Chapter 9

Remember the father is seeking for us to stand in the gap
The Holy Spirit is drawing us to a standing point
as we go forward we may at some point 
as we stand in the gate be reminded
of someone or something to reach out to.
If a scripture opens this then pause for a while
and allow the Holy Spirit to reveal it.

Receiving the Kingdom of Heaven 144

 Heart, listen to what we are saying.
Let ourselves believe, love,
and be thankful for the truth!
Heart, we don’t have to work at it until we deserve
the Holy Spirit somehow.
God is not selfish like people.
He doesn’t hold back Even when we ask for forgiveness, 
God gives us more of His Spirit
as He washes us clean.
Heart, let ourselves believe the truth.
God is our friend!
we can ALWAYS receive more of the Holy Spirit
Heart, don’t wait until we think we deserve
to enter and stand before God.
Put the right clothes on by
trusting that Christ is in us
AND by believing that God is washing our body
as we trust
that we are entering to come before Him.
Then feast on the presence of God here and now.
Believe it heart;
we have confidence
to enter the holy place
by the blood of Jesus
let us draw near in full assurance of faith,
having our hearts
sprinkled clean and our bodies washed with pure water” 
(Heb. 10:19, 22).
Heart, our God is a fountain of the Holy Spirit.
And because of His grace,
God draws near when we draw near to Him
(James 4:8).
Heart, God is our friend!
Believe that
we receive the promise of the Spirit through faith.” 
(Gal 3:14);
it is by faith,
in order that it may be in accordance with grace,
so that the promise will be guaranteed to all
(Rom. 4:16).
Heart, think of God as our friend!
Turn away from fear about whether God is able
or willing to quench our spiritual thirst.
The truth is that God has promised
to be God to us HERE!
Anything else is idolatry.
God has made an 
everlasting covenant,
to be God to us and to our descendants
(Gen. 17:7; Gal. 3:29).
So, believe that God IS always ready to draw near 
because He never stops being a fountain
that graciously gushes His glorious presence.
BELIEVE we have drawn near
to the fountain of God,
and He WILL draw near to us
Heart, believe and love that because
Christ IS our savior,
we have the acceptance of God.
And, Jesus Christ  died so that He might
bring us to God ”
(1Pet 3:18);
through Him
we  have  access to the Father
(Eph. 2:18).
we have boldness and confident access
through faith in Him
(Eph. 3:12).
It also says to
Draw near to God and He will draw near to us” 
(James 4:8).
have confidence to enter the holy place .”
(Heb. 10:19);
seek first His kingdom and His righteousness ” 
(Matt. 6:33).
Believe that
we receive a kingdom which cannot be shaken ” 
 (Heb. 12:28).
So, it is right to believe that God is here,
that heaven is all around us,
and that the demonic realm is
under our physical feet.
Hear it again,
we have boldness and confident access
through faith in Him
(Eph. 3:12).
The finished work of Christ paid for it all
God’s word is true.
we should be confident that
he who takes refuge in Me
will possess My holy mountain
(Isa. 57:13).
By taking refuge IN Him,
by our trusting the presence of God as our refuge,
God says that we possess His Kingdom here.
So, we draw near to God by receiving
His Kingdom all around us here.
Heart, believe that the Kingdom of heaven is HERE 
because we have made the presence of the Lord
our strong refuge.
By faith we,
set the Lord God continually before us;
because He is at our right hand,
we will not be shaken.”
(Psalm. 16:8).
Heart, rejoice our way into BELIEVING the truth. 
God does come to us and
He brings heaven all around us HERE.
God says that
"My dwelling place will be with them;
and I will be their God,
and they will be My people"
(Ezek. 37:27);
I will also walk among you
and be your God,
and you shall be My people
(Lev. 26:12);
Behold  God He will dwell among us,
and we shall be His people,
and God Himself will be among us'"
(Rev. 21:3);
Heart, God keeps saying the same thing
and God is our friend;
“ God said,
"I will dwell in them and walk among them;
and I will be their God,
and they shall be My people
(2Cor 6:16).

(Heart,  believe!)

Heart, be confident about
coming before the Father HERE
because we enter by receiving the kingdom here,
through Him we have our access
in one Spirit to the Father
(Eph. 2:18);
Jesus said no one comes to
the Father but through Me
(John 14:6);
therefore, we will let ourselves
have confidence to enter the holy place .”
(Heb. 10:19).
And, since “we receive a kingdom
which cannot be shaken,
let us show gratitude,
by which we may offer to God
an acceptable service with reverence and awe
(Heb. 12:28).

(Heart, love and enjoy the truth!)

Receiving the Kingdom of Heaven 145
Jesus “ has made us to be kingdom,
priests to Our God and Father
(Rev. 1:6).
So we are a priest and we are commanded, and able,
to stand before the Lord here because the Bible says,
 “ do not be negligent now,
for the Lord has chosen you
to stand before Him,
to minister to Him,
and to be His ministers
(2 Chron. 29:11).
So heart,
be confident about standing HERE before the Lord 
because “ the Lord said to Moses, ‘
Behold, we will stand
before you there on the rock at Horeb ’”
(Exod. 17:5,6).
And also because, “Elijah said,
‘As the Lord of hosts lives,
before whom we stand
(1 Kings 18:15).
And “Elisha said,
‘As the Lord of hosts lives,
before whom we stand,
were it not that we regard the presence of Jehoshaphat
the king of Judah,
we would not look at you nor see you.”
(2 Kings 3:14).
the Lord stood with us
and strengthened us,
so that through us the proclamation
might be fully accomplished
(2Tim 4:17).

Enter and Stand Before the Lord 146
 Heart, listen to what we are saying.
Let ourselves believe, love,
and be thankful for the truth!
By getting our heart to believe,
we are removing obstacles of fear
and disbelief about God’s presence.
we don't need to find reasons
to think highly of ourselves
before we can come to God.
Drawing near to God isn’t
about faith in us!
It is “access through faith in Him
(Eph. 3:12).
So heart, believe the goodness
and the grace of God for your being able
to receive His presence freely and in abundance!
we are trusting Christ as our savior
AND we are trusting Him to wash our body
as we draw near
(Heb. 10:19, 22).
So when we come to God,
He does not reject us and He won’t throw us out
(John 6:37)
Heart, humble ourselves into faith
because God Himself is our righteousness.
The Holy Spirit in us
and the Living God with us is our goodness.
So think of God as our friend,
because He IS  
we don’t have to settle for things
the way they always have been.
Be confident that God wants to fill
our thirsty desires with His presence.
Anything else is idolatry
so of course God wants to be God to us here.
we can draw near and stay before the Lord
because “ the nearness of God is our good;
we have made the Lord God our refuge
(Psalm. 73:28).
And heart, the God of the armies of heaven is our friend  
(enjoy believing it!)

