Chapter 3

Remember the father is seeking for us to stand in the gap
The Holy Spirit is drawing us to a standing point
as we go forward we may at some point 
as we stand in the gate be reminded
of someone or something to reach out to.
If a scripture opens this then pause for a while
and allow the Holy Spirit to reveal it.

Bitterness and Unforgiveness 28
Heart, listen to what we are saying. 
Let yourself believe, love, 
and be thankful for the truth!
Heart hear this: 
God is good.
It is evil that is evil!
God is your friend!
 (heart, think of Him that way!)
we don’t have to soothe
ourselves with bitterness. 
And, we turn away
from loving the power 
we feel from holding bitterness. 
Lord God, it is
Your closeness that soothes 
and comforts us.
It is YOUR power that we crave
the support that we wanted
but that they didn’t give us, 
doesn’t matter because we can 
quench our thirst with God
 (Heart, hear, believe,
and love it as the truth!)
we don’'t have to try and
find security from bitterness 
toward God when
He doesn’t cooperate with the way 
we want things done
 (Heart, hear, believe,
and love it as the truth!)
we don’t have to use criticism 
as a tool to get people laughing. 
The Lord is our delight.
we turn our heart away
from loving bitterness 
as a way to protect ourselves 
in our relationships. 
And, we don’t have to do that 
with God or with other people
 (Heart, hear, believe,
and love it as the truth!)
we don’t have to use rejection,
criticism, impatience,
 or contempt as tools for getting other 
people to do what we want. 
we are turning our heart to love God
and not these things
 (Heart, hear, believe,
and love God!)
we turn my soul away from
putting our hope in 
how well we can protect ourselves. 
It is the Lord who is God—not us. 
we love wearing
the armor of God’s presence
He is strong and
powerful to protect us
(Heart, hear, believe,
and love it as the truth!)
Lord, “You are my King
and my God...” 
(Psa. 44:4 )
O God, You are awesome
from Your sanctuary. 
The God of Israel Himself
gives strength 
and power to the people. 
Blessed be God!” 
(Psa. 68:35)
You are my God. I exalt you.” 
(Psa. 118:28 ) 
 (Heart, believe and
love the God who is close!)
The Lord is my light
and my salvation; 
Whom shall I fear? 
The Lord is the defense of my life; 
Whom shall I dread?” 
(Psa. 27:1)
(let yourself feel confidence from the 
closeness of God’s power and glory!)
God is to us a God of deliverances” 
(Psa. 68:20)
(Heart, believe and love
the God who is close!)
The Lord is near to
the brokenhearted, 
and saves those
who are crushed in spirit.” 
(Psa. 34:18)
It is better to take
refuge in the Lord 
than to trust in man.” 
(Psa. 118:8)
I have made
the Lord God my refuge
 (Psa. 73:28) 
(let yourself feel confidence from the 
closeness of God’s power and glory!)
The Lord is a refuge
for the oppressed, 
a stronghold in times of trouble.” 
(Psa. 9:9)
On God my salvation
and my glory rest; 
The rock of my strength,
my refuge is in God.” 
(Psa. 62:7)
You are my strong refuge.”
(Psa. 71:7)
My soul clings to You.” 
(Psa. 63:8)  
(Heart, hear, believe,
and love it as the truth!)
Heart hear this:  
justice for man comes
from the Lord.” 
(Prov. 29:26)
O Lord God,
You are my confidence” 
(Psa. 71:5)
The Lord is a refuge
for the oppressed, 
a stronghold in times of trouble.”
 (Psa. 9:9 NIV)...
Lord, “You are my strong refuge.” 
(Psa. 71:7)  
(Heart, hear, believe,
and love it as the truth!)
Bitterness and Unforgiveness 29
... Heart, listen to what we are saying. 
Let yourself believe, love, 
and be thankful for the truth!
Heart hear this: 
God is good.
It is evil that is evil!
God is your friend!
 (heart, think of Him that way!)
we don’t have to love rejection
or criticism toward others, 
and we turn away
from self-protection. 
Heart, we are turning away
from doing this God. 
Heart, our God is a far better
refuge close to us here.
we don’t have to thrill ourselves
with twisted feelings 
of power from criticism or contempt. 
Instead of that kind of power, 
we turn our heart to trust
we are entering the sanctuary
 of God and we are thrilling
ourselves with His power
and glory close to us here 
(Psa. 63:1,2)...
we turn from wanting pleasure,
control, and reassurance 
from bitterness and
withholding forgiveness. 
we reject bitterness
and unforgiveness 
as a way to feed myself
(Heart, hear, believe,
and love it as the truth!)
Thank You Lord that
we don't have to believe 
the lies of the enemy. 
And we turn away from having to get 
the security we need apart
from drinking Your presence. 
we pray that You would
rebuke any enemy 
pushing us to trust depression, 
self-sabotage, or bitterness
as ways to protect ourselves. 
we denounce these things! Lord, 
You are our refuge of
great power and strength. 
You are our God. And Lord, 
we ask that with Your authority and
power You would command
the forces of evil to 
leave us alone
and to never come back
(Heart, be intentional
about letting yourself believe 
that God is doing what you just said)
we turn our soul away
from putting our hope 
in how well we
can protect ourself. 
It is the Lord who is God, not us. 
we love wearing the armor
of God’s presence
He is strong and powerful
to protect me
(Heart, hear, believe,
and love it as the truth!)
Heart hear and believe this! 
the Lord God, 
the Holy One of Israel, has said, 
‘In repentance and
rest you will be saved, 
in quietness and trust is your strength
(Isa. 30:15)
 (Heart, hear and believe it)
The Lord is my strength
and my shield; 
my heart trusts in Him,
and I am helped; 
therefore my heart exults,
 and with my song I shall thank Him
 (Psa. 28:7).
 “God said, "I will dwell in them
and walk among them; 
and I will be their God,
and they shall be My people” 
(2Cor 6:16).

