Chapter 12

But the hour is coming, and now is,
 when the true worshipers will worship 
the Father in spirit and truth; 
for the Father is seeking such to worship Him. 
God is Spirit, 
and those who worship Him 
must worship in spirit and truth.”

Remember if the Holy Spirit highlights something in us, 
brings it our attention then stop and allow our gifting 
to reveal what or who if not us, 
to pray about. 

Heart, seek God's Grace  200
Heart, listen to what we are saying. 
Let ourself believe, love, 
and be thankful for the truth!
Heart, we turn from wanting our own
 beauty to be what feeds us.
 we are setting our heart
 to enjoy taking refuge inside 
Your perfection and beauty all around use Lord. 
You are our God and we will feed on You.
 we are trusting that our eyes
are looking at Your beauty and perfection 
right up close to us, 
touching us all around.
 we love You Lord
Heart, rejoice that we don’t have to feed 
ourself with how well we
 have earned their worship.
we don’t even have to
want that because we turn to you Lord
we will trust Your grace for quenching 
our needy desires
Heart, rejoice that we don’t have to 
push ourself to measure up to 
the standards that others set for us. 
Lord You are our standard
our banner that covers us.
 Oh, how we love that You 
are with us here, Lord
Heart, rejoice in the truth that we don’t
 have to trust ourself for perfection 
in how we look because 
wearing God’s presence around us is our beauty.
 Lord we love how good 
Your closeness looks
 (believe it)
Heart, rejoice that we don’t have to want 
the eyes of others on us. 
we turn to You Lord. 
Your eyes on us are far
more inspiring, safer, 
something we can enjoy without holding back. 
we turn and we love You Lord.
 we are trusting that
oury eyes are on You Lord 
and that Your eyes are on us
 (Heart, feel reassured by it!)
Heart, rejoice in the truth that we don’t
 have to delight ourself with 
how well we control and put other people down.
God is sovereign, not us.
 we turn to You Lord.
 we turn our soul from how well 
we exalt myself over others as my security. 
God is our security.
 we love You Lord 
(Heart, feel confidence 
and to love God!)
Heart, rejoice in the truth that we
 don’t have to delight ourself 
with our looks or with our body.
 we turn our affections to You Lord. 
we take refuge inside Your beauty and love.
 And I love Your closeness God
Heart, we turn it away from our
 having to feed ourself 
with my own attractiveness.
 Instead of that, 
we are trusting that our eyes
 are looking at the power, beauty, 
and attractiveness of God all around
You are my God
My soul thirsts for You, 
my flesh yearns for You
Thus I have seen
You in the sanctuary, 
to see Your power and Your glory
My soul is satisfied” 
(Psalm. 63:1,2,5).
 my praise is toward the closeness of God, 
NOT ourself
For You, Lord, are good, and ready to forgive, and abundant in loving kindness to all who call upon You
 (Psalm. 86:5); 
draw near in full assurance of faith, 
 having our hearts sprinkled 
clean and our bodies washed 
with pure water” 
(Heb. 10:19, 22);
 “All that the Father gives Me
 will come to Me, 
and the one who comes to Me I will
certainly not cast out.” 
(John 6:37)

(Heart, believe and love 
the God who is close!)
By faith we are trusting that our eyes
 are looking at Your power and glory Lord: 
You are my God
My soul
thirsts for You, 
my flesh yearns for You
Thus I have seen You in the sanctuary, 
to see Your power and Your glory
My soul is satisfied” 
(Psalm. 63:1,2,5).
the nearness of God is my good;
 I have made the Lord God my refuge
 (Psalm. 73:28);
 “none of those
who take refuge in Him will be condemned.”
 (Psalm. 34:22)
the Lord is our righteousness” 
(Jer. 33:16); 
the Lord loves righteousness” 
(Psalm. 11:7);
 “the Lord takes pleasure in His people” 
(Psalm. 1149:4); 
great is your love toward me
 (Psalm. 86:13).
 I love that it is safe to direct
my heart toward You Lord
 because You are holy,
righteous, and good; 
“the Lord is good” 
(Psalm. 135:3);
Holy is He.” 
(Psalm. 99:3);
“You are good and do good” 
(Psalm. 119:68)
Heart, seek God's Grace 201
 Heart, listen to what we are saying. 
Let ourself believe, love, 
and be thankful for the truth!
Heart, rejoice that we don’t have to hide ourself 
by being smaller and going unnoticed. 
The Lord is our God
His closeness is our reason for confidence.
 The closeness of God reassures us
Heart, rejoice in the truth that we
 don’t have to be envious of the power 
that they have. 
Lord Your power is far
greater and You are our God. 
we love the closeness of
 Your strength and power Lord.
 we turn our heart to feed on
You by enjoying that Your power
 and beauty ARE here with us 
(Heart, love God!)
Heart, rejoice in the truth that we
 don’t have to feel shunned by God
 when others turn away and reject us. 
we turn it from pressure to measure up
 in order to trust that we can
 let God draw near to us. 
Lord we turn and put our trust in Your grace
 Heart, rejoice in the truth that 
we don’t have to feed on glory
 from being critical of ourself or others. 
we turn it to trust and enjoy believing
 that God IS our glory.
 we turn and we rest in Your grace 
to draw near to us Lord
not in what we have achieved or earned 
(Heart, feel confidence from it!)
Heart, rejoice in the truth that we
 don’t have to achieve a place of refuge 
by being critical of ourself or others.
When we feel the pain of their rejection 
we will run to you Lord. 
we turn to trust God’s grace
 to draw near.
 we take refuge inside the love of God 
around me here 
Heart, rejoice that we don’t have to
 find motivation by being more critical of ourself. 
our energy for motivation
comes from the inspiring sense 
of exalting God. 
we love that single-hearted dependence 
on God to quench my thirst
strongly exalts and honors Him
even when nobody here sees 
(hear and love it)
we turn it away from our having
 to depend on ourself or other people.
 we rest into depending on God 
for quenching our thirst. 
By faith, we are trusting that 
our eyes are looking at the God
and His beauty all around us here.
Lord, we are setting our heart
 to love finding refuge inside the power
and the extreme beauty of the kingdom of God.
 Lord, YOUR closeness to us is our beauty. 
And, our praise is toward YOU God,
 NOT ourself 
 (Heart, believe and love God!)
“come to Me and drink
But this He spoke of the Spirit” 
(John 7:37, 39);
 “come to the waters delight
yourself in abundance.” 
(Isa. 55:1,2); 
for through Him we have our access in 
one Spirit to the Father.” 
(Eph. 2:18)

