Chapter 10

Remember the father is seeking for us to stand in the gap
The Holy Spirit is drawing us to a standing point
as we go forward we may at some point 
as we stand in the gate be reminded
of someone or something to reach out to.
If a scripture opens this then pause for a while
and allow the Holy Spirit to reveal it.

Turning Away from Ministry as Idolatry 160

 Heart, we delight that
our adequacy, our glory,
our reassurance, our security,
the justification of our value,
our eternal significance
is not from the validation they give.
God is the one who justifies us.
we set our affections on You Lord
and is not from 
how well they advertise us
and tell other people about our ministry.
we turn from wanting fame as our glory  

(heart, hear, believe, and love it as the truth!)

is not from miracles or 
from people being healed. 
Miracles are what God does,
not me  
and is not from “ministry” that we do!
Since we are giving God a place for Him to dwell, 
any ministry that happens
is all ministry that Jesus is doing!
Lord we love that by receiving the kingdom,
we are making it easier
for You to minister to people
because we arem giving you 
a way to be here more fully
we will not doubt what God 
wants to do through us. 
All that God plans for us shall come to pass.
we will not doubt or fear.
we repent of forgetting our own need for God
because of the needs of other people.
we turn from feeding ourself with how well
we nurture others spiritually.
we set our heart to love the presence of God!
we love Your closeness Lord

(heart, hear, believe, and love it as the truth!)

we reject ministry as a way to feed our pride.
our fruit comes from God
we will feed on Him
and not on results from us
God is their Shepherd, their Savior.
we will lead them to You Lord
and not to ourself.
The ministry that happens is because God
is with us and HE is doing His ministry
When I am afraid, I will put my trust in You.
In God, whose word I praise,
in God I have put my trust;
I shall not be afraid.
What can mere man do to me?
(Psalm. 56:3,4).
Guard my soul for I take refuge in You.
(Psalm. 25:20)
Behold, God is my helper;
the Lord is the sustainer of my soul.”
(Psalm. 54:4).
it is Heaven that rules.”
(Dan. 4:26).

(heart, hear, believe,
and love the God who is close!)

Be on the alert, stand firm in the faith,
act like men, be strong.”
(1 Cor. 16:13).
Be strong and let your heart take courage
hope in the Lord
(Psalm. 31:24).
Do not fear or be dismayed
because the battle is not yours but God's
(2 Chron. 20:15).
You shall not fear other gods,
nor bow down yourselves to them 
nor serve them nor sacrifice to them
(2 Kings 17:35)

(let yourself feel confidence from 
the closeness of God’s power and glory!)

the Lord God, the Holy One of Israel,
has said,
‘In repentance and rest you will be saved,
in quietness and trust is your strength ’
(Isa. 30:15).
The Lord is my strength and my shield;
my heart trusts in Him, and I am helped;
therefore my heart exults,
and with my song I shall thank Him
(Psalm. 28:7).
Heart hear this! “
the Lord God, my God, is with you.
He will not fail you nor forsake you
until all the work for the service of the house
of the Lord is finished
(1Chron. 28:20).
Who will bring a charge against God's elect?
God is the one who justifies;
(Rom. 10:33).
repent and return,
so that your sins may be wiped away,
in order that times of refreshing may come
from the presence of the Lord
(Acts 3:19).

(heart, hear, believe,
and love the God who is close!)

On God my salvation 
and my glory rest; 
the rock of my strength, 
my refuge is in God.”
 (Psalm. 62:7)
I will say to the Lord, 
‘My refuge and my fortress,
 My God, in whom I trust!’” 
(Psalm. 91:2)
When I am afraid,
 I will put my trust in You.” 
(Psalm. 56:3)

Turning Away from Ministry as Idolatry 161
 Heart, we delight that
our adequacy, our glory,
our reassurance, our security,
the justification of our value,
our eternal significance
we also have as our ambition,
whether at home or absent,
to be pleasing to Him
(2Cor. 5:9).
whatever you do,
do all to the glory of God
(1Cor. 10:31).
The King will answer and say to them,
‘Truly I say to you,
to the extent that you did it
to one of these brothers of Mine,
even the least of them, you did it to Me
(Mat. 25:40).
do not go on presenting the members of your body
to sin as instruments of unrighteousness;
but present yourselves to God
as those alive from the dead,
and your members
as instruments of righteousness to God
(Rom. 6:13).
present your bodies a living and holy sacrifice, 
acceptable to God,
which is your spiritual service of worship
(Rom. 12:1).

(heart, hear, believe, and love the God who is close!)

And He who sent Me is with Me;
He has not left Me alone,
for I always do the things that are pleasing to Him
 (Joh. 8:29).

(heart, hear, believe, and love the truth!)
“and whatever we ask we receive from Him,
because we keep His commandments
and do the things
that are pleasing in His sight
(1John. 3:22).

(heart, hear, believe, 
and love the God who is close!)

we repent and turn our
 heart from feeding ourself
with pride because of “ministry” that we do!
Since we are giving
God a place for Him to dwell,
any ministry that happens is all ministry
that Jesus is doing!
Lord we love that 
by receiving the kingdom,
You are here.
And by that,
we are making it easier for You to
“walk among us”
and minister to people

(heart, hear, believe, 
and love the God who is close!)