"I love You,
O Lord, my strength.”
 (Psa. 18:1).
By faith we are trusting that 
our eyes are looking at 
Your power and glory Lord: 
You are our God
My soul thirsts for You, 
my flesh yearns for You
Thus I have seen
You in the sanctuary, 
to see Your power and Your glory...
My soul is satisfied”
 (Psa. 63:1,2,5)
(let yourself feel confidence
from the closeness of God’s
power and glory!)
Heart, turn and find delight in
being able to keep our eyes 
on the glorified Christ before us here. 
Heart, be confident and
enjoy that our depending 
on God greatly exalts
and honors Him as God.
Do not fear them,
for the Lord your God is 
the one fighting for you” 
(Deut. 3:21).
Do not fear or be dismayed because...
the battle is not yours but God's” 
(2 Chron. 20:15).
O Lord God, You are my confidence
 (Psa. 71:5) 
(let yourself feel confidence
from the closeness of
God’s power and glory!)
Heart hear this and don’t hold back: 
Be strong and courageous, and act; 
do not fear nor be dismayed,
for the Lord God, 
my God, is with you. 
He will not fail you nor forsake you” 
(1 Chron. 28:20)
(let yourself feel confidence from
 the closeness of
God’s power and glory!)
O my God, in You I trust” 
(Psa. 25:1,2). 

(Changing how our heart thinks,
is a repentance that
helps direct our heart
toward loving God and faith.)

Heart level thinking 30
Heart, listen to what
we are saying.
Let yourself believe, love, 
and be thankful for the truth!
Heart hear it that
repentance means to 
change how we think. 
So, the focus for
true repentance is 
our heart level thinking
and NOT my outer behavior.
Behavior is the result,
not the cause
For as he thinks within
himself, so he is” 
(Pro 23:7). 
they were thinking
in their heart” 
(Luke 9:47).
the heart of man reflects man.” 
(Pro. 27:19).
For from within,
out of the heart of men, 
proceed the evil things” 
(Mark 7:21-23a).
They always go astray in their heart” 
(Heb. 3:10). ; 
rend your heart and
not your garments” 
(Joel 2:13);
the obedience of faith” 
(Rom. 1:5).
repentance requires that
we change how we think. 
Most specifically,
repentance is a zealous process 
of aligning our heart-level thinking 
with the kingdom of God.
"Repent, for the kingdom
of heaven is at hand."
 (Mat 3:2);
 “be zealous and repent.” 
(Rev. 3:19)
It changes us best
when we speak truth 
and listen to ourselves. 
Being more specific, 
it changes us best
when we tell ourselves
what to believe and love
about where we can best 
find confidence, hope,
courage, and security
My soul, wait in silence for God only, 
for my hope is from Him. 
He only is my rock
and my salvation,
my stronghold; 
I shall not be shaken. 
On God my salvation
 and my glory rest;
 the rock of my strength,
 my refuge is in God” 
(Psa. 62:5-7).
Why are you in despair,
O my soul? 
And why are you
disturbed within me? 
Hope in God,
for I shall again praise Him,
 the help of my countenance
and my God” 
(Psa. 43:5).
Return to your rest, O my soul, 
for the Lord has dealt
bountifully with you” 
(Psa. 116:7).
My soul will make
its boast in the Lord; 
the humble will
hear it and rejoice” 
(Psa 34:2).
we can change and grow 
by responding to our thoughts 
with reassurance 
and reminders about the truth
We are destroying speculations 
and every lofty thing raised up 
against the knowledge of God, 
and we are taking
every thought captive 
to the obedience of Christ” 
(2 Cor. 10:5).
and will assure
our heart before Him 
in whatever our heart condemns us; 
for God is greater than our heart 
and knows all things. 
Beloved, if our heart
does not condemn us, 
we have confidence before God
(1 John 3:19-21).  
(heart, hear, believe,
and love the truth!)
real change happens by changing 
the beliefs, loves,
and fears of our heart. 
When our heart hears,
believes, and loves the truth,
that is what changes us best 
(heart, let yourself feel confidence
because of the truth!)
confess with your mouth
and believe in your heart” 
(Rom. 10:9)
for with the heart a person believes, 
resulting in righteousness” 
(Rom. 10:10).  
(heart, hear it)
faith comes from hearing, 
and hearing by the word of Christ.” 
(Rom. 10:17).