repentance means to change our heart-level thinking
so it stays in agreement with truth
about the kingdom of God.
By doing that,
we have a strong guarantee that we CAN experience
God’s presence freely.
God wants to be God to us
by His presence with us as our refuge, our strength, 
and our glory.
Anything else is idolatry.
So, by repentance with joy,
we trade our having to earn earthly glory
for the presence of God given freely to us
by His grace.
we trade our having to praise ourselves
in order to feed our neediness.
And we turn our praise toward our God
who is close to us .
By trading our human glory for His,
it frees us to rest into believing
we are near to the fountain of God.
And since God is our friend,
we are able to open up
and receive God as our glory,
just like we would normally receive glory
from earthly things:
repent and return,
so that your sins may be wiped away,
in order that times of refreshing may come
from the presence of the Lord
(Acts 3:19).
sin doesn’t have power
when we are surrounded by the throne room
and we don’t let our inner being
reach toward earthly things.
Instead of sin, we find the reassurance and
soothing we need from
the closeness of the Holy Spirit
touching us all around.
Heart, instead of the world touching you,
turn and love,
enjoy the closeness of the kingdom of heaven
and the angels that are around us here, right now.
 Lord we love that we can feed on You
in a way that relates to what we are feeding ourselves
with on a human level;
human beauty for the closeness
and touch of Your greater beauty,
human power for the closeness
and the greatness of Your power.
Human kindness and acceptance for the substance
of Your kindness, acceptance,
and approval touching us here
we have confidence
to enter the holy place by the blood of Jesus
draw near in full assurance of faith,
having our hearts sprinkled clean
and our bodies washed with pure water.
(Heb. 10:19, 22).
So right now, we are being confident
about entering by the blood of Jesus.
we are trusting that we are entering
before the Lord God and as we come,
we are trusting that He is washing our heart
and our body with His presence
(Heb. 10:19, 22).

we are trusting God to draw near to us because
he who comes to God must
believe that He is a rewarder of those
who seek Him.
(Heb. 11:6).
Heart, the Holy Spirit is present
because of the power of the radiance
that thunders onto us from the fountain of God. 
And God is our glory
because He shines in all directions.
we set our heart to find refuge with our whole body
inside the kingdom of heaven,
trusting that it has come in us HERE.
“he who takes refuge in Me will possess
My holy mountain.
(Isa. 57:13).
And yes, there are examples in the Bible of people
 going into heaven during visions,
but we thank you Lord that for everyday,
practical abiding,
we don’t have to ascend into heaven
in order to bring heaven in!
“the righteousness based on faith speaks as follows: 
"Do not say in your heart,
'Who will ascend into heaven?'
(that is, to bring Christ down)”
(Rom. 10:6).

Receiving the Kingdom of Heaven 147
 Heart, listen to what we are saying.
Let ourselves believe, love,
and be thankful for the truth!
when we come to God,
He does not reject us
and He won’t throw us out
(John 6:37)
we have trusted Christ as our savior
AND we are trusting Him to wash our body
as we draw near
(Heb. 10:19, 22)

(Heart, love the truth!)

God commanded us to abide in Him.
we are absolutely confident that God
will be true to His word
and let us drink of the Holy Spirit:
God says,
I will pour out water on the thirsty land
and streams on the dry ground;
I will pour out My Spirit on your offspring
and My blessing on your descendants;
and they will spring up among the grass
like poplars by streams of water
(Isa. 44:3,4).

(Heart, feel reassured by it!)

we received Christ by faith for salvation.
we “walk in Him”
by receiving God’s presence through faith even now:
as you have received Christ Jesus the Lord,
so walk in Him,
(Col. 2:6).
He saved us by
the washing of regeneration and renewing
by the Holy Spirit,
(Titus 3:5);
So God cleansed us with the Holy Spirit for salvation,
and we are to walk in His continual
cleansing even now. 
walk in the Light as He Himself is in the Light
(1 John 1:7);
we can walk in Him because 
God is Light
(1 John 1:5).
IT IS WRITTEN that we should
be diligent to enter God’s rest
(Heb. 4:11).
So, we rest into a confident faith about entering, 
staying before the Lord God,
and we are believing the kingdom of God
to be all around us here.
It also says to 
cling to Him.”
(Deut. 13:4).
So we “cling”
to the kingdom of heaven around us here,
by resting the weight of our entire being,
And, Heart, 
do not be negligent now,
for the Lord has chosen you to stand before Him,
to minister to Him, and to be His ministers
(2 Chron. 29:11)  

(Heart, enjoy the kingdom of heaven
all around you here! we have
“set the Lord continually before us” 
and angels are all around!)

repentance means to change our heart-level thinking
so it stays in agreement with truth
about the kingdom of God.
Doing that, is our strong guarantee
that we CAN experiencing God’s presence.
By repentance with joy,
we trade our having to earn earthly glory
in order to feed our neediness;
we also are able to rest into believing
so strongly that it frees us
to trust that we are near to the fountain of God;
and, we are able to open up
and receive God as our glory,
just like we would normally receive from earthly things: 
repent and return,
so that your sins may be wiped away,
in order that times of refreshing may come
from the presence of the Lord
(Acts 3:19).
we are confident enough to rest
into receiving God’s presence here:
having been exalted to the right hand of God,
and having received from the Father
the promise of the Holy Spirit,
He has poured forth this which you both see and hear.” 
(Acts 2:33).
And, He never stops pouring forth
because our God is always a fountain.
It is TRUE that,
“ we receive the promise of the Spirit through faith.” 
(Gal 3:14).

(so, believe with confidence!)

we are confident about coming before the God
who is the commander of the armies of heaven.
My soul rests into staying before Him:
draw near with confidence to the throne of grace,
so that we may receive mercy
and find grace to help in time of need
(Heb. 4:16);
we have confidence
to enter the holy place by the blood of Jesus
draw near with a sincere heart
in full assurance of faith,
having our hearts sprinkled clean
and our bodies washed with pure water.
(Heb. 10:19, 22).

(Heart, hear, believe, and love the truth!)

There will be no end to the increase of His government 
or of peace To establish it and to uphold it
with justice and righteousness
The zeal of the Lord of hosts will accomplish this
(Isa. 9:7);
righteousness and justice are the foundation
of His throne
(Psalm. 97:2);
a river of the water of life coming
from the throne of God
(Rev. 22:1);
But let justice roll down like waters
 and righteousness like an ever-flowing stream
(Amo. 5:24).
we set our heart to love staying 
before the Lord of hosts!

(Heart, believe, and love the God who is close!)

Receiving the Kingdom of Heaven, HERE 148
 Heart, it is the nearness of
 the Holy Spirit by God’s radiance upon us that  
is our glory
(Heart, enjoy confidence 
and reassurance from trusting 
that God’s presence is here!)

is our significance  
is our reassurance  
is our thrill and pleasure  
is our righteousness  
is our adequacy for ministry  
 (Heart,  hear, believe, and love it as the truth!)
is our security..
is our protection  
is our defence  
is our justice  
(Heart, enjoy confidence 
and reassurance from trusting 
that God’s presence is here!)

