Improving Communication

__________ is a disciple of Christ — taught of the Lord and
obedient to His will. Great is his/her peace and undisturbed
composure. __________ is constantly renewed in the spirit of
his/her mind — having a fresh mental and spiritual attitude —
and is putting on the new nature — the regenerate self — created
in God’s image, Godlike in true righteousness and holiness.
His/her life lovingly expresses truth in all things — speaking
truly, dealing truly, living truly. __________ is enfolded in love,
growing up in every way and in all things into Him, who is the
Head, even Christ, the Messiah, the Anointed One. His/her
mouth shall utter truth. __________ speaks excellent and princely
things — the opening of his/her lips is for right things. All the
words of his/her mouth are righteous. There is nothing contrary
to truth or crooked in them.
_____________ inclines his/her heart to Your testimonies,
Father, and not to covetousness (robbery, sensuality, or unworthy
riches). _____________ does not love or cherish the world. The
love of the Father is in him/her. __________ is set free from the
lust of the flesh (craving for sensual gratification), the lust of the
eyes (greedy longings of the mind), and the pride of life (assurance
in his own resources or in the stability of earthly things).
_________ perceives and knows the truth and that nothing false
is of the truth.
__________ prizes Your wisdom, Father, and exalts it, and it
will exalt and promote him/her. __________ attends to God’s
Word, consents and submits to Your sayings. __________ keeps
them in the center of his/her heart. For they are life to
__________ and medicine to all his/her flesh. __________ keeps
his/her heart with all diligence, for out of it flow the springs of life.
__________ will do nothing from factional motives, through
contentiousness, strife, selfishness, or for unworthy ends — or
prompted by conceit and empty arrogance. Instead, in the true
spirit of humility, does __________ regard others as better than
himself/herself. __________ esteems and looks upon and is
concerned not merely for his/her own interests, but also for the
interests of others.
__________ lets this same attitude and purpose and humble
mind be in him/her that was in Christ Jesus. Thank You, Father,
in Jesus’ name. Amen.
Scripture References (AMP)
Isaiah 54:13 Psalm 119:36
Ephesians 4:23,24 1 John 2:15,16,21
Ephesians 4:15 Proverbs 4:8,20-23
Proverbs 8:6-8 Philippians 2:2-5



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