Committing to a Life of Purity

Committing to a
Life of Purity
Father, I come before Your throne of grace in the name of
Jesus. At one time I walked [habitually] following the
course and fashion of this world [under the sway of the
tendency of this present age]. I lived and conducted myself in
the passions of my flesh [my behavior governed by my corrupt
and sensual nature ] , obeying the impulses of the flesh and the
thoughts of my mind [my cravings dictated by my senses and
my dark imaginings].
But, God — You are so rich in Your mercy! Even when I was
dead (slain) by [my own] shortcomings and trespasses, You made
me alive together in union with Christ, and it is by Your grace
(Your favor and mercy that I did not deserve) that I am saved
( d e l i ve red from judgment and made a partaker of Christ’s
salvation). You raised me up together with Him and made us sit
down together [giving me joint seating with Him] in the heavenly
sphere in Christ Jesus (the Messiah, the Anointed One).
You are my Father; I am Your child. Since I am in Christ, I
am a new creature; old things have passed away, and behold, all
things have become new.
In accordance with Your Word, I rid myself of all malice and
a ll deceit, hyp o c risy, envy, and slander of every kind. Like a
n ew b o rn baby, I cra ve pure spiritual milk so that by it I may grow
up in my salv a t i on , now that I have tasted that You, Lord, are go o d .
Father, forgive me for the years of watching, reading, and
listening to vile things. I submit to Jesus Christ, Who loves me
and gave Himself up for me, so that He might sanctify me, having
cleansed me by the washing of water with the Word, that He
might present me to Himself in glorious splendor, without spot or
wrinkle or any such things [that I might be holy and faultless].
Thank You for the blood of Christ,Who through the eternal
Spirit offered Himself unblemished to You, which cleanses my
conscience from acts that lead to death, so that I may serve You,
the living God! Thank You for the Holy Spirit Who indwells me.
He is holy (chaste, pure).
I ask for and receive an impartation of the wisdom that
comes from heaven — it is first of all pure; then peace-loving,
considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial,
and sincere.
May my words issue from a pure heart, and may they be
pleasing to You.
Lord, Your Holy Spirit is my Counselor — [change my
impure language] and give to me a clear and pure speech from
pure lips, that I may call upon Your name, to serve You.
I am transformed (changed) by the [entire] renewal of my
mind, and I bring my thoughts into obedience to Your Word. I fix
my thoughts on what is true and good and right. I determine to
think about things that are pure and lovely, and dwell on the fine,
good things in others. I think about all I can praise You for, and I
am glad. I keep and guard my heart with all vigilance and above
all that I guard, for out of it flow the springs of life.
What [an incredible] quality of love You have given (shown,
bestowed upon) me, that I should [be permitted to] be named and
ca lled and counted a child of God! I am [even here and] now Your
child; it is not yet disclosed (made clear) what I shall be [here a ft e r ] ,
but I know that when Jesus comes and is manifested, I shall [as
Your child] resemble and be like Him, for I shall see Him just as
He [re a lly] is. I have this hope [resting] on Him, and I cleanse
( p u rify) myself just as He is pure (ch a s t e, undefiled, guiltless).
Through the power of the Holy Spirit given to me, I am an
overcomer by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of my
In Jesus’ name I pray, amen.
Scripture References
Ephesians 2:2-6 AMP Proverbs 15:16 AMP
2 Corinthians 5:17 Zephaniah 3:9 AMP
1 Peter 2:1,2 NIV Romans 12:2 AMP
Psalm 101:3 NIV 2 Corinthians 10:5
Ephesians 5:25-27 AMP Philippians 4:8 TLB
Hebrews 9:14 NIV Proverbs 4:23 AMP
1 Thessalonians 4:8 AMP 1 John 3:1-3 AMP
James 3:17 NIV Revelation 12:11

I .
Father, I attend to Your Word. I hide it in my heart that I
might not sin against You. It is not wrong to have sexual desires.
You made me, You know me, and You bought me — I belong to
You. I commit myself and all my natural affections to You, Father,
and acknowledge the power of the Holy Spirit in my life. I give
Him control and submit to Your will.
Forgive me for sinning against You, against myself, and
against others. Thank You for Your grace that enables me to leave
my gift at the altar when I remember that someone has a grievance
against me. I will go and make peace with that person whenever
possible and then come back and present my gift to You.
In the name of Jesus, I thank You for the power to shun
immorality and all sexual looseness. I [flee from impurity in
thought, word, or deed]. My body is the temple (the very
sanctuary) of the Holy Spirit Who lives within me,Whom I have
received [as a gift] from You. I am not my own. I was bought with
a price [purchased with a preciousness and paid for, made Your
own]. So then, I will honor You, Father, and bring glory to You in
my body.
When I read Your Word, I receive the truth that makes me
free. I have won my battle with Satan. I have learned to know You
as my Father. I am strong with Your Word in my heart. I no longer
love this evil world and all that it offers me, for when I love these
things, I show that I do not really love You, Lord; for all these
worldly things, these evil desires — the craze for sex, the ambition
to buy everything that appeals to me, and the pride that comes
from wealth and importance — are not from You, Father. They are
from this evil world itself. This world is fading away, and these
evil, forbidden things will go with it; but whoever keeps doing
Your will, Lord, will live forever.
Thank You, Father, that I have been anointed by [I hold a
sacred appointment from, and I have been given an unction from]
the Holy One, and I know [the truth]. I have received the Holy
Spirit, and He lives within me, in my heart, so that I don’t need
anyone to teach me what is right. For He teaches me all things,
and He is the Truth and no liar; and so, just as He has said, I must
live in Christ, never to depart from Him.
O Father, I stay in happy fellowship with You, so that when
Your Son, Jesus, comes, I will be sure that all is well and will not
have to be ashamed and shrink back from meeting Him. I know
that You are always good and do only right, and I seek to be an
imitator of You and do what is good and right.
In Jesus’ name, amen.
Scripture References
Proverbs 4:20 1 John 2:12-17 TLB
Psalm 119:11 1 John 2:20,27-29 TLB
Matthew 5:23,24 AMP Matthew 6:33 AMP
1 Corinthians 6:18-20 AMP Ephesians 5:1 AMP
John 8:32 AMP

