Building Courage
BE COURAGEOUS IN SHARING THE GOSPEL STEPS IN DEVELOPING COURAGE - COURAGEOUS FAITH - FOCUSING ON JESUS Christian courage and fearlessness are the desire to say and do the correct thing regardless of the earthly costs because God promises to help you because of Christ. This action takes courage and determination, and it will likely be uncomfortable, troublesome, and painful. The pain may be physical, as in combat and recovery operations. Or the pain may be mental and in our subconscious as in conflict and controversy. Courage and determination are essential and vital for both spreading and safeguarding the truth of Christ. Jesus guaranteed that spreading the Gospel would encounter opposition and resistance. For that reason, " introducing others to Christ " will involve fearlessness and courage. Running away from resistance, conflict, and controversy in evangelism, teaching, and mentoring others dishonors Christ. There is a type of cowardice that mentions ...