Effectual Prayer
The earnest (heart felt, continued) prayer of a righteous man
makes tremendous power available
 dynamic in its working.
James 5:16 AMP
Prayer is fellowshiping with the Father — a vital, personal
contact with God, Who is more than enough. We are to be in
constant communion with Him:
For the eyes of the Lord are upon the righteous — those
who are upright and in right standing with God — and His ears
are attentive (open) to their prayer....
1 Peter 3:12 AMP
Prayer is not to be a religious form with no power. It is to be
effective and accurate and bring results. God watches over His
Word to perform it ( Jer. 1:12).
Prayer that brings results must be based on God’s Word.
For the Word that God speaks is alive and full of power —
making it active, operative, energizing and effective; it is sharper
than any two-edged sword, penetrating to the dividing line of the
breath of life (soul) and [the immortal] spirit, and of joints and
marrow [that is, of the deepest parts of our nature] exposing and
sifting and analyzing and judging the very thoughts and
purposes of the heart.
Hebrews 4:12 AMP
Prayer is this “1iving” Word in our mouths. Our mouths
must speak forth faith, for faith is what pleases God (Heb. 11:6).
We hold His Word up to Him in prayer, and our Father sees
Himself in His Word.

God’s Word is our contact with Him. We put Him in
remembrance of His Word (Isa. 43:26), asking Him for what we
need in the name of our Lord Jesus. The woman in Mark 5:25-34
placed a demand on the power of God when she said, “If I can but
touch the hem of his garment, I will be healed.” By faith she
touched His clothes and was healed. We remind Him that He
supplies all of our needs according to His riches in glory by Christ
Jesus (Phil. 4:19). That Word does not return to Him void —
without producing any effect, useless — but it shall accomplish
that which He pleases and purposes, and it shall prosper in the
thing for which He sent it (Isa. 55:11). Hallelujah!
God did not leave us without His thoughts and His ways for
we have His Word — His bond. God instructs us to call Him, and
He will answer and show us great and mighty things ( Jer. 33:3).
Prayer is to be exciting — not drudgery.
It takes someone to pray. God moves as we pray in faith —
believing. He says that His eyes run to and fro throughout the
whole earth to show Himself strong in behalf of those whose
hearts are blameless toward Him (2 Chron. 16:9). We are
blameless (Eph. 1:4). We are His very own children (Eph. 1:5).
We are His righteousness in Christ Jesus (2 Cor. 5:21). He tells us
to come boldly to the throne of grace and obtain mercy and find
grace to help in time of need — appropriate and well-timed help
(Heb. 4:16). Praise the Lord!
The prayer armor is for every believer, every member of the
Body of Christ, who will put it on and walk in it, for the weapons
of our warfare are not carnal but mighty through God for the
pulling down of the strongholds of the enemy (Satan, the god of
this world, and all his demonic forces). Spiritual warfare takes
place in prayer (2 Cor. 10:4; Eph. 6:12,18).
There are many different kinds of prayer, such as the prayer
of thanksgiving and praise, the prayer of dedication and worship,
and the prayer that changes things (not God). All prayer involves
a time of fellowshiping with the Father.
In Ephesians 6, we are instructed to take the Sword of the
Spirit, which is the Word of God, and “pray at all times — on
every occasion, in every season — in the Spirit, with all [manner
of ] prayer and entreaty” (Eph. 6:18 AMP).
In 1 Timothy 2 we are admonished and urged that “petitions,
prayers, intercessions and thanksgivings be offered on behalf of all
men” (1 Tim. 2:1 AMP). Prayer is our responsibility.
Prayer must be the foundation of every Christian endeavor.
Any failure is a prayer failure. We are not to be ignorant
concerning God’s Word. God desires for His people to be
successful, to be filled with a full, deep, and clear knowledge of His
will (His Word) and to bear fruit in every good work (Col. 1:9-
13). We then bring honor and glory to Him ( John 15:8). He
desires that we know how to pray, for “the prayer of the upright is
his delight” (Prov. 15:8).
Our Father has not left us helpless. Not only has He given us
His Word, but also He has given us the Holy Spirit to help our
infirmities when we know not how to pray as we ought (Rom.
8:26). Praise God! Our Father has provided His people with every
possible avenue to ensure their complete and total victory in this
life in the name of our Lord Jesus (1 John 5:3-5).
