Ministering to The Father Chapter 2

Praise & Thanksgiving
2 weapons of great strength
on your belt
Faith to believe we are entering 
the very presence of God
into His Glory
this is where we begin to
 share our heart
talking heart to heart
as we enter His presence
Entering into praise,
meditate on His provision
He has made through 
the blood of Jesus
 Hebrews 10:19-22
 Therefore, brethren, 
having boldness to enter 
the Holiest by the blood of Jesus,   
by a new and living way 
which He consecrated for us, 
through the veil, that is, His flesh,   
and having a High Priest 
over the house of God,   
let us draw near 
with a true heart 
in full assurance of faith,
 having our hearts sprinkled 
from an evil conscience 
and our bodies 
washed with pure water.
Hebrews 12:24
to Jesus the Mediator 
of the new covenant, 
and to the blood of sprinkling 
that speaks better things 
than that of Abel. 
Our source of Praise
is the Holy Spirit
activating our spirits to express
approval and adoration
of God's greatness
The habit of Praise is constant
exercise doing praise as though
you were slicing
 through the air
if need be lower yourself
to your knees and
raise your hands and look up
the Holy Spirit will guide us
as  stand in Faith Praising
God for who He is.
Psalm 51:15-17
Lord God, unlock my heart, unlock my lips,
 and I will overcome with my joyous praise!
   For the source of your pleasure is not in my performance
 or the sacrifices I might offer to you.
   The fountain of Your pleasure is found
 in the sacrifice of my shattered heart before you.
 You will not despise my tenderness
 as I humbly bow down at your feet.

again here, 
this is a heart to heart meeting
Psalm 119:164
 Seven times a day I praise You,
  Because of Your righteous judgments.

as we praise enthusiastically to the Lord
our spirits help us to rise to a higher level
in the understanding of who the Father is.
our soul is also strengthened in the process of praise
because we have the knowing that there
is nothing too difficult for
our God
Jeremiah 32:17
 Ah, Lord God! Behold, 
You have made the heavens
 and the earth by Your 
great power and outstretched arm. 
There is nothing too hard for You.

Thanksgiving awakens
our love towards God
as we come into an understand
and acknowledgement that
we are His Children.
Thanking the Father 
for what he has done 
and is continuing to do
is a building foundation for us
in our spiritual walk
begin to thank Him for all
we have been blessed with.
have the mind that everything
you have has been gifted to us
by our amazing God. 
James 1:17,18
 Every good gift 
and every perfect gift 
is from above, 
and comes down from 
the Father of lights, 
with whom there is 
no variation or shadow of turning.   
Of His own will He brought
 us forth by the word of truth,
 that we might be 
a kind of firstfruits
 of His creatures.
 in our prayer time
begin to respond with joy
to His Gifts showered on us
as His heirs to His Kingdom
Proverbs 3:6-10
In all your ways acknowledge Him,
  And He shall direct your paths. 
   Do not be wise in your own eyes;
  Fear the Lord and depart from evil. 
   It will be health to your flesh,
  And strength to your bones. 
   Honor the Lord with your possessions,
  And with the firstfruits of all your increase; 
   So your barns will be filled with plenty,
  And your vats will overflow with new wine.

 Psalm 116:12,13 PT
 So now, 
what can I ever give back to God
 to repay him for the blessings 

he’s poured out on me?
   I will lift up his cup of salvation 

and praise him extravagantly
 for all that he’s done for me.

Seven Hebrew Words for Praise

תּוֹדָ×” tôḏâ; 
 properly, an extension of the hand,
 i.e. (by implication) avowal,
 or (usually) adoration; 
specifically, a choir of worshippers:
 confession, (sacrifice of) praise, 
thanks(-giving, offering).

×™ָדָ×” yâḏâ; 
a primitive root; 
used only as denominative
 literally, to use (i.e. hold out) the hand; 
 to throw (a stone, an arrow) at or away; 
especially to revere or worship (with extended hands); 
intensively, to bemoan (by wringing the hands)
cast (out), (make) confess(-ion), 
praise, shoot, (give)
 thank(-ful, -s, -sgiving).

בָּרַךְ ḇâraḵ; 
a primitive root; to kneel; 
by implication to bless God 
(as an act of adoration), 
 x abundantly, x altogether,
 x at all, bless, congratulate, 
kneel (down), praise, 
salute, x still, thank.

