Chapter 11

This chapter contains areas on Addition
The father is seeking for us to stand in the gap
not only for ourself but others.
The Holy Spirit is drawing us to a standing point
as we go forward, we may at some point 
as we stand in the gate be reminded
of someone or something specific 
to intercede about 
If a scripture opens this then pause for a while
and allow the Holy Spirit to reveal 
the enemy ground we need to possess 
or take ground over.
If you sense you are plowing into hard ground 
you may need to consider fasting as well as prayer.

Our Heart Toward God 173
 heart, listen to what we are saying.
Let ourself believe, love,
and be thankful for the truth!
training our beliefs and loves so that our heart
 is directed toward God,
 removes the obstacles between us
and makes it easier for us to return to Him.
 It removes the idolatry in our heart 
even before we sin.
return to the Lord with all your heart,
remove the foreign gods
and direct your hearts to the Lord
and He will deliver you
(1 Sam. 7:3).
And it will be said,
‘Build up, build up, prepare the way,
remove every obstacle
out of the way of My people
(Isa. 57:14).
training our beliefs and loves so that it directs
our heart toward God,
clears a path between us that becomes a
“highway” so that we can more freely
draw near to God
and He can more freely draw near to us.
Clear the way for the Lord
Make a highway for our God
Then the glory of the Lord will be revealed"
 (Isa. 40:3-5).
Draw near to God 
and He will draw near to you” 
(James 4:8)
clear the way before Me. 
And the Lord,
whom you seek,
will suddenly come to His temple
(Mal. 3:1).

(Heart, Believe that 
we are the temple of God)

we CAN repent by 
“changing our mind”
 to think according to the kingdom of God.
 Doing this helps us to be more faithful
to God and it prepares us
 so that we can more fully receive 
the His kingdom here.
“John the Baptist came saying,
for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.
 For this is
The voice of one crying in the wilderness,
 'Make ready the way of the Lord,
make His paths straight!'”
 (Mat 3:1-3).
the children yet to be born
Should not be stubborn 
and rebellious generation,
a generation that did not prepare its heart
and whose spirit was not faithful to God
 (Psalm 78:6-8).
the repentance that helps us
to return to the Lord 
brings forgiveness and the presence of God.
The payback for repentance is so great
that turning from earthly sources is a price
well worth paying!
repent and return,
so that your sins may be wiped away,
 in order that times of refreshing may come
from the presence of the Lord
(Acts 3:19).

 (Heart, hear, believe, 
and love the truth!)

“Now that you have consecrated
ourselves to the Lord, come near”
(2Chron. 29:31).
“Ho! Every one who thirsts, come to the waters
Why do you spend money for what is not bread,
and your wages for what does not satisfy?
 delight yourself in abundance
 (Isa. 55:1,2).

(Heart, hear, believe, and
love the God who is close!)

 “Trust in the Lord with all your heart
 (Pro 3:5).

Directing our Heart Toward God 174
 heart, listen to what we are saying.
Let ourself believe, love,
and be thankful for the truth!

directing our heart toward God
 is a kind of repentance
 that humbles us and helps us turn from sin.
 It paves the way for us to pray
and seek the presence of the Lord.
And by this, God heals our land!
and My people who are called by My name
humble themselves and pray and seek My face
and turn from their wicked ways,
then I will hear from heaven,
will forgive their sin and will heal their land.”
(2Chron 7:14).

 (Heart, hear, believe, 
and love the God who is close!)

heart this is a practical way of living
 out the dying of Jesus.
The benefit of directing our heart away
from idolatry and toward God
 is that Jesus will be manifested!
Heart, let it sink in that life as the goal,
dying is just the process of what it takes
 to continually let His life shine through
(Enjoy the truth!)

always carrying about in the body
the dying of Jesus,
so that the life of Jesus also may be manifested
in our body.
 (2 Cor. 4:10).

 (Heart, hear, believe, 
and love the God who is close!)

there was no strange god among you;
so you are My witnesses
I am God’”
 (Isa. 43:12).
heart, it helps us to cut off
our love for earthly things
and train our heart to believe and love God.
By this, we become more sensitive toward God
and we enjoy Him more fully.
Circumcise yourselves to the Lord
 And remove the foreskins of your heart
(Jer 4:4).
 “circumcise your heart
(Deu 10:16).
directing our heart to believe 
and love God helps us to trust Him more fully:
Trust in the Lord with all your heart
(Pro 3:5).
heart it is a practical way of 
building my faith: 
building yourselves up on your most holy faith
(Jude 1:20).
applying all diligence, in your faith
(2 Pet. 1:5).
the most direct and effective path 
of Christian growth involves a repentance
 that changes the mind of the heart. 
Speaking the truth with my mouth
and hearing it in our heart 
results in a faith that improves 
righteous living, 
faith for receiving the Holy Spirit, 
obedience, and faith for 
receiving the kingdom of God
confess with your mouth and 
believe in your heart” 
(Rom. 10:9)
for with the heart a person believes, 
resulting in righteousness
 (Rom. 10:10).
the kingdom of God is at hand; 
repent and believe in the good news” 
(Mark 1:15).
faith comes from hearing, 
and hearing by the word of God.”
 (Rom. 10:17).
the obedience of faith” 
(Rom. 1:5).
receive the Spirit
by hearing with faith
 (Gal. 3:2).
So take diligent heed to yourselves 
to love the Lord your God
 (Jos. 23:11).
Delight yourself in the Lord” 
(Psalm. 37:4).
for where your treasure is, 
there will your heart be also.
 (Mat. 6:21).
the marriage of the Lamb has come
 and His bride has made herself ready
 (Rev 19:7).
He will also go before Him in the spirit and power of Elijah, ‘to turn the hearts of the fathers to the children,’ and the disobedient to the wisdom of the just, to make ready a people prepared for the Lord.” 
(Luke 1:17).
In those days John the Baptist came preaching in the wilderness of Judea,   and saying, “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand!”   For this is he who was spoken of by the prophet Isaiah, saying:  “The voice of one crying in the wilderness:
  ‘Prepare the way of the Lord;
  Make His paths straight.
 (Mat 3:1-3).