Being “to the Praise of His Glory” 162
 Heart, listen to what we are saying.
Let ourself believe, love,
and be thankful for the truth!
we can cause His glory to be praised
by our receiving the kingdom
and asking Jesus to glorify the Father.
He said to the paralytic,
‘Get up, pick up your bed and go home’
and he got up and went home.
But when the crowds saw this,
they were awestruck, and glorified God
(Matt. 9:6-8).
So the crowd marveled as they saw the mute speaking,
 the crippled restored,
and the lame walking,
and the blind seeing;
and they glorified the God of Israel
(Matt. 15:31).
Whatever you ask in My name,
that will I do,
so that the Father may be glorified in the Son
(John 14:13).

(heart, let ourself feel energy and motivation,
 from the significance of our exalting Him!)

Lord thank You that we can find motivation
and energy on a human level
by exalting You.
we are being to the praise of
Your glory in heavenly realms.
we are being to the praise of
Your glory here in this realm.
Our praise exalts you in the heavenly realms.
And by thank You that Your power is here
and believing it,
Your power IS here for miracles
that exalt you in this realm!
And heart, people glorify God when people get healed!  
Thank You Lord for the eternal significance
of being able to cause Your glory
to be praised HERE.
we are trusting You that Your power is here,
and we are exalting You because of it.
we CAN pray for people
and they will be healed,
and we can exalt YOU because of it.
we can be used by You
because it forwards Your Kingdom
when we quench our thirst with You
But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness,
and all these things will be added to you
(Mat. 6:33).
But let justice roll down like waters
And righteousness like an ever-flowing stream
(Amos. 5:24).
“Righteousness and justice
are the foundation of Your throne;
lovingkindness and truth go before You
(Psalm. 89:14).
There will be no end
to the increase of His government
or of peace To establish it
and to uphold it with justice and righteousness
The zeal of the Lord of hosts will accomplish this
(Isa. 9:7).
We can be part of what causes 
God’s glory to be praised. 
God wants to use us to produce fruit
My Father is glorified by this,
that you bear much fruit,
and so prove to be My disciples
(John 15:8)
glory in Christ Jesus
and put no confidence in the flesh,
(Phi. 3:3).
the nations will bless themselves in Him,
and in Him they will glory
(Jer. 4:2).
“to the end that we would 
be to the praise of His glory” 
(Eph. 1:12).
In the Lord all the offspring of Israel
will be justified and will glory
(Isa 45:25).

(heart,  feel physical 
energy and motivation, 
from God in 
the heavenly realm here!)

Because of standing before the Lord,
our praise and dependence on God
exalts Him in spiritual realms
before many witnesses.
Around us HERE is a great audience
even when nobody here sees
the twenty-four elders
(Rev. 4:10);
many angels around the throne
and the living creatures and the elders;
and the number of them was 
thousands of thousands ” 
(Rev. 5:11).
And the four living creatures
 do not cease to say, 
‘Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God, 
the Almighty,
who was and who is 
and who is to come.’
(Rev. 4:8).
Abel Enoch Noah Abraham Sarah Isaac
Jacob Joseph Moses Rahab
we have so great a cloud of witnesses surrounding us
 (Heb. 11 ,12:1).
rulers world forces of darkness spiritual forces
of wickedness in the heavenly places.
(Eph. 6:12)
we turn from the meaninglessness of living
to the praise of our glory
(Eph. 1:12).
Lord, we delight that we can
exalt and honor You
by our dependence on You
as our refuge, our glory, and strength.
we praise You Lord  

(heart, feel energy and motivation, 
from your exalting God 
in the heavenly realm here)

Being “to the Praise of His Glory” 163
 Believe, love,
and be thankful for the truth!
by receiving the radiance from the fountain
we can help fill the earth with God’s glory
(Num. 14:21, Hab. 2:14)
but indeed, as I live,
all the earth will be filled with the glory of the Lord” 
(Num. 14:21).
For the earth will be filled with
the knowledge of the glory of the Lord,
as the waters cover the sea
(Hab. 2:14).

(heart, feel energy and motivation, 
from your exalting Him!)

we show our love for God 
by helping to remove obstacles 
so that others can quench their thirst by
‘drinking’ from the Fountain of the Father's glory
And it will be said,
‘Build up, build up,
prepare the way,
remove every obstacle 
out of the way of My people
(Isa. 57:14).

(heart, feel energy and motivation,
 from believing you are doing this!)

we love that God wants to
use us to produce spiritual fruit.
we will not hold back in believing this truth
My Father is glorified by this,
that you bear much fruit,
and so prove to be My disciples
(John 15:8).

(heart, feel energy and motivation, 
from the value of your
exalting God 
in the heavenly realm here!)

God is King.
He is putting our enemies under our feet:
The God of peace will soon
crush Satan under your feet
(Rom. 16:20).
And, we are causing God great pleasure
by our delight to love Him
and “drink”
the Holy Spirit radiating from Him:
he who comes to God
must believe that He is a rewarder
of those who seek Him.”
(Heb. 11:6);
And without faith it is impossible to please Him .” 
(Heb. 11:6).
we love that we are being part of
righteousness and praise that is springing
up before the nations
For as the earth brings forth its bud,
and as a garden causes the things
sown in it to spring up,
so the Lord God will cause righteousness
and praise to spring up
before all the nations.
For Zion's sake I will not keep silent,
and for Jerusalem's sake I will not keep quiet,
until her righteousness goes forth like brightness,
and her salvation like a torch that is burning.
The nations will see your righteousness,
and all kings your glory;
and you will be called by a new name
which the mouth of the Lord will designate.
You will also be a crown of beauty
in the hand of the Lord,
and a royal diadem in the hand of your God
(Isa. 61:11-62:3).

