To Walk in the Word

To Walk in the Word
Father, in the name of Jesus, I commit myself to walk in the
Word. Your Word living in me produces Your life in this
world. I recognize that Your Word is integrity itself — steadfast,
sure, eternal — and I trust my life to its provisions.
You have sent Your Word forth into my heart. I let it dwell
in me richly in all wisdom. I meditate in it day and night so that
I may diligently act on it. The Incorruptible Seed, the Living
Word, the Word of Truth, is abiding in my spirit. That Seed is
growing mightily in me now, producing Your nature, Your life. It
is my counsel, my shield, my buckler, my powerful weapon in
battle. The Word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path. It
makes my way plain before me. I do not stumble, for my steps are
ordered in the Word.
The Holy Spirit leads and guides me into all the truth. He
gives me understanding, discernment, and comprehension so that
I am preserved from the snares of the evil one.
I delight myself in You and Your Word. Because of that, You
put Your desires within my heart. I commit my way unto You, and
You bring it to pass. I am confident that You are at work in me
now both to will and to do all Your good pleasure.
I exalt Your Word, hold it in high esteem, and give it first
place. I make my schedule around Your Word. I make the Word the
final authority to settle all questions that confront me. I choose to
agree with the Word of God, and I choose to disagree with any
thoughts, conditions, or circumstances contrary to Your Word. I
boldly and confidently say that my heart is fixed and established
on the solid foundation — the living Word of God! Amen.
Scripture References
Hebrews 4:12 1 Peter 3:12
Colossians 3:16 Colossians 4:2
Joshua 1:8 Ephesians 6:10
1 Peter 1:23 Luke 18:1
Psalm 91:4 James 5:16
Psalm 119:105 Psalm 37:4,5
Psalm 37:23 Philippians 2:13
Colossians 1:9 2 Corinthians 10:5
John 16:13 Psalm 112:7,8



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