The Throne Room

Then suddenly ... I saw a door open into the heavenly realm,

and the same trumpet-voice I heard speaking with me at the

beginning said, "Ascend into this realm!"


By the grace of God, every barrier between you and heaven has been removed. Sacred blood has been spilled for you, ensuring that you can come freely, without hesitation, before Our Father God! What a miracle is this! You look like Jesus when you come before Him, for the nature of the Lamb is now within you. God has now seated you at His right hand, the place of favor and authority. You are robed, crowned, and enthroned. It doesn't get much better than that!

Many of God's prophets had throne room encounters. These will increase as we get closer to the unveiling of Christ. Isaiah saw the Lord God high and lifted up. He was taken into the throne room and saw nothing but fire and glory. Ezekiel had the throne room come to him! It was like a chariot-throne surrounded by blazing fire, wings, wheels, and eyes. Daniel saw the chariot-throne with fire coming out from before Him. Amos, Zechariah, and other prophetic seers had encounters in the throne room. And this is where Christ now invites us to come, boldly, with confidence in the blood of Jesus, and draw near! He is saying to us what He said to John on Patmos in Revelation 4:1. It's as though He is saying to us, "Rise up into this heavenly realm, and enter the throne room so that I can unveil Myself to you!"

This is a call to "come up higher" to the third heaven! John has just entered into another realm through this "door standing open in heaven." His environment has entirely changed, and I believe his focus has changed. His focus for two chapters (Revelation 2-3) was with sin and the church in the earth, but now his focus is upon the Throne of God and the Glory of God. The Throne and the Glory now operate on earth through us! This door opened in heaven speaks of an entrance granted into a realm beyond the flesh, beyond the physical and physical senses, into the realm of the Spirit. That is where John entered, and that is the character of the things John saw.

He beheld heavenly things spiritual realities. He saw a throne set in heaven he perceived the authority, power, and dominion of the Spirit. He saw living creatures near the throne, the principle of manifest life in the Spirit. He saw the four living creatures in the midst of the throne and twenty-four elders round about the throne the King- Priest ministry after the order of Melchizedek in the power of an endless life. There will be a vast number of people that hear the voice of the Lord in this hour. They will see that a door has been opened in the heavenly realm through which those who are obedient shall enter into a state of being and a ministry of unsurpassed and unimaginable glory in the throne room!


Jesus Himself has told us! Of all that Jesus said about the life of sonship and entrance into the glory and power of the kingdom of God, nothing is more significant than these words: "I am the door the gateway into the eternal realm." He alone is the new and living way, the truth, and the life. What a strange but wonderful figure of speech Jesus, the door! Now what does a door signify? One can judge the interior of a house by its door. Is the door shabby, with its paint peeling off, hanging on a single hinge? Then it opens into a house of the same character run down, in disorder, unkept. If, on the other hand, the door is spacious, costly, ornamental, and distinctive, one has a right to expect that the building into which it leads is splendid, spacious, and beautiful. Truly, this metaphor of Christ as the door is enchanting! He is the door to the life of sonship, the life of immortality, the life of glory and power. And if he is but the door, what must the full experience of that life be like? It cannot be less than Christ! It must be as much as Jesus was to His disciples and the multitudes who followed Him that much and more!

To the Lord Jesus Himself, the heavens were opened at His baptism, and He saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove, and lighting upon Him, and a voice from heaven saying, "This is the Son I love, and my greatest delight is in him" (Matthew 3:16-17). This opening of the heavens to Christ was His public introduction as the Son of God! The opened heavens declared His sonship! It marks the beginning of that full revelation through Him of the mystery of God revealed in sons! Have you heard the voice saying to you, Come up into a heavenly realm? All who are called to be a prayer partner with Jesus have heard that voice!