(heart, feel energy and motivation)
we can be part of rebuilding the spiritual temple,
helping people become a place for God to dwell
you are fellow citizens with the saints,
and are of God's household,
having been built on the foundation
of the apostles and prophets,
Christ Jesus Himself being the corner stone
in whom the whole building,
being fitted together,
is growing into a holy temple in the Lord
(Eph. 2:19-21).
Those who are far off will come
and build the temple of the Lord.’
Then you will know that the Lord of hosts
has sent me to you.
And it will take place if you completely
obey the Lord your God
(Zec. 6:15).
Those from among you will rebuild the ancient ruins;
 you will raise up the age-old foundations;
and you will be called the repairer of the breach,
the restorer of the streets in which to dwell
(Isa. 58:12).
we can be a witness about God’s glory
we don’t have to be a witness about
the glory of the little “gods” of this world:
For God has shone in our hearts
to give the Light of the knowledge
of the glory of God in the face of Christ.
But we have this treasure in earthen vessels,
so that the surpassing greatness of the power
will be of God and not from ourselves
(2 Cor. 4:6,7).

(heart, hear, believe, and love it as the truth!)

Strongly Lord,
we turn our soul away 
from the meaninglessness
of living to the praise of our glory
(Eph. 1:12).
we delight that we are exalting You
by admitting our need
and welcoming Your presence  

(heart, feel energy and motivation, 
from your exalting God in the
heavenly realm)

Being “to the Praise of His Glory”164
 Heart, listen to what we are saying.
Let ourself believe, love,
and be thankful for the truth!
we can abide in God’s love
and demonstrate the power of God’s love
for other people
“Just as the Father has loved Me,
I have also loved you; abide in My love
(John 15:9).
This is My commandment,
that you love one another,
just as I have loved you
(John 15:12).
give that which is within as charity
(Luke 11:41).
for us to live, is to glorify Christ
and if we die we can 
glorify Him face to face
For to me, to live is Christ
 and to die is gain
(Phil. 1:21).
Lord thank You that we
 can find motivation
and energy on a human level 
by my exalting You.
we are being to the praise of Your glory
in heavenly realms and here.

Our praise exalts you 
in the heavenly realms.
And by thank You that Your power is here
and believing it,
Your power IS here for miracles
that exalt you in this realm!
And heart,
people glorify God 
when people get healed!
Thank You Lord for the eternal significance
of being able to cause Your glory
to be praised HERE.
we are trusting You 
that Your power is here,
and we are exalting You because of it.
we CAN pray for people
and they will be healed,
and we can exalt YOU because of it.
we delight that 
we don't have to believe lies
that we have to find 
the meaning and purpose
we need apart from being to
the praise of Your glory.
we pray that You would rebuke
any enemy pushing me
to exalt my human glory
instead of Yours.
we denounce these things!
Lord, You are our God.
And Lord,
we ask that with 
Your authority and power
You would command the forces of evil
to leave us alone 
and to never come back.
God can use us to change the world
by our drawing near to the throne
and praying while trusting we are
looking at the Father and Jesus His Son

(heart, feel energy
and motivation, from this!)

we can help God advance the kingdom
by obedience to His written and spoken word,
it is in our best interest to obey

(heart, feel energy and motivation, 
from the significance 
of your exalting God!)

we don't have to tie on plastic grapes
and call it spiritual fruit
Abide in Me, and I in you.
As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself
unless it abides in the vine,
so neither can you unless you abide in Me.
I am the vine, you are the branches;
he who abides in Me and I in him,
he bears much fruit,
for apart from Me you can do nothing
My Father is glorified by this,
that you bear much fruit,
and so prove to be My disciples
(John 15:4,5,8).
we don't have to turn 
and quench the thirst of our soul
by chewing on the 
spiritual fruit that God has produced.
When people praise God because of us,
we don't have to turn 
and feed on their praise
as what makes us acceptable.
we exalt You God

 (heart, feel energy and motivation,
 from the significance
of your exalting God!)

we cause God great pleasure 
by our delight to love Him 
and “drink” the Holy Spirit 
radiating from Him

(heart, feel energy and motivation, 
from believing you ARE doing this!)

Strongly Lord,
we turn our soul away 
from the meaninglessness
of living to the praise of our glory
(Eph. 1:12).
we delight that we can glorify You
by admitting our need
and welcoming Your presence.
It is You that we praise  

Being “to the Praise of His Glory”165
 Heart, listen to what we are saying.
Believe, love,
and be thankful for the truth!
I will say to the Lord,
‘My refuge and my fortress,
My God, in whom I trust!’
(Psalm. 91:2)
When we come to You Lord, 
You wash us clean
(Heb. 10:19,22).
It is better to take refuge in the Lord
than to trust in man.
(Psalm. 118:8)
You are my hiding place and my shield
(Psalm. 119:114)
he who takes refuge in Me
will possess My holy mountain.”
(Isa. 57:13)
My soul clings to You
(Psalm. 63:8)
I will be glad in You O most High.”
(Psalm. 9:2)
we don’t have to wait to draw near
because You are our good
(Psalm 73:28);
we welcome Your presence.
Lord, Your touching our body
is righteousness and 
holiness for our humanity!
“I will say to the Lord,
‘My refuge and my fortress,
My God, in whom I trust!’”
(Psalm. 91:2)
“drinking” from the fountain of God
and not other sources
we demonstrate to these unseen witnesses
that God is more than enough.
Lord, we love that we can so greatly exalt
and honor You
even when nobody here is watching

we don't have to live to 
the praise of the glory of our name
we can be to the praise of God’s glory.
Lord, we love that we can continually
give You a sacrifice of praise.
we can demonstrate our love for you
by exalting You greatly by praise.
And, Lord we love the eternal value
and significance of our exalting
You in heavenly realms,
AND in this realm here;
Through Him then,
let us continually offer up 
a sacrifice of praise to God, 
that is,
the fruit of lips 
that give thanks to His name
(Heb. 13:15).

