Overcoming Discouragement

Moses returned to the Lord and said, “O Lord, why have
you brought trouble upon this people? Is this why you sent me?
Ever since I went to Pharaoh to speak in your name, he has
brought trouble upon this people, and you have not rescued your
people at all.”
Exodus 5:22,23 NIV
Here in this passage, we find Moses discouraged,
complaining to God.
It is important that we approach God with integrity and in
an attitude of humility. But because we fear making a negative
confession, we sometimes cross the line of honesty into the line of
denial and delusion.
Let’s be honest. God already knows what we are feeling.
He can handle our anger, complaints, and disappointments. He
understands us. He is aware of our human frailties
( Ps. 103:14) and can be touched with the feelings of our
infirmities (Heb. 4:15).
Whether your “trouble” is a business failure, abandonment,
depression, a mental disorder, a chemical imbalance, oppression, a
marriage problem, a child who is in a strange land of drugs and
alcohol, financial disaster, or anything else, the following prayer is
for you.
Sometimes when you are in the midst of discouragement, it
is difficult to remember that you have ever known any Scripture. I
admonish you to read this prayer aloud until you recognize the
reality of God’s Word in your spirit, soul, and body. Remember,
God is watching over His Word to perform it ( Jer. 1:12 AMP). He
will perfect that which concerns you (Ps. 138:8).
Lord, I do not understand why You have allowed this trouble
to assail me. It was after I began to follow You in obedience that
this trouble was manifested in my life. I have exhausted all my
possibilities for changing my situation and circumstances and have
found that I am powerless to change them. I believe; help me
overcome my unbelief. All things are not possible with man, but
all things are possible with You. I humble myself before You, and
You will lift me up.
I have a great High Priest Who has gone through the
heavens: Jesus, Your Son. And I hold firmly to the faith I profess.
My High Priest is able to sympathize with my weaknesses. He
was tempted in every way, just as I am — yet was without sin. I
approach Your throne of grace with confidence, so that I may
receive mercy and find grace to help me in my time of need.
In the face of discouragement, disappointment, and anger, I
choose to believe that Your word to Moses is Your word to me.
You are mighty to deliver. Because of Your mighty hand, You will
drive out the forces that have set themselves up against me. You
are the Lord, Yahweh, the Promise-Keeper, the Almighty One.
You appeared to Abraham, to Isaac, and to Jacob and established
Your covenant with them.
Father, I believe that You have heard my groaning, my cries.
I will live to see Your promises of deliverance fulfilled in my life.
You have not forgotten one word of Your promise; You are a
It is You Who will bring me out from under the yoke of
b ondage and free me from being a slave to _____________. You
have redeemed me with an outstre t ched arm and with mighty
acts of judgment. You have taken me as Your ow n , and You are
my God. You are a father to me. You have delive red me from the
past that has held me in bondage and translated me into the
K i n g d om of love, p e a c e, j oy, and righteousness. I will no lon g e r
settle for the pain of the past. Where sin abounds, g race does
mu ch more abound.
Father, what You have promised, I will go and possess, in the
name of Jesus. I am willing to take the chance, to take the risk, to
get back into the good fight of faith. It is with patient endurance
and steady and active persistence that I run the race, the appointed
course that is set before me. I rebuke the spirit of fear, for I am
established in righteousness. Oppression and destruction shall not
come near me. Behold, they may gather together and stir up strife,
but it is not from You, Father.Whoever stirs up strife against me
shall fall and surrender to me. I am more than a conqueror
through Him Who loves me.
In His name I pray, amen.

Scripture References
(This prayer is based on Exodus 5:22-6:11
and includes other verses where applicable.)
Mark 9:24 NIV Deuteronomy 26:8
Luke 18:27 Colossians 1:13
1 Peter 5:6 NIV Romans 5:20
Hebrews 4:14-16 NIV 1 Timothy 6:12
Exodus 6:3,4 AMP Hebrews 12:1 AMP
Genesis 49:22-26 AMP Isaiah 54:14-16
1 Kings 8:56 Romans 8:37



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