 ×”ָלַל hâlal; 
a primitive root; to be clear
 (orig. of sound, but usually of color);
 to shine; hence, to make a show,
 to boast; and thus to be (clamorously) foolish; 
to rave; causatively, to celebrate;
 also to stultify: — (make) boast (self),
 celebrate, commend, (deal, make), 
fool(-ish, -ly), glory, give (light),
  give in marriage, 
(sing, be worthy of)
 praise, rage, renowned, shine.

 ×–ָמַר zâmar;
  through the idea of striking with the fingers; 
properly, to touch the strings 
or parts of a musical instrument,
 i.e. play upon it; to make music, 
accompanied by the voice; 
hence to celebrate in song and music:
 give praise, sing forth praises, psalms.

 ×ªְּ×”ִלָּ×” ṯehilâ;
 laudation; specifically 
(concretely) a hymn: 

 ×©ָׁבַ×— šâḇaḥ; 
 properly, to address in a loud tone, 
i.e. (specifically) loud;
 figuratively, to pacify (as if by words):
 commend, glory, keep in, praise, still, triumph.

A good starting point is Psalm 145 
onwards to Psalm 150

Psalm 145 PT
My heart explodes with praise to you!
 Now and forever my heart bows in worship to you,
 my King and my God!
   Every day I will lift up my praise to your name
 with praises that will last throughout eternity.
   Lord, you are great and worthy of the highest praise!
 For there is no end to the discovery
 of the greatness that surrounds you..
psalm 136
His tender love for us continues on forever!
all through this psalm
we see repeatedly
David thanking God for
His mercy enduring forever
so right now i would like us to 
take out our journals  
or a note pad,
make a list of people your praying for
then say
"Lord I give thanks to You Lord For
 (List a person)".........."
then say

  His tender love for us continues on forever!

now make a list of materal blessings  
 "Lord I give thanks to You Lord For
 (List a materal blessing)".........."
then say
  His tender love for us continues on forever!
"Lord I give thanks to You Lord For
 (List a spiritual blessing)".........."

  His tender love for us continues on forever!

"Lord I give thanks to You Lord For
 (List something we are asking for)".........."
  His tender love for us continues on forever!

"Lord I give thanks to You Lord For
 (List an answered prayer)".........."
  His tender love for us continues on forever!

"Lord I give thanks to You Lord For
 (List someone saved)".........."
  His tender love for us continues on forever!

"Lord I give thanks to You Lord For
 (List someone healed)".........."
  His tender love for us continues on forever!

begin to ask the Holy Spirit to
remind you of things you can 
thank Him for.
Meditate on Psalm 136
so the Holy Spirit can bring something to light

Forgiveness with Confession
when we approach God 
its importantand appropriate
for Confession and Forgiveness
to be together
for Gods Holiness
a Pure Heart with a right spirit
towards God and Man.
a definate prerequisite
if we want effective intercession
confession must have forgiveness.
when we confess and ask forgiveness
we can then proceed to
receiving Gods provision from His Word
Healing, Prosperity and Peace.
God's special promises are for us
we need to become a good receiver
aquiring what is being offered
is something we have to put in place.
confessing allowed His word
and receiving by faith
means we must not act on feeling
or emotions.
Through the process of confession
and forgiveness we are 
restored to our inheritance. 
Praise Him for His blood
which ransoms us and pays our debt

 Lets look at Isaiah 59:1,2
the Lord's hand is not shortened,  
That it cannot save;
  Nor His ear heavy,
  That it cannot hear. 
   But your iniquities have 

separated you from your God;
  And your sins have hidden 

His face from you,
  So that He will not hear.

 Confession has to take place before 
we can enter into intercession
so that our request are 
pleasing to His ears.
Ths is not something we can do
 in our own power or strength 
God allows the Holy Spirit
to shine on our sins
so we can confess them
in our times of prayer 
it is good to stop and ask the 
Holy Spirit if there is anything to confess
Rspond to Him as He enlightens us
Psalm 26:2,3
 Examine me, O Lord, and prove me;
  Try my mind and my heart. 
   For Your lovingkindness is before my eyes,
  And I have walked in Your truth.