return to the Lord with all your heart, 
remove the foreign gods and 
direct your hearts to the Lord
and He will deliver you
 (1 Sam. 7:3).
So take diligent heed to yourselves to 
love the Lord your God” 
(Jos. 23:11).  

Delight yourself in the Lord” 
(Psa. 37:4). 
for where your treasure is,
there will your heart be” 
(Mat. 6:21)
 (heart, hear it)

Heart rejoice 31

 Heart, listen to what
we are saying. 
Let yourself believe, love, 
and be thankful for the truth!
Heart, rejoice that we can change. 
The truth gets “planted”
 in our heart by our hearing
it with our heart
“And the seed in the good soil, 
these are the ones
who have heard the word 
in an honest and good heart,
and hold it fast,
and bear fruit with perseverance” 
(Luke 8:15).  
(heart, believe and love it)
Jesus said,
‘He who has ears to hear,
let him hear.” 
(Mark 4:9). 

 Heart, rejoice that I can direct
my heart toward God 
by reassuring myself with the truth. 
It worked for David, it will work for me
 (heart, let yourself feel confidence
because of the truth!)
David was greatly distressed
because the people 
spoke of stoning him,
for all the people were embittered
But David strengthened himself
in the Lord his God” 
(1 Sam. 30:6).  

heart, rejoice that
we can glorify God by 
declaring truth with thanks and praise.
 In growth and change, 
it changes us, when we listen
and really hear 
what we are thanking Him for!
the truth of God
abounded to His glory” 
(Rom. 3:7)
the giving of thanks to abound
to the glory of God.” 
(2 Cor. 4:15)
Heart, rejoice that we can change, 
by zealously directing
the beliefs, cravings,
 and the treasures of
our heart toward God
we should not crave evil things” 
(1Cor. 10:6)
confess with your mouth
and believe in your heart” 
(Rom. 10:9)
take into your heart 
all My words which I will speak 
to you and listen closely.”
 (Eze. 3:10).
for with the heart a person believes, 
resulting in righteousness
 (Rom. 10:10).
 (heart, hear it)
Ho! Every one who thirsts, 
come to the waters delight
yourself in abundance.”  
(Isa. 55:1,2)
be zealous and repent.” 
(Rev. 3:19)
for where your treasure is, 
there will your heart be also.” 
(Mat. 6:21). 
 (heart, hear it)
Behold, the man who would 
not make God his refuge, 
but trusted in the abundance
of his riches And
was strong in his evil desire” 
(Psa. 52:7).
direct your heart to the Lord 
and He will deliver you” 
(1 Sam. 7:3).

applying “building yourselves up 
on your most holy faith” 
(Jude 1:20).  
(heart, believe and love it)
our heart has LEARNED 
what to believe, love,
and what to be afraid of. 
our heart CAN be re-trained!
But Jesus,
knowing what they were 
thinking in their heart” 
(Luke 9:47).
having a heart trained in greed
 (2Pet 2:14).
it helps me to hear
and believe better 
when we humble ourself
and diligent to submit 
into believing
 “in humility receive the word
 (James 1:21);
 “Behold, as for the proud one, 
his soul is not right within him; 
but the righteous will live by his faith
 (Hab. 2:4).
For the one who has entered God’s
rest has himself also
rested from his works, 
as God did from His.
Therefore let us be diligent
to enter that rest” 
(Heb. 4:10,11).
 (heart, believe and love it)