Removing Idolatry from Material Things 175
heart, we delight that our 
adequacy, glory, reassurance, 
security, courage 
is not from money or material things.
 we turn our heart and we face toward You Lord.
 we love the shine from Your face God. 
we are trusting that our eyes are
 looking at Your power and glory 
all around and touching us
(Heart, feel confidence 
in God’s presence!)
heart, it's not from wanting more
 our desire is for the closeness of God. 
Your presence here
is our greatest possession Lord. 
we trust that You are here 
and we love You Lord
Heart, it's not from gathering more money
 or material things around us. 
Whether we realize it or not, 
our deepest desire is to have 
and to experience You God  
Heart, it's not from loving money 
or material things. 
we love You Lord!
 we turn all our covetous desires toward God.
 we delight that we don’t have to hold back. 
God’s closeness is our greatest love. 
our eyes are looking at You
 It is the glory of God that we treasure. 
What we drink from God
is always new, never gets old, 
is never boring, is always abundant, 
and is always far more shiny than the
newness of earthly things.

(Heart, feel confidence in God’s presence!)
heart, it's not from the glory of material things 
or from how much money we have. 
our treasure is God. 
By faith we are
trusting that our eyes are on You Lord

(Heart, feel confidence because of the truth!)
Heart, we're not threatened 
when we don’t have the money we need. 
Lord, You are the
 adequacy, glory, reassurance,
security, courage that we need. 

The glory of God
 is far better 
than money in our pocket
and were not threatened when 
someone else has more money 
and earthly possessions than us. 
God is our treasure.
our delight is that we can 
look at You as You walk with us here 
in all Your radiant glory
The Lord is our God. 
we turn our soul away from trying 
to make money and 
material things into idols.
our trust is in You Lord. 
God is better than money 
and God is our provider.
 we love trusting that we are
looking at You.
(Pause for moment. 
Heart believe that money is good.
Its the root of idol worship 
of money that's evil)
 “Beware, and be on your guard 
against every form of greed; 
for not even when one has 
an abundance does his life 
consist of his possessions” 
(Luke 12:15). 
Make sure that your character is
free from the love of money, 
being content with what you have; 
for He Himself has said,
 ‘I will never desert you,
 nor will I ever forsake you,” 
(Heb. 13:5). 
we set our heart to love You 
far more Lord!
  God has made us His child 
(1 John 3:2). 
God has made us a descendant 
and heir of the promises made to Abraham
 (Gal. 3:29); 
Therefore heart,
 “remember the Lord your God, 
for it is He who is
giving you power to make wealth, 
that He may confirm His covenant 
which He swore to your fathers,
 as it is this day” 
(Deut 8:18). 
if riches increase, 
do not set your heart upon them” 
(Psalm 62:10).
 we are giving up 
trying to idolize material things. 
Jesus said, 
none of you can be My disciple 
who does not give up 
all his own possessions” 
(Luke 14:33). 
My possessions are not our god. 
Rather than money, 
Lord we set our heart to 
love getting and having more of Your presence
Removing Idolatry from Material Things 176
 heart, we delight that our 
adequacy, glory, reassurance, 
courage and security 
is not decreased because 
of the money we don’t have. 
The Lord is our God. 
we will do our part to work hard 
but we will also remember that  
God is our provider. 
our eyes are on God 
“until He is gracious to us.”
it's not stolen from us
 because of what we lack. 
The Lord is our God 
 and we are trusting that 
You are near to us Lord. 
we are trusting that our eyes are looking 
at Your power and glory 
close around and touching us
it's not from idolizing material things. 
The Lord is God to us.
 The closeness of God is our
 adequacy, glory, reassurance,
courage, security. 
we will take time to think about 
the presence of God around us
 in this way  

(Heart, feel confidence 
and be reassured by God’s presence!)
The Lord is our God. 
we turn our soul away from trying 
to make money and material things into idols.
our trust is in You Lord. 
God is better than money and  
God is our provider. 
we love trusting that we are
looking at You God  

(Heart, let yourself feel confidence 
and be reassured by God’s presence!)
 heart, God has made us His child
 (1 John 3:2).
 God has made us descendants and heirs 
of the promises made to Abraham 
(Gal. 3:29); 
Therefore heart, 
remember the Lord your God,
 for it is He who is
giving you power to make wealth,
 that He may confirm 
His covenant which 
He swore to your fathers, 
as it is this day” 
(Deu 8:18).

 (Heart, be thankful
 and to trust God for this truth!)
 God said,
 "I will dwell in them and walk among them; 
and I will be their God, and
they shall be My people” 
(2Cor 6:16). 
I will hope continually, 
and will praise You yet more and more.” 
By faith we are trusting that our eyes 
are looking at Your power and glory Lord: 
You are my God 
My soul thirsts for You,
 my flesh yearns for You
Thus I have seen You in the sanctuary, 
to see Your power and Your glory 
My soul is satisfied
(Psalm. 63:1,2,5). 

(let yourself feel satisfied 
because of God!)
 “Watch over your heart with all diligence,
 for from it flow the springs of life
 (Pro. 4:23).
 “Do not trust in oppression 
and do not vainly hope in robbery;
 if riches increase, 
do not set your heart upon them” 
(Psalm 62:10).  

(let ourself love and enjoy God!)
 the love of money is a root of all sorts of evil, 
and some by longing for it have
wandered away from the faith 
and pierced themselves with many griefs” 
(1 Tim. 6:10).
 God is our provider! 
Behold, as the eyes of servants look
 to the hand of their master,
 as the eyes of a maid to the hand of her mistress,
 so our eyes look to the Lord our God,
 until He is gracious to us
(Psalm. 123:2). 
By faith we trust that 
our eyes are looking at You Lord!
 “My help comes from the Lord, 
who made heaven and earth” 
(Psalm. 121:2).
Be gracious to me, 
O God, be gracious to me, 
for my soul takes refuge in You;
 and in the shadow of
Your wings I will take refuge 
until destruction passes by” 
(Psalm. 57:1).
 “Delight yourself in the Lord
 (Psalm. 37:4).
 “For where your treasure is, 
there will your heart be also.”
 (Mat. 6:21)
Heart Remove Addiction 177

 heart, listen to what we are saying. 
Let ourself believe, love,
 and be thankful for the truth!
we turn our heart from wanting 
to get what we need from addictions. 
The presence of God is our
thrill and pleasure. 
He alone is what soothes us
and His closeness to us is our escape.
 The closeness of God
touching us all around 
is the power that we love.
 we set our heart to love getting 
those things from Him.
we turn our heart away from wanting
 the feeling of power and control 
that comes from trying to hurt ourself
with addictions. 
Heart, be thrilled because of the closeness 
of God’s power all around 
and touching us. 
It is the power of God that we love 
NOT the twisted and 
evil power of wanting to hurt ourself. 
we turn our heart to believe 
and love the presence of God 
all around and touching us
we turn our heart from wanting to 
use addictions
 in order to dull or kill our desire
 to be close to God. 
Jesus died so that we could draw near to God 
and so that He can draw near to us. 
we love turning away
from using sabotage 
as a way to destroy our closeness to God 

