Godly Order in Pregnancy and Childbirth

Godly Order in
and Childbirth
Father, in Jesus’ name, I confess Your Word this day over my
pregnancy and the birth of my child. I ask You to quickly
perform Your Word, trusting that it will not go out from You and
return to You void, but rather that it will accomplish that which
pleases You. Your Word is quick and powerful and discerns my
heart intentions and the thoughts of my mind.
Right now I put on the whole armor of God so that I may be
able to stand against the tricks and traps of the devil. I recognize
that my fight is not with flesh and blood, but against
principalities, powers, and the rulers of darkness and spiritual
wickedness in high places. God, I stand above all, taking the shield
of faith and being able to quench the attacks of the devil with Your
mighty power. I stand in faith during this pregnancy and birth, not
giving any room to fear, but possessing power, love, and a sound
mind, as Your Word promises in 2 Timothy 1:7.
Heavenly Father, I confess that You are my Refuge; I trust
You during this pregnancy and childbirth. I am thankful that You
have put angels at watch over me and my unborn child. I cast all
the care and burden of this pregnancy over on You, Lord. Your
grace is sufficient for me through this pregnancy; You strengthen
my weaknesses.
Father, Your Word declares that my unborn child was created
in Your image, fearfully and wonderfully made to praise You. You
have made me a joyful mother, and I am blessed with a heritage
from You as my reward. I commit this child to You, Father, and
pray that he/she will grow and call me blessed.
I am not afraid of pregnancy or childbirth because I am fixed
and trusting upon You, Father. I believe that my pregnancy and
childbirth will be void of all problems. Thank You, Father, that all
decisions regarding my pregnancy and delivery will be godly, that
the Holy Spirit will intervene. Lord, You are my Dwelling Place,
and I rest in the knowledge that evil will not come near me and no
sickness or infirmity will strike me or my unborn child. I know
that Jesus died on the cross to take away my sickness and pain.
Having accepted Your Son, Jesus, as my Savior, I confess that my
child will be born healthy and completely whole. Thank You,
Father, for the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus that has
made me and my child free from the law of sin and death!
Father, thank You for protecting me and my baby and for
our good health. Thank You for hearing and answering my
p raye r s . Am e n .
Scripture References
Jeremiah 1:12 Proverbs 31:28
Isaiah 55:11 Psalm 112:7
Hebrews 4:12 Psalm 91:1,10
Ephesians 6:11,12,16 Matthew 8:17
Psalm 91:2,11 Romans 8:2



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