Spiritual Warfare Chapter 4

Praise to our God
The banner over us 
A weapon of great strength 
in our arsenal
we need to start and finish 
our prayers with praise.
Praise is a position of victory
a point in which
it is already done. 
This is the mighty power   
that was released 
when God raised Christ 
from the dead 
and exalted him
  to the place of 
highest honor 
and supreme authority
  in the heavenly realm!
   And now He is exalted 
as first above every ruler,
 authority, government,
 and realm of power in existence! 
He is gloriously enthroned
 over every name
 that is ever praised, 
 not only in this age,  
but in the age that is coming!
     And He alone is
 the leader and source 
of everything needed in the church. 
God has put everything 
beneath the authority of 
Jesus Christ  
and has given Him
 the highest rank above all others.   
And now we,
 His church, 
are His body on the earth 
and that which fills
 us who are being filled by God.
 Acts 16:23-26 
 And when they had laid 
many stripes on them, 
they threw them into prison,
 commanding the jailer
 to keep them securely.  
 Having received such a charge, 
he put them into the 
inner prison and fastened 
their feet in the stocks.
       But at midnight Paul and Silas
were praying and singing 
praises to God,
 and the prisoners were listening to them
  Suddenly there was 
a great earthquake,
 so that the foundations 
of the prison were shaken;
 and immediately all the doors 
were opened and everyone's chains 
were loosed. 
Revelations 19:5
Then a voice came
 from the throne, saying, 
“Praise our God,
 all you His servants 
and those who fear Him, 
both small and great!”
Praise opens a spiritual door
into Gods presence
where we can enter in.
When this door is open
The Glory of God 
can flood into the circumstance.
Psalm 100:4
 Enter into His gates with thanksgiving,
  And into His courts with praise.
  Be thankful to Him, and bless His name.
You can pass through
 His open gates with
 the password of praise.
 Come right into his presence
 with thanksgiving.
 Come bring our thank
 offering to him
 and affectionately 
bless His beautiful name!
Psalm 149:6-9
Let the high praises of God
 be in their mouth,
  And a two-edged sword
 in their hand, 
   To execute vengeance 
on the nations,
  And punishments 
on the peoples; 
   To bind their kings 
with chains,
  And their nobles
 with fetters of iron; 
   To execute on them
 the written judgment
  This honor have all His saints.
  Praise the Lord!
 God’s high and holy praises 
fill our mouths,
 for our shouted praises
 are our weapons of war!
   These warring weapons 
will bring vengeance
 on every opposing force 
and every resistant power
   to bind spiritual kings 
with chains 
and spiritual rulers 
with iron shackles.
   Praise-filled warriors
 will enforce
 the judgment-doom 
decreed against their enemies.
 This is the glorious honor 
he gives to all his godly lovers.
Praise the Lord!
 We are overflowing with 
Your praise for 
all You have done,
 and Your splendor 

thrills us all day long.
 Psalm 71
 my mouth be filled 
with Your praise
  And with Your 

glory all the day
 Psalm 150:6
Let everything 
that has breath 
praise the Lord.
  Praise the Lord!

Praise accomplishes
many things
bringing us into Gods presence
and blessing Our Father
spiritual doors are opened
making advancement 
a clear path
Praise defeats the enemy
shaking the very foundation
of satans force and
destroying the devils work.
Praise releases strongholds
inviting Gods presence
surrounding us with His Glory
and releasing an anointing
of Love, Joy and favor.
Acts 2:45-47
and sold their possessions 
and goods,
 and divided them among all,
 as anyone had need.
     So continuing daily 

with one accord in the temple, 
and breaking bread 
from house to house, 
they ate their food 
with gladness and simplicity of heart,   
praising God and having favor 
with all the people. 
And the Lord added 
to the church daily
 those who were being saved.
 When we praise God
we engage ourselves
to worship with our bodies
our emotions are translated
through our bodies
causing excitement.
Our expresions of praise
can take on many forms
from singing and claping,
lifting our hands,
playing musical instruments,
sitting, walking and just standing,
dancing to falling flat on our face.
we may just become silent
and concentrate on Gods 
glory around us
increasing our faith
by remembering His word
In all these things we
bring honour and praise
to Our God which
push back the enemy.
John 8:6-9
This they said,
 testing Him, 
that they might have something 
of which to accuse Him. 
But Jesus stooped down 
and wrote on the ground 
with His finger,
 as though He did not hear.
     So when they continued asking Him, 

He raised Himself up 
and said to them, 
“He who is without sin among you,
 let him throw a stone at her first.”
   And again He stooped down 
and wrote on the ground.
    Then those who heard it,
 being convicted by their conscience,
 went out one by one,
 beginning with the oldest
 even to the last.
 And Jesus was left alone, 
and the woman standing in the midst. 
  When Jesus had raised Himself up 
and saw no one but the woman,
 He said to her, 
where are those accusers of yours?
 Has no one condemned you?”

Gods Word
Our foundation is
the wealth of Gods Knowledge.
The Word of God
Every weapon we use 
exists because of
The Word of God.
Everything we do
in our spiritual battle ground
has to be based on
The Word of God.
Our training is to
learn how to use
The Word of God
as Jesus did.
As Gods word
lives inside of us
the very presence
and Glory of God
will manifest itself
through us.
John 15:7,8
If you abide in Me, 
and My words abide in you, 
you will ask what you desire,
 and it shall be done for you.
   By this My Father is glorified, 
that you bear much fruit;
 so you will be My disciples.
Putting our faith
 to Gods word
is an important stand for us.