(heart, feel energy and motivation, 
from our exalting God
 in the heavenly realm right here)

we can significantly advance the Kingdom of God 
because of our access to God
and His radiance showered upon us
“Save us, O Lord our God,
and gather us to give thanks to Your holy name
and glory in Your praise
(Psalm. 106:47).
For the Lord God is a sun and shield;
the Lord gives grace and glory;
no good thing does He withhold
from those who walk uprightly
(Psalm. 84:11).

(heart, hear, believe, and love it as the truth!)

I, even I, am the Lord,
and there is no savior besides Me.
It is I who have declared
and saved and proclaimed,
and there was no strange god among you;
so you are My witnesses,’
declares the Lord,
"And I am God
(Isa. 43:11,12).
God wants to use us for good works
that shine and that glorify the Father.
we will not hold back from believing it:
Let your light shine before men in such a way
that they may see your good works,
and glorify your Father who is in heaven.
(Matt. 5:16).

we turn from the meaninglessness of living
to the praise of our glory
(Eph. 1:12).
Lord thank You that we can find
motivation and energy on a human level
by our exalting You.
we are being to the praise of Your glory
in heavenly realms and here in this realm.
Our praise exalts you in the heavenly realms.
And by thank You that Your power is here
and believing it,
Your power IS here for miracles
that exalt you in this realm!
And heart,
people glorify God when people get healed!
Thank You Lord for the eternal significance
of being able to cause
Your glory to be praised HERE.
we are trusting You that
Your power is here,
and we are exalting You because of it.
we CAN pray for people
and they will be healed ,
and we can exalt YOU because of it  

(heart, feel energy
and motivation, from exalting God
in the heavenly realm and HERE!)

Healing and the Miraculous 166
God is their healer too!
heart turn away from earthly things
and toward God
is very important for the kind of faith
that helps us to experience
 healing and miracles
on a regular and consistent basis
(John 5:44).
Trust God is washing our body holy
so that He can use it for healing and miracles.
And, when we have entered
and are trusting that God has come near
bringing heaven here,
then there is a lot of power in remembering
that here with you 
are persons with personality.
Jesus, the Father, and the Holy Spirit
are persons with personality.
Trust that Jesus is in front of you
and the Father God is next to Jesus
and to the right side.
The person of the Holy Spirit
is here all around!
The angels that are here,
are individuals and 
each of them have personalities
and roles with specific areas of expertise
in the kingdom of God.
Heart, listen to what we are saying 
and let ourself believe and love the truth!
 Heart, it is God’s will that our abiding results 
in spiritual fruit that glorifies the Father
(John 15:5,8).
Lord, we are trusting that we are near to You
and that You have drawn near to us
by bringing heaven with You.
Lord thank You that the kingdom is all around use here. 
Lord, we praise You that Your Kingdom IS here.
we restfully cling to Heaven all around us, Lord.
we rest holding on and we exalt You
because You are the God
who is so much greater than the “gods” of this world.
we exalt you in the unseen realms
before angels, spiritual rulers, and principalities.
And, we exalt You here in this realm
by trusting that Your power is here.
When we pray for people they get healed
and You are glorified because of it.
And, we exalt YOU Lord, not ourself.

(heart, feel energy and motivation,
from exalting God in the
heavenly realm)

Heart, we will not allow the things of evil
to choke off the flow of the power of God
onto and through us.
we turn away from pride, 
disbelief, fears of rejection, worry,
 doubt, bitterness, envy, unforgiveness,
discouragement, unrest.
God CAN use us and He wants to use us
for healing and miracles.
we are priests who stands before the Lord
and it IS God’s will to use us to minister
with power to His people:
My sons,
do not be negligent now,
for the Lord has chosen you to stand before Him,
to minister to Him, and to be His ministers
(2 Chron. 29:11).
And when God uses us with His power,
we turn away from pride 
because of spiritual successes.
 Heart, there is no sickness in heaven
and Jesus told the disciples
to pray that God’s will would be done on earth
as it is in heaven.
So, we are trusting that we are near to God,
and that heaven is all around me here.
God’s will is that there is 
no sickness in heaven, 
therefore it is also God’s will that there is
NO sickness or disease in us,
or anywhere around us HERE.
Heart hear and believe this!
Jesus and the Father are here before us,
the Holy Spirit is IN us
and He is all around us,
angels are all around.
Therefore, the power of heaven IS here.
we CAN receive the power of God for healing
and miracles.
we are believing that God’s power
is here because by this,
we can exalt Him in this realm here.
Heart, there is NO lack of power for healing!
And God is our friend.
 Heart, Jesus told me,
I am sending forth the promise of My Father
upon you ”
And, what “I am sending,”
He said would “clothe” us “ with power from on high
 (Luke 24:29).
And, “ you will receive power
when the Holy Spirit has come upon you;
and you shall be My witnesses
(Acts 1:8).
This Jesus God raised up again
having been exalted to the right hand of God,
and having received from the Father
the promise of the Holy Spirit,
He has poured forth this 
which you both see and hear.” 
(Acts 2:32,33).
we receive the promise
 of the Spirit through faith.
(Gal 3:14);
it is by faith,
in order that it may be
 in accordance with grace,
so that the promise 
 will be guaranteed to all
(Rom. 4:16).
Do not be afraid, little flock,
for your Father has chosen gladly
to give you the kingdom.”
(Luke 12:32).
the kingdom of God does not consist
in words but in power
(1Co 4:20).
Heart, our Jesus says to us,
Behold, I have given you authority
over all the power of the enemy,
and nothing will injure you
(Luke 10:19).
Heart rest into believing
by submitting to these things as truth!
Because of God giving us the Holy Spirit
inside and outside,
Jesus has given us authority
over ALL the power of the enemy!
you will receive power when the Holy Spirit
has come upon you
(Acts 1:8).