I I .
Father, on the authority of Your Word, I declare and decree
that I am a new creation in Christ. I repent of my former sins,
receive Your forgiveness, and renew my mind — replacing old
thought patterns and habits with Your thoughts and plans for me.
I was a sinner, separated, (living apart) from Christ. But now
in Christ Jesus, my Lord, I have been brought near through the
blood of Christ. I confess that Jesus is my Lord and believe in my
heart that You raised Him from the dead. Therefore, I am
engrafted in Christ (the Messiah). Now, today, I am a new
creation (a new creature altogether); the old [previous moral and
spiritual condition] has passed away. Behold, the fresh and new
has come!
Since I have confidence to enter the Most Holy Place by the
blood of Jesus, by a new and living way opened for me through the
curtain, that is, His body, and since I have a great Priest over the
house of God, I draw near to You, Lord, with a sincere heart in
full assurance of faith, having my heart sprinkled to cleanse me
from a guilty conscience and having my body washed with pure
water. I hold unswervingly to the hope I profess, for He Who
promised is faithful. And I consider how I may spur others on
toward love and good deeds. I will not give up meeting together,
as some are in the habit of doing; but I will encourage others, and
all the more as I see the Day approaching.
Father, I am Your daughter (Your handmaiden), and You
have poured out Your Spirit upon me, and I shall prophesy [telling
forth the divine counsels and predicting future events pertaining
especially to Your Kingdom]. I seek (aim at and strive after) first
of all Your Kingdom and Your righteousness (Your way of doing
and being right), and then all these things taken together will be
given me besides. I will not worry or be anxious about tomorrow,
for tomorrow will have worries and anxieties of its own. Sufficient
for each day is its own trouble.
As Your daughter, I thank You for enduing me with Your
grace (free, spontaneous, absolute favor and loving-kindness).
With You, Father, nothing is ever impossible, and no word from
You shall be without power or impossible of fulfillment.
Father, I submit to Your will for my life. Your ways are higher
than my ways; Your thoughts higher than my thoughts. I commit
my way to You, and You will cause my thoughts to become
agreeable to Your will, and so shall my plans be established and
succeed. I am Your handmaid; let it be done to me according to
Your Word.
Since I have such a huge crowd of men and women of faith
watching me from the grandstands, I strip off anything that slows
me down or holds me back, and especially those sins that wrap
themselves so tightly around my feet and trip me up; and I run
with patience the particular race that You have set before me. I
keep my eyes on Jesus, my Leader and Instructor.
Father, to the pure You show Yourself pure, and to the willful
You show Yourself willful. The afflicted people You will deliver,
but Your eyes are upon the haughty, whom You will bring down.
For You, O Lord, are my Lamp; You, Lord lighten my darkness.
For by You I run through a troop; by You I leap over a wall. As for
You, Lord, Your way is perfect; Your Word is tried. You are my
Shield, for I trust and take refuge in You.
O Father, that I might ascend the hill of the Lo rd and stand
in Your Holy Place. I come with clean hands and a pure heart,
refusing to lift up my soul to an idol or swear by what is false,
that I may re c e i ve blessing and vindica t i on from You, my God
and my Savior. Su re ly, Lo rd God, You are good to those who are
p u re in heart.
In Jesus’ name I pray, amen.

Scripture References
2 Corinthians 5:17 Luke 1:28,30,37 AMP
Romans 12:1,2 AMP Isaiah 55:9 AMP
Jeremiah 29:11 AMP Proverbs 16:3 AMP
Ephesians 2:12,13 AMP Luke 1:38 AMP
Romans 10:9 Hebrews 12:1,2 TLB
2 Corinthians 5:17 AMP 2 Samuel 22:27-31 AMP
Hebrews 10:19-25 NIV Psalm 24:3-5 NIV
Acts 2:17 AMP Psalm 73:1 NIV
Matthew 6:33,34 AMP



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