(Heart, hear and believe it!)
we turn our heart from loving the feeling 
that comes from addictions. 
we are turning our heart to love being
 addicted to His being all around us 
and touching us here. 
The presence of God is our choice. 
God is what we drink  

(Heart, feel confidence from 
trusting that God’s presence is here!)
Heart hear this and love that 
we don’t have to keep ourself away from God. 
God’s presence is good for us
 and it is safe for us to draw near. 
we delight that we can 
draw near God and receive His presence 
gushed on us because
He is a fountain  
(Heart, let yourself feel confidence 
and be reassured by God’s presence!)
we turn our heart from having to 
depend on addictions. 
Heart hear this and love the truth that
the presence of God is 
a far better way for us 
to escape and relieve the stresses of earthly life. 
Right now, we are
believing the presence of God 
to be intensely close and 
we are enjoying God as our escape
we take hold of our soul and 
turn it from addictions
 as what soothes us and eases our pain. 
we rest into loving and believing 
God for quenching our desperate need. 
Heart believe these truths because
by that we are making the Lord our God. 
we are saying to the Lord that
 “You are my God
My soul thirsts for You, 
my flesh yearns for You
Thus I have seen You in the sanctuary, 
to see Your power and Your
glory My soul is satisfied
 (Psalm. 63:1,2,5).
we delight that we can draw near God 
and receive His presence
gushed on us because He is a fountain. 
 (Heart, hear and enjoy the truth!)
Lord we are believing that Your 
radiant presence is all around us here 
and that You ARE filling our neediness. 
Lord we love Your presence. 
Heart let ourself believe 
and be confident about it! 
Trust that God is HERE. 
Lord, Your presence with us here 
is our refuge of safety and our escape.
 Lord we love that
Your presence is filling that need 

 (Heart, let ourself feel 
confidence because of the truth!)
has not despised the afflicted;
neither has He hidden His face from him
 (Psalm. 22:24)
O Lord‘You are my refuge, 
My portion in the land of the living’”
 (Psalm. 142:5)
Do not be afraid, little flock,
 for your Father has chosen
 gladly to give you the kingdom” 
(Luke 12:32).
the kingdom of God does 
not consist in words but in power” 
(1Cor 4:20). 
he who comes to God 
must believe that He is a rewarder
 of those who seek Him” 
(Heb. 11:6).
So, “Be strong, and let your heart take courage, 
all you who hope in the Lord.
 (Psalm. 31:24)
The Lord is my God.” 
(Zech. 13:9);
 “You are my King and my God” 
(Psalm. 44:4 )
“My heart trusts in Him, and I am helped” 
(Psalm. 28:7) 
My soul clings to You” 
(Psalm. 63:8)

