Adopting a Child

Adopting a Child
Father, in Jesus’ name, we come boldly before Your
throne of grace, that we may re c e i ve mercy and find
grace to help in our time of need. We are trusting in You and
seek to do good, so that we may dwell in the land and feed
surely on Your faithfulness.
We delight ourselves also in You, and You give us the desires
and secret petitions of our hearts. We believe our desire to adopt
a child is from You, and we are willing to assume the responsibility
of rearing this child in the ways of the Master.
Father, we commit our way to You [roll and repose each care
of our load on You]. Our confidence is in You, and You will bring
this adoption to pass according to Your purpose and plan.
Lo rd , Your Son , Jesus, demonstrated Your love for ch i l d re n
when He said, “Let the ch i l d ren alon e, don’t prevent them from
c oming to me. God’s kingdom is made up of people like these”
( Matt. 19:14 M ES S AGE). Then He laid hands on them and
blessed them.
Use us as Your instruments of peace and righteousness to
bless this child.We purpose in our hearts to train this child in the
way that he/she should go.
Lord, we are embracing this child (Your best gift) as our very
own with Your love, as Jesus said, “Whoever embraces one of these
children as I do embraces me, and far more than me — God who
sent me” (Mark 9:37 MESSAGE).
Father, take this child up and be a Father and Mother to
him/her as we extend our hands and our hearts to embrace
him/her. Thank You for the blood of Jesus that gives protection to
this one whom we love.
We thank You for the man and woman who conceived this
child and pray that You will bless them, cause Your face to shine
upon them, and be merciful to them. If they do not know Jesus,
we ask You, the Lord of the harvest, to send forth laborers to share
truth with them that they may come out of the snare of the devil.
Mercy and truth are written upon the tablets of our hearts,
and You cause us to find favor and good understanding with You
and with man — the adoption agency staff, the judges, and all
those who are involved in this decision-making process. May all
be careful that they do not despise one of these little ones over
whom they have jurisdiction — for they have angels who see Your
face continually in heaven.
We believe that all our words are righteous (upright and in
right standing with You, Father). By our long forbearing and
calmness of spirit those in authority are persuaded, and our soft
speech breaks down the most bone-like resistance.
Lord, we are looking to You as our Great Counselor and
M i g h ty Advocate.We ask for Your wisdom for us and our attorn eys .
Father, contend with those who contend with us, and give
safety to our child and ease him/her day by day.We are calling on
You in the name of Jesus, and You will answer us and show us
great and mighty things. No weapon formed against us and this
adoption shall prosper, and any tongue that rises against us in
judgment we shall show to be in the wro ng. This [peace,
righteousness, security, and triumph over opposition] is our
inheritance as Your children.
Father, we believe; therefore, we have spoken. May it be done
unto us according to Your Word.
In Jesus’ name, amen.
Scripture References
Hebrews 4:16 Matthew 18:10 PHILLIPS
Psalm 37:3 Proverbs 8:8 AMP
Psalm 37:4 AMP Proverbs 25:15 AMP
Ephesians 6:4 MESSAGE James 1:5
Psalm 37:5 AMP Isaiah 49:25
Proverbs 22:6 Jeremiah 33:3
Psalm 67:1 Isaiah 54:17 AMP
Matthew 9:38 Psalm 116:10
2 Timothy 2:26 Luke 1:38
Proverbs 3:3,4



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