Jesus commanded that we should,
seek first His kingdom and His righteousness ”
 (Matt. 6:33).
The Bible explains that when we 
Draw near to God He will draw near to us
(James 4:8).
When we come to God,
He does not reject us and He won’t throw us out
 (John 6:37)
we have trusted Christ as our savior
and we are trusting Him
to wash our body as we draw near
(Heb. 10:19, 22).
Therefore we
have confidence to enter the holy place .”
(Heb. 10:19);
and that “through Him we have our access
in one Spirit to the Father
(Eph. 2:18).
Lord we love that the 
Kingdom of God is HERE
 because our strong refuge is
the presence of God and
he who takes refuge in Me
will possess My holy mountain
(Isa. 57:13).

(Heart, let ourselves enjoy and be
reassured that Jesus 
and the Father are before us here,
angels are all around!)

we love that we can so confidently believe
that You are before us just as Your word describes it: 
the heavens were opened
and we saw visions of God 
a figure with the appearance of a man 
and there was a radiance around Him.
As the appearance of the rainbow in the clouds
on a rainy day,
so was the appearance of the surrounding radiance
 (Ezek. 1:1,26,27).
By faith in the strength of the radiance around God,
we are believing that God is
shining His presence onto us here.
The Holy Spirit is INTENSELY present
because of the power of the radiance
that thunders onto us from the fountain of God.
there was a rainbow around the throne
(Rev. 4:3);
a river of the water of life, clear as crystal,
coming from the throne of God
(Rev. 22:1);
and before the throne there was something
like a sea of glass, like crystal
(Rev. 4:6).
the sea was for the priests to wash in.
(2 Chron. 4:6; Exo. 30:21);
and He has made us to be a kingdom,
priests to His God and Father
(Revelation 1:6).
at the door of the house water was flowing
from under the threshold
water reaching the ankles.”
He who has bathed needs only to wash his feet,
but is completely clean
(John 13:10)
we have confidence to enter the holy place
by the blood of Jesus let us draw near
with a sincere heart in full assurance of faith,
having our hearts sprinkled clean
from an evil conscience
and our bodies washed with pure water.
(Heb. 10:19 and 22).

(Heart, hear and believe it)

keep ourselves in the love of God
(Jude 1:21). .

(Heart, thank the Lord that you CAN do this because
He is always a fountain of His living-love. 
Let your heart hear it, believe it,
 and love the God who you are
believing is close!)

God is love, and the one who abides in love,
abides in God and God abides in him
(1 John 4:16).
abide in My love.”
(John 15:9).
May your unfailing love rest upon us, 
O Lord, even as we put our hope in you.” 
(Psalm. 33:22).
You shall love the Lord your God 
with all your heart 
and with all your soul
 and with all your might.”
(Deut. 6:5).
'For as the waistband clings to the waist of a man,
so we made the whole household of Israel
and of Judah cling to Me,'
declares the Lord, 'that they might be for Me a people,
 for renown, for praise and for glory;
but they did not listen.'”
(Jer. 13:11).

Receiving the Kingdom of Heaven 149
 Heart, listen to what you are saying.
Let ourselves believe, love,
and be thankful for the truth!
Even though we don’t understand it,
when we trust that we are drawing near to God
we are also trusting You
to carry us into the throne room HERE:
Like an eagle that stirs up its nest,
that hovers over its young,
He spread His
wings and caught them,
He carried them on His pinions.
The Lord alone guided him,
and there was no foreign god with him.
He made him ride on the high places of the earth, 
and he ate the produce of the field;
and He made him suck honey from the rock,
and oil from the flinty rock,”
(Deut. 32:11-13).
we are secure and confident about experiencing God 
because we are determined to make
His presence our safe refuge of power and strength:
 we are confident because
How precious is Your loving kindness, O God! 
And the children of men take refuge
in the shadow of Your wings.
They drink their fill
of the abundance of Your house;
and You give them to drink of
the river of Your delights.
For with You is the fountain of life;
in Your light we see light
(Psalm. 36:7-9).
we delight our heart into staying
before the Lord of hosts.
There is a river whose streams
make glad the city of God,
the holy dwelling places of the Most High
(Psalm 46:9).
Heart, God has made you the city of God,
one of His holy dwelling places of the Most High.
IT IS WRITTEN that we should
be diligent to enter God’s rest
(Heb. 4:11).
So, we rest into a confident faith about entering, 
staying before the Lord God,
and we are believing the kingdom of God
to be all around us here.
It also says to 
cling to Him.”
(Deut. 13:4).
So we 
to the kingdom of God around us here,
by resting the weight of our entire being,
like we were holding a mantle on us
in a wind storm,
And, Heart,
do not be negligent now,
for the Lord has chosen you
to stand before Him,
to minister to Him, and to be His ministers
(2 Chron. 29:11).
And we are believing that the Holy Spirit
is INTENSELY present
because of the power of
the radiance that thunders onto us
from the fountain of God

(Heart, enjoy the kingdom of heaven all
around you here! Heart, God is here,
angels are all around!)

we are determined to please God.
Therefore, we have to drop our self-protection
and allow ourselves to believe that
God presence is with us Here
without faith it is impossible to please Him
for he who comes to God
must believe that He is a rewarder
of those who seek Him.”
(Heb. 11:6).
And, it is our thrill and our delight
that the Bible is true when it says,
Draw near to God and He will draw near to you
 (James. 4:8);
And Jesus said, “we will
not leave you as orphans;
we will come to you.”
(John 14:18).
we submit to the truth;
we rest into believing that God brings
the kingdom here because,
“the righteousness based on faith
speaks as follows:
‘Do not say in your heart,
‘Who will ascend into heaven?’
that is, to bring Christ down
(Rom. 10:6-8).
My dwelling place also will be with them;
and we will be their God
(Ezek. 37:27);
we will also walk among you and be Your God
 (Lev. 26:12). 
(Heart, believe, and love the God who is close!)
we are confident about experiencing God
because God Himself has promised that
My dwelling place also will be with them;
and we will be their God,
and they will be My people.”
(Ezek. 37:27);
Heart, hear and believe
that God has promised with an
everlasting covenant,
to be God to you and to your descendants
(Gen. 17:7; Gal.3:29)
we are convinced and confident that
the kingdom of God is here:
the tabernacle of God is among men
God is here and angels are all around us!

(Heart, believe and love God!)

Heart, let ourselves be delighted
about drinking from God
because He is
the fountain of living water,
even the Lord.”
(Jer. 17:13).
come to the waters delight ourselves in abundance.”
(Isa. 55:1,2).
(Heart,  believe, and love the God who is close!)

Receiving the Kingdom of Heaven 150
 Heart, listen to what we are saying.
Let ourselves believe, love,
and be thankful for the truth!
we are confident that we don’t have to be afraid 
because Your grace won’t let You hold back!
we are absolutely sure because IT IS WRITTEN:
 “Ho! Every one who thirsts,
come to the waters;
and you who have no money
come, buy and eat.
Come, buy wine and milk without money
and without cost.
Why do you spend money
for what is not bread,
and your wages for what does not satisfy?
Listen carefully to Me,
and eat what is good,
and delight ourselves in abundance.”
(Isa. 55:1,2).