(let yourself feel confidence 
from the closeness of God’s attractiveness!)
we can draw near to God because

we have boldness and confident 
access through faith in Him” 
(Eph. 3:12);
draw near with confidence to the throne of grace, 
so that we may receive mercy
 and find grace to help 
in time of need
 (Heb. 4:16). 
Rather than daydreaming of earthly glories 
and setting those before us
it is by faith that we can do what
David did when he said, 
I have set the Lord continually before me; 
Because He is at my right hand,
 I will not be shaken.” 
(Psalm. 16:8). 
we love that we don’t have to stay 
away from God
 because He forgives me freely; 
For You, Lord, are good, and
ready to forgive
 (Psalm. 86:5); 
If we confess our sins, He is faithful and righteous to forgive us our sins and to
cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” 
(1 John 1:9); 
I am the one who wipes out your transgressions
 for My own sake;
 And I will not remember your sins.” 
(Isa. 43:25); 
I have wiped out your transgressions like a thick cloud,
and your sins like a heavy mist. 
Return to Me, for I have redeemed you.

 (Isa. 44:22)
Heart, seek God's Grace 202
 Heart, listen to what we are saying. 
Let ourself believe, love, 
and be thankful for the truth!
Heart, rejoice in the truth that we 
don’t have to worry about not having 
what it takes to drink from God.
 We turn and we put our faith in You Lord. 
Heart hear this: 
Relationship with God is not based 
on how well we deserve it.
God is our glory not us. 
Oh, how we love You Lord  
(feel confidence from it!)
Heart, rejoice in the truth that we
 don’t have to hide from feelings 
that is something desperately wrong with us.
The pain we feel is from
 trying to feed on earthly sources 
and not on God. 
Lord we love that we can 
turn from faith in ourself 
and turn to trust the fountain of God 
(Heart, love God and enjoy Him!)
Rejoice in the truth that we 
don’t have to feed on our
 human perfection and beauty.
 we turn from wanting
our own beauty to be what feeds us. 
we are setting our heart to
 trust You as our God, not ourself.
 So, we set our heart to take refuge 
inside the power, beauty, 
and the perfection of 
the kingdom of God 
right up close to us,
touching us all around.
 By faith, we are trusting that our
 eyes are looking at You Lord
Heart, rejoice in the truth that we
 don’t have to set our hope on 
achieving the standards 
that earn their pleasure.
we set our heart to drink from God 
and nothing else. 
Lord You are our God
not how well we performance
measures up and earns their pleasure 

(Heart, be thankful and love it as the truth!)
we turn it away from our having to depend
 on ourself or other people. 
You are my God
My soul thirsts for You, 
my flesh yearns for You
Thus I have seen You in the sanctuary,
to see Your power and Your glory
My soul is satisfied
 (Psalm. 63:1,2,5). 
Lord, YOU are our glory,
 our power, and our beauty.
 we turn from wanting those things
 to come from us. 
And, our praise is toward the
closeness of God, 
NOT ourself
I will fill the soul of 
the priests with abundance, 
And My people will be satisfied 
with My goodness,’ 
declares the Lord.
 (Jer. 31:14; )

(Heart, be thankful 
and love the God who is close!)
you will rejoice in the Lord, 
You will glory in the Holy One of Israel. 
The afflicted and needy are
seeking water,
 but there is none, and their 
tongue is parched with thirst;
 I, the Lord, will answer them
Myself, as the God of Israel 
I will not forsake them.
 I will open rivers on the bare heights 
and springs in the
midst of the valleys;
 I will make the wilderness 
a pool of water and
 the dry land fountains of water.” 

