Ministry in Nursing Homes

Ministry in Nursing
Father, thank You for calling me to minister to Your
children in nursing homes. I purpose to keep on going by
Your power, for You first saved me and then called me to this holy
work. I had nothing to do with it. It was Your idea, a gift prepared
for me in Jesus long before I knew anything about it.
But I know it now. Since the appearance of our Savior,
nothing could be plainer; death defeated, life vindicated in a
steady blaze of light — all through the work of Jesus. I couldn’t be
more sure of my ground — the One I’ve trusted in can take care
of what He’s trusted me to do right to the end.
Thank You for Your Word — the entrance of Your Word
brings light, and Your light is the life of men. The words that I
speak are spirit and life, and I pray that the light of the Gospel will
illumine the minds of those to whom I minister.
Father, Your anointing abides within me [permanently] —
thank You for [an unction from] the Holy One. You have
touched my hands with Your anointing, and when I lay hands on
the sick, they shall experience the healing that flows from Your
t h rone and re c over.
Thank You, Lord, for those who welcome me, reaching out
for prayer, encouragement, and hugs. I pray that the light in my
eyes will bring joy to their hearts. Help me to exhort and teach
them to continue in their desire to be useful, fulfilling Your call on
their lives.
Father,You have a purpose for them — it is not Your will that
they be set aside. You want them to continue bringing forth fruit
in their old age. Help me to bring understanding to them.
O Father, I pray for those who are in fetal positions, not
speaking or opening their eyes. Arise, O Sun of righteousness,
with healing in Your wings and minister to these souls who will
soon meet You face to face. I yield my body to You to be used as
an instrument of righteousness, bringing salvation, wholeness,
healing, deliverance, and comfort to the sick and the elderly.
Father, You execute justice for the fatherless and the widow,
and You are a judge and protector (champion) of the widow. You
protect, preserve, and uphold the fatherless and widow, and You
set them upright. I am claiming these promises for all those I
minister to, believing You to watch over Your Word to perform it.
Lord, Your arm is not shortened that You cannot save, and
nothing is too hard for You. I ask You for the wisdom and
common sense I need to be a vessel of honor, sanctified and fitting
for Your use and prepared for every good work.
I do not go in my own strength, but in the divine energy that
You provide. It is my purpose to always be obedient to James 1:27
AMP—“External religious worship...that is pure and unblemished
in the sight of God the Father is this: to visit and help and care for
the orphans and widows in their affliction and need...” — and to
reach out to the homeless and loveless in their plight.
Thank You, Lord, that I eat the good of the land because I
am willing and obedient. I serve You with a glad heart and a
joyous spirit. Whatever You call me to do, You equip me with all
that I need to accomplish it.
In the name of Jesus, amen.
Scripture References
2 Timothy 1:8-10 MESSAGE Romans 6:13
Deuteronomy 10:18 AMP Psalm 68:5 AMP
Psalm 119:130 Psalm 146:9 AMP
John 1:4 Jeremiah 1:12 AMP
John 6:63 Isaiah 39:1
2 Corinthians 4:4 AMP Genesis 18:14
1 John 2:20,27 AMP James 1:15
Mark 16:18 2 Timothy 2:21
Psalm 92:14 Isaiah 1:19
Mark 4:2



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