Heart receive from God 32

 Heart, listen to
what we are saying. 
Let yourself believe, love, 
and be thankful for the truth!
the more we repent of
feeding on earthly things, 
the easier it will be to believe
and to receive from God
receive the Spirit
by hearing with faith” 
(Gal. 3:2).  
(heart, believe and love it)
How can you believe,
when you receive glory from 
one another and you do not seek
the glory that is from
the one and only God?” 
(John 5:44).
 (heart, hear, believe,
and love the truth!)
repent and believe” 
(Mark 1:15). 
training our beliefs and loves so that
 our heart is free to make God our God, 
removes the idolatry
 in our heart even before we sin.
return to the Lord with all your heart, 
remove the foreign gods
and direct your hearts to the Lord
and He will deliver you” 
(1 Sam. 7:3).
And it will be said, 
‘Build up, build up, prepare the way, 
remove every obstacle out of 
the way of My people” 
(Isa. 57:14); 
turn to the Lord your God 
with all your heart and soul.
 (Deu 30:10).
heart, hear this. 
Experiencing God requires that we let 
ourself hear, 
believe, and apply the truth 
about experiencing Him. 
So heart, believe it strongly! 
 (heart, let yourself feel confidence 
because of the truth!)
receive the Spirit
by hearing with faith” 
(Gal. 3:2).
So faith comes from hearing, and 
hearing by the word of Christ”
 (Rom 10:17).
he who comes to God
must believe that
He is a rewarder of those
who seek Him.” 
(Heb. 11:6).
it is right that I set my heart
 on dying to earthly sources.
He did evil because he 
did not set his heart to
seek the Lord” 
(2Ch 12:14).
always carrying about in the body 
the dying of Jesus, 
so that the life of Jesus 
also may be manifested 
in our body.
(2 Cor. 4:10).  
(heart, hear, believe,
and love the truth!)
there was no
strange god among you; 
so you are My witnesses
I am God” 
(Isa. 43:12).
be zealous and repent.” 
(Rev. 3:19); 
When the days were approaching
for His ascension, 
Jesus was determined
to go to Jerusalem” 
(Luke 9:51);
being assertive in my tone of voice 
will help our heart to hear
you are to tear down
their altars and 
smash their sacred pillars
and cut down their 
Asherim for you shall not
worship any other god, 
for the Lord, whose
name is Jealous, 
is a jealous God” 
(Exo. 34:13,14)
And Jesus made
a scourge of cords, 
and drove them all
out of the temple, 
with the sheep and the oxen;
and He poured out the coins
of the money changers 
and overturned their tables” 
(John 2:15)
Circumcise yourselves
to the Lord 
and remove the foreskins
of your heart” 
(Jer 4:4)
turn to the Lord your God 
with all your heart and soul.
 (Deut. 30:10)
be zealous and repent.
 (Rev. 3:19). 
 (heart, hear, believe,
and love the God who is close!)

Repetition helps me to repent 33

 Heart, listen to what
we are saying.
Let yourself believe, love, 
and be thankful for the truth!

heart, love the truth!
Over and over,
we will “impress”
the truth on our heart.
Repetition helps us to repent.
we will speak the truth over 
and over until our heart 
softens enough for
us to believe it
You shall therefore impress 
these words of mine
on your heart 
and on your soul;
and you shall bind them
 as a sign on your hand,
and they shall be 
as frontals on your forehead.
You shall teach them to your sons,
talking of them when you sit 
in your house and when you 
walk along the road 
and when you lie down and
when you rise up.” 
(Deut. 11:18,19).
Bind them continually
on your heart” 
(Pro. 6:21).
we will be confident about
being able to change
by repentance that directs
our heart toward God!
our behavior will change
because obedience
and right living flow from
what we believe
(heart, believe it!)
the obedience of faith” 
(Rom. 1:5).
For with the heart man believes, 
resulting in righteousness” 
(Rom. 10:10).
repent and turn to God,
performing deeds appropriate
to repentance
(Acts 26:20).
(heart, hear it)
Heart, let ourself believe
and love that we can
“change our mind”
by giving our heart
reasons to treasure God
with the joy and
freedom of a child.
By this, we CAN
receive the presence of God
and His kingdom.
whoever does not receive
the kingdom of God
like a child will not enter it at all.” 
(Mark 10:15).
for where your treasure is,
there will your heart be also.” 
(Mat. 6:21).
(heart, hear it)
repentance that
removes obstacles,
breaks up the hardness,
 and frees us to love God more,
prepares us for freely receiving 
God’s tangible presence 
and His kingdom like a child
And it will be said,
‘Build up, build up, prepare the way,
remove every obstacle
out of the way of My people” 
(Isa. 57:14).
Clear the way for the Lord
Make a highway for our God
Then the glory of the Lord
will be revealed"
(Isa. 40:3-5).
clear the way before Me.
And the Lord, whom you seek,
will suddenly come to His temple”
 “repent and return,
so that your sins
may be wiped away,
in order that times of
refreshing may come
from the presence of the Lord
 (Acts 3:19).
(heart, hear, believe,
and love the truth!)
Draw near to God and
He will draw near to you” 
(James 4:8).
receive the kingdom of
God like a child
 (Mark 10:15).
Break up your fallow ground
seek the Lord until He comes to
rain righteousness on you.” 
(Hos. 10:12)
building yourselves up
on your most holy faith
(Jude 1:20).
(heart, believe and love it)
faith is not something
that we can achieve!
It is more like falling into an
over-stuffed chair after
being hard at work
we have to rest into believing.
we repent of trying to
work ourself into faith.
we submit and we rest
into believing the truth
(heart, hear, believe,
and love it as the truth!)
Instead of that for us it is
 “changing my mind”
because IT IS WRITTEN,
In repentance and rest
you will be saved” 
(Isa. 30:15).
(heart, hear, believe,
and love the truth!)
For thus the Lord God,
the Holy One of Israel,
has said, ‘In repentance and
rest you will be saved,
in quietness and
trust is your strength
the Lord longs to
be gracious to you,
and therefore He waits
on high to have
compassion on you.
For the Lord is a God of justice;
 how blessed are all those
who long for Him