By faith we are trusting that 
our eyes are looking at 
Your power and glory Lord:  
“You are my God
My soul thirsts for You, 
my flesh yearns for You
Thus I have seen You in the sanctuary, 
to see Your power and Your glory
My soul is satisfied” 
(Psalm. 63:1,2,5).  
Glory in His holy name
Let the heart of those 
who seek the Lord be glad.
 (1 Chron. 16:10)
“the one who comes to Me 
I will certainly not cast out.”
 (John 6:37)
 (Heart, feel reassured by it!)
we delight that 
none of those who take refuge 
in Him will be condemned.” 
(Psalm. 34:22)
“come to the waters 
delight yourself in abundance.”
  (Isa. 55:1,2). 
But if it is by grace,
 it is no longer on the basis of works,
 otherwise grace is no longer grace.
 (Rom. 11:6).
“'For as the waistband clings 
to the waist of a man, 
so I made the whole household of Israel 
and of Judah cling to Me,'
 declares the Lord,
 'that they might be for Me a people, 
for renown, for praise and for glory;
 but they did not listen.'” 
(Jer. 13:11).
 It will not be that way for us.
 we turn our heart to cling to the Lord!
(let yourself feel confidence 
and to love God because of the truth!)
Heart, seek God's Grace 203
 Heart, listen to what we are saying. 
Let ourself believe, love, 
and be thankful for the truth!
Heart, rejoice in the truth that 
we don’t have to perform
 spiritually in order to have
 closeness with God.
 we turn and face toward You Lord
we put our trust in God to carry us close.
The closeness of God is a greater reality
than the material world around us. 
The kingdom of God is our
 refuge of beauty and strength
Heart, rejoice in the truth that
 we don’t have to want to be prettier
the attention we would receive would never
be enough to quench our thirst. 
we turn to You Lord. 
Heart hear this: 
God is our beauty because 
we take refuge in You Lord.
 Our eyes are on You God. 
Thank You for walking with us
 (Heart, love God!)
Heart, rejoice in the truth 
that we don’t have to push ourself 
to prove how smart we are. 
we will never be smart
enough to quench our thirst.
 we turn to You Lord.
 we love having the mind of Christ 
(1 Cor. 2:16)
Heart, rejoice in the truth 
that we don’t have to feed ourself
 with approving or lustful looks from others. 
Lord it is You who are worthy
 of their pursuit, not us. 
we turn and face toward You Lord. 
we love having Your eyes of
love, passion, and kindness on us  
Heart, rejoice in the truth that
we don’t have to be unhappy with our body
It is God who is our glory, 
our good, our reason to feel nice, and strong.
God is a refuge of beauty and perfection all around us. 
we rest in Him
not in ourself
Heart, rejoice in the truth that
 we don’t have to protect ourself
 by being angry about our appearance. 
we turn and face toward You Lord 
because You are the God 
who soothes our pain. 
Thank You Lord that when You draw
near to us 
You bring the kingdom of heaven 
all around us here
 (let yourself feel confidence!)
Heart, rejoice in the truth that
 we don’t have to feed ourself 
by pushing until we have their approval. 
we turn to You Lord. 
It is Your pleasure that we love. 
You are the God who quenches our thirst
we have no other option except
to trust Your grace.
 we rest in You 
heart, we turn away from our
 having to depend on ourself or other people. 
we rest into loving and believing 
that God can and will quench our thirst. 
we set our heart to enjoy 
and to delight ourself
with the presence of God 
all around us here: 
You are our God
our soul thirsts for You, 
our flesh yearns for You
Thus we have seen You in the sanctuary, 
to see Your power and Your glory
our soul is satisfied” 
(Psalm. 63:1,2,5). 
Lord, You are
 our beauty and power, not ourself
we love that we don’t have to 
avoid drawing near to God
He is kind, slow to anger, and compassionate.
Gracious is the Lord, 
and righteous; Yes, 
our God is compassionate.” 
(Psalm. 116:5);
 “you, O Lord, are a
compassionate and gracious God, 
slow to anger, 
abounding in love and faithfulness.
 (Psalm. 86:15).
For His anger is but for a moment, 
His favor is for a lifetime
 (Psalm. 30:5).
The Lord is our God! 
The Lord’s loving kindnesses 
indeed never cease, 
For His compassion's never fail.
(Lam. 3:22).
 we turn to You Lord, 
How precious is Your lovingkindness, 
O God” 
(Psalm. 36:7).
repent and return, 
so that your sins may be wiped away, 
in order that times of refreshing
 may come from the
presence of the Lord” 
(Acts 3:19)
 (Heart, be thankful and love the God who is close!)
Do not call to mind the former things, 
or ponder things of the past. 
Behold, I will do something new, now
it will spring forth;
 will you not be aware of it?
 I will even make a roadway in the wilderness, 
rivers in the desert.
To give drink to My chosen people. 
The people whom I formed
 for Myself, will declare My praise.”
(Isa. 43:18-21)