(Heart, feel reassured by it!)

we are listening to ourselves when we declare
the word of God that says,
all things for which you pray and ask,
believe that you have received them,
and they will be granted you.
(Mark 11:24).
we turn our heart to believe 
that we can rest in God.

(Heart, hear, believe,
and love the God who is close!)

we are confident about the promise that we can
walk in the Light
as He Himself is in the Light
(1 John 1:7).
He wraps himself in light
as with a garment;”
(Psalm. 104:1,2 ).
So, we trust that we are
near and we rest into being open enough
to let ourselves be wrapped in Your Light:
God is Light
(1 John 1:5).

(Heart, enjoy the closeness of 
God’s power and glory!)

we delight that we can be confident about receiving
the presence of God.
God wants to pour Himself onto us
because IT IS WRITTEN:
Break up your fallow ground
seek the Lord until He comes to
rain righteousness on you.
(Hos. 10:12).

(Heart, hear, believe,
and love the God who is close!)

Jesus Christ died so that He might
bring us to God
(1 Pet 3:18).
we set our heart to trust God
as our righteousness,
and His touching us as cleansing for our body. 
By faith we remove any obstacles of fear
or disbelief about our being able to enter freely. 
Heart, let ourselves believe
and love that we have trusted
Christ as our savior 
AND we are trusting Him to wash our body 
as we draw near
(Heb. 10:19, 22).
the Lord is our righteousness
(Jer. 33:16),
because Jesus lives in us
AND because God washes our body
holy as we draw near!
draw near in full assurance of faith,
having our hearts sprinkled clean
and our bodies washed with pure water
(Heb. 10:19 and 22).
And, Heart,
do not be negligent now,
for the Lord has chosen you
to stand before Him,
to minister to Him,
and to be His ministers
(2 Chron. 29:11)  

(Heart, enjoy the kingdom of heaven
 all around you here! Angels are here!)

we are fully convinced and confident
that we can drink enough of God’s presence
for Him to become our strong refuge:
the children of men take refuge
in the shadow of Your wings.
They drink their fill
of the abundance of Your house;
and You give them to drink
of the river of Your delights.
For with You is the fountain of life;
in Your light we see light.”
(Psalm. 36:7-9).

(Heart, hear, believe, and love the truth!)

we set our heart to enjoy
abiding in the presence of God.
we can be confident about being able
to experience the presence of God
all day long
because IT IS WRITTEN that
they walk in the light of Your countenance.
In Your name they rejoice all the day,
and by Your righteousness they are exalted.
For You are the glory of their strength
(Psalm. 89:15-17).

(Heart,  hear, believe, and love
the God who is close!)

we turn and we open our heart to God.
Ascribe greatness to our God!”
(Deut. 32:3):
There is more glory in being
here with the Lord than 
in anything else we could see,
 touch, hear, taste, or long for:
O Lord, we love the habitation of Your house
and the place where Your glory dwells.”
(Psalm. 26:8).

(Heart,  believe it)

we are confident about experiencing 
Your presence intensely
 because IT IS WRITTEN:
we will fill the soul of the priests with abundance, 
and My people will be satisfied with My goodness,’
 declares the Lord.”
(Jer. 31:14; Exo. 31:18-23).
Lord, we love that You are the God
of the armies of heaven!

(Heart,  love the truth!)

Receiving the Kingdom of Heaven, HERE 151
 Heart, listen to what we are saying.
Let ourselves believe, love,
and be thankful for the truth!
we don't have to quench our thirst
by what we work for and achieve:
God is not selfish like people.
He doesn’t hold back  

(Heart,  let ourselves feel God’s presence!)

we humble ourselves from believing
we have to deserve the Holy Spirit somehow:
God has made a way for us

(Heart,  enjoy confidence 
and reassurance from trusting
 that God’s presence is here!)

My humanity doesn't need to have glory
in order to receive God’s presence:
God is always a fountain.
He is always gracious to those who will draw near

(Heart,  hear, believe, and love it as the truth!)

we don't have to be afraid of not having
“done enough” to deserve God’s grace:
God has made a covenant to be with us

 (Heart,  hear, believe, and love it as the truth!)

IT IS WRITTEN that we should
be diligent to enter God’s rest
(Heb. 4:11).
So, we rest into a confident faith about entering, 
staying before the Lord,
and we are believing the kingdom of God
to be all around us here.
It also says to 
cling to Him.
(Deut. 13:4).
So we “cling”
to the kingdom of God around us here,
by resting the weight of our entire being,
like we were holding a mantle on us
in a wind storm,

And, Heart,
do not be negligent now,
for the Lord has chosen you
to stand before Him,
to minister to Him,
and to be His ministers
(2 Chron. 29:11).
And we are believing that the Holy Spirit
 is INTENSELY present because of
the power of the radiance that thunders
onto us from the fountain of God
we will not fear because our faith is in Jesus.
He paid the price and made the way for us
to enter and stay before the Father:
“Jesus said no one comes to the Father
but through Me
(John 14:6);
we have boldness and confident access
through faith in Him
(Eph. 3:12);
through Him we have our access
in one Spirit to the Father.
(Eph. 2:18).
And, the Kingdom of God is HERE
because our refuge of power
is the presence of God and
he who takes refuge in Me will possess
My holy mountain”
(Isa. 57:13).

(Heart,  love it)

we don’t have to understand it but 
we are determined to trust God 
to carry us near to Himself;
Like an eagle that stirs up its nest,
that hovers over its young,
He spread His wings and caught them,
He carried them on His pinions.
The Lord alone guided him,
And there was no foreign god with him.
He made him ride on the high places of the earth, 
And he ate the produce of the field;
And He made him suck honey from the rock,
And oil from the flinty rock,”
(Deut. 32:11-13).

(Heart,  hear, believe, and love the truth!)

we are listening when we say this
and we submit into believing that these verses
apply directly to us:
Do not call to mind the former things,
or ponder things of the past.
Behold, we will do something new,
now it will spring forth
we will even make a roadway in the wilderness,
 rivers in the desert..
To give drink to My chosen people.
The people whom we formed for Myself,
will declare My praise.”
(Isa. 43:18-21).
we are confident enough to
let ourselves open up and receive
the radiance around God:
you will rejoice in the Lord,
you will glory in the Holy One of Israel.
The afflicted and needy are seeking water,
but there is none,
and their tongue is parched with thirst;
I, the Lord, will answer them Myself,
as the God of Israel we will not forsake them.
we will open rivers on the bare heights
and springs in the midst of the valleys;
we will make the wilderness
a pool of water and the dry land
fountains of water.”
(Isa. 41:16-18);
we will pour out water on the thirsty land
and streams on the dry ground;
we will pour out My Spirit on your offspring
and My blessing on your descendants;
and they will spring up among the grass
like poplars by streams of water
(Isa. 44:3,4)

(Heart,  believe and love the God who is close!)

