Overcoming Weariness
This prayer is for everyone
who is experiencing weari n e s s . It is
not limited to the unmarried who are awaiting a life- partner.
Many spouses become weary with heart a ches that they did not
expect to encounter in marri a g e . Their expected marital bliss
t u rned into disappointment, additional wounds, and fru s t ra t
i on.
T h ey are weary with waiting for the healing of the marri a g e
relationship or the delive rance of a spouse, children, or other
love d
ones from various addictions or negative, d e s t ru c t i ve
T h ey long for som e one who will heal their wounds without
them — som e one who will love them uncondition a lly.
Each individual brings baggage into marri a g e, hoping for
a miracle — each partner looking to the other for acceptance
and approval.
According to the letters and comments we have received in
our ministry, unmarried people experience weariness in matters
that married couples may not encounter. Hopefully, we who are
married share responsibilities — household ch o re s . Married
homeowners may divide the work up into inside and outside labor.
Sometimes one spouse neglects his/her responsibility, and the
other finds himself/herself doing the work of two. The single
person is responsible at all times for “the work of two.”
We who are married have another individual involved in the
decision-making process, which can lead to conflict. Conflict is
not always bad. Out of this conflict can come intimacy.We are not
alone in financial decisions, in planning for the future. We may
feel alone, but there is another with whom we can talk, with whom
we can explore possibilities. We have another human being from
whom we can draw strength. Ideally, we grow together.
Sometimes a married person may experience feelings of
“aloneness,” but there is another person in the house, someone
who is going to return, someone whose presence — although in
certain marriages noncommunicative — is experienced.
The unmarried often feel such weariness and dread going
h ome to emptiness — to nothingness. T h ey look for that
individual who will be their soul mate, a life partner, someone
will be present and available in good times and bad, someone who
will love them unconditionally.
(We must all ask ourselves, “Am I ready and willing to love
another person unconditionally?”)
If you have grown weary and are disappointed in your
expectations, I encourage you to seek God for His plan for your
life. Ask the Holy Spirit to help you trust God and not be afraid.
Father, You see my weariness, my uneasiness, proceeding
from continual waiting and disappointed expectation. It seems
that my patience is exhausted, and I am discouraged. I am weary
of asking and waiting for ________.
My soul is weary with sorrow; strengthen me according to
Your Word.
Lord, I come to You, and You give me rest. I take Your yoke
upon me and learn of You, for You are gentle and humble in heart,
and I will find rest for my soul. Your yoke is easy, and Your
is light.
I look to You, Lord, and Your strength; I seek Your face
always. You are my Refuge and Strength, an ever-present help in
trouble. O my Strength, I watch for You; You, O God, are my
Fortress, my loving God. O my Strength, I sing praises to You.
Father, You give strength to the weary and increase the power
of the weak. Even youths grow tired and weary, and young men
stumble and fall; but those who hope in You, Lord, will renew
their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run
and not grow weary. They will walk and not be faint. I purpose to
wait for You, Lord; to be strong and take heart and wait for You.
Lord, You are my Strength and my Song; You have become
my Salvation. You are my God, and I will praise You, my father’s
God, and I will exalt You. In Your unfailing love You will lead
people You have redeemed. In Your strength You will guide them
to Your holy dwelling.
You, Sovereign Lord, have given me an instructed tongue to
know the word that sustains the weary. You waken me morning by
morning, waken my ear to listen like one being taught.
You are my Light and my Salvation — whom shall I fear or
dread? You are the Refuge and Stronghold of my life — of whom
shall I be afraid? You are a shield for me, my Glory, and the
of my head.With my voice I cry to You, Lord, and You hear and
answer me out of Your holy hill. Lord, You sustain me.
I consider it wholly joyful whenever I am enveloped in or
encounter trials of any sort or fall into various temptations. I
assured and understand that the trial and proving of my faith
bring out endurance and steadfastness and patience. I purpose to
let endurance and steadfastness and patience have full play and do
a thorough work, so that I may be perfectly and fully developed
[with no defects], lacking in nothing. I will praise You with my
whole heart; Your joy is my strength.
I determine to consider Him Who endured such opposition
from sinful men, so that I will not grow weary and lose heart.
Father, Your grace is sufficient, and I will not grow weary in
doing good, for at the proper time I will reap a harvest if I do
give up. I am strong in You, Lord, and in Your mighty power.
In the name of Jesus I pray, amen.1
Scripture References
119:28 NIV Psalm 27:1 AMP
11:28-30 NIV Psalm 3:3,4 AMP
Chronicles 16:11 NIV James 1:2-4 AMP
46:1 NIV Psalm 9:1
59:9,17 NIV Nehemiah 8:10
40:29-31 NIV Hebrews 12:3 NIV
27:14 NIV 2 Corinthians 12:9
15:2,13 NIV Galatians 6:9 NIV
50:4 NIV Ephesians 6:10 NIV
1 For additional strength and
guidance, I suggest reading and meditating on the
following passages: Psalm 6, Psalm 18, Psalm 27, Psalm
28, Psalm 38, Psalm 71.