Reading 7 chapters a day

Daily reading 7 chapters a day

This daily reading 
is taken from a old possibly 
early century christian reference 
and allows you to ready the bible
in less than a year
each of the seven chapters 
are taken from different parts of the book
both old and new testament
so begin each day with 
1 chapter of Genisis
then 1 chapter Mathew
and so on with
Romans 1, Joshua 1, Job 1, Isaiah 1, 1 Thessalonians 1
the next day onward with chapter 2 and so on.
if you are short on time to read these
we have included a link
 at the bottom of the page to audio bibles
in which you can listen
 to the chapters instead
An Excel sheet has been added to help keep track
of the chapters you have read up to
or alternately you might like
 to keep track in your journal.

NKJ audio Bible help
Download Excel Sheet to keep track
(Example of day 127)

Then the Lord said to me, 
“You have seen well, for I am ready to perform My word"
Jeremiah 1:12



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