Receiving the Kingdom of Heaven, HERE 152
 Heart, listen to what we are saying.
Let ourselves believe, love,
and be thankful for the truth!
we are fully convinced about our being able
to trade earthly glories
for the glory of God’s presence.
It is a simple trade
because IT IS WRITTEN that we should
glory in Christ Jesus
and put no confidence in the flesh,”
(Phil. 3:3);
Glory in His holy name;
let the heart of those who seek the Lord be glad.
(1 Chron. 16:10)
. “ the nations will bless themselves in Him,
and in Him they will glory.
(Jer. 4:2).
we love that we don’t have to be afraid to draw near:
the one who comes to Me
we will certainly not cast out.
(John 6:37);
none of those who take refuge in Him
will be condemned.
(Psalm. 34:22);
Do not be afraid, little flock,
for your Father has chosen gladly
to give you the kingdom.
(Luke 12:32);
the kingdom of God does not
consist in words but in power
(1Co 4:20);
come to the waters
delight ourselves in abundance.
(Isa. 55:1,2).

(Heart,  hear, believe, and love it as the truth!)

we are confident that we don’t have to be afraid 
because Your grace won’t let You hold back!
we are absolutely sure because
Ho! Every one who thirsts,
come to the waters;
and you who have no money come, buy and eat. 
Come, buy without money and without cost.
Why do you spend money
for what is not bread,
and your wages for what does not satisfy?
Listen carefully to Me
delight ourselves in abundance.”

(Heart,  enjoy confidence 
and reassurance from trusting 
that God’s presence is here!)

we are confident in the truth of the Bible
that we can enter and rest before the Lord.
we are trusting that
we are in the radiance of God
and we are opening up to Him.
Heart believe it because,
all things for which you pray
and ask, believe that you have received them,
and they will be granted you.”
(Mark 11:24).
Jesus Christ  died so that He might
bring us to God
(1Pet 3:18).
we set our heart to trust God
as our righteousness,
and His touching us as cleansing for our body.
 By faith we remove any obstacles of fear
or disbelief about our being able to enter freely. 
Heart, let ourselves believe
and love that we have trusted
Christ as our savior
AND we are trusting Him to wash our body
as we draw near
(Heb. 10:19, 22).
the Lord is our righteousness
(Jer. 33:16),
because Jesus lives in us
AND because God washes our body holy
as we draw near!
So, “ draw near in full assurance of faith,
having our hearts sprinkled clean
and our bodies washed with pure water
(Heb. 10:19 and 22).
And, “ do not be negligent now,
for the Lord has chosen
you to stand before Him,
to minister to Him, and to be His ministers
(2 Chron. 29:11)

(Heart,  remember
that it is by faith that we 
“set the Lord God continually before us!”
 The kingdom of God is here!)

we are confident that God’s word is true!
Let us go into His dwelling place;
let us worship at His footstool.”
(Psalm. 132:7).
Heart, be thrilled to stand before the Lord of hosts!

(Heart,  love the truth!)

we are confident about standing before God because,
 “Heaven is My throne
and the earth is our footstool
(Isa. 66:1);
“ the earth is the footstool of His feet ”
(Mat. 5:35).
Heart, the Lord of hosts is here!
The kingdom of God is here
because we are commanded:
Exalt the Lord our God
and worship at His footstool
(Psalm. 99:5).
The Kingdom of God is HERE
because our refuge of strength is
the presence of God
and “he who takes refuge in Me
will possess My holy mountain
(Isa. 57:13).

(Heart,  enjoy it!)

we submit to the truth;
we rest into believing that God brings
the kingdom here because,
the righteousness based on faith speaks as follows:
‘Do not say in your heart,
‘Who will ascend into heaven?’
that is, to bring Christ down” 
(Rom. 10:6-8).
My dwelling place also will be with them;
and we will be their God
(Ezek. 37:27);
we will also walk among you and be your God
 (Lev. 26:12).

(Heart,  believe, and love the God who is close!)

Receiving the Kingdom of Heaven, HERE 153
 Heart, listen to what we are saying.
Let ourselves believe, love,
and be thankful for the truth!
we don’t have to agree with the disbelief
of religious people around us.
Heart hear that one!
It is right to live by faith in God.
Lord God,
we love that we can 
so freely draw near and drink

(Heart,  believe it)

we can ignore pressure from religious people
who want to protect themselves
by making us feel like
we shouldn’t go outside their religious boundaries

 (Heart,  hear, believe,
 and love it as the truth!)

we don’t have to agree with religious people
who glorify their spirituality
and make the presence of God
a thing others should try to achieve.
Lord God,
we love that we can 
trust we are before You
and it happens
we can reject pressure from religious people
who want to set themselves above us
by boasting how special they are

(Heart,  hear, believe, and love it as the truth!)

we repent of trying to decide
 if we deserve to enter. 
Jesus died so that
through Him we have our access
in one Spirit to the Father
(Eph. 2:18).
we repent of trying to decide
if we deserve the presence of God.
Instead of that,
we set our heart to 
rest into believing where it says, 
Draw near to God
and He will draw near to you
(James 4:8)

 (let ourselves 
be reassure by God’s presence!)

we are confident about our access before God 
because our faith is in Jesus.
He paid the price and made the way
for us to enter and stay before the Father:
Jesus said no one comes to the Father
but through Me
(John 14:6);
we have boldness
and confident access through faith in Him
(Eph. 3:12);
through Him we have our access
in one Spirit to the Father.
(Eph. 2:18).

(Heart,  hear, believe, and love the truth!)

we love that we can drink because of drawing near
 to the radiance around You Lord:
“the heavens we're opened
and we saw visions of God
on that which resembled a throne,  high up,
was a figure with the appearance of a man
and there was a radiance around Him.
As the appearance of the rainbow
in the clouds on a rainy day,
so was the appearance of the surrounding radiance ” 
(Ezek. 1:1,26,27);
and there was a rainbow around the throne,
like an emerald in appearance
(Rev. 4:3).

(Heart,  hear and love it)

we are convinced enough to rest into
opening up to receive the presence of God:
we receive the promise
of the Spirit through faith.
(Gal 3:14);
it is by faith,
in order that it may be 
in accordance with grace,
so that the promise
will be guaranteed to all
(Rom. 4:16).

(Heart,  feel confidence from it!)

we are confident about being able to receive
enough of God’s presence for us
to be His dwelling place:
you are being built together
into a dwelling of God in the Spirit.”
(Eph. 2:22).

(Heart,  believe it)

we are confident that God will give us
enough of the Spirit for Him
to become our strength:
Thus says the Lord,
‘Cursed is the man who trusts in mankind
and makes flesh his strength,
and whose heart turns away from the Lord.
For he will be like a bush in the desert
But will live in stony wastes in the wilderness  
Blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord
and whose trust is the Lord.
For he will be like a tree planted by the water,
that extends its roots by a stream
and will not fear when the heat comes;
but its leaves will be green,
and it will not be anxious in a year of drought
nor cease to yield fruit.
(Jer. 17:5-8; Isa. 12:2,3).

(Heart,  hear, believe, and love it as the truth!)

we are determined to please God.
Therefore, we MUST believe that God 
will reward us with His presence.
If we refuse to believe it then it isn’t pleasing to God:
 “ without faith it is impossible to please Him
for he who comes to God must believe
that He is a rewarder of those who seek Him.
(Heb. 11:6).

