A Christian Counselor

A Christian
Father, in the name of Jesus, I pray for _____________ to
exhort and counsel the emotionally wounded. I ask in faith
that Your Spirit will rest upon him/her — the Spirit of wisdom
and understanding, the Spirit of counsel and might. Give him/her
insight and knowledge for understanding his/her counselees’
responses to circumstances.
Thank You, Father, that __________ is a good listener to the
confessions of his/her counselees. Help him/her to comprehend
the unfolding of those past hurts that influence reactions to
current situations.
Lord, __________ will not judge by what he/she sees with
his/her eyes or decide by what he/she hears with his/her ears.
He/she will judge the needy and give decisions with justice.
Righteousness will be his/her belt, and faithfulness the sash
around his/her waist. He/she will be clothed with fairness and
with truth.
Thank You that ________ is a promoter of peace and is filled
with joy. Grant Your counselor, out of the rich treasury of Your
glory, to be strengthened and reinforced with mighty power in the
inner man by the [Holy] Spirit [Himself indwelling his/her
innermost being and personality].
You will not leave ________ without support as he/she gives
his/her time and concern, helping to complete the forgiveness
process. He/she will be confident about his/her convictions,
knowing excellent things, and will have the knowledge to assist
Your children in knowing the certainty of the words of truth.
In Jesus’ name, amen.
Scripture References
Isaiah 11:2,3 AMP Ephesians 3:16 AMP
Isaiah 11:4,5 NIV Proverbs 22:20,21 AMP
Isaiah 11:5 TLB



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