To Be God-Inside Minded

To Be God-Inside
Iam a spirit learning to live in a natural world. I have a soul,
and I live in a physical body. I am in the world, but I am not
of the world. God of peace, I ask You to sanctify me in every way,
and may my whole spirit and soul and body be kept blameless
until that day when our Lord Jesus Christ comes again. Father,
You called me, and You are completely dependable. You said it,
and You will do this. Thank You for the Spirit Who guides me
into all truth through my regenerated human spirit.
Lord, Your searchlight penetrates my human spirit, exposing
every hidden motive. You actually gave me Your Spirit (not the
world’s spirit) so I can know the wonderful things You have given
us. I am a child of God, born of the Spirit of God, filled with the
Spirit of God, and led by the Spirit of God. I listen to my heart as
I look to the Spirit inside me.
Thank You, Holy Spirit, for directing me and illuminating
my mind. You lead me in the way I should go in all the affairs of
life. You lead me by an inw a rd witness. The eyes of my
understanding are being enlightened. Wisdom is in my inward
parts. God’s love is perfected in me. I have an unction from the
Holy One.
Father, I am becoming spirit-conscious. I listen to the voice
of my spirit and obey what my spirit tells me. My spirit is
controlled by the Holy Spirit and dominates me, for I walk not
after the flesh, but after the spirit. I examine my leading in the
light of the Word.
I trust in You, Lord, with all of my heart and lean not to my
own understanding. In all of my ways I acknowledge You, and You
direct my paths. I walk in the light of the Word. Holy Spirit, You
are my Counselor, teaching me to educate, train, and develop my
human spirit. The Word of God shall not depart out of my mouth.
I meditate therein day and night. Therefore, I shall make my way
prosperous, and I will have good success in life. I am a doer of the
Word and put Your Word first.
Scripture References
1 Thessalonians 5:23,24 1 John 4:12
John 16:13 1 John 2:20
Proverbs 20:27 NLT Romans 8:1
1 Corinthians 2:12 NLT Proverbs 3:5,6
Romans 8:14,16 Psalm 119:105
John 3:6,7 John 14:26
Ephesians 5:18 Joshua 1:8
Isaiah 48:17 James 1:22
Ephesians 1:18



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