1 John 1:9 PT
But if we freely admit our sins 
when his light uncovers them,  
he will be faithful to forgive us every time. 
God is just to forgive us our sins 
because of Christ,
 and he will continue to cleanse us 
from all unrighteousness. 
Galations 5:1PT
Let me be clear,
 the Anointed One has set us free
not partially,
 but completely and wonderfully free! 
We must always cherish this truth 
and stubbornly refuse to go back
 into the bondage of our past.
1John 1:6,7
If we claim that we share life with him,  
but keep walking in the realm of darkness, 
we’re fooling ourselves and not living the truth.   
But if we keep living in the
 pure light that surrounds him, 
 we share unbroken fellowship with one another,  
and the blood of Jesus, his Son,
 continually cleanses us from all sin.
Micah 7:19
He will again have compassion on us,
  And will subdue our iniquities.
  You will cast all our sins
  Into the depths of the sea.

the tatics of the devil is to remind you of 
past sin and bring condemnation.
His ploy is make us centre ourselves
on our selves and away from
Praise, prayer and destroying
is strongholds.
our minds contain the battleground
2 Corinthians 10:4-6
For the weapons of our warfare 
are not carnal but mighty in God
 for pulling down strongholds,   
casting down arguments 
and every high thing that exalts itself 
against the knowledge of God, 
bringing every thought into captivity 
to the obedience of Christ,   
and being ready to punish 
all disobedience 
when your obedience is fulfilled.
Seek God's peace
which will guard our hearts
and minds daily through
Jesus Christ to prevent an battle 
the devil may try to wage.
If our heart condemns us then
then we will not be able to use faith
the very things that pleases God
James 1:6,7
But let him ask in faith, 
with no doubting,
 for he who doubts is like a wave of the sea 
driven and tossed by the wind.   
For let not that man suppose that 
he will receive anything from the Lord;
Peace of mind comes from a continual
meditation on Gods word
Philippians 4:6,7 PT
Don’t be pulled in different directions 
or worried about a thing. 
Be saturated in prayer throughout each day, 
offering your faith-filled requests
 before God with overflowing gratitude.
 Tell him every detail of your life,  
 then God’s wonderful peace
 that transcends human understanding, 
will make the answers known to you 
through Jesus Christ.

Emotions dont have to be part of confession
or understanding Forgiveness
But we have to believe when we ask
and accept by faith in His word
That He will do exactly what He has said
1 John 1:5
If we confess our sins, 
He is faithful and just to forgive us 
our sins and to cleanse us
 from all unrighteousness.

 unforgiveness is our enemy
breaking our presence before Him
in the throne room.
Asking Forgiveness for us and others
brings freedom which in turn
will restore broken relationship
to God and man
Forgiveness also restores
circumstances which 
may have caused the problem.
The Holy Spirit move when forgiveness
happens to convict of sin,
righteousness, and judgement.
for this to happen 
we may have to get rid of feeling
and be guided by God's word
Pride can also stop our
 relationship with God
also self righteousness, hurts,
attitudes and hostilities
all play a part in mindsets to hinder
your presence with the Father
no matter how unjust it seems.
when we do we will experience a release
in our spirit and our feeling 
will become alligned
and fellowship restored.
Matthew 6:14,15
For if you forgive men their trespasses,
 your heavenly Father will also forgive you.   
But if you do not forgive men their trespasses, 
neither will your Father forgive your trespasses.
total forgiveness is essential 
to our effective prayer life
spend a little time now
and ask the Holy spirit
to bring to rememberance
any unforgiveness.
make a descission now to 
walk in forgiveness every day.
choose to forgive as God has forgiven us 
we must after forgiveness choose to repent.
turning around from these things
with remorse and regret
releasing other and letting go.
Matthew 3:6-8
and were baptized by him in the Jordan, 
confessing their sins.
     But when he saw many of the Pharisees 

