To Walk in Love

To Walk in Love
Father, in Jesus’ name, I thank You that the love of God has
been poured forth into my heart by the Holy Spirit Who
has been given to me. I keep and treasure Your Word. The love of
and for You, Father, has been perfected and completed in me; and
perfect love casts out all fear.
Father, I am Your child, and I commit to walk in the God kind
of love. I endure long; I am patient and kind. I am never envious
and never boil over with jealousy. I am not boastful or
vainglorious, and I do not display myself haughtily. I am not rude
and unmannerly, and I do not act unbecomingly. I do not insist on
my own rights or my own way, for I am not self-seeking, touchy,
fretful, or resentful. I take no account of an evil done to me and
pay no attention to a suffered wrong. I do not rejoice at injustice
and unrighteousness, but I rejoice when right and truth prevail. I
bear up under anything and ever ything that comes. I am ever
ready to believe the best of others. My hopes are fadeless under all
circumstances. I endure everything without weakening because
the love of God in me never fails.
Father, I bless and pray for those who persecute me — who
are cruel in their attitude toward me. I bless them and do not curse
them. T h e re f o re, my love abounds yet more and more in
knowledge and in all judgment. I approve things that are excellent.
I am sincere and without offense till the day of Christ. I am filled
with the fruits of righteousness.
Everywhere I go I commit to plant seeds of love. I thank You,
Father, for preparing hearts ahead of time to receive this love. I
know that these seeds will produce Your love in the hearts to
whom they are given.
Father, I thank You that as I flow in Your love and wisdom,
people are being blessed by my life and ministry. Father, You make
me to find favor, compassion, and lovingkindness with others
(name them).
I am rooted deep in love and founded securely on love,
knowing that You are on my side and nothing is able to separate
me from Your love, Father, which is in Christ Jesus my Lord.
Thank You, Father, in Jesus’ precious name. Amen.
Scripture References
Romans 5:5 Philippians 1:9-11
1 John 2:5 John 13:34
1 John 4:18 1 Corinthians 3:6
1 Corinthians 13:4-8 AMP Daniel 1:9 AMP
Romans 12:14 AMP Ephesians 3:17 AMP
Matthew 5:44 Romans 8:31,39



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