The People of Our Land

The People of
Our Land
Father, in the name of Jesus, we come before You to claim
Your promise in 2 Chron i cles 7:14 AMP: “If My people,
who are ca lled by My name shall humble themselve s , p ray, seek,
c ra ve, and re q u i re of necessity My face and turn from their
w i cked ways, then will I hear from heave n , f o r g i ve their sin, and
heal their land.”
We are Your people, called by Your name. Thank You for
hearing our prayers and moving by Your Spirit in our land. There
are famines, earthquakes, floods, natural disasters, and violence
occurring. Men’s hearts are failing them because of fear.
Lord, Your Son, Jesus, spoke of discerning the signs of
the times. With the Holy Spirit as our Helper, we are
watching and prayi n g.
We desire to humble ourselves before You, asking that a spirit
of humility be released in us. Thank You for quiet and meek
spirits, for we know that the meek shall inherit the earth.
Search us, O God, and know our hearts; try us, and know our
thoughts today. See if there be any wicked way in us, and lead us
in the way everlasting.
Forgive us our sins of judging inappropriately, complaining
about, and criticizing our leaders. Cleanse us with hyssop, and we
will be clean; wash us, and we will be whiter than snow.Touch our
lips with coals from Your altar that we may pray prayers that avail
much for all men and women everywhere.
Lord, we desire to release rivers of living water for the healing
of the nations.
In the name of Jesus, amen.
Scripture References
Luke 21:11,25,26 Psalm 51:7 NIV
Matthew 16:3 Isaiah 6:6,7 NIV
Matthew 26:41 James 5:16
James 4:10 1 Timothy 2:1
1 Peter 3:4 John 7:38
Matthew 5:5 Revelation 22:1,2
Psalm 139:23



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