and Sadducees coming to his baptism, 
he said to them, “Brood of vipers! 
Who warned you to flee from the wrath to come?  
 Therefore bear fruits worthy of repentance,
If your mind is drawn repeatedly 
in to a negative way to someone
you have chosen to forgive
then you will need to take authority
over your thoughts with
the blood of the lamb
and the confession of our faith
command you mind, in the name
of Jesus Christ to dwell on
Philippians 4:8,9
Finally, brethren, 
whatever things are true, 
whatever things are noble, 
whatever things are just, whatever things are pure,
 whatever things are lovely, 
whatever things are of good report, 
if there is any virtue 
and if there is anything praiseworthy
meditate on these things.   
The things which you learned 
and received and heard and saw in me, 
these do, 
and the God of peace will be with you.
True, honourable, right, pure,
lovely, excellent,
worthy of praise.
Order the enemy to be silent
and stop listening to old memories
past confortations, etc
change direction by believing 
what God has said in His word. 
quote scriptures aloud to proclaim
Thank God for positive qualities
He is putting into the situation.
 perceive your heart by the Holy Spirit
not your own natural mind.
accept the Lords 
cleansing and Forgiveness.
ask to be refilled again with 
His Holy Spirit
1 John 1:7,9
 But if we walk in the light as He is in the light,
 we have fellowship with one another,
 and the blood of Jesus Christ 
His Son cleanses us from all sin.
1 John 5:6,7
 This is He who came by water and blood
Jesus Christ; not only by water, 
but by water and blood. 
And it is the Spirit who bears witness,
 because the Spirit is truth.   
For there are three that bear witness in heaven: 
the Father, the Word, and the Holy Spirit;
and these three are one.
 Hebrew 10:22
let us draw near with a true heart
 in full assurance of faith,
 having our hearts sprinkled 
from an evil conscience 
and our bodies washed 
with pure water.
Psalm 51:1-4 
Have mercy upon me, O God,
  According to Your lovingkindness;
  According to the multitude of Your tender mercies,
  Blot out my transgressions. 
   Wash me thoroughly from my iniquity,
  And cleanse me from my sin. 
   For I acknowledge my transgressions,
  And my sin is always before me. 
   Against You, You only, have I sinned,
  And done this evil in Your sight—
  That You may be found just when You speak,
  And blameless when You judge.

Psalm 103:12
As far as the east is from the west,
  So far has He removed 

our transgressions from us
Colossians 2:14
having wiped out the handwriting
 of requirements that was against us, 
which was contrary to us. 
And He has taken it out of the way,
 having nailed it to the cross.
Romans 4:7
Blessed are those whose 
lawless deeds are forgiven,
  And whose sins are covered;

Romans 8:2
 For the law of the Spirit of life in 
Christ Jesus has made me free
 from the law of sin and death.
John 5:24
Most assuredly, I say to you, 
he who hears My word and believes in Him 
who sent Me has everlasting life,
 and shall not come into judgment, 
but has passed from death into life.
John 8:32
And you shall know the truth, 
and the truth shall make you free.”
2 Corinthians 3:6
who also made us sufficient as ministers 
of the new covenant,
 not of the letter but of the Spirit;
 for the letter kills,
 but the Spirit gives life.

 Isaiah 59:1,2
 Behold, the Lord's hand is not shortened,  
That it cannot save;
  Nor His ear heavy,
  That it cannot hear. 
   But your iniquities have separated you 

from your God;
  And your sins have hidden 

His face from you,
  So that He will not hear.

Mark 11:25
And whenever you stand praying,
 if you have anything against anyone,
 forgive him, that your Father in heaven 
may also forgive you your trespasses.
Matthew 6:12,14,15 
 And forgive us our debts,
  As we forgive our debtors.

For if you forgive men their trespasses, 
your heavenly Father 
will also forgive you.   
But if you do not forgive
 men their trespasses,
 neither will your Father 
forgive your trespasses.
Matthew 18:21-35 PT
Later Peter approached Jesus and said, 
“How many times do I have to forgive 
my fellow believer who keeps offending me? 
Seven times?”
   Jesus answered, “Not seven times, 

Peter, but seventy times seven times!    
The lessons of forgiveness 
in heaven’s kingdom realm 
can be illustrated like this:
 “There once was a king 

who had servants who had 
borrowed money from the royal treasury. 
He decided to settle accounts with each of them.   
As he began the process,
 it came to his attention that one of his servants 
 owed him one billion dollars.  
So he summoned the servant before him and said to him, 
‘Pay me what you owe me.’   
When his servant was unable to repay his debt, 
the king ordered that he be sold 
as a slave along with his wife 
and children and every possession 
they owned as payment toward his debt.   
The servant threw himself facedown 
at his master’s feet and begged for mercy. 
‘Please be patient with me. 
Just give me more time 
and I will repay you all that I owe.’   
Upon hearing his pleas,
 the king had compassion on his servant, 
and released him, and forgave his entire debt.
   “No sooner had the servant left