Healing and the Miraculous 167
Heart, listen to what we are saying.
Let ourself believe, love,
and be thankful for the truth!
 Heart, we are commanded to
walk in the same manner as He walked
(1John 2:6).
Therefore, it is the will of God that
He is able to use us to do miracles and healing.
Lord, we are trusting that we are receiving
and abiding inside
Your powerful and great love.
And, we exalt YOU for it God!
our praise is toward YOU Lord.
God doesn’t do these things
to build up our spiritual pride!
 Heart, God says that
you shall be My witnesses
 even to the remotest
part of the earth
(Acts 1:8).
And our humanity is not perfect,
but we have set our heart to make
the Lord to be our God
and to keep turning away from earthly sources.
we turn to trust God to touch our body
and make it holy, complete in Him.
Heart, rest into confidence that
God IS our strong refuge,
He alone IS our strength,
and the presence of God IS our glory.
Therefore, we can be confident when God says that
there was no strange god among you;
so you are My witnesses
(Isa. 43:12).
Heart, it is the truth!
Because we are trusting Him to be God to us,
then that is what makes us His witness,
even to the remotest part of the earth.”
 You know of Jesus of Nazareth,
how God anointed Him with the Holy Spirit
and with power,
and how He went about 
doing good and healing
all who were oppressed by the devil,
for God was with Him
(Acts 10:38).
As for you, the anointing 
which you received from Him
abides in you,
and  you abide in Him
(1John 2:27).
The power of God for healing ABIDES in us;
it never leaves us
and does not decrease because it ABIDES.
Because of the Holy Spirit abiding in us,
power for healing IS inside us,
and power for healing is all around us
because we are receiving His presence here.
And, God we praise You for this power.
our praise exalts and greatly honor God
in unseen realms.
And by His power here,
we can exalt Him HERE
so that people glorify Him.

(heart, feel energy and motivation,
 from our exalting
God in the heavenly realm)

 Heart, our being able to look at the Lord
and receive HIS power is
NOT dependant on our self discipline.
Instead of discipline,
our looking at the Lord WILL come from love, 
delight about the truth,
confident hope, and faith. 
Heart hear this and let ourself feel compassion. 
A lot of people are in great pain
from sickness and disease

The truth IS that by keeping our eyes of faith 
on the Lord we CAN receive His power.
 So, we should NOT have any fear, 
and we SHOULD have confidence 
because we really can receive the power of God 
and they really CAN be healed by our doing that.
 Heart, the truth is that a lot of people will find health, 
freedom from pain, and freedom from oppression.
 our faith and love for them,
AND for God CAN help us to be faithful 
to keep looking at the Lord 
and believing that we are receiving His power. 
And, none of this needs to feel like discipline! 
we CAN be far more faithful to do these things, 
when we nurture the motivation
 for doing them in our heart.
 Heart, the works of the Father include 
miracles and healing because Jesus said that
 “ the Father abiding in Me does His works” 
(John 14:10). 
In the same way as Jesus,
 the Spirit of the Father 
 abiding in us does His works,
it's NOT for my self-esteem 
that God does His works. 
It is “to the end that we would 
be to the praise of His glory
 (Eph. 1:12).
 “to the praise of the glory of His grace
 (Eph. 1:6).
let us continually offer up 
a sacrifice of praise to God
 (Hebrews 13:15). 
we exalt YOU Lord. 
we praise YOU God! 
Thank You for Your power being here in us
and all around us. 
The kingdom of heaven IS here.
 God thank You that we CAN exalt 
and honor You when nobody here sees 
AND when people are watching.

 (heart, feel energy and motivation, 
from our exalting God in the heavenly
realm AND HERE!)
 The God of peace will soon 
crush Satan under your feet
 (Romans 16:20). 

