Single Believer

Single Believer
__________ is united to the Lord and has become one spirit
with Him. __________ shuns immorality and all sexual looseness.
__________ flees from impurity in thought, word, or deed.
__________will not sin against his/her body by committing
sexual immorality. His/her body is the temple of the Holy Spirit,
Whom he/she has received as a gift from God. __________ is not
his/her own. __________ was bought for a price and made God’s
own. __________ will honor God and bring glory to Him in
his/her spirit, soul, and body, which are God’s.
____________ shuns youthful lusts and flees from them and
aims at and pursues righteousness — all that is virtuous and
go o d , right living, c on f o rm i ty to the will of God in thought,
w o rd , and deed. He/she aims at and pursues faith, l ove, and peace
— which is harm ony and con c o rd with others — in fellowship
with all Christians who call upon the name of the Lo rd out of a
p u re heart.
______________ shrinks from whatever might offend You,
Father, or discredit the name of Christ. ______________ shows
himself/herself to be a blameless, guileless, innocent, and
uncontaminated child of God, without blemish (faultless) in the
midst of a cro oked and wicked generation, a m ong whom
__________ is seen as a bright light shining out clearly in the dark
world, holding out to it and offering to all the Word of Life.
Thank You, Father, that Jesus is Lord.
In Jesus’ name, amen.
Scripture References (AMP)
1 Corinthians 6:17-20 Philippians 2:12,15,16
2 Timothy 2:22



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