 when he met one of his fellow servants,
 who owed him twenty thousand dollars 
 He seized him by the throat 
and began to choke him, saying, 
‘You’d better pay me right now 
everything you owe me!’   
His fellow servant threw himself facedown 
at his feet and begged, 
‘Please be patient with me.
 If you’ll just give me time,
 I will repay you all that is owed.’   
But the one who had his debt forgiven 
stubbornly refused to forgive 
what was owed him. 
He had his fellow servant
 thrown into prison and demanded 
he remain there until 
he repaid the debt in full.
   “When his associates saw what was going on, 

they were outraged
 and went to the king and told him the whole story.  
 The king said to him, ‘You scoundrel! 
 Is this the way you respond to my mercy?
 Because you begged me, 
I forgave you the massive debt that you owed me.  
 Why didn’t you show the same mercy 
to your fellow servant that I showed to you?’   
In a fury of anger,
 the king turned him over to the prison guards 
to be tortured until all his debt was repaid.   
In this same way, my heavenly Father 
will deal with any of you
 if you do not release forgiveness
 from your heart  
toward your fellow believer.”
1 Peter 2:1-3 
Therefore, laying aside all malice, 
all deceit, hypocrisy, envy,
 and all evil speaking,  
 as newborn babes, 
desire the pure milk of the word, 
that you may grow thereby,
if indeed you have tasted 
that the Lord is gracious.
1 John 1:6,7
If we claim that we share life with him,  
but keep walking in the realm of darkness, 
we’re fooling ourselves and not living the truth.   
But if we keep living in the pure light
 that surrounds him,  
we share unbroken fellowship with one another,  
and the blood of Jesus, his Son,
 continually cleanses us from all sin.
Ephisians 4:25-32 PT
So discard every form of dishonesty 
and lying so that you will be known 
as one who always speaks the truth,
 for we all belong to one another.
     But don’t let the passion of your emotions  

lead you to sin! 
Don’t let anger control you 
or be fuel for revenge, not for even a day.   
Don’t give the slanderous accuser,
 the Devil, an opportunity to manipulate you!   
If any one of you has stolen from someone else, 
never do it again.
 Instead, be industrious, 
earning an honest living, 
and then you’ll have enough 
to bless those in need.
     And never let ugly or hateful words 

come from your mouth, 
but instead let your words become 
beautiful gifts  that encourage others; 
do this by speaking words of grace to help them.
     The Holy Spirit of God

 has sealed you in Jesus Christ 
until you experience your full salvation. 
So never grieve the Spirit of God 
or take for granted his holy influence in your life.    
Lay aside bitter words, temper tantrums,
 revenge, profanity, and insults.   
But instead be kind  and affectionate
 toward one another. 
Has God graciously forgiven you? 
Then graciously forgive one another 
in the depths of Christ’s love.
1 Peter 3:8-12 PT
Now, this is the goal: 
to live in harmony with one another 
and demonstrate affectionate love,  sympathy,  
and kindness toward other believers. 
Let humility describe who you are
 as you dearly love one another.   
Never retaliate 
when someone treats you wrongly, 
nor insult those who insult you,
 but instead, 
respond by speaking a blessing over them
because a blessing 
is what God promised to give you.   
 For the Scriptures tell us:
  Whoever wants to embrace true life
 and find beauty in each day
     must stop speaking evil, hurtful words
 and never deceive in what they say.
 Always turn from what is wrong
 and cultivate what is good;
 eagerly pursue peace 

in every relationship,
 making it your prize.
     For the eyes of the Lord Yahweh  