Heart go to God 34

Heart, listen to what
we are saying.
Let yourself believe, love, 
and be thankful for the truth!
we repent of trying to
work ourself into faith
because faith is not something
that we can achieve!
we have to rest into believing.
we rest into faith
(heart, hear and believe it!)
Come to Me, all who are weary
and heavy-laden,
and I will give you rest.
Take My yoke upon you
And learn from Me and
you will find rest
for your souls” 
(Matt. 11:28,29).
(heart, hear it)
For the one who has
entered God’s rest
has himself also rested
from his works,
as God did from His.
Therefore let us be diligent
to enter that rest
 (Heb. 4:10,11).
(heart, believe and love it)
In repentance and rest
you will be saved, 
in quietness and trust
is your strength.” 
(Isa. 30:15).
applying all diligence,
in your faith”
(2 Pet. 1:5).
(heart, hear, believe,
and love the truth!)
taking every thought captive to
 the obedience of Christ” 
(2 Cor. 10:5).
we don’t have to be
afraid to look at
the sin of our heart
because we can change.
we love the truth that repentance
will work for us!
we turn from helplessness
about repentance
that changes the way we think.
we are changing to
kingdom of God thinking
But a man must examine himself” 
(1 Cor. 11:28).
(heart, hear, believe,
and love the truth!)
Everyone who comes to Me 
and hears My words and
 acts on them is like
 a man building a house,
who dug deep and
laid a foundation
(Luke 6:47,48)
(heart, believe and love it)
After leaving slavery
and bondage in Egypt
the people wanted to
go back to their old ways.
To this God said that,
If you really set your mind
to enter Egypt
and go in to reside there,
then the sword,
which you are afraid of,
will overtake you there
in the land of Egypt;
and the famine,
about which you are anxious,
will follow closely
after you there in Egypt,
and you will die there.’” 
(Jer 42:15b,16).
He did evil because
he did not set his heart
to seek the Lord
 (2Ch 12:14).
we are turning my affections 
away from the “other gods”
of this world.
we grab our soul and
we turn it to loving You Lord
heart, hear, believe,
and love it as the truth!)
So take diligent heed
to yourselves to
love the Lord your God.
For if you ever go back
and cling to the
rest of these nations,
these which remain among you,
and intermarry with them,
so that you associate with them
 and they with you, 
know with certainty
that the Lord your God
will not continue to drive these
nations out from before you;
but they will be a snare
and a trap to you,
and a whip on your sides
and thorns in your eyes,
until you perish
from off this good land
which the Lord your God
has given you
 (Jos. 23:11-13)
 (heart, hear, believe,
and love the God who is close!)
heart, rejoice that
the obstacles between us
and God can and will be removed.
our heart will be built up into
abiding and loving God
(heart, let yourself feel confidence
 because of the truth!)
And it will be said,
‘Build up, build up,
prepare the way,
remove every obstacle
out of the way of My people
 (Isa. 57:14).
(heart, hear, believe,
and love the God who is close!)
Abide in Me, and I in you.
As the branch cannot bear
fruit of itself
unless it abides in the vine,
so neither can you unless
you abide in Me” 
(John 15:4)
(heart, hear, believe,
and love the truth!)

Heart set your desires on God 35

Heart, listen to what
we are saying.
Let yourself believe, love, 
and be thankful for the truth!

we are setting our
desires on God Himself
to be what quenches
our thirsty desires—
and nothing else
If riches increase,
do not set your heart upon them.” 
(Psa. 62:10b).

(heart, feel reassured by it!)

set your heart and your soul 
to seek the Lord your God” 
(1 Chron. 22:19).