Behold, I have given you authority 
over all the power of the enemy,
 and nothing will injure you
 (Luke 10:19).
 God’s love, authority and His power 
is in us and all around us
Healing and the Miraculous 168
 Heart, listen to what we are saying.
 Let ourself believe, love, 
and be thankful for the truth!
 we are commanded to 
follow in His steps
 (1Pet. 2:21).
 “ as He is, so also are we in this world” 
(1John 4:17). 
Therefore it is Jesus’ promise to me that 
Most assuredly, I say to you, 
he who believes in Me,
 the works that I do he will do also;
 and greater works than these he will do, 
because I go to My Father. 
And whatever you ask in My name,
 that I will do,
 that the Father may be glorified in the Son. 
 If you ask anything in My name, 
I will do it.” 
(John 14:12-14). 
God CAN and He DOES work healing 
and miracles through us.
We turn from praising ourself for it! 
our praise is toward YOU Lord!  
 Jesus said that 
the Spirit of truth who proceeds from the Father, 
He will testify about Me
 (John 15:26). 
we know that we abide in Him 
and He in us, 
because He has given us of His Spirit” 
(1John 4:13). 
Therefore, the Holy Spirit that abides in us
and that we are receiving from the radiance around God, 
He IS giving powerful witness about the love 
and the power of our God!
 I send the Promise of My Father upon you; 
but wait in the city of Jerusalem 
until you are endued with power from on high.
 (Luke 24:49). 
you will receive power 
when the Holy Spirit has come upon you;
 and you shall be My witnesses
 (Acts 1:8).
This Jesus God raised up again 
having been exalted to the right hand of God,
 and having received from the Father 
 the promise of the Holy Spirit, 
He has poured forth
 this which you both see and hear.” 
(Acts 2:32,33).
“ we receive the promise of the Spirit through faith.
 (Gal 3:14); 
“ it is by faith, 
in order that it may be in accordance with grace, 
so that the promise will be guaranteed to all
 (Rom. 4:16).
Do not be afraid, little flock, 
for your Father has chosen gladly 
to give you the kingdom.” 
(Luke 12:32).
the kingdom of God does not consist in words 
but in power” 
(1Cor 4:20).
the crowd marveled 
as they saw the mute speaking, 
the crippled restored, 
and the lame walking, 
and the blind seeing; 
and they glorified the God of Israel” 
(Mat. 15:31).
 The same thing IS being true of us because
 IT IS WRITTEN that when we
 “ lay hands on the sick they will recover
 (Mar 16:18). 
The power of the Holy Spirit 
abides inside us
AND by our receiving from His radiance, 
the Spirit of glory 
and of God rests on us” 
(1Pet. 4:14).
 when our refuge is the presence of God, 
then the Kingdom of God is HERE; 
he who takes refuge in Me
 will possess My holy mountain
 (Isa. 57:13). 
Heart, heaven IS here. 
The power of God IS here.
There is NO sickness in heaven. 
God’s will CAN be and IS being done on earth 
as it is in heaven! 
Heart, the kingdom of God
 is here with the life of God, 
His power, His Light, and His love. 
God CAN work through us
and He IS causing His glory to be praised;
will lay hands on the sick, 
and they will recover” 
(Mar 16:18).
 Lord, we are trusting that we are abiding inside 
Your powerful and great love.
 our being able to look at the Lord
 and receive HIS power
 is NOT dependant on our selfdiscipline.
Instead of discipline, 
our looking at the Lord WILL come from love, 
delight about the truth,
confident hope, and faith. 
Heart hear this and let ourself enjoy knowing 
that we CAN exalt the Lord. 
we can receive His power
 and people will get healed
 and by this we WILL be causing the glory of the Lord 
to be greatly praised! 
So, we should NOT have any fear, 
and we SHOULD have confidence
 because we really can receive 
the power of God 
and they really CAN be healed 
by doing that. 
The truth is that a lot of people will find health, 
and when they do,
 they WILL give credit to God! 
They will glorify Him! 
we CAN be faithful to keep looking at the Lord 
and believing that we are receiving His power. 
And, none of this needs to feel like discipline
because the motive for doing it,
 is coming from our heart!
 Destroying the works of the devil 
is necessary for God to be able to build us
 (His church) together as His dwelling place 
(Eph 2:19-22). 
David was unable to build a house 
for the name of the Lord his God 
because of the wars which surrounded him, 
until the Lord put them under the soles of his feet” 
(1 Kings 5:3).

 (The more the devil is 
“put under our feet,”
 the more fully we will be His temple.)

Healing and the Miraculous 169
 Heart, listen to what we are saying. 
Let ourself believe, love, 
and be thankful for the truth!
 We set our heart to follow Your example Jesus: 
The Son of God appeared for this purpose,
 to destroy the works of the devil
 (1 John 3:8).
 “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday 
and today and forever
 (Hebrews 13:8). 
The God of peace will soon crush Satan
 under your feet
 (Romans 16:20). 

Behold, I have given you authority 
over all the power of the enemy, 
and nothing will injure you
 (Luke 10:19)
we are commanded to pray,
 “ Our Father who is in heaven .
Your will be done, 
On earth as it is in heaven
 (Mat. 6:9,10). 
And, we love the truth that 
since there is no sickness
 or disease in heaven, 
it is the Father’s will that 
there be NO sickness or disease
 “on earth as it is in heaven.” 
Thank You Lord!
 we love that we CAN exalt You by our praise 
in the unseen realm 
AND by the manifestation of Your power
 here in this realm.
Thank You for giving Your power so freely! 