We pray to the Father, in the name of Jesus, through the Holy
Spirit, according to the Word!
Using God’s Word on purpose, specifically, in prayer is one
means of prayer, and it is a most effective and accurate means.
Jesus said, “The words (truths) that I have been speaking to you
are spirit and life” ( John 6:63 AMP).
When Jesus faced Satan in the wilderness, He said, “It is
written...it is written...it is written.”We are to live, be upheld, and
be sustained by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God
(Matt. 4:4).
James, by the Spirit, admonishes that we do not have because
we do not ask. We ask and receive not because we ask amiss
( James 4:2,3).We must heed that admonishment now, for we are
to become experts in prayer, rightly dividing the Word of Truth (2
Tim. 2:15).
Using the Word in prayer is not taking it out of con t e x t ,
for His Word in us is the key to answered prayer — to prayer
that brings results. He is able to do exc e e d i n g ly abundantly
above all we ask or think, according to the power that works in
us (Eph. 3: 20). The power lies within God’s Word. It is
anointed by the Holy Spirit. The Spirit of God does not lead
us apart from the Word, for the Wo rd is of the Spirit of God.
We apply that Word personally to ourselves and to others —
not adding to or taking from it — in the name of Jesus. We
apply the Word to the now — to those things, circumstances
and situations facing each of us n o w.
Paul was very specific and definite in his praying. The first
chapters of Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, and 2 Thessalonians
are examples of how Paul prayed for believers. There are numerous
others. Search them out. Paul wrote under the inspiration of the
Holy Spirit.We can use these Spirit-given prayers today!
In 2 Corinthians 1:11, 2 Corinthians 9:14, and Philippians
1:4, we see examples of how believers prayed one for another —
putting others first in their prayer life with joy. Our faith does
work by love (Gal. 5:6). We grow spiritually as we reach out to
help others — praying for and with them and holding out to them
the Word of Life (Phil. 2:16).
Man is a spirit, he has a soul, and he lives in a body (1 Thess.
5:23). In order to operate successfully, each of these three parts
must be fed properly. The soul, or intellect, feeds on intellectual
food to produce intellectual strength. The body feeds on physical
food to produce physical strength. The spirit — the heart or
inward man — is the real you, the part that has been reborn in
Christ Jesus. It must feed on spiritual food, which is God’sWord,
in order to produce and develop faith. As we feast upon God’s
Word, our minds become renewed with His Word, and we have a
fresh mental and spiritual attitude (Eph. 4:23,24).
Likew i s e, we are to present our bodies a living sacri f i c e,
holy, acceptable unto God (Rom . 12:1) and not let that body
dominate us but bring it into subjection to the spirit man (1 Cor.
9: 27). God’s Wo rd is healing and health to all our flesh (Prov.
4: 22). T h e re f o re, God’s Word affects each part of us — spirit,
soul, and body.We become vitally united to the Father, to Jesus,
and to the Holy Spirit — one with Them ( J ohn 16:13-15; John
17: 21; Col. 2: 10).
Purpose to hear, accept, and welcome the Word, and it will
take root within your spirit and save your soul. Believe the Word,
speak the Word, and act on the Word — it is a creative force. The
Word is a double-edged sword. Often it places a demand on you
to change attitudes and behaviors toward the person for whom
you are praying.
Be doers of the Wo rd and not hearers on ly, deceiving yo u r
own selves ( James 1:22). Faith without works or corre s p onding
action is d e ad ( James 2:17). D on’t be mental assenters — those
who agree that the Bible is true but never act on it. Real faith is
acting on God ’s Wo rd now. We cannot build faith without
practicing the Wo rd .We cannot develop an effe c t i ve prayer life
that is anything but empty words unless God’s Wo rd actually
has a part in our lives.We are to hold fast to our confession of the
Wo rd’s truthfulness. Our Lo rd Jesus is the High Priest of our
confe s s i on (Heb. 3: 1), and He is the Guarantee of a better
a g reement — a more excellent and advantageous covenant
( Heb. 7: 22).
Prayer does not cause faith to work, but faith causes prayer to
work. Therefore, any prayer problem is a lack of knowledge or a
problem of doubt — doubting the integrity of the Word and the
ability of God to stand behind His promises or the statements of
fact in the Word.