 We must understand that 
Gods word is living and active, 
full of energy,  
and it pierces the spiritual world
more sharply than a two-edged sword.
  It will even penetrate 
to the very core 
of our being where soul and spirit,
 bone and marrow meet!  
It interprets and reveals 
the true thoughts 
and secret motives of hearts.
   There is not one person 
who can hide their 
thoughts from God, 
for nothing that we do
 remains a secret,
 and nothing created is concealed, 
but everything is exposed 
and defenseless before 
The Fathers eyes,
to whom we must
 render an account.
As we learn to use 
The Word of God
The enemy is put in his place
Jesus used the word
to destroy every work
the enemy procured.
Matthew 4:4
 But He answered and said, 
“It is written,
 ‘Man shall not live by bread alone,
 but by every word that proceeds
 from the mouth of God.
 Matthew 4:7
Jesus said to him, 
“It is written again, 
‘You shall not tempt 
the Lord your God.’
 Matthew 4:10,11
Then Jesus said to him,
 “Away with you, Satan! 
For it is written, 
‘You shall worship 
the Lord your God, 
and Him only you shall serve.’
     Then the devil left Him,
 and behold,
 angels came and
 ministered to Him.
 Matthew 10:32,33
Therefore whoever
 confesses Me 
before men, 
him I will also confess 
before My Father 
who is in heaven.
   But whoever denies Me
 before men,
 him I will also deny
 before My Father 
who is in heaven. 
There is a great importants
 to confessing aloud
The Word of God
the more we do this
the greater the victory
because Jesus
confesses us before 
the Father in heaven.
another important weapon
is to write scripture down.
we need to choose scriptures
that confirm God's desire
for our lives and 
those we pray for.
These are covenant words.
Promises from our Father for us.
Nehemiah 9:38
 “And because of all this,
  We make a sure covenant 

and write it;
  Our leaders, our Levites, 

and our priests seal it
Exodus 34:27,28
 Then the Lord said to Moses, 
“Write these words, 
for according to the tenor 
of these words 
I have made a covenant 
with you and with Israel.”
   So he was there with the Lord
 forty days and forty nights; 
he neither ate bread 
nor drank water. 
And He wrote on the tablets
the words of the covenant, 
the Ten Commandments.
Habakkuk 2:2,3
 Then the Lord answered me and said:
  “Write the vision
  And make it plain on tablets,
  That he may run who reads it. 
   For the vision is yet for an appointed time;
  But at the end it will speak, and it will not lie.
  Though it tarries, wait for it;
  Because it will surely come,
  It will not tarry.

 Recording words 
we receive from God
is an important weapon
and a foundational tool.
God will stand behind them
till they come to pass.
God quickens these scriptures
to us through the Holy Spirit
as we fellowship with Him.
as we progress
these will turn to prophecy,
may be a revelation 
as we interpret what
has been prayed 
in the spirit before.
make it a practice to 
write them down.
this will carry weight
when you need to remember.
An important note here is:
Is God's word aligning
 with what has been writen?
can we see God's charactor in 
what has been writen?
There is a great joy
when what was writen
comes to pass.
Promises forfilled,
miracles manifested.
important points then are:
Remind the enemy of his defeat
by quoting God's word.
If God has said it,
then it will come to pass.
Hebrews 12:1,2
Therefore we also,
 since we are surrounded
 by so great a cloud of witnesses,
 let us lay aside every weight,
 and the sin 
which so easily ensnares us,
 and let us run with endurance 
the race that is set before us,
   looking unto Jesus, 
the author and finisher 
of our faith, 
who for the joy
 that was set before Him 
endured the cross,
 despising the shame
 and has sat down at the right hand
 of the throne of God.
When we interceed
for someone on their behalf
we need to quote scripture
the Holy Spirit brings to mind,
there by affirming God's promise.
Press into it, 
seeking to find the answer.
press in till a release is given.
a peace which will tell us
The living Word has prevailed.
Its alright to ask for direction
for those we pray for.
sometimes it may only be 
a word or a single verse.
take a stand with it.
Ephesians 6:14-20
Stand therefore, 
having girded your waist with truth,
 having put on
 the breastplate of righteousness, 
  and having shod your feet 
with the preparation of
 the gospel of peace;
   above all,
 taking the shield of faith 
with which you will be able to quench
 all the fiery darts of
 the wicked one.
   And take the helmet of salvation, 
and the sword of the Spirit,
 which is the word of God;
   praying always with all prayer
 and supplication in the Spirit, 
being watchful to this end 
with all perseverance and
 supplication for all the saints
 and for me,
 that utterance may be given to me,
 that I may open my mouth boldly
 to make known 
the mystery of the gospel, 
  for which I am an ambassador
 in chains;
 that in it I may speak boldly,
 as I ought to speak. 
2 Corinthians 10:4
For the weapons of our warfare 
are not carnal but mighty
 in God for pulling down strongholds,
   casting down arguments
 and every high thing 
that exalts itself against 
the knowledge of God,
 bringing every thought
 into captivity
to the obedience of Christ,
   and being ready to 
punish all disobedience 
when your obedience
 is fulfilled.
The Holy Spirit
is there for us
to quicken the Word of God
to encourage us,
to correct us,
to guide us,and to bring strategy
battle plans,
in our intercession. 

God's Name



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