 (heart, enjoy the value of exalting God!)
 we have drawn near to God 
and He has come to us here.
 we walk as He walked because God is
IN us and He is walking with us here 
(2Co 6:16). 
As for you, the anointing 
which you received from Him
abides in you, and  you abide in Him” 
(1Jo 2:27).
 The power of God for healing ABIDES in us;
 it never leaves us and does not decrease 
because it ABIDES.
 Because of the Holy Spirit abiding in us, 
power for healing IS inside us,
 and power for healing is all around us
because we are receiving His presence here. 
we can cause God’s glory to be praised! 
The love and the kindness of God is here.
 The power of God is intensely here!
(heart, feel energy and motivation, 
from our exalting God 
in the heavenly realm AND HERE!)
 Heart, it is by the living Spirit of God
 that the life of Jesus IS being manifested
 in and through us
(2Cor. 4:10). 
By God’s grace we are confident that 
the life of Jesus is in us and that we are receiving 
more of His life,
 because it is His living Spirit 
that is pouring out from the fountain of life 
(Psalm. 36:9; John 7:37-39). 
It is the Spirit who gives life
(John 6:63). 
We are trusting that He is in us, 
and He is all around.
(heart, feel energy and motivation, 
from our exalting God 
in the heavenly realm AND HERE!)
  “ The Son of God appeared for this purpose, 
to destroy the works of the devil
 (1 John 3:8).
 “The God of peace will soon 
crush Satan under our feet
 (Romans 16:20). 
“Behold, I have given you authority over all the power 
of the enemy, 
and nothing will injure you
 (Luke 10:19).
 Heart, that is what God says,
so REST into believing it with confident faith! 
Enjoy the closeness of the substance of God’s love, 
His authority, and His power in us 
and all around us here.
 Lord, we are trusting that we are receiving 
and abiding inside Your powerful and great love. 
And we praise YOU for it Lord.
 we love YOU!
Heart, God doesn’t do His works 
and then make a sacrifice 
by letting the praise go to us. 
let us continually offer up
 a sacrifice of praise to God ” 
(Hebrews 13:15).
 God’s love, His authority, 
and His power are in us and all around us here. 
The praise should go toward Him for what He does. 

(heart, feel energy and motivation, 
from our exalting God 
in the heavenly realm AND HERE!)
 Heart, it is God’s will that we be His witnesses. 
And, God gives power for witnessing 
by giving us the Holy Spirit; 
you will receive power when the Holy Spirit 
has come upon you; 
and you shall be My witnesses
 (Acts 1:8).
 The power of the Holy Spirit is IN us. 
And, we draw near to Him 
and He pours the Holy Spirit 
and power onto us all around.
 Heart, REST into confidently believing this
 because it is the truth! 
Our praise exalts God and 
His power within causes others
 to praise and exalt Him.

(heart, feel energy and motivation, 
from our exalting God 
in the heavenly realm AND HERE!)

Healing and the Miraculous 170
Heart, listen to what we are saying.
 Let ourself believe, love, 
and be thankful for the truth!
Faithfulness to keep looking at the Lord 
and receive HIS power is NOT going to come
from self-discipline.
 Instead of discipline, it will work far better 
when faithfulness flows out of love, 
delight about the truth, confident hope, and faith.
 Heart hear this! Jesus said that He made us
the light of the world.
And, by our receiving HIS Light,
 then our light will shine in such a way 
that people will see our good works
and they WILL glorify God because of it. 
So, we set our heart to look at the Lord 
 believing that we are looking at Him. 
And, we rejoice in the TRUTH that by doing this, 
we are close to Him and soaking in HIS power
 for healing on us, and all through us.
 we CAN greatly glorify the Lord by this. 
People will be healed 
and God WILL be honored. 
Heart, the truth is that we CAN be faithful 
to keep looking at the Lord 
and believing that we are receiving His power. 
And, none of this needs to feel like discipline 
because the motive for doing it, 
is coming from our heart!
Jesus answered,
 ‘My kingdom is not of this world 
My kingdom is not of this realm.
(John 18:36).
consider yourselves to be dead to sin, 
but alive to God in Christ Jesus
(Rom. 6:11). 
Consider yourself dead to this realm of sin 
and evil and alive to God and His kingdom!
You know of Jesus of Nazareth, 
how God anointed Him with the Holy Spirit 
and with power, 
and how He went about doing good 
and healing all who were oppressed by the devil, 
for God was with Him” 
(Acts 10:38). 
you will receive power when the Holy Spirit 
has come upon you; 
and you shall be My witnesses
 (Acts 1:8).
 The Holy Spirit “proceeds” from Jesus 
and the Father and He is the Helper 
who gives testimony
 (John 15:26). 
The Helper who gives testimony lives inside us! 
And by trusting that we are before the Lord
and that His radiance is before us here,
 by that, we are receiving more of
 the Holy Spirit into us, 
onto us, and all around us here, all the time!
 Heart, God says that 
you shall be My witnesses even to the remotest part
 of the earth” 
(Acts 1:8). 
Rest into confidence that God IS our strong refuge, 
He alone IS our strength,
 and the substance of God’s presence
 with us IS our glory. 
Therefore, we can be confident when God says that 
there was no strange god among you; 
so you are My witnesses
 (Isa. 43:12). 

Because we am trusting Him to be God to us, 
then that is what makes us His witness,
 “even to the remotest part of the earth.

 (Feel energy and motivation, 
from exalting God in the
heavenly realm)
  the kingdom of God has come with power” 
(Mark 9:1).
 Believe that! God lives INSIDE us and,
 “This Jesus God raised up 
Therefore having been exalted
 to the right hand of God, 
and having received from the Father 
the promise of the Holy Spirit, 
He has poured forth this 
which you both see and hear
 (Acts 2:32,33).
 By entering and receiving the kingdom of God, 
His glory and the kingdom of God 
comes here with power! 
By this, we are being 
to the praise of His glory” 
(Eph. 1:12).  
has granted to us 
His precious and magnificent promises,
 so that by them you may become partakers 
of the divine nature
 (2 Peter 1:4). 
w have “partaken” of God’s divine nature 
because we have received Christ. 
AND we have also, 
drawn near to God and opening up 
to receive the Holy Spirit 
by the radiance around Him. 
By this, we are continually “partaking” 
more of the divine nature all the time.
 Lord, we are trusting that we are
 receiving and abiding
 inside Your powerful and great love.
 God’s love, His authority, and
His power are in us and all around us here.
“Do not be afraid, little flock, 
for your Father has chosen 
gladly to give you the kingdom.” 
(Luke 12:32).
the kingdom of God does not consist
 in words but in power
 (1Co 4:20).