(heart, hear it)

He did evil because he did not 
set his heart to seek the Lord”
 (2Ch 12:14).
It is an 
everlasting covenant, 
to be God to you and
to your descendants”
 (Gen. 17:7;  Gal. 3:29).
Ho! Every one who thirsts,
come to the waters
delight yourself in abundance.” 
(Isa. 55:1,2)
for where your treasure is, 
there will your heart be also.
 (Mat. 6:21)
Heart, rejoice that we can be
a doer of the truth 
by focusing our effort to hear, 
believe, and love the truth in the
deepest part of our heart: 
prove yourselves doers of the word, 
and not merely hearers” 
(James 1:22).
the obedience of faith” 
(Rom. 1:5).
Draw near to God and
He will draw near to you” 
(James 4:8).

heart, feel confidence from it!)

receive the Spirit by hearing with faith
(Gal. 3:2).

(heart, feel confidence from it!)

Heart, let yourself believe
and love that we can 
“change our mind” 
by giving our heart reasons
to treasure God
with the joy and freedom of a child. 
By this, we can receive
the presence of God 
and His kingdom.
whoever does not receive 
the kingdom of God like 
a child will not enter it at all.” 
(Mark 10:15).

(heart, let yourself feel confidence
because of the truth!)

for where your treasure is, 
there will your heart be also.” 
(Mat. 6:21).

(heart, hear it)

we love that God’s way 
of repentance works, 
the benefits are great,
 and the payout is guaranteed
always carrying about
 in the body the dying of Jesus,
 so that the life of Jesus also may 
be manifested in our body.” 
(2 Cor. 4:10).

(heart, hear, believe,
and love the truth!)

repent and return, 
so that your sins may be wiped away, 
in order that times of
refreshing may come
from the presence of the Lord” 
(Acts 3:19).

(heart, hear, believe,
and love the truth!)

God said, ‘I will dwell in them 
and walk among them; 
and I will be their God, 
and they shall be My people.” 
(2 Cor. 6:16).

 (heart, hear, believe,
and love the God who is close!)

God is good! we rest into 
confidently believing that 
what God offers,
is also offered to us
Heart hear this! 
O taste and see that
the Lord is good; 
how blessed is the man 
who takes refuge in Him!
(Psalm. 34:8).

(heart, hear, believe, 
and love the God who is close!)

All that the Father gives Me 
will come to Me,
 and the one who comes to Me 
I will certainly not cast out.” 
(John 6:37).

(heart, hear, believe, 
and love the God who is close!)

Heart, rejoice that we can
 and will direct the beliefs, 
cravings, and the treasures 
of our heart toward God
we should not crave evil things” 
(1Cor. 10:6)
confess with our mouth 
and believe in our heart” 
(Rom. 10:9)
for with the heart a person believes, 
resulting in righteousness
 (Rom. 10:10).

(heart, hear it)

Behold, the man who would not make
 God his refuge,
 But trusted in the abundance 
of his riches And
was strong in his evil desire” 
(Psa. 52:7).
Ho! Every one who thirsts,
come to the waters
delight yourself in abundance.” 
(Isa. 55:1,2)
for where your treasure is,
 there will your heart be also.” 
(Mat. 6:21).

 (heart, hear it)

Heart do what God says 36
 Heart, listen to what
we are saying.
Let yourself believe, love, 
and be thankful for the truth!

Heart, it is right and good for us to
do what the Bible says! So,
Let us examine and probe our ways,
and let us return to the Lord” 
(Lam. 3:40).
And, even though it hurts to expose
the sin in our heart, 
the Bible says that our sin is 
exposed so as to restore
you from captivity” 
(Lam. 2:14).
we will turn our love toward God.
we will let our heart believe 
and we won’t hold back.
we will not settle for less
than the fountain of God.
we will not turn away.
O Lord All who forsake You 
will be put to shame. 
Those who turn away on earth 
will be written down,
because they have forsaken 
the fountain of living water,
 even the Lord.” 
(Jer. 17:13).
Has a nation changed gods 
when they were not gods? 
But My people have
changed their glory for
That which does not profit.
Be appalled, O heavens,
 at this, and shudder,
be very desolate,’
 declares the Lord.
‘For My people have
committed two evils:
they have forsaken Me,
the fountain of living waters,
 to hew for themselves cisterns, 
broken cisterns that can
hold no water
(Jer. 2:11-13).

(heart, hear it)

we love that God so freely 
clothes us with His presence.
we love the truth 
we can worship Him in holiness.
His presence makes us holy!
Ascribe to the Lord the glory due 
His name come before Him;
worship the Lord in holy array.” 
(1 Chron. 16:29) 
When we come before the Lord,
He clothes us in 
“holy array” 
by cleansing us
with His righteous presence.
He clothes us with
His own presence.
we can and we will be honest 
about what is in our heart.
we love the truth so much that
we can and will become 
“good ground” 
for the truth

(heart, let yourself feel confidence 
because of the truth!)

But the seed in the good soil,
these are the ones
who have heard the word
 in an honest and good heart,
and hold it fast, and
bear fruit with perseverance
(Luke 8:15).