 (Heart, hear, believe, 
and love the God who is close!)
Heart Remove Addiction 178
 heart, listen to what we are saying. 
Let ourself believe, love, 
and be thankful for the truth!
heart, listen and believe that we 
don’t have to kill the pain 
of our unmet need for God by 
soothing ourself with addictions. 
The truth is that we can 
draw near to God 
and He will draw near to us. 
And, the presence of God all around 
calms us far better. 
we turn our eyes to trust that 
we are looking at You before us and
Your kingdom all around us Lord  
(Heart, let yourself feel 
confident about the truth!)
the truth is that we don’t have to use addictions
 because of being angry about life. 
we turn our heart from wanting 
to kill the pain from our desperate need 
for the close presence of God. 
God quenches our thirst and 
God soothes us better than anything in this life! 
Right now, we stop to trust that our eyes 
are looking at the closeness of God 
all around us and we are thinking 
about the closeness of God
 soothing our hurts and easing
my anger
(Heart, let yourself feel confidence 
and be reassured by God’s presence!)
we repent of trying to avoid hope 
about being able to change! 
we turn our heart from wanting to 
use addictions in order to find the courage,
 confidence, and the boldness we need. 
Instead of that, 
we are turning our heart
 to love the closeness of the presence of God 
for taking the fear away 
and making us bold,
courageous, and confident 
(Heart, let ourself feel confidence 
and be reassured by God’s presence!)
Heart, turn from having to depend on addictions. 
Let ourself love that we don’t have
 to be afraid about not having 
enough discipline to keep drinking from God
use our neediness as motivation! 
 heart, we love that we can receive 
from the radiance of God
like a sponge. 
we CAN draw near to God
 and our need is so great, 
that the more we love and enjoy being
secure and strong in God’s presence, 
the more it helps motivate us 
to keep the drinking to our
inner being, 
pointed toward the closeness of Lord 
and His kingdom 24 hours-a-day.
we turn our heart from wanting 
to avoid and destroy our desire 
to be close to God by using addictions. 
Heart hear this 
and love that we don’t have 
to keep ourself away from God. 
God’s presence is good for us
 and it is safe for us to draw near. 
we delight that we can 
draw near God and
receive His presence gushed on us
because He is a fountain. 
Lord we are thinking about Your radiant
presence being my escape 
and we are letting ourself 
enjoy You in that way. 
God said, "we will dwell in
them and walk among them; 
and we will be their God, 
and they shall be My people
(2Cor 6:16)  
(Heart, let yourself love 
and enjoy the closeness of God!)
The Lord is my light and my salvation; 
Whom shall I fear? 
The Lord is the defense of my life; 
Whom shall I dread?
 (Psalm. 27:1)
 (let yourself feel confidence from the closeness of God’s power and glory!)
we have confidence to enter the holy place by the blood of Jesusdraw near with a sincere heart in full
assurance of faith, having our hearts sprinkled clean and our bodies washed with pure water.” 
(Heb. 10:19, 22)
(Heart, hear, believe, 
and love being washed clean
 by the LIVING water of the Spirit!)
You are my refuge in the day of disaster.
 (Jer. 17:17)
I will 
Praise the Lord! Praise God in His sanctuary” 
(Psalm. 150:1)
The Lord is my light and my salvation; 
Whom shall I fear? 
The Lord is the defense of my life; 
Whom shall I dread?” 
(Psalm. 27:1) 
(let yourself feel confidence 
from the closeness of 
God’s power and glory!)
The Bible tells me, 
put on the armor of light
put on the Lord Jesus Christ” 
(Rom. 13:12 and 14).
he who takes refuge in Me
will possess My holy mountain” 
(Isa. 57:13).
My heart trusts in Him, and I am helped” 
(Psalm. 28:7) 
(Heart, hear, believe, and love the truth!)
“I will say to the Lord,
 ‘My refuge and my fortress, 
my God, in whom I trust!” 
(Psalm. 91:2)
Heart Remove Addiction  179
 heart, listen to what we are saying.
 Let ourself believe, 
love, and be thankful for the truth!
we delight that we don’t have to 
find reassurance and 
the confidence we need by
taking addictions. 
we turn to keep on taking 
the substance of God’s presence into ourself
soothing ourself with what we do.
 Instead of that we turn to God 
and we rest in You Lord. 
Your presence soothes us  
(Heart, let yourself feel confidence
 and be reassured by God’s presence!)
being clean, Right now, 
Think about the closeness of God 
reassuring us and making us confident 
(Heart, let yourself feel confidence 
and be reassured by God’s presence!)
the power and control there is in 
addition when we want compared to
the thrill of the closeness of God’s power 
which is greater
(Heart, feel confidence
 and be reassured by God’s presence!)
the power and control there is in 
addition when we want compared toGod’s sovereignty which is greater. 
(Heart, feel confidence
 and be reassured by God’s presence!)
.we humble ourself into turning to
You and drinking from You Lord 
(Heart, enjoy being confident 
and be reassured by God’s presence!)
the power and control there is in 
addition when we want compared to the thrill of God’s presence which is better.
 we turn to God
we turn from wanting to use addictions
 to change how we feel. 
God is what we need. 
we reject and renounce depression. 
we turn to You Lord 
(enjoy feeling confident 
and reassured because of God!)
we take hold of our soul  
and we turn it away 
from our having to depend on 
ourself or other people. 
Heart, let ourself love that 
we don’t have to be afraid 
about not having enough discipline
 to keep drinking from God 
use our neediness as motivation! 
we can keep drinking from God 
because we love glory and power
and our God is a radiant fountain 
of glory and power! 
 heart, we love that we can 
receive from the radiance of God.
 we CAN draw near to God 
and our need is so great, 
that the more we love
and enjoy being secure and strong in 
God’s presence, 
the more it helps motivate us 
to keep the drinking of our inner being, 
pointed toward the closeness of 
Lord and His kingdom 24 hours a day.
(Heart, feel confidence from trusting
 that God’s presence is here!)
we repent of trying to avoid hope
 about being able to change! 
we repent of fear about our 
being able to freely receive and enjoy 
the presence of God. 
Lord right now, we are trusting that 
Your radiant presence
is here and that You are our protection. 
Lord we are thinking about Your 
radiant presence close to us as
soothing our hurts 
and we are letting ourself enjoy 
You in that way
I have set the Lord continually before memy heart is gladMy flesh also will dwell securely.” 
(Psalm. 16:8,9)
“My soul clings to You” 
(Psalm. 63:8) 

(Heart, hear, believe, and love the God who is close!)
You are my hiding place and my shield
 (Psalm. 119:114)
My “adequacy is from God” 
(2 Cor. 3:5).
he who takes refuge in Me
will possess My holy mountain.
(Isa. 57:13)
O taste and see that the Lord is good; How blessed is the man who takes refuge in Him!” 
(Psalm. 34:8).
My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever.” 
(Psalm. 73:26).
the Lord will not abandon 
His people on account of His great name
 (1 Sam. 12:22)
Heart hear and believe this!
 “the Lord God, the Holy One of Israel, has said, ‘In repentance and rest you will
be saved, in quietness and trust is your strength” 
(Isa. 30:15).
Be strong and let your heart take
 courage hope in the Lord” 
(Psalm. 31:24).
Be strong in the Lord and 
in the strength of His might.” 
(Eph. 6:10)
Heart Remove Addiction  180