(Heart, be thankful and love the God who is close!)
Heart, seek God's Grace 204
 Heart, listen to what we are saying. 
Let ourself believe, love, 
and be thankful for the truth!
Heart, rejoice in the truth that 
we don’t have to push ourself until 
we achieve perfection in the eyes of men.
 we turn our heart from wanting their pursuit. 
The Lord is our God, 
our delight, and our pleasure
Heart, rejoice in the truth 
that we don’t have to hide
 from the truth about our imperfections.
 our humanity will never be perfect
we don’t have to depend on ourself
 because God is our perfection, 
our goodness, our reason for
being enough. 
our eyes are on You Lord
not on ourself  
(Heart, feel reassured by it!)
Heart, rejoice in the truth
 that we don’t have to quench our thirst 
with evidence of how desirable we are. 
we turn to You Lord. 
we rest into drawing near to God 
and letting Him draw near to us. 
we love that we are making the
kingdom of God our safe refuge of beauty, 
majesty, and power 
(Heart, love God!)
Heart, rejoice in the truth that
 we don’t have to want to be more attractive 
in order to drink from that.
 The Lord is our God
not how attractive we are to others. 
The beauty of our humanity 
will never be enough to quench the
thirst of our soul. 
we turn our eyes to You Lord 
Heart, rejoice that we don’t have to 
depend on the response of others to our personality
we turn from works that
only let us quench our thirst with ourself.
 we turn and put our trust in God.
 we hide in Him
we don’t have to feed ourself 
with the power and control we feel 
because of the way others look at us. 
we turn and set God before us
we look at You Lord. 
Heart hear this! 
God is our pursuit. 
God is our first love
Heart, rejoice in the truth 
that we don’t have to push until we can 
drink from being popular. 
The Lord is our God.
we put our trust in You. 
we love that it is right for us 
to trust that we are in the throne room
 here and that the glorified 
and risen Christ is with us here.
 Oh, how we love You Lord  
(Heart, hear and love it)
we turn away from having to depend 
on ourself or other people. 
By faith, our eyes on You Lord.
 And, we set our heart to feed 
on the attractiveness of God, 
whose presence we wear around us here.
our praise is toward the closeness of God, 
NOT ourself
we don’t have to be afraid to
 let God draw near to us
God will not abandon His people.
I will never desert you, 
nor will I ever forsake you
 (Heb. 13:5).
the Shepherd and Guardian of your souls.”
 (1 Peter 2:25)
we love that we can trust God! 
“the Lord will not abandon
 His people on account of His great name” 
(1 Sam. 12:22). 
And those who know 
Your name will put their trust in You,
 For You, O Lord, have not forsaken those
who seek You.
 (Psalm. 9:10). 
Heart, stop fighting against 
the truth and let yourself believe it!
 “He will not fail you” 
(Deut. 4:31).
 “the Lord will not abandon His people, 
Nor will He forsake us, as His inheritance.” 
(Psalm. 94:14).
It is better to take refuge in
 the Lord than to trust in man.”
 (Psalm. 118:8).
we love that You don’t hold back Lord,

“we receive the promise of 
the Spirit through faith.” 
(Gal 3:14); 
it is by faith, in order
 that it may be in accordance with grace, 
so that the promise will 
be guaranteed to all” 
(Rom. 4:16).  
True believers, 
are being built together into 
a dwelling of God in the Spirit.” 
(Eph. 2:22); 
 “God said, 
"I will dwell in them and walk among them; 
and I will be their God,
 and they shall be My people
 (2Cor 6:16)
(Heart, be thankful and love the God who is close!)
Heart, seek God's Grace 205
 Heart, listen to what we are saying. 
Let ourself believe, love, 
and be thankful for the truth!
Rejoice in the truth that 
we don’t have to be envious 
of the power that people have over others. 
God’s power is far greater. 
 we love Your closeness of Your strength 
and power Lord.
 We turn and feed
from You Lord
no power is greater 
(Heart, believe and love God!)
we don’t have to measure up 
to their standards
 and then feel like we have to 
quench ourself by achieving
 in other areas. 
The Lord is our God.
 we put our faith in His grace 
to quench our thirst.
Heart, rejoice in the truth 
that we don’t have to submit to
 societies demand for our being perfect. 
The Lord is our perfection
we repent and delight ourself 
by enjoying the closeness of 
God’s holiness, perfection, and purity
touching us all around. 
God is our perfection 
we don’t need to have 
what it takes to be popular. 
It is abiding in the substance 
of Your love and acceptance
that delights us. 
we turn to God and we love that 
we can let ourself enjoy 
being loved by You Lord
we don’t have to agree with 
pressure to think of ourself as a sexual object. 
Lord it is with great delight 
that we turn from feeding on the 
“looks” we get from others. 
we set You before us Lord
we hide ourself in You Lord
Heart, rejoice that we don’t 
have to deny or hide from how much we hurt inside. 
The Lord is the God 
who soothes us
 we turn from having to ease
 our pain by hurting ourself
Heart, rejoice in the truth that
 we don’t have to make ourself 
hide by putting ourself down
Jesus paid the price
for our fallenness. 
The Lord is our God.
 we trust in You Lord
not how well we punish ourself
Heart, rejoice that we don’t have
 to hide behind a personality 
that makes people think of us 
as being tough. 
we turn our soul to the Lord. 
God is stronger. 
we love the closeness of
 Your strength Lord
we turn it away from having to 
feed on ourself or other people. 
we can and will feed on God. 
Lord, we set our heart to look
 at You with us here. 
BELIEVE love and enjoy the closeness of
God’s power and goodness 
all around and touching us here. 
Anything else is idolatry
Lord, we love that we don’t have to be 
afraid to draw near to You 
because You are loving 
and You take pleasure in Your people
 (let yourself feel confidence from the closeness of God’s power and glory!)
the Lord loves His people”
 (2 Chron. 2:11).  
“the Lord your God turned 
the curse into a blessing 
for you because 
the Lord your God loves you.
 (Deut. 23:5).
Heart hear this because it applies to us! 
“the Lord takes pleasure in His people”
 (Psalm. 149:4).
Oh Lord, 
“great is your love toward me” 
(Psalm. 86:13).  
He will quiet you with His love, 
He will rejoice over you with singing.” 
(Zeph. 3:17 ).
“love is from God”
 (1 John 4:7).
 Lord we set our heart to trust we can 
“keep ourselves in the love of God
 (Jude 1:21)
Lord we delight that we are told
“abide in My love.
 (John 15:9).
“God is love, and the one who abides in love, 
abides in God and God abides in him.”
 (1 John 4:16).
“May your unfailing love rest upon us, 
O Lord, even as we put our hope in you.” 
 (Psalm. 33:22).
You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might.” 
(Deut. 6:5). 