rest upon the godly,
 and his heart responds 

to their prayers.
 But he turns his back 

on those who practice evil.
Colossians 1:10
that you may walk worthy of the Lord,
 fully pleasing Him,
 being fruitful in every good work 
and increasing in the knowledge of God;
Colossians 3:10
and have put on the new man who is renewed in knowledge according to the image of Him who created him,
James 1:2,25
 My brethren, count it all joy 
when you fall into various trials,
But he who looks into the perfect 
law of liberty and continues in it, 
and is not a forgetful hearer 
but a doer of the work,
 this one will be blessed in what he does.
Galatians 3:13,14
Christ has redeemed us from 
the curse of the law, 
having become a curse for us 
(for it is written, 
“Cursed is everyone who hangs on a tree”),   
that the blessing of Abraham 
might come upon the Gentiles 
in Christ Jesus,
 that we might receive 
the promise of the Spirit through faith.
Galatians 5:22,23
But the fruit of the Spirit is 
love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness,
 goodness, faithfulness,   
gentleness, self-control. 
Against such there is no law.
Romans 12:10,16-18
Be devoted to tenderly loving 
your fellow believers as members of one family. 
Try to outdo yourselves 
in respect and honor 
of one another.
 Be of the same mind toward one another. 
Do not set your mind on high things, 
but associate with the humble. 
Do not be wise in your own opinion.
     Repay no one evil for evil. 

Have regard for good things in the sight of all men.   
If it is possible, as much as depends on you, 
live peaceably with all men.
Philippians 2:2 
 fulfill my joy by being like-minded, 
having the same love, 
being of one accord, of one mind.

 Hebrew 7:25
So he is able to save fully
 from now throughout eternity,  
everyone who comes to God
 through him,
 because he lives to pray 
continually for them.
This is our great high priest
interceeding in heaven
for all that we ask for
according to the Fathers words
1 Timothy 2:1-3 PT
Most of all,
 I’m writing to encourage you 
to pray with gratitude to God. 
Pray for all men with all forms of prayers 
and requests as you intercede 
with intense passion.   
And pray for every political leader 
 and representative,  
so that we would be able to live tranquil,
 undisturbed lives,
 as we worship 
the awe-inspiring God with pure hearts.  
 It is pleasing to our 
Savior-God to pray for them.
 As we interceed
we must be sensative and responcive 
to the Holy Spirits direction
He is placing in our heart.
Some have said that Intercession
is a love response to the 
prompting of the Holy Spirit
for an urgent need.
A simple cry for someone we love
we are all called to interceed.
Galatians 6:2 PT
Love empowers us to fulfill 
the law of the Anointed One 
as we carry each other’s troubles.
God is pleased when we 
press in as burden bearers.
His face shines on us
as we stand in the gap
on behalf of others.
Let us take a little time to 
go through an account of Daniel in
Chapter 10:1-21
click to listen
 This is an account of a angelic conflict
The word used here for message
can sometimes refer to a burden
something the Holy Spirit
will impart to us for prayer
God often gives messages or words
there is a heaviness or a burden
placed on us to pray through
or press in to see it take action.
Sometimes the direction is to
pray Gods pure word
other time to do warefare
with the Holy Spirit against
the enemies tactics.
we may at sometimes sense
an anguish of heart or
be in a wrestling match within
your spirit.
The main point is that 
we make ourselves available
to receive a message from God or
a prayer burden.
this is a holy trust and not
something to take lightly
God will reveal His secrets
to us along the way
when you sense the Holy Spirit
moving in your heart
its important to be obedient
to cry out to God.
this could be for Spiritual leaders
nations or individuals.
the Spirit will bring names 
and places to our minds
Effective prayer requires 
availability, sensitivity and obedience
2 Chronicles 7:14,15
if My people who are called by My name 
will humble themselves, 
and pray and seek My face, 
and turn from their wicked ways, 
then I will hear from heaven, 
and will forgive their sin and heal their land.   
Now My eyes will be open 
and My ears attentive 
to prayer made in this place.
as we seek guidence from scripture
the Holy Spirit will 
drop in the most urgnt requests 
Psalm 25:4,5 PT 
Lord, direct me throughout my journey
 so I can experience

 your plans for my life.
 Reveal the life-paths 

that are pleasing to you.
   Escort me along the way; 

take me by the hand and teach me.
 For you are the God 

of my increasing salvation;
 I have wrapped my heart into yours

Psalm 25:14 PT
There’s a private place 
reserved for the lovers of God,
 where they sit near him and receive
 the revelation-secrets of his promises

