Knowing God’s Plan for Marriage

Knowing God’s Plan
for Marriage
Unto You, O Lord, do I bring my life. O my God, I trust
in, lean on, re ly on , and am confident in You. Let me
not be put to shame or [my hope in You] be disappointed; let not
my enemies (re j e c t i on , hurt, infe ri o rity, u nw o rthiness) triumph
over me.
Father, it is written, “For I know the thoughts and plans that
I have for you, says the Lord, thoughts and plans for welfare and
peace and not for evil, to give you hope in your final outcome.
Then you will call upon Me, and you will come and pray to Me,
and I will hear and heed you. Then you will seek Me, inquire for,
and require Me [as a vital necessity] and find Me when you search
for Me with all your heart. I will be found by you, says the
Lord”( Jer. 29:11-14 AMP).
In the name of Jesus, I always pray and do not turn coward
(faint, lose heart, and give up).
Father, I am looking for Your plan, Your answer for my life.
It is my desire to be married. But I must be sure in my decision
that I am living as You intend and accepting whatever situation
You have put me into. Ac c o rding to Your Wo rd , marriage will
bring extra problems that I may not need to face at this time in
my life.
A ll the ways of a man or woman are pure in his or her own eyes,
but You, Lo rd, weigh the spirits (the thoughts and intents of the
heart). Therefore, I roll my works upon You, [ commit and trust them
wholly to You; You will cause my thoughts to become agreeable to
Your will, and] so shall my plans be established and succeed.
B e cause You,Lord, are my Sh e pherd, I have everything I need!
You let me rest in the meadow grass and lead me beside the
quiet streams. You give me new strength. You help me do what
honors You the most.
Even when walking through the dark valley of death, I will
not be afraid, for You are close beside me, guarding and guiding
me all the way.
You provide delicious food for me in the presence of my enemies.
You have welcomed me as Your guest; my blessings overflow!
Your goodness and unfailing kindness shall be with me all of
my life, and afterward I will live with You forever in Your home.
In Jesus’ name I pray, amen.

Scripture References
Psalm 25:1,2 AMP Proverbs 16:2,3 AMP
Luke 18:1 AMP Psalm 23:1-6 TLB
1 Corinthians 7:1,2 TLB



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