 “cling to Him.” 
(Deut. 13:4)

(Heart, love God because of it!)
Heart, seek God's Grace 206
 Heart, listen to what we are saying. 
Let ourself believe, love, 
and be thankful for the truth!
Heart, rejoice in the truth that
 we don’t have to soothe ourself 
when people shun and tease us. 
we turn from having to punish them
 for what they do wrong.
 we turn and we open ourself to
 let God to draw near to us
"O God, how extravagant is
 your cherishing love!
 All mankind can find a hiding place
 under the shadow of your wings.
   All may drink of the anointing 
 from the abundance of your house.
 All may drink their fill 
from the delightful springs of Eden.
   To know you is to experience a flowing fountain,
 drinking in your life,
 springing up to satisfy.
 In the light of your holiness 
we receive the light of revelation." 
(Psalm. 36:7-9 passion).
 we turn and put our trust Your abundant grace. 
we take refuge in 
Your beauty and majesty Lord. 
We trust Your closeness 
Its what makes us worthy
Heart, rejoice in the truth
 that we don’t have to be insecure 
because it is the closeness of
God who is our beauty, our perfection. 
we trust You to draw near intensely 
 The Lord is our God. 
we love You Lord  
(Heart, believe and love the God who is close!)
Heart, rejoice in the truth 
that we don’t have to punish ourself
 for the harassment they give us. 
we delight that we
don’t have to hiding from God 
when people make us feel dirty. 
Lord, we turn and face toward You 
because You are the one who washes us
 and makes us clean
 (Heart, feel confidence from it!)
Heart, rejoice in the truth 
that we don’t have to demand 
that we perform well enough 
to always please others.
 we delight that we don’t have to punish ourself
 when we fall short of their expectations.
 God is our hope of being able
to quench our thirsty soul
not other people

(Be thankful and love the truth!)
Heart, rejoice in the truth 
that we don’t have to be afraid 
of being harassed and teased by God
others may but God does not. 
we turn and we run to You Lord 
because it is far safer to be near 
than far away.
 God is the refuge of
comfort that soothes our hurts 
(Heart, be thankful and love the God who is close!)
We turn it away from having 
to feed on earthly things. 
Jesus died to give us access 
so that we can come to the Father. 
By drawing near to God, 
He draws near to us. 
We rest into loving and
believing the closeness of God
 for quenching our thirst  
(Heart, hear and love it)
we don’t have to stay away 
when we are hurting 
because God comforts His people.
The Lord is near to the brokenhearted, 
and saves those who are crushed in spirit.” 
(Psalm. 34:18).
we don’t have to hide from God 
because our 
 “God comforts the depressed” 
(2 Cor. 7:6).
the Father of mercies and God of all comfort
 (2 Cor. 1:3).
but if we walk in the Light
as He Himself is in the Light 
the blood of Jesus His Son 
cleanses us from all sin.” 
(1 John 1:7).
God is Light
 (1 John 1:5); 
“Everything I am will praise and bless the Lord!
 O Lord, my God, your greatness takes my breath away,
 overwhelming me by your majesty, beauty, and splendor!
   You wrap yourself with a shimmering, glistening light.
 You wear sunshine like a garment of glory.
 You stretch out the starry skies like a tapestry.

