Those Involved in Abortion

Those Involved
in Abortion
 Through our ministry, a dear child of God shared with us the
following Scriptures, which continue to bring her through
periods of grief and sorrow. God’s grace and love have proven to
be the balm necessary for healing the emotional pain incurred by
an act that cannot be reversed. The memory of the decision will
never be erased. Reminders are all around — at church, in the
media, and in everyday life.
The prayer as written has a twofold application: (1) for a
people — a nation — who have permitted the legalization of
abortion on demand; (2) for both the man and woman involved in
the decision-making process. During moments of intercession for
women and men who are dealing with past mistakes, we have
identified with them in their pain. God’s Word is the medicine
that heals and the salvation of souls.
Father, in the name of Jesus, forgive us as a nation for
disregarding the sanctity of life.We recognize that each person is
1 This prayer can also be prayed in the singular “I” form by the individual person
involved in abortion.
uniquely created by You, Lord — marvelously made! You know
each one inside and out; You know every bone in the body. You
know exactly how we are made, bit by bit, and how we are sculpted
from nothing into something. All the stages of a life are spread out
before You, and the days are prepared before a child even lives one
day. Since we now see clearly, we value the life You give.
Father, each of us is an open book to You; even from a
distance, You know what we are thinking. We are never out of
Your sight. When we look back, we realize that You were there.
You were present when we put to death the being/beings to whom
You gave life.
Lo rd,we repent of our sin and the sin of our nation. Be merciful
unto us, O Lord. We ask Your forgiveness, and You are faithful
and just to forgive us and cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
Unless Your law had been our delight, we would have
perished in our affliction.We will never forget Your precepts [how
can we?], for it is by them You have quickened us (granted us life).
We are ready to halt and fall; our pain and sorrow are
continually before us. For we do confess our guilt and iniquity; we
are filled with sorrow for our sin.
So [instead of further rebuke, now] we desire rather to turn
and be [graciously] forgiven and comforted and encouraged to
keep us from being overwhelmed by excessive sorrow and despair.
We look to Jesus as our Savior and Consolation and welcome
His peace and completeness to our souls. We cannot bring our
child/children back again; we shall go to them; they will not return
to us.
We are awaiting and looking for the [fulfillment, the
realiza t i on of our] blessed hope, even the glorious appearing of
our great God and Savior, C h rist Jesus (the Messiah, the
Anointed One).
In His name we pray, amen.
Scripture References
Psalm 139:14-16 MESSAGE Psalm 119:92,93 AMP
Psalm 38:17,18 AMP 2 Corinthians 2:7 AMP
Psalm 139:2-5 MESSAGE 2 Samuel 12:23 AMP
1 John 1:9 Titus 2:13 AMP



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