(heart, hear it)

So remember what you
have received and heard; 
and keep it, and repent
 (Rev. 3:3)
listen obediently love
the Lord your God
and to serve Him with 
all your heart and all your soul
 (Deut. 11:13).
(heart, hear, believe,
and love the God who is close!)
receive the Spirit by
hearing with faith
(Gal. 3:2)
Heart, rejoice that we can change!
we repent of agreeing with pressures 
to harden our heart to the truth:
The Son of God appeared
for this purpose,
to destroy the works of the devil.”
(1 John 3:8).

(heart, hear, believe,
and love the truth!)

heart hear this! 
It is thrilling that
we don’t have to live
in hopelessness about
being able to change.
we will not be afraid to
be honest about our heart.
we can be zealous about 
changing how our heart thinks. 
Strong delight in our tone of voice 
helps us to hear 
the truth and believe it in our heart
Everyone who comes to Me
 and hears My words
and acts on them is like 
a man building a house,
who dug deep and laid a foundation
 (Luke 6:47,48).

 (heart, feel reassured by it!)

be zealous and repent.”
 (Rev. 3:19)

Heart find refuge and
strength in God 37
 Heart, listen to what we are saying.
Let yourself believe, love, 
and be thankful for the truth!

we love that we can repent 
by loving the refuge of strength 
and beauty that we can find in God
How precious is
Your loving kindness,
O God! And the children of men take
refuge in the shadow of Your wings.
They drink their fill of the
abundance of Your house; 
and You give them to
drink of the river
of Your delights.
For with You is the fountain of life;
in Your light we see light.”
 (Psa. 36:7-9)
heart, rejoice that we
can repent because
we can hear and believe
the truth by taking it into us 
take into your heart all My words 
which I will speak to you
and listen closely.
 (Eze. 3:10).
Jesus said, 
‘He who has ears to hear,
let him hear.
 (Mark 4:9).

heart, believe and love it)

building yourselves up on
your most holy faith
(Jude 1:20).

(heart, believe and love it)

prove yourselves doers of the word, 
and not merely hearers
 (James 1:22).
Lord it is only by
Your  presence here with
me that we can honestly say,
You are my hiding place
and my shield
(Psa. 119:114)

(heart, let yourself feel confidence
because of the truth!)

On God my salvation
and my glory rest;
The rock of my strength,
my refuge is in God.
(Psa. 62:7)
I love You, O Lord, my strength.” 
(Psa. 18:1)
How blessed are
the people who know
the joyful sound!
O Lord, they walk in the light
of Your countenance.
In Your name
they rejoice all the day,
and by Your righteousness
they are exalted.
For You are the glory
of their strength
 (Psa. 89:15-17)
we can turn our heart toward God
and we love that the payout 
for repentance is guaranteed.
repent and return, 
so that your sins
may be wiped way, 
in order that times of
refreshing may come
From the presence of the Lord” 
(Acts 3:19).

(heart, hear, believe,
and love the God who is close!)

always carrying about 
in the body the dying of Jesus, 
so that the life of Jesus also may be 
manifested in our body.” 
(2 Cor. 4:10).

(heart, hear, believe,
and love the truth!)

there was no strange god
among you;
so you are
My witnesses I am God’” 
(Isa. 43:12).
Heart, God designed us so needy 
and that we are drinking
from something all the time.
And if we are not experiencing
 the presence of God,
 we must be drinking
in some other way.
So heart, rejoice that we can
 repent by a simple trade.
our earthly sources
for the presence of God.
What God offers 
by grace pulls us forward
Ho! Everyone who thirsts,
come to the waters;
and you who have no money come,
buy and eat.
Come, buy wine and
milk without money
and without cost.
Why do you spend money
for what is not bread,
And your wages for
what does not satisfy?
Listen carefully to Me,
and eat what is good,
and delight yourself in abundance” 
(Isa. 55:1,2).

 (heart, hear, believe,
and love the God who is close!)

we can change from
idolatry of the heart 
because we can depend on God 
to be God to me!
 we don’t have to depend
on the little “gods”
of this world because,
God has promised with an;
 “everlasting covenant,
to be God to us
and to our descendants
(Gen. 17:7;  Gal. 3:29).
God CAN quench our thirsty need!
I, the Lord, am your God 
Open your mouth wide and I will fill it.”
 (Psa. 81:10).

