A Ministry in Need of Finances

A Ministry in Need
of Finances
 This prayer was written in response to an appeal for help
from a ministry in a financial crunch. This ministry reaches
out to people addicted to drugs, alcohol, and other substances.
After we had prayed the following prayer, it was given to our
editor and prayer request correspondent. It can be used to pray for
the needs of any ministry.
Father, in the name of Jesus, we believe that all of the needs
of _________ are met, according to Philippians 4:19.We believe
that — because this ministry has given tithes and offerings to
further Your cause to help youth, adults, and families come to the
knowledge of the truth — [gifts] will be given to them; good
measure, pressed down, shaken together, and running over will
they be poured into their bosom. For with the measure they deal
out, it will be measured back to them.
Father, in the name of Jesus, we ask on the authority of Your
Word that those in Your Body who have sown [the seed of ]
spiritual good among the people will reap from the people’s
material benefits, for You have directed that those who publish the
good news of the Gospel should live and get their maintenance by
the Gospel.
We confess that Your ministers with ________ Ministry seek
and are eager for the fruit that increases to the people’s credit [the
harvest of blessing that is accumulating to their account]. The
people’s gifts are the fragrant odor of an offering and sacrifice that
You, Father, welcome and in which You delight. You will liberally
supply (fill to the full) the people’s every need according to Your
riches in glory in Christ Jesus.
Father, we call forth partners who will respond to Your call to
support this ministry prayerfully and financially.
Lord, we thank You for directing the leader _________, who
seeks Your ways, teaching him/her the fortitude of Your Word and
the steadfastness of its truth. Your anointing, which destroys the
yoke of bondage, abides within him/her permanently. Teach
him/her to pray for the people and the government of our land.
We thank You for Your Word, which brings freedom to the
hearers, and we thank You for preparing their hearts to receive the
good news of the Gospel.
Lord, strengthen (complete, perfect) and make ________
what he/she ought to be, equipping him/her with everything good
that he/she may carry out Your will; [while You Yourself ] work in
him/her and accomplish that which is pleasing in Your sight,
through Jesus Christ (the Messiah), to Whom be the glory forever
and ever (to the ages of the ages).
In His name we pray, amen.

Scripture References
Luke 6:38 AMP Isaiah 10:27
1 Corinthians 9:11,13 AMP 1 Timothy 2:1-3 AMP
Philippians 4:17-19 AMP John 8:32
Matthew 9:38 AMP Hebrews 13:21 AMP



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