
Father, we lift before You those in the Body of Christ who
are out in the field carrying the good news of the Gospel
not only in this country, but also around the world.We lift those
in the Body of Christ who are suffering persecution — those who
are in prison for their beliefs. Father, we know that You watch over
Your Word to perform it, that Your Word prospers in the thing for
which You sent it. Therefore, we speak Your Word and establish
Your covenant on this earth.We pray here, and others receive the
answer there by the Holy Spirit.
Thank You, Father, for revealing unto Your people the
integrity of Your Word and that they must be firm in faith against
the devil’s onset, withstanding him. Father, You are their Light,
Salvation, Refuge, and Stronghold. You hide them in Your shelter
and set them high upon a rock. It is Your will that each one
prospers, is in good health, and lives in victory. You set the
prisoners free, feed the hungry, execute justice, rescue, and deliver.
We commission the ministering spirits to go forth and
provide the necessary help for and assistance to these heirs of
salvation.We and they are strong in the Lord and in the power of
Your might, quenching every dart of the devil in Jesus’ name.
Father, we use our faith, covering these in the Body of Christ
with Your Word. We say that no weapon formed against them
shall prosper, and any tongue that rises against them in judgment
they shall show to be in the wrong. This peace, security, and
triumph over opposition is their inheritance as Your children. This
is the righteousness they obtain from You, Father, which You
impart to them as their justification. They are far from even the
thought of destruction; for they shall not fear, and terror shall not
come near them.
Father, You say You will establish them to the end — keep
them steadfast, give them stre n g t h , and guarantee their
vindication, that is, be their Warrant against all accusation or
indictment. They are not anxious beforehand how they shall reply
in defense or what they are to say, for the Holy Spirit teaches them
in that very hour and moment what they ought to say to those in
the outside world, their speech being seasoned with salt.
We commit these, our brothers and sisters in the Lord, to
You, Father, deposited into Your charge, entrusting them to Your
protection and care, for You are faithful. You strengthen them and
set them on a firm foundation and guard them from the Evil One.
We join our voices in praise unto You, Most High, that You might
silence the enemy and avenger. Praise the Lord! Greater is He that
is in us than he that is in the world!
In Jesus’ name we pray, amen.
Scripture References
Jeremiah 1:12 Ephesians 6:10,16
Isaiah 55:11 Isaiah 54:14,17
1 Peter 5:9 1 Corinthians 1:8
Psalm 27:1,5 Luke 12:11,12
3 John 2 Colossians 4:6
1 John 5:4,5 Acts 20:32
Psalm 146:7 2 Thessalonians 3:3
Psalm 144:7 Psalm 8:2
Matthew 18:18 1 John 4:4
Hebrews 1:14



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