 heart, listen to what we are saying. 
Let ourself believe, love, 
and be thankful for the truth!
we don't have to settle for such a little thing 
as to glorying in what we eat. 
God wants us near and we can feed on Him.
 we are trusting that our eyes are
 looking at Your power and beauty 
close around and touching us
what we find in the refrigerator 
is not our best hope for reassurance 
that soothes me God offers more
guilt and self-contempt are not 
the best ways to improve our behavior
we just have to get our heart to hear
(Heart, hear, believe, and love it as the truth!)
when we feel insecure, nervous, or lonely, 
food is not what we will reassure ourself with
the presence of God is
far more satisfying  
(Heart, hear, believe, and love it as the truth!)
we don’t have to give up and try
 to get the delight and pleasure we need in food
it is right and good for us to
gorge ourself with God. 
By faith, we are trusting that our eyes 
are looking at You Lord
the refuge we need is not to trust 
our weight as a cocoon to hide in
we turn our heart to love 
surrounding ourself
with God and hiding in Him. 
we take refuge in the goodness 
and love of God  
(Heart, enjoy it!)
food is not our best hope to soothe
 the pain inside
we rest into believing it is safe 
and good to draw near to God. 
our eyes are on Your presence 
all around and touching us here
we turn from trying to cover up 
our need for God with food. 
we love that God wants to be near us
it is safe for us to trust Him. 
we reject and renounce eating 
as a way to deaden our desire for God
none of those who take refuge
in Him will be condemned.” 
(Psalm. 34:22)
it is good for the heart to be 
strengthened by grace, 
not by foods,
 through which those who were so
occupied were not benefitted.” 
(Heb. 13:9)
 (Heart, believe and love the God who is close!)
the one who comes to Me 
I will certainly not cast out” 
(John 6:37)
You are the God of my strength” 
(Psalm. 43:1)  
My soul clings to You” 
O Lord, You are my God; 
I will exalt You,
 I will give thanks to Your name
 (Isa. 25:1)
How precious is Your loving kindness, O God! 
And the children of men take refuge 
in the shadow of Your wings. 
They drink their fill of the abundance 
of Your house; 
and You give them to drink 
of the river of Your delights. 
For with You is the fountain of life;
 in Your light we see light” 
(Psalm. 36:7-9)
they walk in the light of Your countenance” 
(Psalm. 89:15-17)
Draw near to God and He will draw near to you” 
(James 4:8)
Whenever we feel dirty or full of the wrong thing, 
God forgives us and washes us clean inside and out.
 He forgives us as soon as we ask Him.
 God doesn’t hold back from us 
and we repent of wanting to 
wait and hold back from Him. 
God doesn’t hold back from washing 
and cleansing us with the Holy Spirit.
If we confess our sins, 
He is faithful and righteous 
to forgive us our sins 
and to cleanse us from all
(1 John 1:9); 
washed in the Spirit of our God.”
 (1 Cor. 6:11); 
cleansing their hearts by faith.” 
(Acts 15:9);
 “having our hearts sprinkled clean
and our bodies washed with pure water” 
(Heb. 10:19, 22)
 (let yourself feel confidence
 from the closeness of 
God’s power and glory!)
the Lord has washed away the filth 
of the daughters of Zion
by the spirit of judgement
 and the spirit of burning
 (Isa. 4:4)
(Heart, hear, believe, 
and love the God who is close!)
Heart Remove Addiction  181
 heart, listen to what we are saying. 
Let ourself believe, love, 
and be thankful for the truth!
we don't have to be afraid to feel physical hunger
we can distract ourself 
by draw near and filling up on God. 
we are trusting that our eyes 
are looking at Your power 
and beauty close around and touching us
the refuge we need is not the refrigerator 
or the cookie jar
the presence of God is a better way to reassure
ourself and to find 
a powerfully safe refuge 
(Heart, hear, believe, 
and love it as the truth!)
we don’t have to eat 
because what God offers is much more filling
we don't have to eat more food 
in order to sabotage ourself 
with depression when we have eaten too much. 
we will let our heart hear 
that we don’t have to be afraid 
to soothe ourself with God. 
Lord Your presence is a far better
refuge of yummy goodness. 
And, we set our heart to enjoy You Lord
 (Heart, love and enjoy God!)
we can turn from wanting pleasure, 
control, and reassurance from food and eating
we don't have to use food 
as a way to distract ourself from other things
God’s presence is to readily available.
By faith Lord, we are trusting 
that our eyes are looking at 
Your closeness all around us here
we turn from trying to stuff our 
desire for God with food. 
we delight that it is right
 and safe to draw near
to the fountain of God.
we reject and renounce eating 
as a way to deaden our desire for God
God, “has not despised the afflicted; 
neither has He hidden His face from him” 
(Psalm. 22:24)
O Lord‘You are my refuge, 
My portion in the land of the living’” 
(Psalm. 142:5)
Do not be afraid, little flock, 
for your Father has chosen gladly
 to give you the kingdom
 (Luke 12:32).
the kingdom of God does not 
consist in words but in power” 
(1Co 4:20).
God said, "I will dwell in them 
and walk among them;
 and I will be their God, 
and they shall be My people” 
(2Cor 6:16).
he who comes to God must believe
that He is a rewarder of those who seek Him” 
(Heb. 11:6).
the nearness of God is my good; 
I have made the Lord God my refuge” 
(Psalm. 73:28)
 You are my hiding place
 (Psalm. 32:7)
You are good and do good” 
(Psalm. 119:68); 
You, Lord, are good, and ready to forgive” 
(Psalm. 86:5)
“the Lord is our righteousness” 
(Jer. 33:16)
The Lord is my God
 (Zech.. 13:9)  
The Lord is my light and my salvation; 
Whom shall I fear? 
The Lord is the defense of my life; 
Whom shall I dread?
 (Psalm. 27:1)
The Bible tells me,
 “put on the armor of light
put on the Lord Jesus Christ” 
(Rom. 13:12, 14).
he who takes refuge in Me
will possess My holy mountain
 (Isa. 57:13).
My heart trusts in Him, and I am helped
 (Psalm. 28:7)  
I will say to the Lord,
 ‘My refuge and my fortress, 
my God, in whom I trust!” 
(Psalm. 91:2)
My “adequacy is from God
 (2 Cor. 3:5)
 (Heart, believe and love 
the God who is close!)
the Lord will not abandon His people
 on account of His great name” 
(1 Sam. 12:22)
You are my God
My soul thirsts for You,
 my flesh yearns for You
Thus I have seen You in the sanctuary,
to see Your power and Your glory
My soul is satisfied” 
(Psalm. 63:1,2,5).
O taste and see that the Lord is good;
 How blessed is the man who takes refuge in Him!” 
(Psalm. 34:8).
You are my hiding place and my shield
 (Psalm. 119:114)
 (Heart, hear, believe, and love the truth!)
Heart Remove Addiction  182
 heart, listen to what we are saying. 
Let ourself believe, love,
 and be thankful for the truth!
we don’t have to eat in order 
to maintain relationships 
or avoid their disapproval
God loves us. 
we can draw near without fear. 
When we taste, we will see that He is good 
(Psalm. 34:8)
food is not our best hope to relieve the boredom
entering the throne room is 
a better way to thrill ourself. 
we are trusting that our eyes 
are looking at Your beauty 
close around and touching us
we don't have to eat when we want to celebrate
God is better than food
food is not our best hope to relieve stress
the presence of God soothes 
and reassures us better
we don't have to eat to hide from
 how lonely we feel
God washes us clean when we draw near
we don’t have to eat
because what God offers is much more filling
food is not our best hope for a way to relax
we find rest for our soul 
by drawing near and letting Him draw
near to us
fat doesn't make us unacceptable to God
He still wants us close to Him 
and wants to be close to us
over-eating is not a way to 'get back' at  
the power we feel in controlling 
what we eat is nothing compared 
to drawing near and thrilling 
my heart with the sovereign power 
of my God
food is not the supply of 
reassurance and soothing that we need
the radiance of God upon us is enough. 
we are trusting that our eyes are 
looking at Your beauty close around 
and touching us
our weight does not determine 
whether or not we can be 'OK
God loves us
 we can enjoy His caress by drawing near  
(Heart, hear, believe, 
and love it as the truth!)
we turn from trying to cover up 
my need for God with food.
 we love that God wants to be near us.
Depending on God makes Him our God. 
we reject and renounce 
eating as a way to deaden our 
desire for God. 
we are trusting that our eyes 
are looking at Your beauty 
close around and touching us
He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High 
Will abide in the shadow of the Almighty. 
I will say to the Lord, 
‘My refuge and my fortress,
 my God, in whom I trust!”
 (Psalm. 91:1,2)
none of those who take refuge
 in Him will be condemned” 
(Psalm. 34:22).
How precious is Your lovingkindness, 
O God! And the children of men take refuge 
in the shadow of Your wings. 
They drink their fill of the abundance of Your house; 
and You give them to drink of the river of Your
delights. For with You is the fountain of life;
 in Your light we see light”
(Psalm. 36:7-9).
they walk in the light of Your countenance” 
(Psalm. 89:15-17)
the nearness of God is my good; 
I have made the Lord God my refuge” 
(Psalm. 73:28)
Lord, “You are my hiding place” 
(Psalm. 32:7) 
(Heart, believe and love 
the God who is close!)
You, Lord, are good, and ready to forgive
 (Psalm. 86:5)
You are good and do good
 (Psalm. 119:68)
Heart Remove Addiction  183
 heart, listen to what we are saying.
 Let yourself believe, love, 
and be thankful for the truth!
my weight is not a tool to protect myself
 from other people
God is a better refuge of safety and power. 
And, God is always more ready
 to be close to me than food
we don't have to use food 
as a way to distract ourself from other things
God’s presence is to readily available 
our weight is not a reason for us 
to stay away from the Lord
the Holy Spirit burns away my shame 
by His radiance upon me 
(Isa. 4:4  Heb. 10:19,22)   
(Heart, hear, believe, 
and love it as the truth!)
the refuge we need is not 
the refrigerator or the cookie jar
the presence of God is a better way 
to reassure ourself.
 By faith, we are trusting that our eyes 
are looking at the power and beauty of God 
all around us
we don't have to use food 
to sabotage ourself with depression 
when we eat too much. 
God’s presence is a better
refuge of protection. 
God is our refuge of strength and power  
we turn from wanting pleasure,
 control, and reassurance from food. 
we reject and renounce food 
as a way to feed
our desire for God
(Heart, hear, believe, and love it as the truth!)
we don't have to believe 
the lies of the enemy 
that we have to get the pleasure we need 
apart from drinking Your presence. 
Lord, You are our God. 
we pray that You would rebuke
 any enemy pushing us
 to reassure ourself and
get the pleasure we need through food. 
we denounce these things! 
And Lord, we ask that with Your authority and
power You would command the forces 
of evil to leave us alone 
and to never come back 
(Heart, let yourself 
believe that God is doing it)
we turn from trying to stuff our 
desire for God with food. 
we delight that it is right 
and safe to draw near
to the fountain of God. 
we reject and renounce eating 
as a way to deaden our desire for God
“the Lord is our righteousness” 
(Jer. 33:16); 
The Lord is my God” 
(Zech.. 13:9).
I will say to the Lord, 
‘My refuge and my fortress, 
My God, in whom I trust!
 (Psalm. 91:2)
My “confidenceisthrough 
Christ before God
competence comes from God
 (2 Cor. 3:4,5 ).
I love You, O Lord” 
(Psalm. 18:1); 
I have hope in Him” 
(Lam. 3:24)
God doesn’t hold Himself back from us: 
our God is always a fountain 
who never stops giving the Spirit
the fountain of living water, even the Lord.”
 (Jer. 17:13)
You give them to drink
For with You is the fountain
In Your light we see light.” 
(Psalm. 36:8,9)
soul my hope is from Him. 
He only is my rock and my salvation, 
My stronghold; I shall not be shaken.
On God my salvation and my glory rest; 
the rock of my strength, my refuge is in God.”
 (Psalm. 62:5-7)
“’The Lord is my portion,’ 
says my soul, 
‘Therefore I have hope in Him.’”
 (Lam. 3:24)
we “have boldness and confident
 access through faith in Him” 
(Eph. 3:12).
we have confidence to enter 
the holy place by the blood of Jesus
draw near with a sincere heart 
in full assurance of faith,
 having our hearts sprinkled 
clean and our bodies washed 
with pure water.” 
(Heb. 10:19, 22)
 You are my God I exalt you.” 
(Psalm. 118:28)
Heart Remove Addiction  184