When we read these meaningful words of a door opened in heaven, with our mind's eye we can visualize a huge door creaking on its hinges, opening up in the sky. But that is not at all what John saw! The Greek word for door is thura, meaning "a portal" or "an entrance." A portal or an entrance is opened unto us! The word can also mean "a vestibule," and it denotes the first awareness of entrance into something. It is the place of transition from the earthly to the heavenly. The Greek text indicates that the door is there and it's standing open. This portal is the invitation of the Father by the Spirit, for upon seeing the door, John immediately "became in the Spirit" or passed through the door and found Himself standing in the throne room. A portal is a passage into another realm. The door is the spirit of Christ, and the spirit of His sonship is the open gateway into the throne room of the heavens! "Instantly I was taken into the spirit realm and behold I saw a heavenly throne set in place and someone seated upon it" (Revelation 4:2). When the eagle-eyed seer of Patmos, being in the Spirit, looked into the heavens, he saw a throne. This throne represents dominion, authority, and power. We have to rise into a new realm to really understand the government of God: His throne! Everything centers on the throne. The first and last thing that will be seen in the open heavens is the throne, with the Lamb in the center! As we ascend in the Spirit to reign with Christ in His throne, it indicates a departure from the candlestick in the Holy Place to follow our glorious and exalted forerunner beyond the veil into the throne room of the Holiest of All. It means entrance into a greater, deeper, and higher relationship with Christ the Lord.


As John moves through the veil, he sees the throne room with One sitting on the throne. This throne is actually the blood-sprinkled mercy seat! This is where we are invited to sit (Revelation 3:21) and fellowship with Jesus! Thank God, the throne of the universe is the throne of mercy! All men may boldly approach the throne of grace.

When Jesus says, "Come unto me," He is not speaking geographically; The journey to Christ and into Christ is not outward or physical; it is inward and spiritual. At the conclusion of the messages to the churches in Revelation, the Lord says, "Behold, I stand at the door and knock." Notice that Jesus does not call this "a door" or "your door" or identify it as any particular door. He calls it the door. It is one specific door, the identity of which is taken for granted. It is abundantly clear that the door He knocks upon is the door that separates the realm of the seven lampstands and the throne room! This door is the same as the veil that separates the Holy Place from the Most Holy Place! First, the Lord stands knocking at the door. He follows this with the promise of raising us up to His throne to overcome all things. Then, only two verses later, John says, "After this I looked, and saw a portal open in heaven." And through that door, he saw the throne! Do you not see the mystery? It seems clear that the "door" that was opened in heaven was the very same "door" that Jesus knocked upon. It is the gateway between the two realms, the gateway between the lampstand realm and the throne!

Christ comes into us from the heavenly realm to feast with us. This means He descends through the door, but we must open it! What a table He has spread as He has taught us of Himself, His word, His ways, and His will. In the holy intimacy of this supping together, He has brought us to a fuller and more complete knowing and experiencing of who He is! And because we have opened the door ... the door is now still standing open into the heavenly realm! Christ came through the door to feast with us, and now He arises from the meal, He bids us go through the door and enter with Him into His throne!

The realm of heaven is calling you to arise and come up higher. The mountains of spice are waiting for you to visit. The Throne Room is the place of prayer with Jesus. This is the same message Jesus speaks to every one of His lovers, for we are His beloved. 

Arise, my dearest. Hurry, my darling. Come away with me! I have come as you have asked to draw you to my heart and lead you out. For now is the time, my beautiful one. The season has changed, the bondage of your barren winter has ended, and the season of hiding is over and gone. The rains have soaked the earth and left it bright with blossoming flowers.

The season for singing and pruning the vines has arrived.

I hear the cooing of doves in our land, filling the air with songs to awaken you and guide you forth. Can you not discern this new day of destiny breaking forth around you? The early signs of my purposes and plans are bursting forth. The budding vines of new life are now blooming everywhere. The fragrance of their flower's whispers, "There is change in the air." Arise, my love, my beautiful companion, and run with me to the higher place. For now, is the time to arise and come away with me.

(Song of Songs 2:10-13)

Pray this today: Jesus, we hear your voice calling us to pray. We will arise now in search of you. We will find you and not let you go until we are fully one with you. We will be your prayer partner and rise to run away with you! Amen.



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