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The Throne Room

  Then suddenly ... I saw a door open into the heavenly realm, and the same trumpet-voice I heard speaking with me at the beginning said, "Ascend into this realm!" REVELATION 4:1 By the grace of God, every barrier between you and heaven has been removed. Sacred blood has been spilled for you, ensuring that you can come freely, without hesitation, before Our Father God! What a miracle is this! You look like Jesus when  you come before Him, for the nature of the Lamb is now within you. God has now seated you at His right hand, the place of favor and authority. You are robed, crowned, and enthroned. It doesn't get much better than that! Many of God's prophets had throne room encounters. These will increase as we get closer to the unveiling of Christ. Isaiah saw the Lord God high and lifted up. He was taken into the throne room and saw nothing but fire and glory. Ezekiel  had the throne room come to him! It was like a chariot-throne surrounded by blazing fire, wings, whee

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