Building Courage




Christian courage and fearlessness are the desire to say and do the correct thing regardless of the earthly costs because God promises to help you because of Christ. This action takes courage and determination, and it will likely be uncomfortable, troublesome, and painful. The pain may be physical, as in combat and recovery operations. Or the pain may be mental and in our subconscious as in conflict and controversy.

Courage and determination are essential and vital for both spreading and safeguarding the truth of Christ. Jesus guaranteed that spreading the Gospel would encounter opposition and resistance. 

For that reason, "introducing others to Christ

will involve fearlessness and courage. 

Running away from resistance, conflict, and controversy in evangelism, teaching, and mentoring others dishonors Christ. There is a type of cowardice that mentions only the safe and risk-free truths to tell.

25 And I was afraid, and went and hid your talent in the ground. Look, there you have what is yours.’ Matthew 25:25

We have no trouble discussing everything else, but we struggle in confessing Christ, which the world and the devil will try to stop us. We sometimes hesitate, and fear sets in, and the battle rages in our minds. Are we loyal soldiers for Christ and join the fight, or do we run for the hills with our tail between our legs? Where shall we get this courage from? Consider these points on how to overcome these fears and develop courage.

From Being Without A Doubt, Forgiven, And Being Righteous.
"The wicked flee though no one pursues, but the righteous are as bold as a lion." 

(Proverbs 28:1).

From Depending On And Having Confidence In God And Trusting In Him.
"Be strong and take heart, all you who hope in the Lord." (Psalm 31:24).
"Therefore, since we have such a hope, we are very bold." (2 Corinthians 3:12).

From Being Filled With The Holy Spirit.
"... And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and spoke the word of God boldly." (Acts 4:31).

From God's Assurance and Commitment To Be With You.
"Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go." (Joshua 1:9).

From Realizing And Understanding That The One With You Is Significantly Greater Than The Enemy.
"Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or discouraged ... but with us is the Lord our God to help us and to fight our battles" (2 Chronicles 32:7–8).

Through Prayer.
"Pray also for me, that whenever I speak, words may be given me so that I will fearlessly make known the mystery of the gospel, for which I am an ambassador in chains. Pray that I may declare it fearlessly, as I should." (Ephesians 6:19-20).

By The Examples Of Others.
"And because of my chains, most of the brothers and sisters have become confident in the Lord and dare all the more to proclaim the gospel without fear." (Philippians 1:14).

Recommend copying the scriptures in your Bible.

For Those New To Sharing 
Not being face to face with people.
Select some good tracts and carry them with you at all times. Use them in public places and when writing letters to acquaintances. 

What happens to the tract may no longer be an issue to you; you've planted the seed and carried out what you are supposed to do. It may be tossed in the waste paper container, and the custodian may fish it out and take it home, and his next-door neighbor may come over and read through it. 

(God works in mysterious ways).

Other Examples:
A custodian cleaned a bathroom, saw a tract, and read it. He later obeyed the Gospel and now is a preacher of the Gospel.

A mother was visiting her daughter found a tract on the dining table, read it, and got in touch with the individual who sent it, later on obeying the Gospel (even though her daughter, the initial recipient of the tract, had no curiosity in it!). This is just one method that the written word endures a lot longer than the spoken word! 

I am sure we all have different views of using good Gospel tracts. At the very least, it is a starting point for anyone that has never shared and is courage-building. You can read the Gospel message right from the tract if you get the opportunity. It is better than doing nothing. You will find folks with good intentions will sometimes be critical of anything you do. Maybe because of a bad experience or they have a criticizing personality or have a negative opinion on something they have never tried. To deflect objectors, ask, "What method do you use?"

The story goes of a woman criticizing a well-known evangelist how he shared the Gospel. He said to the woman, "I agree; what method do you use." She said, "none." The evangelist said, "I like my approach as it is better than doing nothing at all."

We will be looking at Gospel tracts in more detail in a later study guide, but please remember it is better to start somewhere and not at all!