 (Psalm. 104:1,2 (Passion).
The Lord is our Light. 
we welcome You presence and are trusting 
Your grace to let us “walk in” Your presence.
It is our believing and enjoying
the closeness of Your power and glory
 that feeds us Lord. 
By faith in the death of Christ
 and His payment that gives us 
access into the throne room, 
we are able to trust that 
our eyes are looking at Your presence 
with us here Lord: 
“You are my God
My soul thirsts for You, 
my flesh yearns for You
Thus I have seen You in the sanctuary, 
to see Your power
 and Your glory
My soul is satisfied” 
(Psalm. 63:1,2,5)

(Heart, believe and love the God who is close!)
Heart, seek God's Grace 207
 Heart, listen to what we are saying. 
Let ourself believe, love, 
and be thankful for the truth!
Heart, rejoice in the truth that 
we don’t have to be envious of the power
 that others have. 
Lord Your power is far greater 
and You are our God. 
we love the closeness of Your strength 
and power Lord.
we turn and feed ourself with
You Lord
no power is greater
 (Heart, let ourself feel 
confidence from God’s presence!)
Heart, rejoice in the truth 
that we don’t have to agree to wear
 labels of being undesirable. 
God is our desire and
His desire is for us. 
we turn from thoughts and feelings 
of fear about our not being enough. 
Lord put our faith in
believing we are before You
we open ourself to You
 and welcome Your presence
Rejoice that we don’t have to hide
 from fears about our being untouchable.
 we expose our fears to You Lord.
 Heart hear this! 
The truth about God is that He longs 
to be close and touch us
we submit to the truth and
turn from fear. 
we delight to draw near and
 we take refuge in the loving radiance 
of the fountain of God
Rejoice in the truth that we
 don’t have to agree with pressures
 to feed ourself with being sophisticated.
The Lord is our importance.
we feed ourself with You Lord.
 Oh, how we love that 
You are standing with us here Lord. 
we set our eyes to keep looking at You 
(Heart, feel reassured by it!)
Heart, rejoice in the truth that we
 don’t have to agree with pressure to lose hope. 
"The oil of joy for mourning,
  The garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness;
  That they may be called trees of righteousness,
  The planting of the Lord, that He may be glorified.”
(Isaiah 61:3)we turn and put our hope in You Lord. 
God is our reason for confidence
God is why we can bounce back  
(Heart, let ourself feel
 confidence because of the truth!)
Rejoice that we don’t have to try 
to be someone else 
because that is NOT 
what will make us measure up.
God is the standard, 
He far more than just measures up
and it is God is the One who justifies us. 
God who makes us acceptable. 
God with us measures up and 
we put my trust in You Lord
we don’t have to fit ourself 
into a smaller area in order to hide. 
The Lord is a strong tower
we run and hide ourself in You Lord. 
We love that Your glory is so great 
and that You are here with us Lord
We turn it away from having to 
feed on ourself or earthly things. 
Jesus died to give us access
 into the throne room. 
we CAN come to the Father! 
By drawing near to God,
 He draws near to us. 
We rest into loving, believing,
 and inspiring ourself with
 the closeness of God 
in order to quenching our thirst.
 our praise is toward the closeness of God,
 NOT ourself 
 (Heart, feel confidence
from trusting that God’s presence is here!)
Lord, I love your home, 
this place of dazzling glory,
 bathed in the splendor

 and light of your presence!” 
(Psalm. 26:8 (Passion)
the heavens were opened 
and I saw visions of God
on that which resembled a throne, 
high up, was a
figure with the appearance of a man
and there was a radiance around Him. 
As the appearance of the
rainbow in the clouds on a rainy day,
so was the appearance of 
the surrounding radiance” 
(Ezek. 1:1,26,27); 
“there was a rainbow around the throne” 
(Rev. 4:3).
“a river of the water of life, 
clear as crystal,
 coming from the throne of God
 (Rev. 22:1).
at the door of the housewater 
was flowing from under the threshold
water reaching the ankles.
(Ezek. 47:1,3).
“He who has bathed needs only
 to wash his feet, 
but is completely clean” 
(John 13:10)
“and before the throne 
there was something like a sea of glass,
 like crystal” 
(Rev. 4:6).
“the sea was for the priests to wash in.”
 (2 Chron. 4:6)

(Heart, feel reassured by it!)
Heart, seek God's Grace 208
Heart, listen to what we are saying. 
Let ourself believe, love, 
and be thankful for the truth!
Rejoice that we don’t have to agree 
with doubts of whether God
 wants a close relationship with us.
When we sense doubt in others 
we will not think the same thing about God.
 we turn from feeling helpless 
about experiencing God’s presence. 
we put our faith in You Lord
not in ourself
 (hear and love it)
Rejoice in the truth that 
we don’t have to be angry 
at those who should have protected us.
 we turn from feelings of wanting 
to run and hide when God gets close.
 The closeness of God
 heals our wounds and soothes
our pain. 
God is our shield and defender
 (Feel confidence from it!)
Heart, rejoice that we don’t have
 to grieve over the sense that our humanity 
will never be perfect.
 The Lord is our God. 
He alone is our perfection
nothing else.
 we love You Lord 
(Believe it)
Heart, rejoice in the truth that 
we don’t have to forget our own need for God 
because of the needs of other people. 
we turn from feeding ourself 
with how well we nurture others. 
We turn to trust that YOU are here and
that YOU are nurturing those we are trying to help
 (Believe it and feel reassured by it!)
Rejoice in the truth that we 
don’t have to wallow in anger
 because of being betrayed.
Lord, it hurts! 
But You are the one who heals our pain. 
You alone are our God.
 we love that we can rest into trusting 
You to draw near so we can hide ourself 
in Your arms Lord 
(Be thankful 
and love it as the truth!)
Rejoice in the truth that we 
don’t have to worry about feeling stupid. 
God is our wisdom.
 we turn our heart
to the Holy Spirit inside us. 
God has given us the mind of Christ.
 we praise you for the closeness of Your
wisdom and knowledge.
 God is our right’ness 
(Be thankful 
and love it as the truth!)
We turn it away from having to feed
on ourself or earthly things. 
Jesus died to give us access
 into the throne room. 
we CAN come to the Father! 
By drawing near to God, 
He draws near to us. 
we rest into loving and believing
 the closeness of God for quenching our thirst.
 Our praise is toward the closeness of God, 
NOT us 
“Because you are close to us
 and always available,
 our confidence will never be shaken,
 for we experience your 