(heart, hear it)
Turn to God 38
Heart, listen to what
we are saying.
Let yourself believe, love,
 and be thankful for the truth!
we love the truth that God tells us to
 turn to Him therefore,
HE is the one who also
gives us the ability to do it

(heart, let yourself feel confidence
 because of the truth!)
repent and turn to God” 
(Acts 26:20b).
turn to the Lord your God 
with all your heart and soul.” 
(Deut. 30:10)
Repent and turn away from your idols 
and turn your faces away from
 all your abominations.” 
(Eze. 14:6).
taking every thought captive
to the obedience of Christ” 
(2 Cor. 10:5).
applying all diligence, in your faith
 (2 Pet. 1:5).
(heart, hear, believe,
and love the truth!)
we love that the repentance
that works best, 
is that which reassures our heart 
until we find freedom to put on and
wear the presence of God
all around us here
put on the armor of light
put on the Lord Jesus Christ, 
and make no provision for the flesh 
in regard to its lusts.
 (Rom. 13:12 and 14)
and will assure our heart 
before Him in whatever 
our heart condemns us;
for God is greater than our heart 
and knows all things. 
Beloved, if our heart
does not condemn us,
we have confidence before God
 (1John 3:19-21)
we turn our heart from trying
to feel religious by
putting ourself down.
Self-hate won’t
prevent fleshly indulgence
(heart, hear, believe, 
and love it as the truth!)
the appearance of wisdom 
in self-made religion 
and self-abasement 
and severe treatment of the
Body are of no value 
against fleshly indulgence.”
(Col 2:23)
Let no one keep defrauding you 
of your prize by
delighting in self-abasement” 
(Col. 2:18)
 Heart, we are turning away from
believing we can’t change.
we can change because
God tells us how to do it 
return to the Lord with all your heart,
remove the foreign gods 
and direct your hearts to the Lord”
 (1 Sam.7:3).
(heart, hear, believe,
 and love the God who is close!)
Circumcise yourselves to the Lord 
and remove
the foreskins of your heart” 
(Jer 4:4).
(heart, hear it)
sanctify Christ as Lord
in your hearts” 
(1 Pet. 3:15a).
(heart, hear, believe,
and love the truth!)
rend your heart and
not your garments” 
(Joel 2:13).
 Heart, we can and we will 
plow up the hard ground of our heart 
so that we can believe and love God.
By this we can stay before Him.
Heart, believe that the kingdom is 
here with power, love, 
and with the righteousness of God;
Break up your fallow ground,
for it is time to seek the Lord until
He comes to rain
righteousness on you.” 
(Hos. 10:12)
(heart, let yourself feel confidence 
because of the truth!)
 (My Heart) ,we delight that abiding in
God’s presence 
is not hopeless for us.
 we repent of looking for refuge
in despair or sadness.
 we turn from disappointment
as a place of refuge.
Glory in His holy name;
 let the heart of those who
seek the Lord be glad.”
(1 Chron. 16:10)
the nations will bless
themselves in Him,
and in Him they will glory.” 
(Jer. 4:2)

God's Glory that surpasses
all things 39
 Heart, listen to what
we are saying.
Let yourself believe, love, 
and be thankful for the truth!
we can turn from earthly distractions.
And, we love the truth that God is 
far greater than anything else 
we could ever see, touch,
taste, or want
(heart, hear, believe,
and love it as the truth!)
For indeed what had glory,
in this case has no glory because of
the glory that surpasses it.
 (2 Cor. 3:10)
we love that God has promised
to be God to us!
It is an 
everlasting covenant,
to be God to you and
to your descendants
(Gen. 17:7;  Gal. 3:29).
God said, 
"I will dwell in them
and walk among them;
and I will be their God, 
and they shall be My people
 (2Cor 6:16).
we love the truth that
God is so good!
His promise to quench our
thirst includes us!
we love that God is
a radiant fountain that floods us
with an abundant presence
of the Holy Spirit
on the great day of the feast,
Jesus stood and cried out, saying,
‘If anyone is thirsty,
let him come to Me and drink.
He who believes in Me,
as the Scripture said,
'From his innermost being will flow
rivers of living water.’
‘ But this He spoke of the Spirit” 
(John 7:37-39).
 (heart, hear and love it)
Ho! Every one who thirsts,
come to the waters delight
 yourself in abundance.
(Isa. 55:1, 2).
I, the Lord, am your God 
Open your mouth wide
and I will fill it.
 (Psa. 81:10).
(heart, hear it)
the fountain of living water,
even the Lord.
(Jer. 17:13).
(heart, feel confidence from it!)
So remember what you have 
received and heard;
and keep it, and repent” 
(Rev. 3:3).
direct your heart to the Lord 
and He will deliver you
 (1 Sam. 7:3).
(heart, hear and love it)
all things for which
you pray and ask,
believe that you have
received them,
and they will be granted you.
 (Mark 11:24).
(heart, hear, believe,
and love the truth!)
taking every thought captive
to the obedience of Christ
 (2 Cor. 10:5).
applying all diligence, in your faith
 (2 Pet. 1:5).
(heart, hear, believe,
and love the truth!)
your heavenly Father
will give the Holy Spirit
to those who ask Him
 (Luke 11:13, )



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