Receiving the Kingdom of Heaven, HERE 154
 Heart, listen to what we are saying. 
Let ourselves believe, love, 
and be thankful for the truth!
we are confident about our access
being by grace because,
did you receive the Spirit
by the works of the Law,
or by hearing with faith? Are you so foolish? 
Having begun by the Spirit,
are you now being perfected by the flesh?
(Gal. 3:2,3).
But if it is by grace,
it is no longer on the basis of works,
otherwise grace is no longer grace.
(Rom. 11:6).

(Heart,  hear, believe,
and love the God who is close!)
we are confident and secure about God
because we can playfully
receive the kingdom of God like a child
(Luke 18:17);
the children of men take refuge
You give them to drink
of the river of Your delights.
For with You is the fountain of life
(Psalm. 36:7-9);
His Son He is the radiance of the Father’s glory
 (Heb. 1:2,3);
‘radiance’ = outshining,
like a light gives off light or effulgence,
like the mouth of a river gives water);
the fountain of living water, even the Lord.
(Jer. 17:13).

(Heart,  hear, believe, and love the truth!)

we confidently trust that we are entering
and are before God.
we rest inside the radiance around Him
and we open ourselves to God.
It is our right to drink 
freely from God because 
on the great day of the feast,
Jesus stood and cried out, saying,
‘If anyone is thirsty,
let him come to Me and drink.
He who believes in Me,
as the Scripture said,
'From his innermost being
will flow rivers of living water.’‘
But this He spoke of the Spirit
(John 7:37-39);
I, the Lord,
are your God Open your mouth wide
and I will fill it.
(Psalm. 81:10).
There is a river whose streams make glad
the city of God,
the holy dwelling places of the Most High
(Psalm 46:9).
And heart,
God has made you
the city of God,
one of His holy dwelling places of the Most High.
IT IS WRITTEN that we should
be diligent to enter God’s rest
(Heb. 4:11).
So, we rest into a confident
faith about entering,
staying before the Lord,
and we are believing the kingdom of God
to be all around us here.
It also says to 
cling to Him.”
(Deut. 13:4).
So we 
to the kingdom of God around us here,
by resting the weight of our entire being,
like we were holding a mantle on us
in a storm
And, Heart,
do not be negligent now,
for the Lord has chosen you to stand
before Him,
to minister to Him, and to be His ministers
(2 Chron. 29:11).
And we are believing that the Holy Spirit 
is INTENSELY present
because of the power of the
radiance that thunders onto us
from the fountain of God  

(Heart,  enjoy the kingdom of heaven all
around you here! God is here, 
angels are all around!)

we are listening as we say,
we “ have confidence to enter
the holy place  by the blood of Jesus
we will draw near with a sincere heart
in full assurance of faith,
having our hearts sprinkled clean
and our bodies washed with pure water.”
(Heb. 10:19, 22).

(hear, believe,
and love it as the truth!)

Heart, let ourselves believe
that we are near to the fountain of God
and that God is here.
By faith in the strength of the radiance around God, 
we are believing that God 
is shining His presence onto us here.
And, His Spirit is INTENSELY present
because of the power of the radiance
that thunders from the fountain of God
we love that we don’t have to be afraid to draw near: 
the one who comes to Me
we will certainly not cast out.”
(John 6:37);
none of those who take refuge in Him
will be condemned.
(Psalm. 34:22);
Do not be afraid, little flock,
for your Father has chosen gladly
to give you the kingdom.
(Luke 12:32);
the kingdom of God
does not consist in words but in power”
(1Co 4:20);
come to the waters
delight ourselves in abundance.”
(Isa. 55:1,2).

(Hear, believe, and love it as the truth!)

we love that God has promised to be God to us!
It is an “ everlasting covenant,
to be God to you and to your descendants
(Gen. 17:7; Gal. 3:29).
So, we rest into receiving God’s presence
because IT IS WRITTEN:
Draw near to God and He will draw near to you ” 
(James 4:8);
we will come to you.”
(John 14:18).

(Heart,  believe
and love the God who is close!)

Turning Away from Spiritual Pride 155

 Heart, listen to what you are saying.
Let ourselves believe, love,
and be thankful for the truth!

“They transformed the beauty
of His ornaments into pride
(Ezek. 7:20)
 Heart, rejoice in the truth that we don’t have to
look at the presence of God around us
and turn it into subtle forms of self-directed praise

(Heart,  hear, believe, and love it as the truth!)

Heart, rejoice that after spiritual victories,
we don’t have to turn our eyes back
toward ourselves and feed on our human glory.
My eyes are on You Lord.
we love that You are with us here

 (Heart,  believe it)

Heart, rejoice in the truth that
we don’t use the power of God
or signs and wonders as reason for human pride
(Heart,  hear, believe, and love it as the truth!)

Heart, rejoice in the truth that
we don’t have to turn and exalt ourselves
because of God’s righteousness is with us;
and we repent of exalting ourselves
because God’s love is upon us.
Instead of that,
we set our heart to feed ourselves
by receiving more of Your presence Lord

(Heart,  believe and love the God who is close!)

Heart, rejoice that we don’t have to
take the protection of God
and turn it into human pride.
we will trust God.
we set our eyes to keep looking dependently
at You Lord ..

(Heart,  feel confidence from it!)

Heart, rejoice in the truth that
we don’t have to praise ourselves because
God gives strength and power to the people
 (Psalm. 68:35).

(Heart,  let ourselves feel confidence
 and be reassured by God’s presence!)

Heart, rejoice that we don’t have to exalt ourselves
with internal praise
because of God being with us
Heart, rejoice that we can turn our heart
from wanting to take the demonstration
of God’s power and use it as an
endorsement from God
that we turn into self-directed praise

(Heart,  hear and love the truth!)
Heart, rejoice that we don’t have 
to take the majesty of God
 around us and turn it into human pride. 
we love that the Kingdom of God is here
 and that we can keep our eyes on 
You Lord and not on ourselves

Heart, rejoice to turn from and
die to self-directed praise
even attitudes of self-praise for little reasons.
 Lord, we praise You because You are God not us.  
You are a better refuge and strength 
(Heart,  let ourselves trusting that 
God’s presence is all around you here!)

put on the armor of light put 
on the Lord Jesus Christ,
 and make no provision for the flesh 
in regard to its lusts.” 
(Rom. 13:12 and 14); 
clothe ourselves with humility ” 
(1 Peter 5:5)  
(Heart,  feel reassured by it!)
Instead of praise toward ourselves, we will
 Ascribe greatness to our God!
 (Deut. 32:3); 
My soul shall make its
boast in the Lord
 (Psalm. 34:2); 
With our whole being we will,
 “ Praise God in His sanctuary
 (Psalm. 150:1).
Heart, love that we can humble ourselves
 by receiving God’s presence and resting in Him. 
Lord, “You are our God we exalt you.” 
(Psalm. 118:28); 
Heart hear this: 
He is your praise
 (Deut. 10:21); 
Rather than praise toward ourselves, 
we will
 “ continually offer up 
a sacrifice of praise to God ” 
(Heb. 13:15); 
From the rising of the sun 
to its setting The name of 
the Lord is to be praised.” 
(Psalm. 113:3); 
Rather than ourselves Lord, 
we will be glad in You O
most High.”
 (Psalm. 9:2);
 “ My lips will praise You.
 (Psalm. 63:3); 
we will praise You yet more and more.” 
(Psalm. 71:14);
we know that the Lord is great,
 and that our Lord is above all the gods.”
 (Psalm. 135:5)
 we will live,
 “to the end that we would be
 to the praise of His glory.” 
(Eph. 1:12).

