Deliverance From Corrupt Companions

Deliverance From
Corrupt Companions
Father, in the name of Jesus, I ask You to open the eyes of
_____’s understanding, that he might not be deceived by
the influence of corrupt and depraved people. Thank You for
causing him to come alive and awakening him that he might
return to sober sense and his right mind.
Father, I forgive his sins and come before You asking for
mercy — mercy that triumphs over judgment. Thank You for
drawing him to Yourself with cords and bands of love and for
leading him to repentance with Your goodness. Then he will
separate himself from contact with contaminating influences and
cleanse himself from everything that would defile his spirit, soul,
and body.
In the name of Jesus, I bind his mind to the mind of Christ,
that he might live and conduct himself honorably and becomingly
as in the open light of the day. I loose him from the wrong thought
patterns of his former lifestyle that were controlled by a set of
values inspired by the adversary, who misleads those who have not
come alive to Christ.
I ask You to give him a willing heart, that he might be loyally
subject (submissive) to the governing (civil) authority — not
resisting nor setting himself up against them. He shall be
obedient, prepared, and willing to do any upright and honorable
work. He shall walk as a companion with wise men, and he shall
be wise.
__________ is pardoned through the name of Jesus and
because he confesses His name. He is victorious over the wicked
one because he has come to know and recognize and be aware of
the Father.
As _______’s mind is renewed by the Word, the Word dwells
and remains in him, and he dwells in the Son and in the Father
always. God’s nature abides in _______ — His principle of life
remains permanently within him, and he cannot practice sinning
because he is born of God. The law of the Spirit of life in Christ
Jesus has made ________ free from the law of sin and death.
Thank You, Father, for watching over Your Word to perform it, in
Jesus’ name! Amen.
Scripture References
1 Corinthians 15:33,34 Proverbs 28:7
2 Timothy 2:21 AMP 1 Thessalonians 5:22
2 Corinthians 7:1 1 John 2:12-16 AMP
Romans 13:13 AMP 1 John 2:21,24
1 Peter 2:1 1 John 3:9 AMP
Romans 13:1,2 AMP Romans 8:2
Titus 3:1 AMP Jeremiah 1:12
Proverbs 13:20



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