 heart, listen to what we are saying. 
Let ourself believe, love, 
and be thankful for the truth!
we don’t have to binge on food 
in order to quiet our hunger 
for the presence of God. 
we turn from distracting our
desire for God by being full of food. 
Lord we turn all our cravings to 
binge on You
we don’t have eat and then purge
 in order to feed ourself with 
how attractive we are. 
The Lord is the beauty 
we desperately need. 
God, we satisfy ourself with the closeness 
of Your beauty touching us
and all around us. 
Lord You are our identity
we are called by Your name. 
we turn to God because everything else is idolatry
we don’t have to find the perfection
 we long for by keeping our weight down. 
The Lord is the perfection we need. 
Lord we love the closeness
 of Your perfection touching us,
 cleansing us, making us righteous enough. 
By faith we are trusting that
 our eyes are looking at You Lord
we don’t have to find the cleansing
we long for by purging ourself of the food we eat. 
Lord we love that the cleansing
from You is more powerful than our sin. 
we turn our affections 
to love drawing near to You 
and letting You wash us clean 
(Heart, hear, believe, 
and love it as the truth!)
we don’t have to feed ourself 
with how well we please people 
with our appearance or 
with our personality. 
we turn and feed on You Lord. 
we are trusting that our eyes are 
looking at Your beauty close around 
and touching us
(Heart, hear, believe, 
and love it as the truth!)
we take hold of our soul 
and we turn it away 
from our having to stuff ourself 
and then purge in order to find the
cleansing we crave. 
we turn to God. 
we reject and renounce this problem
 as a way to deaden our desire for God
If we confess our sins, 
He is faithful and righteous 
to forgive us our sins 
and to cleanse us from all
(1 John 1:9);
 “washed in the Spirit of our God.” 
(1 Cor. 6:11);
God says that 
“I, even I, am the one who wipes out 
your transgressions for My own sake; 
and I will not remember your sins.
 (Isa. 43:25)
(Heart, hear, believe, 
and love the God who is close!)
the Lord has washed away
 the filth of the daughters of Zion
by the spirit of burning,” 
(Isa. 4:4)
I will sprinkle clean water on you, 
and you will be clean;
 I will cleanse you from 
all your filthiness and
from all your idols.” 
(Eze. 36:25) 
(Heart, hear, believe, 
and love the God who is close!)
I will cleanse them from
all their iniquity by which 
they have sinned against Me” 
(Jer. 33:8)
by the sanctifying work of the Spirit
sprinkled with His blood
 (1 Peter 1:2)
“draw near in full assurance of faith, 
having our hearts sprinkled 
clean and our bodies washed 
with pure water” 
(Heb. 10:19, 22); 
By His radiance coming onto us, 
 “put on the Lord Jesus Christ” 
(Rom. 13:12 ,14).
he who comes to God must believe
that He is a rewarder of those who seek Him.”
 (Heb. 11:6).
I will say to the Lord,
 ‘My refuge and my fortress, 
My God, in whom I trust!’” 
(Psalm. 91:2)
“God is to us a God of deliverances” 
(Psalm. 68:20) 
(Heart, believe and love 
the God who is close!)
Lord, You are  
my rock and my fortress.” 
(Psalm. 71:3)
You are my hiding place and my shield
 (Psalm. 119:114)
the Lord will not abandon 
His people on account of His great name
 (1 Sam. 12:22)
It is better to take refuge in the Lord 
than to trust in man.” 
(Psalm. 118:8)
The Lord is my strength 
and I will praise Him
 (Exo. 15:2)
My soul clings to You
 (Psalm. 63:8)
 (Heart, hear, believe, 
and love it as the truth!)
Heart Remove Addiction  185
 heart, listen to what we are saying. 
Let ourself believe, love, 
and be thankful for the truth!
we don’t have to find the perfection 
we need by purging ourself in order to be thin. 
God is my perfection.
 we take hold of our soul and we turn it to 
depend on the closeness of God. 
we love Your perfection Lord
we don’t have to quench our thirsty desires 
by planning out when we could binge 
without people knowing. 
God is our desire and 
He doesn’t hold back from drawing near. 
Lord we open our heart to You. 
we love Your grace to draw near. 
we are trusting that our eyes are 
looking at Your beauty close around
 and touching us
we don’t have to binge and purge in order to 
force ourself into depression. 
we love that we don’t have to hide
ourself in a hard shell of depression. 
God is a better place to hide.
 we love finding refuge in You Lord
we don’t have to preoccupy ourself 
with eating, purging, or our weight. 
we love that we can trade our dependence
on food for the presence of God.
 we confess our need to You Lord.
we turn our heart to trust 
Your grace because
 we have nothing else. 
Nothing else is as filling
we can turn from wanting pleasure, 
control, and reassurance from binging 
and then purging food.
 we reject and renounce that desire
 as a way to feed our desire for God 

