Healing of the Handicapped

Healing of the
Father, we come before you boldly and confidently, knowing
that You are not a man that You should lie and that You
watch over Your Word to perform it. Therefore, Father, we bring
before You those who are called handicapped and ill—mentally
and physically. Father, by the authority of Your Word, we know
without a doubt that it is Your will for these people—babies,
children and adults—to be made completely whole and restored in
the name of Jesus.
Although satan, the god of this world, comes against Your
handiwork, we know You are the God of miracles, the God of
love, power and might. Through Your redemptive plan, we are
redeemed from the curse of the law. The law of the Spirit of life
in Christ Jesus has made us free from the law of sin and death.We
are seated with Christ in heavenly places far above all satanic
forces. We bring those who have been attacked mercilessly—
mentally and/or physically—before Your throne of grace. We
intercede on their behalf, and for their families and loved ones.
We proclaim the victory Jesus won at Calvary when He
disarmed the principalities and powers that were waged against us.
We believe that everyone who has the opportunity this day to
make Jesus their Lord and Savior will call upon His name and be
saved. We bind their spirits, souls and bodies to the will of God,
to the blood of Jesus, to mercy, grace and truth. We destroy
strongholds of unforgiveness, fear, and distrust. In the name of
Jesus, we loose unbelief, fear, discouragement, tra d i t i on ,
depression and oppression from the minds of the parents, children
and individuals involved.
Father, we pray for born-again, Spirit-filled individuals in
positions of authority—administrators, teachers, doctors, nurses,
orderlies, attendants and volunteers. We pray that men and
women of integrity, blameless and complete in Your sight, remain
in these positions, but that the wicked be cut off and the
treacherous be rooted out. Father, we pray for laborers of the
harvest to go forth preaching the good news to the lost and to the
Body of Christ.
We pray that You quicken these individuals to Your Word—
that they may be filled with wisdom and revelation knowledge
concerning the integrity of Your Word, speaking faith-filled words
and doing faith-filled actions. We pray for the infilling of the
Holy Spirit, divine health, the fruit of the recreated human spirit,
the gifts of the Holy Spirit and deliverance. May they know that
Jesus is their Source of every con s o l a t i on, comfort and
encouragement, and that they are to be sanctified—spirit, soul and
body. We confess that they are redeemed from the curse of the
law—redeemed from every sickness, disease, malady, affliction,
defect, deficiency, deformity, injury and every demon.
We speak healing to unborn infants in the wombs of mothers
for children are a heritage of the Lord and the fruit of the womb
is their reward. (Ps. 127:3)
We speak restoration to damaged brain cells and activation of
d o rmant brain cell s . We speak normal intellect for on e’s age. We
speak creative mira cles to parts of the body and healing to all
wounds. We speak words of life and say that they shall live in
victory in this life and not die.We speak perfect soundness of mind
and wholeness in body and spiri t . We say that tongues are loosed
and speech is distinct.We say ears, heart and eyes see in the name
of Jesus.We say demons are cast out, bowing to the name of Jesus.
We speak delive rance to bodies and minds, for You, Lord God, are
the Help of their countenance and the Lifter of those bow e d
down—the joy of the Lord is their strength and stronghold!
We commission God’s ministering spirits to go forth as they
hearken to God’s Word to provide the necessary help and
assistance to those for whom we are praying! Father, no word of
Yours is void of the power that it takes to cause itself to come to
pass! We establish Your Word on this earth, for it is already forever
settled in heaven. Nothing is too hard or impossible for You. All
things are possible to us who believe . We pray for more
intercessors to stand with us. Let our prayers be set forth as
incense before You—a sweet fragrance to You! Praise the Lord! In
Your name we pray, amen.
Scripture References
Romans 3:4 Mark 16:17
Mark 11:23,24 Jeremiah 1:12
Psalm 42:11 1 Peter 2:24
Acts 3:16 Psalm 146:8
Matthew 8:17 2 Corinthians 4:4
Nehemiah 8:10 Mark 7:35
John 10:10 Psalm 103:20
Proverbs 20:12 Galatians 3:13
Matthew 9:37,38 Luke 1:37
Romans 8:2 Ephesians 1:17,18
Psalm 119:89 Ephesians 2:6
2 Corinthians 1:3 Jeremiah 32:27
Matthew 18:18 1 Thessalonians 5:23
Mark 9:23 Proverbs 2:21,22
Psalm 127:3 Psalm 141:2



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