Committing to a Fast

Committing to a Fast
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I N T RO D U C T I O N  
There are different kinds of fasts: a total fast from foods and
liquids for a short interval of time; a liquid fast, in which
only water may be drunk; a juice fast, which involves drinking
water and a given amount of juices at normal mealtimes; a fast
from meats, in which only fruits and vegetables may be eaten.
It is important to understand the effects of fasting on the
spirit, soul, and body. Before committing to a fast, I encourage you
to study the Word of God and to read books that provide important
nutritional and other health information. Understanding will help
to avoid harm and injury — both physically and spiritually.
Do not flaunt your fast, but do talk with your family and
close associates if necessary to let them know what you are doing.
(Personal note: During times of fasting I continue to prepare
meals at home for my family.)
Father, I consecrate this fast to You and set my mind to gain
understanding in these matters for which I am concerned. (Write
your concerns out and keep them before your eyes. Do not lose sight of
the reason for your fast.)
I humble myself before You, Most High God. In accordance
with Daniel 10:1-3, I will eat no _______________ for the period
of ________.
I obey the words of Jesus by putting on festive clothing, so
that no one will suspect that I am fasting.
Father, You know every secret, and I look to You for my
reward. I am assured that You hear me when I pray according to
Your will, and I know that I shall have the petitions that I desire
of You.
Father, I delight myself in You, and You cause my desires to
be agreeable with Your will.
I choose the fast You have chosen: to loose the chains of
injustice and untie the cords of the yoke, to set the oppressed free
and break every yoke. I share my food with the hungry and
provide the poor wanderer with shelter. When I see the naked, I
will clothe him, and I will not turn away from my own flesh and
blood. Then my light will break forth like the dawn, and my
healing will quickly appear; then my righteousness will go before
me, and Your glory, Lord, will be my rear guard.
Father, thank You for cleansing me — spirit, soul, and body.
All my ways seem innocent to me, but my motives are weighed by
You, my Lord and my Master. I commit this fast to You, and my
plans will succeed. I thank You that it is You Who give the wise
answer of the tongue.
Foreve r, O Lord, Your Word stands firm in heaven. Your
faithfulness extends to eve ry genera t i on, like the earth You created;
it endures by Your decre e, for eve rything serves Your plans.
In Jesus’ name, amen.
Scripture References
Matthew 6:17,18 TLB 1 Thessalonians 5:23
1 John 5:14,15 Proverbs 16:2,3 NIV
Psalm 37:4 Proverbs 16:1
Proverbs 16:3 AMP Psalm 119:89-91 TLB
Isaiah 58:6-8 TLB
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It is best to break a fast by eating fruit, broth, or a light salad,
gradually adding other foods day by day depending upon the
length of the fast.
Father, in the name of Jesus, You are my Light and my
Salvation; whom shall I fear? You are the Strength of my life; of
whom shall I be afraid?
Father, You have given me the desires of my heart. You have
heard and answered my prayers.To You be the glory! Great things
You have done!
I rest in You, awaiting the manifestation of all that I required
and inquired of You.
I thank You for giving me Your strength to face each day full
of sap [of spiritual vitality]. Today I break this fast as You have
directed. I thank You for this food because it is consecrated by
Your Word and prayer.
In Jesus’ name, amen.
Scripture References
Psalm 27:1 Psalm 92:14 AMP
Psalm 37:4 1 Timothy 4:4,5 AMP
Psalm 34:4 AMP



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