(Heart, believe and 
love God who is close!)
we take hold of our soul and we turn it away from 
our having to stuff ourself and 
then purge in order to find the
cleansing we crave. 
we turn to You Lord. 
we set oury heart to feed on God 
and trust the power of His cleansing  
(Heart, hear, believe, 
and love it as the truth!)
come to Me and drink
But this He spoke of the Spirit” 
(John 7:37, 39)
 “Ho! Every one who thirsts,
 come to the waters
delight yourself in abundance.” 
(Isa. 55:1,2)
You give them to drink of 
the river of Your delights. 
For with You is the fountain” 
(Psalm. 36:8,9)
the fountain of living water, even the Lord.” 
(Jer. 17:13)
“His Son He is the radiance of His glory” 
(Heb. 1:2,3)
on the great day of the feast, 
Jesus stood and cried out, saying, 
‘If anyone is thirsty,
 let him come to Me
and drink. 
He who believes in Me,
 as the Scripture said, 
'From his innermost being 
will flow rivers of
living water.’
‘ But this He spoke of the Spirit
 (John 7:37-39).
Heart hear this and confidently trust 
that we are doing it: 
Draw near to God and
 He will draw near to you
(James 4:8)
My dwelling place also will be with them;
 and I will be their God, 
and they will be My people.
 (Ezek. 37:27)
the tabernacle of God is among men
 (Rev. 21:3)
How precious is Your loving
kindness, O God! 
And the children of men take refuge 
in the shadow of Your wings. 
They drink their fill of 
the abundance of Your house; 
and You give them to drink of the river of
Your delights. 
For with You is the fountain of life; 
in Your light we see light.”
(Psalm. 36:7-9)
the nations will bless themselves in Him,
 And in Him they will glory.” 
(Jer. 4:2)
O Lord, I love the habitation of 
Your house and the place
 where Your glory dwells.”
 (Psalm. 26:8)
I, the Lord, am your God
Open your mouth wide and I will fill it.”
 (Psalm. 81:10).
“My people will be satisfied with My goodness,
’ declares the Lord.” 
 (Jer. 31:14 ).
“the fountain of living water, even the Lord.” 
(Jer. 17:13)
Heart Remove Addiction  186
 heart, listen to what you are saying. 
Let yourself believe, love, 
and be thankful for the truth!
we don’t have to live a dull life
 and binge on food in order to hide from despair. 
God is our treasure and thrill.
we praise You Lord.
 we love that we can glorify God 
by our total dependence on Him 
to feed and fill us.
we don’t have to open our mouth 
and cram food down our throat. 
Lord we open ourself to You. 
we turn all our cravings to You Lord. 
we love that we don’t have to hold back with God.
 we love the abundance of the fountain. 
By faith, we are trusting that our eyes are
 looking at Your beauty close around 
and touching us here
we don’t have to settle for living in despair. 
we don’t have to feel empty.
 we turn from hopelessness about 
binging on God. 
we turn all my cravings to binge on You God. 
we love the access You give 
for us to draw near with confidence  