Let Your Light Shine In A Natural Way When Around Non-Christians. 
(Matthew 5:16).
Not to make a spectacle of yourself, but to gently show that you are a Christian through your actions and regular speech. There is a distinction between doing things to be seen of people (condemned by Jesus) and doing things that are seen by people (commanded by Jesus.)

Always reflect on whether we are good or bad representatives for Jesus by our words and actions and how we live our lives. Non-believers are always watching what we say or how we react to situations.  Our behavior and words have consequences, and when we fail, Christianity takes a hit, and how non-Christians view us gives them a reason to deny God.

Last Sunday, we just got a new Lead Pastor, and he said in his sermon, "I am letting you know I will disappoint you at some point." We all fail in some way or another. But Jesus knows our hearts, and as we are God-conscious, the Holy Spirit will show and teach us His ways as we read God's Word, the Bible. Each day, I believe we have to start in prayer, asking the Lord to help us to be sensitive to how we represent Christ in our daily living. WALK WITH GOD WITH JESUS LEADING YOU DAILY!

a. Whenever you eat in public places, offer thanks for your meal. Many occasions have happened when non-Christians have asked a Christian to give a blessing before eating. This can easily be done with prayer or silently, with a bowed head. When you have family or friends over for dinner or at a restaurant, ask, "are you okay if we can bless the food." They always answer, "yes." When folks know you are a Christian, you will be astonished at how often they ask you to bless the food.

One time attending a wedding reception, I was surprised to be asked to bless the meal without any notice. The world does notice even the tiny things we take for granted. I encourage you not to be shy or self-conscious. It does not have to be a lengthy prayer, but that you are grateful for what God has provided.

b. Always keep a Bible with you, and do not be self-conscious to be seen reading it. Try to keep a Bible or a New Testament Bible; in your purse, pocket, or jacket, and read it as you have an opportunity. It opens up the door for some excellent conversations about what you believe. Have a New Testament Bible with you to give away if folks show an interest. Most people will be glad to take it.

True Story
A native man invited me out for coffee in my late teens and shared the Gospel. On leaving, he gave me a paperback Bible, which I kept for over 20 years; it meant that much to me. For the last 14 years, my wife and I have sent 1000's of Bibles worldwide for free, partly because of that native man who cared to share Christ with others. I never met that person again, and he has no idea what part he played in what God has done in our lives. You might never know what has been done for the Kingdom's work when you share the Gospel. But God Knows! 

c. In our daily conversations, we can comfortably identify ourselves with Christ. When the opportunity presents itself, casually mention things that reveal your faith in God. A friend or acquaintances you meet in everyday life has confided in you with a problem; tell them in all sincerity, "I will keep you in my prayers." Or better yet, have the lion-heartedness courage and say, "can I say a short prayer for what you are going through." Just a heads up, every time I do that, a negative thought of doubt and fear comes first. But the end result is the person needing prayer is very thankful that someone cared. It is one of the most important and straightforward down-to-earth ways to share your faith. Next time you see them ask about their situation and show a genuine interest.

d. In everyday conversation, you might touch on some relevant point made by your pastor, Bible teacher, or what you gleaned from your own personal Bible study. Especially if you have a daily refreshing from God's Word and are ready to share at any given moment, invite them to your church next if appropriate. Follow up with a cup of coffee or lunch. In making plans with folks, use the expression "Lord willing." Give credit to the Lord when the time calls for it ("I thank the Lord for my ....")

All the above are a start in significant ways of getting used to sharing your faith and building confidence in what God can do. Casual expressions and conducts like these (when done sincerely) not only help to shape courage, they often serve as "great conversational openers" for people to inquire about your faith. Please remember starting in small ways is better than not starting at all. What are you waiting for BEGIN TODAY TO SHARE IN A SMALL SCALE as you build the COURAGE to SHARE?


