Deliverance From Mental Disorder

Deliverance From
Mental Disorder
Father, in the name of Jesus, I fearlessly and confidently and
boldly draw near to the throne of grace, that I may receive
mercy and find grace to help in good time for _______.
Father, I commit to pray on ________’s behalf, making up
the hedge and standing in the gap before You for him/her, that
Your mercy might triumph over judgment. Jesus, You defeated the
devil for ________, and we take back everything Satan has stolen
from him/her.
It is You, Father,Who deliver __________ from the pit and
corruption of ___________________(name of disorder: schizophrenia,
paranoia, manic depre s s i on , etc.). Father, You have not given
___________________ a spirit of timidity — of cowardice, of
craven and cringing and fawning fear — but [You have given
him/her a spirit of ] power and of love and of a calm and wellbalanced
mind and discipline and self-control.
In the name of Jesus, I forgive his/her sins and stand in the
gap for him/her until he/she comes to his/her senses [and] escapes
out of the snare of the devil, who has held him/her captive.
Because Jesus defeated principalities and powers and made a
show of them openly, I stand against the forces of darkness, which
have been assigned to __________. Thank you Father for
delivering __________ from the authority of dark n e s s , and
translating him/her into the Kingdom of your dear Son
I decree and decl a re that the law of the Sp i rit of life in Chri s t
Jesus has made ______________ free from the law of sin and
death. ___________ shall no longer be of two minds — hesitating,
dubious, irresolute — unstable and unreliable and uncertain about
everything (he/she thinks, feels, and decides). ___________ shall
get rid of all uncleaness and the rampant outgrowth of wick e d n e s s ,
and in a humble (gentle, modest) spirit re c e i ve and welcome the
Word, which, implanted and rooted [in his/her heart), contains the
power to save his/her soul (mind, will, and emotions) .
In the name of Jesus, grace be to __________ and peace from
God our Father and from the Lord Jesus Christ, Who gave
Himself for his/her sin so that He might deliver him/her from this
present evil world, according to the will of God and our Father, to
Whom be glory for ever and ever. Amen.
Scripture References
Hebrews 4:16 AMP Ephesians 6:12
Psalm 50:15 Colossians 1:13
Psalm 56:13 Romans 8:2
Psalm 103:4 AMP James 1:8,21 AMP
2 Timothy 1:7 AMP Galatians 1:3-5
John 20:23 AMP Ezekiel 22:30
2 Timothy 2:26 AMP Matthew 12:29



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