Deliverance From Cults

Deliverance From Cults
Father, in the name of Jesus, we come before You in prayer
and in faith, believing that Your Wo rd runs swiftly
throughout the earth, for the Word of God is not chained or
imprisoned. We bring before You _____________ (those, and
families of those, involved in cults).
Father, stretch forth Your hand from above; rescue and
deliver __________ out of great waters, from the land of hostile
aliens whose mouths speak deceit and whose right hands are right
hands raised in taking fraudulent oaths. Their mouths must be
stopped, for they are mentally distressing and subverting
__________ and whole families by teaching what they ought not
teach for the purpose of getting base advantage and disreputable
gain. But, praise God, they will not get very far, for their rash folly
will become obvious to everybody!
Execute justice, precious Father, for the oppressed. Set the
prisoners free, open the eyes of the blind, lift up the bowed down,
heal the brokenhearted, and bind up their wounds. Lift up the
humble and downtrodden, and cast the wicked down to the
ground in the mighty name of Jesus.
Turn back the hearts of the disobedient, incredulous, and
unpersuadable to the wisdom of the upright and the knowledge of
the will of God, in order to make ready for You, Lord, a people
perfectly prepared in spirit, adjusted, disposed, and placed in the
right moral state.
Father, You say in Your Word to refrain our voices from
weeping and our eyes from tears, for our prayers shall be rewarded
and __________ shall return from the enemy’s land and come
again to his/her own country. You will save our offspring from the
land of their exile; from the east and the west — sons from afar
and daughters from the ends of the earth. We shall see
__________ walking in the ways of piety and virtue, revering Your
name, Father. Those who err in spirit will come to understanding.
Those who murmur discontentedly will accept instruction in the
Way, Jesus. Father, You contend with those who contend with us,
and You give safety to __________.
In the name of Jesus, I bind ________’s feet to the paths of
righteousness, that his/her steps would be steady and sure. I bind
________ to the work of the Cross, with all of its mercy, grace, love,
forgiveness, and dying to self.
I loose the power and effects of deceptions and lies from him/her. I
loose the confusion and blindness of the god of this world from ______’s
mind that have kept him/her from seeing the light of the gospel of Jesus
Christ. I call forth every precious word of Scripture that has eve r
entered into his/her mind and heart, that it would rise up in power
within him/her. I loose the power and effects of any harsh or hard words
(word curses) spoken to, about, or by __________.
Jesus gave me the keys and the authority to bind and loose these
things in His name. Thank You, Lord, for the truth.1
Father, we ask You to commission the ministering spirits to
go forth and dispel these forces of darkness and bring __________
home in the name of Jesus.
Father, we believe and con fess that __________ has had
knowledge of and been acquainted with the Word, w h i ch was able
to instruct him/her and give him/her the understanding for salvation
that comes through faith in Christ Jesus. Lord, we pray and believe
that You cert a i n ly will deliver __________ from every assault of ev i l
and draw __________ to Yourself and pre s e rve and bring
__________ safe into Your heave n ly Kingdom. Glory to You, Father,
Who deliver those for whom we intercede in Jesus’ name! Amen.
Note: Pray this prayer until faith arises in you. Then you will
know that God shall perform His Word in the life of the one for
whom you are interceding. The Holy Spirit is your Helper.When
you perceive the intercession is completed, surround the individual
with songs and shouts of deliverance in your prayer closet.
Scripture References
Psalm 147:15 Isaiah 43:5,6
2 Timothy 2:9 Isaiah 29:23,24
Psalm 144:7,8 Isaiah 49:25
Titus 1:11 Matthew 18:18
2 Timothy 3:9 2 Timothy 3:2-9
Psalm 146:7,8 Hebrews 1:14
Psalm 147:3-6 2 Timothy 3:15
Luke 1:17 2 Timothy 4:18
Jeremiah 31:16,17 Job 22:30
Jeremiah 46:27



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