wrap-around presence every moment.
   Our heart and soul explode with joy—full of glory!
 Even our body will rest confident and secure.”
 (Psalm. 16:8,9 (Passion); 
God has promised with an
 “everlasting covenant,
 to be God to you and to your
 (Gal. 3:29);
 “the Lord is a God of justice; 
How blessed are all those who long for Him.” 
(Isa. 30:18);
 “Behold, God is my helper; 
The Lord is the sustainer of my soul.”
 (Psalm. 54:4)
Heart hear this and love God!
 "But in the depths of 
our heart we truly know
 that you, 

Yahweh, have become my Shield;
 You take me and surround me with yourself.
 Your glory covers me continually.
 You lift high my head 

when I bow low in shame.
 (Psalm. 3:3)
By faith I am trusting that my eyes are looking at Your power and glory Lord: 
“You are my God
My soul thirsts for You,
 my flesh yearns for You
Thus I have seen You in the sanctuary,
 to see Your power and Your glory
My soul is satisfied”
 (Psalm. 63:1,2,5).  
I will pour out water on
 the thirsty land And streams on the dry ground;
 I will pour out My Spirit on your
offspring and My blessing 
on your descendants; 
and they will spring up among 
the grass like poplars by
streams of water” 
(Isa. 44:3,4).
I will fill the soul of the priests with abundance, 
and My people will be satisfied with My goodness,’
declares the Lord.
 (Jer. 31:14).
“I, the Lord, am your God
Open your mouth wide and I will fill it.
 (Psalm. 81:10).
the fountain of living water, even the Lord.
 (Jer. 17:13)

(Heart, feel confidence from it!)
Heart, seek God's Grace 209
 Heart, listen to what we are saying. 
Let ourself believe, love, 
and be thankful for the truth!
Rejoice in the truth that we don’t have to push ourself
 until we are worthy of their praise.
 we turn from quenching our thirst that way.
we rest in You Lord. 
we trust we are before You Lord. 
we turn and trust that the
radiance of God is upon us
 shining from the fountain of God
 right here in front of us
Rejoice in the truth that 
we don’t have to avoid or control others 
who aren’t popular enough. 
we turn from having to feed ourself that way. 
God is the glory that quenches our thirst 
We are taking refuge in the extreme
power and beauty of
 the kingdom of God around us.
 And, our praise is toward You Lord
Rejoice in the truth that 
we don’t have to agree with pressure 
to show off and make others want our body.
We hold back our thirsty desires 
and we turn them to You Lord.
 Our body is a temple for Your Holy Spirit.
We love the pleasure that we cause You
 by trusting and enjoying that we are
 staying in Your radiance
we don’t have to set our heart 
or our hopes on how we look.
we turn from letting our
 human appearance be a
disappointment because we will 
never have to be our source of glory. 
God is our glory
not us
Rejoice in the truth that 
we don’t have to let the standards of others
be what we try to achieve. 
we rest in You Lord. 
God we love Your grace. 
we turn to You and we put our trust in You
 to quench our thirst.
 we open ourself to You
and let You draw near  
(Heart, let yourself feel 
confidence because of the truth!)
Rejoice in the truth that 
we don’t have to feed on the popularity
 of our friends. 
Lord we throw ourself at
trusting Your grace to quench our thirsty desires
we turn our heart from everything else. 
Lord, we rest into trusting
we are before the fountain of God
(Heart, let yourself feel 
confidence because of the truth!)
"It is not that we think we are qualified
 to do anything on our own.
 Our qualification comes from God. "(2 Cor. 3:5).
The glory of our humanity will never be enough
We depend on God because we have nothing else
we turn it away from having to feed
 on ourself or earthly things.
Jesus died to give us access
 into the throne room.
 we CAN come to the Father! 
By drawing near to God, 
He draws near to us. 
 we rest into loving, believing, 
and inspiring ourself with
 the closeness of God in order to
quenching our thirst. 
our praise is toward the closeness of God, 
NOT ourself
“faith is the assurance of things hoped for, 
the conviction of things not seen. 
For by it the men of old gained
(Heb. 11:1,2).
And without faith it is impossible
 to please Him for he who comes to God
must believe that He is
 and that He is a rewarder 
of those who seek Him.” 
(Heb. 11:6).
“Abraham believed God,
 and it was reckoned to him as righteousness,’ 
and he was called the friend of[God” 
(James 2:23).
“to the one who does not work,
 but believes in Him who justifies
 the ungodly, his faith is credited as
 (Rom. 4:5).  
God sees not as man sees, 
for man looks at the outward appearance, but
the Lord looks at the heart”
 (1 Sam. 16:7).  
Ho! Every one who thirsts, 
come to the waters; 
And you who have no money come, 
buy and eat. 
Come, buy
wine and milk Without money and without cost. 
Why do you spend money for what is not bread, 
And yourwages for what does not satisfy? 
Listen carefully to Me, 
and eat what is good,
 And delight yourself in abundance.” 
(Isa. 55:1,2)