important question to ask God
What do you want me to pray for this person?
Lord, what is on Your heart?
What is the most pressing need?
Show me what to do?
The Holy Spirit will
bring words, messages or thoughts
which He stirs in our spirit.
be prepared to be surprised
He may come to us with a face, 
a name, a family, a church,
a situation, a nation or
it could be a scene.
there may be a practical need
He settles on our heart
someone could call asking for prayer
you may hear others talking
and He highlights something to us.
the may be a news or media alert
or you just cant shake 
someone of your mind.
there could be something you see
a car accident or passing ambulance
someone in obvious need
an obuse of some kind
or a crime thats taken place
these will all be prompts to pray.
the most important thing to remember
is that God will start it
and God will finish it.
Pray until you feel prompted
 to move onto the next area.
I can be for prayer for
spiritual or physical blessings
or standing in for 
spiritual warefare for someone.
which ever way always lean 
into the Holy Spirit for direction
dont hold back from asking.
He's gentle and meek.
learn to sense the release
which tells us, its enough.
there are time you may experience
laughter, groans, weeping
even travailing sounds deep inside.
Galatians 4:19
My little children, for whom
 I labor in birth again 
until Christ is formed in you,
dont question, if there is an experience 
of unusual emtions.
just press into it as we moving into
deep intercession and accept it.
There are time that we have to be authority
in our spiritual realm prayer.
this may be for principalities and powers of evil
in the realm about us unseen
 2 Corinthians 10:4-6 PT
For although we live in the natural realm, 
we don’t wage a military campaign 
employing human weapons, 
using manipulation to achieve our aims.
 Instead, our spiritual weapons are energized 
with divine power 
to effectively dismantle the defenses 
behind which people hide.    
We can demolish every deceptive fantasy  
that opposes God 
and break through every arrogant attitude 
that is raised up in defiance 
of the true knowledge of God. 
We capture, like prisoners of war, 
every thought  and insist that it bow in obedience 
to the Anointed One.   
Since we are armed with such dynamic weaponry, 
we stand ready to punish  
any trace of rebellion, 
as soon as you choose complete obedience
When we push through
and sense the intercession is victorious
we may experience
peace, joy, laughter or tears
the main point here is to understand
our petition has reach the Fathers heart

To come humbly before the Father
who is in authority, requesting, asking,
petitioning for a special benifit.
Looking for mercy and favor
into a particular need.
becoming a conduit for Him in faith
to work through into a situation 
we are to be very specific in our request
full of faith, believing and speaking 
His word over the need and
knowing in our heart
He wants to bless.
Matthew 7:11
If you then, being evil, 
know how to give good gifts to your children, 
how much more will your Father 
who is in heaven 
give good things to those who ask Him!
Luke 18:17 PT
  Learn this well: 
unless you receive 
the revelation of the kingdom realm 
the same way a little child receives it,
 you will never be able to enter in.
James 4:3
 You ask and do not receive, 
because you ask amiss, 
that you may spend it 
on your pleasures.
  The key here is to make sure you are 
giving glory to the Father
and not yourself
John 14:13,14
And whatever you ask in My name, 
that I will do, 
that the Father may be glorified in the Son.   
If you ask anything in My name, 
I will do it. 
James 4:2,3 PT 
You jealously want what others have
 so you begin to see yourself
 as better than others. 
You scheme with envy and harm  
others to selfishly obtain what you crave
that’s why you quarrel and fight. 
And all the time you don’t obtain 
what you want because you won’t ask God for it!   
And if you ask, 
you won’t receive it 
for you’re asking with corrupt motives,  
seeking only to fulfill your own selfish desires. So we can see that our asking must be
in faith without doubting.
believing in assurance to receive
Mathew 21:21,22
So Jesus answered and said to them, 
“Assuredly, I say to you,
 if you have faith and do not doubt, 
you will not only do what was done to the fig tree, 
but also if you say to this mountain, 
‘Be removed and be cast into the sea,’
 it will be done.  
 And whatever things you ask in prayer,
 believing, you will receive.” 
Mark 11:21,22
  And Peter, remembering, said to Him, 
“Rabbi, look! 
The fig tree which You cursed 
has withered away.”
     So Jesus answered and said to them, 