Another Simple Method For New Christians Or Those That Have Never Shared.
Take time now and write out on paper what would work for your presentation in starting a conversation about Jesus. Always take an interest in the person first as a good listener, and then when it is your turn, say something like, "Did I ever tell you..."   That opens the door for a conversation 

Acknowledge Who You Are And Personally Hand The Person A Tract.
You are not directly sharing yet (only using "indirect" sharing methods), but you are beginning to face people—some examples of how this can be done.

a. Give a tract to an acquaintance and say, "This is a short explanation of the Gospel of Christ. We have known each other for some time now, and I would like for you to read this and tell me what you think."

b. Ask folks if they would like to study the Bible on their own time, at their own pace, in their home, or through a study guide with you. If you do not feel confident at this moment, leading a study guide, your pastor, or a mature Christian will gladly help. If not, you can suggest doing a study guide on the internet. 

c. Offer to give them a Sermon CD, DVD and ask them if they would be curious to hear what the Bible says about...

d. A lot of Christian websites have apps to download to your mobile device. Show folks the app and how they can search for themselves in their leisure.

e. If you have shared the Gospel, send them a link to a Christian website that explains the Gospel message

At this time, you are actively engaged in sharing the Gospel with others, even though you may only be using indirect techniques. From here, you may choose to try to set up home studies. Consult with your pastor for any life groups, alpha courses, next steps programs, etc. If your church does not have an alpha course, search on the internet in your city for the course. Ask your friend to attend with you, which is an excellent way to present Christ. In either situation, you are doing a lot for the Lord!


If you feel that you can not share "the main reason for the hope that is in you," you are really like a disabled person without a cane or an artist without a brush. Let me urge, motivate, and encourage you to share your faith.

1. Building Courage In Soul Winning.
"For the Spirit God gave us does not make us timid, but gives us power, love, and self-discipline." (2 Timothy 1:7).

2. Primary Reason For Not Sharing the Gospel.
Not having courage in sharing is the number one reason for not introducing others to Christ. The fear and anxiety of being rejected and being turned down, laughed at, and looked on by others as "religious fanatics" is a common perception. Who should we be trying to Please? "Am I now trying to win the approval of human beings, or of God? Or am I trying to please people? If I were still trying to please people, I would not be a servant of Christ." (Galatians 1:10). We need to learn to please Him, so then what do we need?

3. Building Courage In Evangelism.
What we need is "fearless evangelism."
"For the Spirit God gave us does not make us timid, but gives us power, love, and self-discipline." (2 Timothy 1:7).


1. Pray For Boldness.
Philippians 4:13; "I can do all things through him who strengthens me."

2. Share Christ In Ways That Are Not Face To Face.
- Leave cards or tracts on tables when you eat in restaurants.
- Leave them in phone booths, laundry mats, restrooms, etc.
- Insert them in letters to friends, neighbors.

3. Let Your Light Shine Naturally. (Matthew 6:1-18).
- Offer thanks in public places though not to be seen of men.
- Keep your Bible with you, unashamed to hold or read in public.
- Express faith when talking. (example "I will pray for you.")

4. Personally Hand Out Tracts.
Present a tract to a friend and say, "Here is a short explanation of the Gospel of Christ. I would like for you to check out this and let me know what you think."

Ask if they would be interested in hearing what the Bible says about..., and give them a tract on the subject. Go "two by two" for moral support, if needed.

Ask them if they are interested in studying the Bible at their own pace. In their home or through Bible study courses over the internet in the safety of their own home.

5. What Happens If Folks Say No, Keep In Mind:
These people are not rejecting you, but He who sent you. (Luke 10:16).
They judge themselves unworthy of eternal life. (Acts 13:46).
Look for someone else with whom to share the Word. (Acts 13:46).
You succeed every time you sow the seed (share the Word).
Take satisfaction in knowing you are serving the Lord Jesus!

We Must Have Gospel Fueled Courage!

What motivated the early church to press on under the threat of rejection, persecution, and death? It is the same thing we need to overcome our fear of sharing the Gospel with our neighbors - Gospel Courage.




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