Hearing someone talk about being full of the Spirit. The man of God simply spoke of two verses, neither of which referred to the baptism in the Spirit. It's not as much in our hearts to make a doctrinal statement right now as it is to make a relational statement. These two verses are guidelines.
And do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, by whom you were sealed for the day of redemption. Ephesians 4:30
Do not quench the Spirit. 1 Thessalonians 5:19
This simple insight takes our focus from the expressions of the Spirit (gifts, etc.) and shifts them to what the Holy Spirit actually feels because of us. And the more we walk with the Holy Spirit, the more our priorities shift to contribute to this relationship. This opens up new realms in walking with God that we haven't considered. To not grieve the Holy Spirit is a command focused on the issue of sin: in thought, attitude, or action. "Grieve" is a word that means to cause sorrow or distress. It describes the pain the heart of the Holy Spirit can feel because of something we would do or allow in our lives. It is character centered. This is a boundary that must have the attention of anyone who is interested in hosting His Presence more powerfully. To not quench the Holy Spirit is a command that zeroes in on the co-laboring aspect of our relationship. The word "quench" means to stop the flow of. The original language defines it as to extinguish, or put out. This word brilliantly uses two metaphors to illustrate this connection with God. "To stop the flow" could be illustrated by bending a garden hose in half until water no longer flows from it, while "extinguish" portrays the passion part of our walk with God. To lose passion for God always affects our ability to allow the Holy Spirit to flow from us to change circumstances around us. This verse is power centered. Every thought and action in your life speaks of allegiance to God or to Satan. Both are empowered by your agreement. Renewing your mind means learning to recognize what comes from hell, and what comes from heaven, and agreeing with heaven. That is the only way you will complete your divine assignment. God designed your mind to be one of the most supernaturally powerful tools in the universe, but it needs to be sanctified and yielded to the Holy Spirit so you can carry out His designs, creative ideas, and plans in your everyday life. A yielded imagination becomes a sanctified imagination; and it's the sanctified imagination that is positioned for visions and dreams. There is great paranoia over the use of the imagination in the church of the western world. As a result, unbelievers often lead the way in creative expression, through the arts and inventions. They have no bias against imagination. The imagination is like a canvas to a painter. If it's clean, the artist has much to work with. God would love to use our imagination to paint His impressions upon; He just looks for those who are yielded. However, those who are preoccupied with "not being worthy" are too self- centered to be trusted with much revelation. At some point it has to stop being about us long enough to utilize the benefits of being in Christ for the sake of those around us. Such a position gives us unlimited access to the mysteries of God that enable us to touch the needs of a dying world.
Rest in the Lord and wait patiently for Him.
Psalm 37:7
Resting is a beautiful picture of people that no longer feel the pressure to strive to prove themselves. They are comfortable in their own skin. (Before we're saved, we performed to get an identity, so we'd be accepted. After we're saved, we find out we're accepted, and that's our identity, and from there comes our performance.) Patiently has two meanings: "pain in childbirth" or "whirling in the air in dance." Both of these activities require incredible focus and strength. We are to wait on God with an unflinching resolve and focus, much like what Jacob had when he wrestled the angel. The same can be said of Elisha when he contended for Elijah's mantle. There are seasons in life when being involved in many diverse activities is not only acceptable, but also good. There are also seasons when it is deadly ... Intense focus restricts what you are willing and able to see. And while this approach will keep you from seeing many things, it will also open your eyes to see more of what you hunger for. Self-control is not the ability to say no to a thousand other voices. It's the ability to say yes to the one thing so completely that there's nothing left to give to the other options. The Holy Spirit is our greatest gift and must become our single focus. With that in mind, each of us has become the target of God for a specific encounter that redefines our purpose on planet earth. It's the baptism of fire. We were born to burn. And while the danger exists of turning our attention from the person to the experience, it's worth the risk. No amount of miracles, no amount of insight, no amount of personal success will ever satisfy the cry of the heart for this baptism. And while many would like to just get it over with, often times there is a deep process involved. For the 120, it was ten days of continuous prayer. Or there could be an eight-month season where our prayers actually wake us up. we might not wake up to pray but instead wake up praying. Such a singleness of focus is rewarded. Don't think that these encounters are supposed to be a one-time event. We must have frequent encounters with God that continuously recalibrate our hearts that we might be entrusted with more and more of God. What a person values they will protect. God will give us the measure of His presence that we are willing to jealously guard.
Sing to the Lord, all the earth; proclaim his salvation day after day. Declare his glory among the nations, his marvelous deeds among all peoples. For great is the Lord and most worthy of praise; he is to be feared above all gods. For all the gods of the nations are idols, but the Lord made the heavens. Splendor and majesty are before him; strength and joy are in his dwelling place. Ascribe to the Lord, all you families of nations, ascribe to the Lord glory and strength. Ascribe to the Lord the glory due his name; bring an offering and come before him. Worship the Lord in the splendor of his holiness. Tremble before him, all the earth! The world is firmly established; it cannot be moved. Let the heavens rejoice, let the earth be glad; let them say among the nations, "The Lord reigns!"
1 Chronicles 16:23-31