“Have faith in God.
James 1:6 PT
 Just make sure you ask 
empowered by confident faith 
without doubting that you will receive. 
For the ambivalent person
 believes one minute and doubts the next. 
Being undecided 
makes you become like the rough seas 
driven and tossed by the wind. 
You’re up one minute 
and tossed down the next.
always ask in accordance with His will
His Word must be inside our heart
when we pray in faith 
John 15:7,8
If you abide in Me,
 and My words abide in you, 
you will ask what you desire, 
and it shall be done for you.   
By this My Father is glorified, 
that you bear much fruit; 
so you will be My disciples.
Romans 10:8-10
 But what does it say? 
“The word is near you,
 in your mouth and in your heart” 
(that is, the word of faith which we preach):  
 that if you confess with your mouth 
the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart 
that God has raised Him from the dead,
 you will be saved.   
For with the heart one believes
 unto righteousness,
 and with the mouth confession 
is made unto salvation.
 1 John 3:18-22
My little children, 
let us not love in word or in tongue, 
but in deed and in truth.   
And by this we know that we are of the truth,
 and shall assure our hearts before Him.   
For if our heart condemns us, 
God is greater than our heart, 
and knows all things.   
Beloved, if our heart does not condemn us, 
we have confidence toward God.   
And whatever we ask we receive from Him,
 because we keep His commandments 
and do those things 
that are pleasing in His sight.
1 John 5:14,15
 Now this is the confidence 
that we have in Him, 
that if we ask anything 
according to His will, He hears us.   
And if we know that He hears us, 
whatever we ask, 
we know that we have the petitions 
that we have asked of Him.
we must 
hear, believe and do His word
then our Father in heaven
Son and Holy Spirit will come to us
John 14:23
Jesus answered and said to him, 
“If anyone loves Me, 
he will keep My word; 
and My Father will love him, 
and We will come to him
 and make Our home with him.
The next key is to bear fruit
lasting, good fruit
the Holy Spirit will always 
show us good fruit or bad
and we will know them by this
 Jude 12,13 PT
These false teachers are like
 dangerous hidden reefs at your love feasts,  
lying in wait to shipwreck the immature. 
They feast among you without reverence,  
having no shepherd but themselves.  
They are clouds with no rain, 
 swept along by the winds.  
Like fruitless late-autumn trees 
twice dead,  barren, and plucked up by the roots!   
They are wild waves of the sea,
 flinging out the foam of their shame and disgrace. 
 They are misleading like wandering stars, 
 for whom the complete darkness 
of eternal gloom has been reserved.
Luke 8:14,15
Now the ones that fell among 
thorns are those who, 
when they have heard,
 go out and are choked with cares, 
riches, and pleasures of life,
 and bring no fruit to maturity.   
But the ones that fell on the good ground 
are those who, having heard the word 
with a noble and good heart, 
keep it and bear fruit with patience.

The next Key is to ask 
in the name of Jesus.
He has given us authority to use His name
His name has authority, power
in hell, heaven and on earth
Everything has to bow
to the name of Jesus Christ
John 14:13,14
And whatever you ask in My name, 
that I will do, 
that the Father may be glorified in the Son.   
If you ask anything in My name, 
I will do it.
Philippians 2:10,11
Therefore God also has highly exalted Him 
and given Him the name 
which is above every name,  
 that at the name of Jesus 
every knee should bow, 
of those in heaven, 
and of those on earth, 
and of those under the earth,
As we pray
needs and desires will be given into our hearts
by the Holy Spirit
We need to agree with the Holy Spirit
yeilding to His will
and begin to make requests to the Lord
as we pray and petition
He will birth an unnderstand
in our hearts
this is always in line with the God's Word.
If you can be very specific
in your request
1 Samual 1:10,11
And she was in bitterness of soul, 
and prayed to the Lord and wept in anguish.   
Then she made a vow and said, 
“O Lord of hosts,
 if You will indeed look on the affliction 
of Your maidservant and remember me, 
and not forget Your maidservant, 
but will give Your maidservant 
a male child, 
then I will give him 
to the Lord all the days of his life, 
and no razor shall come upon his head 
God wants us to petition Him.
It is Gods promise to us
and in return we will glorify Him
We need to do our part
To ask
To petiton
To be specific in prayer.
 at this point there may be prayers 
that have gone unanswered
possible reasons may be:
Not fellowshipping with God.
Not praying to the father in Jesus Name.
Not asking or asking with wrong motives.
Not asking according to God's will.
Not having God's word in us.
Doubt and Unbelief.
Losing heart or giving up.
Not being in agreement.
Not giving tithes and offerings
Prejudice and hate.
Unrepentant sin.
Overindulgence or
Not caring for God's temple
Touching God's anointed
Not examining yourself before communion
Despising God's Word
Neglect of Mercy
Not honoring each other
Setting up idols
Speaking evil of you brother and sisters
to name a few. 

Chapter 3




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