 (Heart,  feel reassured by it!)
Turning Away from Ministry as Idolatry 156
 Heart, we delight that
 our adequacy, our glory, our reassurance, 
our security, the justification of our value, 
our eternal significance
and is not from 
the backing we get from leaders 
or the people in the church.
 we repent of resentment toward them
when they don’t understand  

 (Heart,  hear, believe, 
and love it as the truth!)
and is not from
  how many people look to us
 for direction and spiritual guidance.
 we repent of trying to elevate our value before them.
 we set our heart to stay before You Lord 
and drink from You Lord 
like a sponge
 and is not from pride 
because of the spiritual power that God gives.
 we repent of exalting or honoring ourselves 
as the healer.
 we set our heart to stay open 
and to keep on receiving Your Presence Lord
and is not from 
“our ministry” at all! 
When we stand before the Lord of hosts
 and He is before us here,
 all ministry becomes something that Jesus is doing 
because He is here. 
By this, all the ministry belongs to the Lord,
 and not to us at all   

(Heart,  let ourselves feel 
confidence because of the truth!)
and is not from
  how well we minister to people 
or from whether or not we are allowed 
to minister to people. 
God is the one who saves not us.
 we turn from pride in ourselves as the savior. 
Jesus Christ is the messiah not us 
(Heart,  let ourselves feel confidence 
and be reassured by God’s presence!)
and is not from
  the importance that 
church people place on our ministry.
 we repent of pushing to impress them 
in order to gain a place of greater authority 
or ministry and is not from
  the results 
we get in helping people grow in the Lord. 
we repent of feeding ourselves with how well 
we help them to grow.
 we grab our soul and we turn it from faith in us 
because God causes the growth
 and is not from
  the people or the church leaders 
wanting to listen to us.
 we turn our heart from setting our hope 
on people 

 (Heart,  hear, believe, and love it as the truth!)

we reject ministry as a way to feed our pride. 
our fruit comes from God
we will feed on Him
 and not on results from us. 
God is their Shepherd, their Savior. 
we will lead them to You Lord 
and not to ourselves.
The ministry that happens is because God
 is with us and HE is doing His ministry

When we are afraid, we will put our trust in You. 
In God, whose word we praise,
 in God we have put our trust; 
we shall not be afraid. 
What can mere man do to us?
 (Psalm. 56:3,4).
Guard our soul for we take refuge in You.”
 (Psalm. 25:20)
Behold, God is our helper;
 the Lord is the sustainer of our soul.” 
(Psalm. 54:4).
it is Heaven that rules.
 (Dan. 4:26).  
(let ourselves feel confidence from 
the closeness of God’s power
and glory!)
Be on the alert, stand firm in the faith, 
act like men, be strong.”
 (1 Cor. 16:13).
Be strong and let your heart
 take courage hope in the Lord” 
(Psalm. 31:24).
Heart hear this! 
the Lord has chosen you to stand before Him, 
to minister to Him, and to be His ministers
(2 Chron. 29:11);
 So, “Draw near to God and He will draw near to you
 (James 4:8)
we “ have boldness and confident
 access through faith in Him” 
(Eph. 3:12).
for through Him we have our access in one Spirit 
to the Father.” 
(Eph. 2:18)
we have set the Lord continually before us; 
because He is at our right hand, 
we will not be shaken our
heart is glad and our glory rejoices; 
our flesh also will dwell securely.” 
(Psalm. 16:8,9).

Turning Away from Ministry as Idolatry 157

 Heart, we delight that 
our adequacy, our glory,
 our reassurance, our security,
 the justification of our value, 
our eternal significance
is not from
  “ministry” that we do! 
Since we are giving God
 a place for Him to dwell, 
any ministry that happens is
 all ministry that Jesus is doing! 
Lord we love that by receiving the kingdom, 
we are making it easier for You
 to minister to people 
because we are giving you 
a way to be here more fully 
is not from acknowledgment 
by the church leadership. 
we repent of pushing in order 
to establish ourselves 
in ministry  

 (Heart,  hear, believe, and love it as the truth!)
and is not from
 the power of our human influence.
 we turn to stand before the Lord of hosts
what we drink from God is our influence 

 (Heart,  hear, believe, and love it as the truth!)
and is not from 
how well we get people to need us. 
God is what they need. 
we help people draw near
 so that God can feed them 

 (Heart,  hear, believe, and love it as the truth!)
and is not from
how well we manipulate, 
control, or use emotional hype
 in order to get them to value our ministry 
(Heart,  hear, believe, and love it as the truth!)
and is not from 
pride in the spiritual things 
we tell people. 
we drink from God 
and the Holy Spirit helps in our ministry  

 (Heart,  hear, believe, and love it as the truth!)
and is not from 
how well we force 
our ministry on people.
 we repent of from faith in ourselves. 
My faith is in God
we set God before us
not the results of our ministry! 
Soul, keep feeding on God 
and not on the fruit! 
It is God’s truth that sets people free not us. 
It is God who feeds them
we can only lead them to Him. 
What is important is that we receiving 
the kingdom of God so that
 HE can do HIS ministry

Heart hear this! 
the Lord God, our God, is with you. 
He will not fail you nor forsake you 
until all the work for the service of 
the house of the Lord is finished” 
(1Chron. 28:20).
“Who will bring a charge against God's elect?
 God is the one who justifies;” 
(Rom. 10:33).
our foes will rejoice when we fall. 
But we trust in your unfailing love; 
our heart rejoices in you salvation.
 (Psalm. 13:5);
 “ we have hope in Him.”
 (Lam. 3:24).
we set our heart to,
 “ seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, 
and all these things will be added to you
(Mat. 6:33). 

 (let ourselves feel confidence from 
the closeness of God’s power and glory!)

Father is glorified by this,
 that you bear much fruit, 
and so prove to be My disciples” 
(John 15:8).
be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus
 (2 Tim. 2:1)
Freely you received, freely give.
 (Mat. 10:8). 

 (Heart,  believe and love the God who is close!)
Be strong and courageous, and act
 (1 Chron. 28:20)
Because of the example that Jesus gave, 
we repent of promoting ourselves or our ministry:
 “Do you not believe that
we are in the Father, and the Father is in Me? 
The words that we say to you
 we do not speak on My own initiative,
but the Father abiding in Me does His works.
 (John 14:10).
The Lord says to us that
 “My Spirit is abiding in your midst; do not fear!” 
(Hag. 2:5).
Be strong in the Lord and 
in the strength of His might.” 
(Eph. 6:10).
Be strong and courageous,
 do not be afraid or tremble at them, 
for the Lord your God
 is the one who goes with you. 
He will not fail you or forsake you.”
 (Deut. 31:6).

