Hedge of Protection

Hedge of Protection
Father, in the name of Jesus, we lift up __________ to You
and pray a hedge of protection around him/her.We thank
You, Father, that You are a wall of fire round about __________
and that you set Your angels round about him/her.
We thank You, Father, that __________ dwells in the secret
place of the Most High and abides under the shadow of the
Almighty. We say of You, Lord, You are his/her refuge and
fortress, in You will he/she trust. You cover __________ with Your
feathers, and under Your wings shall he/she trust. __________
shall not be afraid of the terror by night or the arrow that flies by
day. Only with his/her eyes will __________ behold and see the
reward of the wicked.
Because __________ has made You, Lord, his/her refuge and
fortress, no evil shall befall him/her — no accident will overtake
him/her — neither shall any plague or calamity come near
him/her. For you give Your angels charge over __________, to
keep him/her in all Your ways.
Father, b e cause You have set Your love upon __________,
therefore will You deliver him/her. __________ shall ca ll upon You,
and You will answer him/her. You will be with him/her in trouble
and will satisfy __________ with a long life and show him/her Your
salvation. Not a hair of his/her head shall perish. Amen.

Scripture References
Ezekiel 22:30 Psalm 91:4,5 AMP
Zechariah 2:5 Psalm 91:8-11 AMP
Psalm 34:7 Psalm 91:14-16 AMP
Psalm 91:1,2 AMP Luke 21:18



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