Healing and the Miraculous 171

Let yourself believe, love, 
and be thankful for the truth!
Heart believe it that Jesus told us that , 
I am sending forth the promise 
of My Father upon you ”
 And, what “I am sending,” 
He said would “clothe” us “
 with power from on high
 (Luke 24:29). 
you will receive power
 when the Holy Spirit
 has come upon you; 
and you shall be My witnesses ” 
(Acts 1:8).
This Jesus God raised up again and
 having been exalted to the right hand of God, 
and having received from the Father
 the promise of the Holy Spirit,
 He has poured forth 
this which you both see and hear.
 (Acts 2:32,33).
we receive the promise 
of the Spirit through faith.
 (Gal 3:14).
it is by faith, in order that 
it may be in accordance 
with grace, so that the promise 
will be guaranteed to all
 (Rom. 4:16).
 Abiding inside the presence of God
and with Him inside us
allows God to do His works 
and it results in much fruit. 
God’s word is true! Jesus tells us,
 “Abide in Me, and I in you.
 As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself 
unless it abides in the vine, 
so neither can you unless you abide in Me. 
I am the vine, you are the branches; 
he who abides in Me and I in him, 
he bears much fruit, 
for apart from Me you can do nothing” 
(John 15:4,5); 
Believe Me that I am in the Father
 and the Father is in Me
 (John 14:11).
   “ walk in the same manner as He walked” 
(1John 2:6). 
So, give thanks and praise with joy and delight.
 The substance of God’s kindness 
and love in us and with us, 
and the substance of God’s
GOOD authority and power makes us so that
 we CAN 
walk in the same manner as He walked” 
(1John 2:6).
Thank You Lord. 
we love You Lord.
 we can do “greater works” 
because we are commanded to 
follow Your example Jesus.
Do you not believe that I am in the Father, 
and the Father is in Me? 
The words that I say to you I do not speak
on My own initiative, 
but the Father abiding in Me does His works. 
Believe Me that I am in the Father 
and the Father is in Me;
 otherwise believe because of the works themselves. 
Truly, truly, I say to you, 
he who believes in Me,
 the works that I do, he will do also;
 and greater works than these he will do; 
because I go to the Father
(John 14:10-12).
 we praise You Lord that You
 have given us access 
to enter and draw near. 
By faith in your grace 
we receive your radiant presence,
 we receive Your power for miracles 
and healings that demonstrate 
that Your word is true!
(One with God)
 There is one body and one Spirit 
one God and Father of all who is over all 
and through all and in all” 
(Eph. 4:4,6). 
the one who joins himself to the Lord 
is one spirit with Him
 (1Cor. 6:17).
 Jesus is one with the Father 
because He shares the same Spirit as the Father.
 we are one with God 
because the Holy Spirit is in us, 
and He is all around us
because we are drinking of the same Spirit 
that “proceeds” from the Father
 and that flows out of Jesus:
 “ the fountain of living water, 
even the Lord.
 (Jer. 17:13). 
His Son He is the radiance of His glory ” 
(Heb. 1:2,3; 

There is one Spirit ” 
(Eph. 4:4);
the Spirit of glory
 (1Pet. 4:14). 
the Holy Spirit of God
 (Eph. 4:30); 
the Spirit of Jesus
 (Acts 16:7); “ 
the Spirit of your Father
 (Mat. 10:20); 
the Helper whom I will send to you
 from the Father the Spirit of truth
who proceeds from the Father ” 
(John 15:26).
 we are one with God 
because by drawing near, 
we are in Him and He is in us,
 “ The glory which You have given Me
 I have given to them, 
that they may be one,
 just as We are one”
(John 17:22). 
we praise You Lord that we can receive
 the Spirit of the Father 
and the Son that flows freely 
from You Jesus. 
The Spirit of Almighty God is HERE in us, 
and all around. 
And, we praise You for Your grace God!
Thank You Lord that by Your Holy Spirit,
 You make us one with You!
 “ the Spirit of glory and of God rests on us
 (1Pet. 4:14).
 Lord, we love Your presence with us, in us, 
and touching our skin:

Healing and the Miraculous 172
Heart, listen to what we are saying. 
Let ourself believe, love,
 and be thankful for the truth!
 God is building Christians together 
into a temple
a dwelling place for God: 
So then you are no longer strangers and aliens,
 but you are of God's household,
 having been built on 
the foundation of the apostles and prophets, 
Christ Jesus Himself being the corner stone 
in whom the whole building, being fitted together,
 is growing into a holy temple in the Lord,
 in whom you also are being built together
 into a dwelling of God in the Spirit
 (Eph. 2:19, 21,22).
we praise YOU Lord that You have made us
into a dwelling place for Your Holy Spirit. 
You have given us the kingdom of God. 
Angels are here all around us
We are standing before the Lord of glory 
who pours the Holy Spirit into and all around us.
 We love the truth 
that we can 
Draw near to God 
and He will draw near to you
 (James 4:8).
Jesus was praying for us
when He said to the Father, 
“ The glory which You have given Me
 I have given to them, that they may be one,
 just as We are one
 (John 17:22).
 “There is one body and one Spirit one God 
and Father of all who is over all 
and through all and in all”
 (Eph. 4:4,6). 
The Holy Spirit is HERE! 
The power and the love of God is HERE.
 Angels are HERE. 
Power to be His witness is HERE.

Chapter 11



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