(let yourself feel confidence 
rom the closeness of God’s power and glory!)
Heart, seek God's Grace 210
 Heart, listen to what we are saying. 
Let ourself believe, love, 
and be thankful for the truth!
“Do not be afraid, little flock, 
for your Father has chosen 
gladly to give you the kingdom.” 
(Luke 12:32).
“the kingdom of God does 
not consist in words but in power” 
(1Co 4:20).
Rejoice, hear this and have fun
don’t hold back! 
receive the kingdom of God like a child” 
(Luke 18:17)
he who comes to God must believe
that He is a rewarder of those who seek Him.
 (Heb. 11:6).
Break up your fallow ground 
seek  the Lord 
Until He comes to rain righteousness on you.” 
(Hos. 10:12).
“applying all diligence, in your faith” 
(2 Pet. 1:5).
“building yourselves up on your most holy faith” 
 (Jude 1:20)
“God sees not as man sees,
for man looks at the outward appearance, 
but the Lord looks at the heart”
(1 Sam. 16:7).  
“and He has made us to be a kingdom, 
priests to His God and Father” 
(Revelation 1:6)
“at the door of the house
water was flowing from 
under the threshold
water reaching the ankles.
 (Ezek. 47:1,3). 
He who has bathed needs 
only to wash his feet, but is completely clean” 
(John 13:10)
“I, the Lord, am your God
Open your mouth wide and I will fill it.” 
(Psalm. 81:10).
we can quench our thirst because our God is 
“the fountain of living water, even the Lord.” 
(Jer. 17:13)
we have confidence to 
enter the holy place by the blood of Jesus
draw near with a sincere heart in
full assurance of faith, 
having our hearts sprinkled clean 
and our bodies washed with pure water.
 (Heb. 10:19, 22).
“none of those who take refuge
in Him will be condemned” 
(Psalm. 34:22).
Heart hear this and confidently 
trust that we are doing it: 
“Draw near to God and 
He will draw near to you”
(James 4:8). 
“See, the Lord your God 
has placed the land before you;
 go up, take possession
Do not fear or be dismayed.”
 (Deut. 1:21).
“God said, "I will dwell in them 
and walk among them; 
and I will be their God, and
they shall be My people” 
(2Cor 6:16). 
“the Lord is good; His loving
kindness is everlasting 
and His faithfulness to all generations.
(Psalm. 100:5).
“O taste and see that the Lord is good; 
How blessed is the man who takes refuge in Him!
 (Psalm. 34:8).
“soul my hope is from Him. 
He only is my rock and my salvation,
 my stronghold; 
I shall not be shaken. 
On God my salvation
and my glory rest; 
the rock of my strength, my refuge is in God.”
 (Psalm. 62:5-7).
the Lord has washed away 
the filth of the daughters of Zion
by the spirit of judgement 
and the spirit of burning”
 (Isa. 4:4).  
“God sees not as man sees, 
for man looks at the outward appearance,
 but the Lord looks at the heart”
(1 Sam. 16:7). 
“having forgiven us all our transgressions
Christ canceled out the certificate of debt
against us
having nailed it to the cross.
 (Col. 2:13,14)
 (Believe and love the God who is close!)
I will sprinkle clean water on you,
 and you will be clean; 
I will cleanse you from all your filthiness
and from all your idols”
 (Eze. 36:25). 
“cleansing their hearts by faith.” 
(Acts 15:9)
“the nations will bless themselves in Him, 
and in Him they will glory.
 (Jer. 4:2)
“How precious is Your loving
kindness, O God! 
And the children of men 
take refuge in the shadow of Your wings.
 They drink their fill of the 
abundance of Your house;
and You give them to drink of 
the river of Your delights. 
For with You is the fountain of life;
in Your light we see light.” 
(Psalm. 36:7-9)
It is right and safe for us to trust You Lord.
 “God is not a man, that He should lie” 
(Num. 23:19)

If you sense you have worked through these areas
and dealt with everything the Holy Spirit
has highlighted to you then
Ill encourage you to continue onto
section 2
If there is something your not sure about
or the Holy Spirit is encouraging you to
meditate on then please go back
and work through till you have peace and Joy
then continue to section 2



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