show
our ability to
keep trusting Him
and our ability to
accept the santification
Colossians 1:20,21
 and by Him 
to reconcile all things to Himself,
 by Him, 
whether things on earth
or things in heaven,
 having made peace
 through the blood of 
His cross.
     And you, 

who once were alienated 
and enemies in your mind 
by wicked works, 
yet now He has reconciled
Let our hearts be always guided
  by the peace 
of the Anointed One,
 who called us to peace 
as part of His one body. 
And always be thankful. 
Phillipians 4:9
The things which you learned 
and received and heard
 and saw in me, 
these do, 
and the God of peace
 will be with you.
 Phillipians 4:7
and the peace of God, 
which surpasses all understanding,
will guard your hearts 
and minds through
 Christ Jesus.

Judges 6:22-24
 Now Gideon perceived that
 He was the Angel of the Lord.
 So Gideon said, “Alas, 
O Lord God!
 For I have seen 
the Angel of the Lord 
face to face.”
     Then the Lord said to him, 

“Peace be with you;
 do not fear, you shall not die.”
   So Gideon built an altar 
there to the Lord, 
and called it 
  שָׁלוֹם יְהוָֹה
Jehovah Shalom

 Jehovah Tsidkenu
Our Righteousness
Making of things right
giving justice
to acquit or
declare innocent.
right standing with God.
we are to walk 
on the path 
of righteousness.
to put our trust in the Lord,
acts of faith.
In Yahweh, 
all of Israel’s offspring 
will triumph and shine!
Jesus is that righteousness
a free gift by faith
in God's grace.
A revelation for us
showing our
acceptance before God
redeemed in the blood of the Lamb
dressed in a mantle of white
the righteousness of Jesus. 
Jeremiah 23:5,6
“Behold, the days are coming,” 
says the Lord,
  “That I will raise to 

David a Branch 
of righteousness;
  A King shall reign and prosper,
  And execute judgment 

and righteousness in the earth. 
   In His days Judah will be saved,
  And Israel will dwell safely;
  Now this is His name 

by which He will be called:

Jehovah Tsidkenu

Jehovah Shammah
The Lord is present
The Lord is there
God dwells among us
He manifest with us.
Our final glory and rest
are His promise and pledge
for completness.
Our final role
is to Glorify God
and enjoy everything
He gives us eternally.
our relationship
in it fullness, complete.
A holy people with
a Holy God
 will walk with you into
 whatever tomorrow holds 
because of 
His great love for you.
 Our God is already 
in our tomorrow.
 He already knows what 
our future looks like 
and He has complete control over it.
  Jeremiah 29:10
For I know the thoughts 
that I think toward you, 
says the Lord, thoughts of peace 
and not of evil, 
to give you a future 
and a hope.
we cannot be in the future now,
but He can.
We cannot control the future
events of our lives,
but He can.
will walk with us
into whatever tomorrow
holds because
of His great love for us.
God is there
in our tomorrow
He simply desires
that we trust His heart 

Ezekiel 48:34
All the way around 
shall be eighteen thousand cubits; 
and the name of the city
 from that day shall be: 

Jehovah Shammah

Jehovah Rohi
Our Shepherd
Our leader and protector.
Friend, companion
provider who instructs us,
directs and guides us.
a one on one relationship.
we are His and 
His inheritance.
God chose his beloved one, 
 He promoted him 

from caring for sheep
 and made him his 

prophetic servant.
Psalm 78:70
He also chose David His servant,
  And took him from the sheepfolds

This shows us that God
as a shepherd
knows us each by name
as a shepherd would
when he calls.
The sheep know His voice
because they spend 
all there time with Him.
He protects them
when the enemy
trys to get in.
They are sensative 
to His movements
Because they know and trust Him
for all there needs
as we need to do.
Our best friend 
We follow in the shadow
of our Loving Fathers care.
His watchfull protection
over us.
He is our strong defence.
Jesus is our good shepherd
who gently leads us.
He is the Greast shepherd
because he became 
the lamb of God.
2 Samual 7:8
Now therefore,
 thus shall you say
 to My servant David, 
“Thus says the Lord of hosts:
 ‘I took you from the sheepfold, 
from following the sheep,
 to be ruler
 over My people, 
over Israel.
 Psalm 23:1
The Lord is my shepherd;
  I shall not want.

Jehovah Rohi

 Yahweh Tsuri 
The Lord is My Rock.
God is described as our Rock 

throughout the books of
 the prophets and Psalms.
 Beloved, our God is
 immovable, unbreakable, 
a safe place for retreat,
 and a fortress in battle! 
He is our
 true source of strength, 
 our firm foundation, 
our support, and our defense.
 Cling to Him 
amidst all circumstances!
 Isaiah 26:4
 “Trust in the Lord forever, 
for in God the Lord, 
we have an everlasting Rock.
 Yahweh Tsuri

Yahweh Sabaoth
The Lord of Hosts
 “The Lord of Armies”. 
It captivates His sovereignty 
over all spiritual and physical armies.
 His is the Lord of Hosts 
and gives charge
 to the multitude of heavenly beings
 to face the advisories. 
The King of the universe 
is fighting on our behalf
the victory is already ours.
 Psalm 46:10-11
“‘Cease striving 
and know that I am God;
 I will be exalted
 among the nations,
I will be exalted 
in the earth.’
 The Lord of hosts is with us;
 The God of Jacob
 is our stronghold.” 
 Yahweh Sabaoth

Abba has come to be 
a term of endearment of 
the word Father such as Daddy,
 Papa, or Dear Father. 
It is a more intimate 
expression of the word!
 Romans 8:15
 “We have received the Spirit of adoption,
 whereby we cry, Abba, Father” 
 To call God “Father” 
is to acknowledge that 
we have been born 
into the family of God,
 that we are joint heirs with Christ,
 and that we are going to be 
with Him forever.
 Let us not forget 
He is still the sovereign 
and Holy Lord 
and the significance of
 the word “Father”
 is one of a reverent
 and respectful address of God, 
our Father. 
Isaiah 64:8
“But now, O Lord, You are our Father, 
We are the clay, and You our potter;
 And all of us are 
the work of Your hand.”
Abba Father 

 The Most High God.
 This name emphasizes 
God’s strength, 
 sovereignty, and supremacy
 Melchizedek said to Abram,
 Genesis 14:20
 “blessed be God Most High, 
who has delivered 
your enemies into your hand!”
  we shoould understand
 that the Lord is 
Extremely Exalted.
 Psalm 57:2
  “I cry out to 
the Most High Elohim, 
To El 
who is perfecting 
all matters for me”




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