Turning Away from Ministry as Idolatry 158
 Heart, we delight that 
our adequacy, our glory, 
our reassurance, our security, 
the justification of our value, 
our eternal significance
and is not from
  the value that they
 place on our ministry.
and is not from
  pride because of 
how much we help people. 
The Holy Spirit is the helper. 
we repent of pride from their praise  

 (Heart,  hear, believe, and love it as the truth!)
and is not in our 
having a ministry to people.
 My most important ministry is to You Lord. 
It is God that we love
not what we accomplish 
in the lives of other people
and is not from

  our being savior 
and messiah to them. 
we repent and turn from wanting 
to be savior and messiah to them  

 (Heart,  hear, believe, and love it as the truth!)
and is not from
  how well we protect 
the people we minister to.
 Their protection is 
in standing before the Lord 
and staying in His presence
 here with them  

 (Heart,  hear, believe, 
and love it as the truth!)
and is not from
  how much they appreciate our ministry
and, it is not from the excitement others feel 
about our ministry.
 we love You Lord
we turn our heart to find the nourishment 
from knowing that You see and value 
our faith, ministry, and love   

(Heart,  hear, believe, and love it as the truth!)
we reject ministry as a way to feed our pride. 
our fruit comes from God
we will feed on Him and not on results from us. 
God is the Shepherd, their Savior.
 we will lead them to You Lord and not to ourselves.
 The ministry that happens is because 
God is here and HE is doing His ministry

Heart hear that even when we do wrong, 
God’s word to us is, 
Do not fear. 
You have committed all this evil,
yet do not turn aside from following the Lord, 
but serve the Lord with all your heart” 
(1 Sam. 12:20).
Do not fear rejoice and be glad, 
for the Lord has done great things.” 
(Joel 2:21).
Heart hear this:
 “ You shall not fear man, 
for the judgement is God’s
 (Deut. 1:17).
we set our heart to 
seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, 
and all these things will be added to you
(Mat. 6:33).  

(let ourselves feel confidence from 
the closeness of God’s power and glory!)
the Lord has chosen you to stand before Him, 
to minister to Him, and to be His ministers
 (2 Chron. 29:11).

 (Heart,  hear, believe, and love the God who is close!)
“O God, You are awesome from Your sanctuary 
God gives strength and power to the people. 
Blessed be God!” 
(Psalm. 68:35)

 (let ourselves feel confidence from 
the closeness of God’s power and glory!)
Do not fear or be dismayed 
because the battle is not yours but God's” 
(2 Chron. 20:15).
You shall not fear other gods, 
nor bow down ourselves to them 
nor serve them nor sacrifice to them
 (2 Kings 17:35)  

(let ourselves feel confidence from 
the closeness of God’s power and glory!)
The Lord is our strength and our shield;
 our heart trusts in Him,
 and we are helped;
 therefore our heart exults,
 and with our song we shall thank Him” 
(Psalm. 28:7).
Heart hear this! 
You “ have made the Lord even the Most High, 
your dwelling place. 
No evil will befall you, 
nor will any plague come near your tent.” 
(Psalm 91:9,10).
the Lord God, the Holy One of Israel, has said, 
‘In repentance and rest you will be saved,
 in quietness and trust is your strength ’”
 (Isa. 30:15);
 “ O Lord God, You are our confidence
(Psalm. 71:5)

Turning Away from Ministry as Idolatry 159
 Heart, we delight that
our adequacy, our glory,
our reassurance, our security,
the justification of our value,
our eternal significance
is not from
  how well they accept what we say.
God causes their growth.
My eyes are on You
and we are trusting You Lord  

(Heart,  hear, believe, 
and love it as the truth!)

and is not from
  the results we see in them.
My fruit is from God
and we turn our heart to 
keep feeding on You Lord
(Heart,  hear, believe, and love it as the truth!)

and is not from
  pride because of daydreams 
about the future
of our ministry.
we turn from human pride
because of what God has promised
to do through us in ministry.
The God we worship is not the fruit itself.
The Lord is our God and our glory

(Heart,  hear, believe, 
and love it as the truth!)

and is not from
  “our ministry” at all!
When we stand before the Lord of hosts
and He is before us here,
all ministry becomes something
 that Jesus is doing 
because He is here.
By this,  all the ministry belongs to the Lord,
and not to us at all 
(Heart,  hear, believe, and love it as the truth!)

and is not from
 how well 
we impress church leadership 
with our value to the kingdom of God.
we turn our heart away from resentment
toward people when they don’t understand
and is not from
  how well we save people.
Jesus Christ is the Messiah not us!
we turn from prideful daydreams to faith in God

(Heart,  hear, believe, 
and love it as the truth!)

we reject ministry as a way to feed our pride.
My fruit comes from God
we will feed on Him
and not on results from us.
God is their Shepherd, their Savior.
we will lead them to You Lord and not to ourselves
(Heart,  hear, believe, and love it as the truth!)

God says to us,
My dwelling place also will be with them;
and we will be their God,
and they will be My people.”
(Ezek. 37:27).
we are confident because
the earth will be filled with
the knowledge of the glory of the Lord
(Hab. 2:14).

(let ourselves feel confidence from 
the closeness of God’s power and glory!)

Be strong and let your heart
take courage and hope in the Lord
(Psalm. 31:24).
There will be no end to
the increase of His government or of peace
The zeal of the Lord of hosts will accomplish this
(Isa. 9:7).

(Heart,  hear, believe,
and love the God who is close!)
we will not be afraid because 
God has shone in our hearts
to give the Light of the knowledge
of the glory of God in the face of Christ.
But we have this treasure in earthen vessels,
so that the surpassing greatness
of the power will be of God
and not from ourselves
(2 Cor. 4:6,7).
Heart hear all of this!
you are a chosen race,
a royal priesthood so that you may proclaim
the excellencies of Him
who has called you out of darkness
into His marvelous light
(1 Pet. 2:9).
put on the armor of light
put on the Lord Jesus Christ
(Rom. 13:12 ,14).
as Christ was raised from the dead
through the glory of the Father,
so we too walk in newness of life.”
(Rom. 6:4).

(let ourselves feel confidence from
 the closeness of God’s power and glory!)

Jesus said He would work along with us:
Come to Me, all who are weary
 and heavy-laden, 
and we will give you rest.
Take My yoke upon you
and learn from Me,
for we are gentle and humble in heart,
and you will find rest for your souls
(Mat. 11:28,29).

(Heart,  hear, believe,
and love the God who is close!)

the Lord God, the Holy One of Israel, has said, 
‘In repentance and rest you will be saved,
in quietness and trust is your strength ’
(Isa. 30:15).

(Heart,  hear, believe, and love the truth!)

Chapter 10



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