You can spend fruitless hours in prayer if your heart is not
prepared beforehand. Preparation of the heart, the spirit, comes
from meditation in the Father’sWord, meditation on who you are
in Christ, what He is to you, and what the Holy Spirit can mean
to you as you become God-inside minded. Just as God told Joshua
( Josh. 1:8), as you meditate on the Word day and night and do
according to all that is written, then shall you make your way
prosperous and have good success. Attend to God’sWord, submit
to His sayings, keep them in the center of your heart, and put away
contrary talk (Prov. 4:20-24).
The Holy Spirit is a divine helper, and He will direct your
prayer and help you pray when you don’t know how. When you
use God’s Word in prayer, this is not something you just rush
through, uttering once. Do not be mistaken. There is nothing
“magical” nor “manipulative” about it — no set pattern or device
in order to satisfy what you want or think out of your flesh.
Instead, you are holding God’s Word before Him. Jesus said for
you to ask the Father in His name.
We expect His divine intervention while we choose not to look at
the things that are seen but at the things that are unseen, for the things
that are seen are subject to change (2 Cor. 4:18).
Prayer based upon the Word rises above the senses, contacts
the Author of the Word, and sets His spiritual laws into motion.
It is not just saying prayers that gets results, but it is spending time
with the Father, learning His wisdom, drawing on His strength,
being filled with His quietness, and basking in His love that bring
results to our prayers. Praise the Lord!
The prayers in this book are designed to teach and train you
in the art of prayer. As you pray them, you will be reinforcing the
prayer armor, which we have been instructed to put on in
Ephesians 6:11. The fabric from which the armor is made is the
Word of God.We are to live by every word that proceeds from the
mouth of God. We desire the whole counsel of God because we
know it changes us. By receiving that counsel, you will be
“...transformed (changed) by the [entire] renewal of your mind —
by its new ideals and its new attitude — so that you may prove [for
yourselves] what is the good and acceptable and perfect will of
God, even the thing which is good and acceptable and perfect [in
His sight for you]” (Rom. 12:2 AMP).
The Personal Prayers (Part I) may be used as intercessory
prayer by simply praying them in the third person, changing the
pronouns I or we to the name of the person for whom you are
interceding and then adjusting the verbs accordingly. The Holy
Spirit is your Helper. Remember that you cannot control another’s
will, but your prayers prepare the way for the individual to hear
truth and understand truth.
An often-asked question is this: “How many times should I
pray the same prayer?”
The answer is simple: You pray until you know that the
answer is fixed in your heart. After that, you need to repeat the
prayer whenever adverse circumstances or long delays cause you to
be tempted to doubt that your prayer has been heard and your
request granted.
The Word of God is your weapon against the temptation to
lose heart and grow weary in your prayer life .When that Word of
promise becomes fixed in your heart , you will find yourself praising,
giving glory to God for the answer, even when the on ly evidence
you have of that answer is your own faith. Reaffirming your faith
enforces the tri u m phant victory of our Lo rd Jesus Chri s t .
Another question often asked is this: “When we repeat
prayers more than once, aren’t we praying ‘vain repetitions’?”
Obviously, such people are referring to the admonition of
Jesus when He told His disciples: “And when you pray do not
(multiply words, repeating the same ones over and over, and) heap
up phrases as the Gentiles do, for they think they will be heard for
their much speaking” (Matt. 6:7 AMP). Praying the Word of God
is not praying the kind of prayer that the “heathen” pray. You will
note in 1 Kings 18:25-29 the manner of prayer that was offered to
the gods who could not hear. That is not the way you and I pray.
The words that we speak are not vain, but they are spirit and life
and mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds.We
have a God Whose eyes are over the righteous and Whose ears are
open to us:When we pray, He hears us.
You are the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus, and your
prayers will avail much. They will bring salvation to the sinner,
deliverance to the oppressed, healing to the sick, and prosperity to
the poor. They will usher in the next move of God on the earth.
In addition to affecting outward circumstances and other people,
your prayers will also affect you.
In the very process of praying, your life will be changed as
you go from faith to faith and from glory to glory.
As a Christian, your first priority is to love the Lord your
God with your entire being and your neighbor as yourself. You are
called to be an intercessor, a man or woman of prayer. You are to
seek the face of the Lord as you inquire, listen, meditate, and
consider in the temple of the Lord.
As one of “God’s set-apart ones,” the will of the Lord for
your life is the same as it is for the life of every other true believer:
“Seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all
these things shall be added unto you” (Matt. 6:33).



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