(Heart, hear, believe, 
and love it as the truth!)
we can turn from wanting pleasure, 
control, and reassurance 
from binging and then purging food
we don’t have to hide from the pain 
we feel sometimes. 
If we don’t depend on God 
we will turn somewhere else for
something that soothes us.  
we turn to You Lord.
 we love trusting we are before the Lord here 
and that You Lord are with us. 
we love letting You wash over us
 and soothe us with Yourself
we turn to You Lord.
 we reject and renounce these conditions
 as a way to deaden our desire for God.
 we set our heart
to feed on God and trust 
the power of His cleansing
By faith we are trusting that our eyes are looking at Your power and glory Lord: 
“You are my God
My soul thirsts for You, 
my flesh yearns for You
Thus I have seen You in the sanctuary, 
to see Your power 
and Your glory My soul is satisfied”
 (Psalm. 63:1,2,5).  
“Ho! Every one who thirsts, 
come to the waters; 
And you who have no money come,
 buy and eat. Come, buy
wine and milk Without money 
and without cost. 
Why do you spend money
 for what is not bread, 
And your wages for what does not satisfy? 
Listen carefully to Me, 
and eat what is good,
 And delight yourself in abundance.” 
(Isa. 55:1,2).
Do not call to mind the former things,
 Or ponder things of the past. 
Behold, I will do something new,
 Now it will spring forth; 
Will you not be aware of it?
 I will even make a roadway in the wilderness,
 Rivers in the desert.
To give drink to My chosen people.
 The people whom I formed for Myself,
 Will declare My praise.
(Isa. 43:18-21)
 “you will rejoice in the Lord,
 You will glory in the Holy One of Israel. 
The afflicted and needy are seeking
water, but there is none, 
And their tongue is parched with thirst; 
I, the Lord, will answer them Myself, 
As the God of Israel I will not forsake them.
 I will open rivers on the bare heights 
And springs in the midst of the
valleys; I will make the wilderness
 a pool of water And 
the dry land fountains of water.” 
(Isa. 41:16-18).
It is better to take refuge in 
the Lord than to trust in man.
 (Psalm. 118:8)
the nations will bless themselves in Him, 
And in Him they will glory.” 
(Jer. 4:2)
“the one who comes to Me
 I will certainly not cast out.
 (John 6:37); 
none of those who take refuge in
Him will be condemned.” 
(Psalm. 34:22); 
“come to the watersdelight yourself in abundance.
 (Isa. 55:1,2)
(Heart, hear, believe, and love it as the truth!)
Heart Remove Addiction  187
 heart, listen to what we are saying. 
Let ourself believe, love, 
and be thankful for the truth!
Heart hear this! 
we can trust the power of the cross of Christ. 
we turn our soul to find delight 
in the acceptance of God. 
The payment Jesus made for us is enough
we don’t have to be impulsive toward food. 
we turn all our impulsiveness 
and our cravings to feed on God.
 we love Your abundant grace 
to wash us clean. 
we turn our soul from having to hold back. 
we set our heart to trust 
God to feed us with Himself  
(Heart, hear, believe, 
and love it as the truth!)
we don’t have to find the approval 
and pleasure we need by purging ourself 
of the food we eat.
we turn from feeding
ourself with praise 
because of losing weight.
 God is our delight
we don’t have to inhale everything 
we can eat and then exhale 
to find the cleansing we need.
 we love that we can
surround ourself with God and inhale Him. 
we set our heart to stand here 
before the fountain of God. 
The cleansing that shines from God
 is far greater. 
we love inhaling Your presence Lord

we turn to You Lord. 
we reject and renounce these desires
 as a way to deaden our desire for God. 
we set our heart
to feed on God 
and trust the power of His cleansing
You are my God
My soul thirsts for You, 
my flesh yearns for You
Thus I have seen You in the sanctuary,
 to see Your power and Your glory
My soul is satisfied” 
(Psalm. 63:1,2,5).
I love that I can drink
 because of drawing near to 
the radiance around You Lord:
 “the heavens were opened
and I saw visions of God 
on that which resembled a throne,
 high up, was a figure with 
the appearance of a man
and there was a radiance around Him. 
As the appearance of the rainbow 
in the clouds on a rainy day, 
so was the appearance 
of the surrounding radiance” 
(Ezek. 1:1, 26-27).
there was a rainbow around the throne” 
(Rev. 4:3).
a river of the water of life,
 clear as crystal, 
coming from the throne of God
 (Rev. 22:1).
and before the throne there was 
something like a sea of glass, 
like crystal
 (Rev. 4:6).
the sea was for the priests to wash in.
 (2 Chron. 4:6;Exo. 30:21)
and He has made us to be a kingdom, 
priests to His God and Father
 (Revelation 1:6)
“at the door of the house water 
was flowing from under 
the threshold
water reaching the ankles.” 
He who has bathed needs 
only to wash his feet, 
but is completely clean” 
(John 13:10)
(Heart, hear, believe, and love it as the truth!)
Heart Remove Addiction  188
 heart, listen to what we are saying.
 Let ourself believe, love, 
and be thankful for the truth!
we don’t have to depend on food 
as a pain killer. 
God is the one who soothes our hurts. 
Lord we turn to You.
 we love that God understands. 
our delight is how You quiet 
and soothe us by washing us with Your love
we don’t have to delight ourself 
in an abundance of food 
because we can delight ourself 
in an abundance of God’s presence. 
Right now Lord, we turn and set our heart 
to draw near to You 
and to let You draw near to us.
we are trusting that our eyes 
are looking at Your power 
and glory close around and touching us here
we don’t have to demand that 
our identity be defined as being thin. 
The Lord is our God. 
we are called by His name, not our own.
 The closeness of God is our identity
we don’t have to binge on food 
in order to relax. 
we turn our soul to depend on 
the presence of God 
as how we relax.
 we let You draw near because
 quenching our thirsty desires
 any other way is idolatry
we don’t have to be afraid 
of gaining weight because of God. 
The relationship we want 
with Him doesn’t change
because of how much we weigh. 
My confidence to draw near is from You Lord
we turn it away from our having 
to stuff ourself and then purge 
in order to find the cleansing we crave. 
we turn to You Lord. 
we set our heart to feed on God.
 we are trusting 
the power of His cleansing. 
we are trusting that our eyes 
are looking at God’s power 
and beauty close to us here
You are my hiding place and my shield” 
(Psalm. 119:114)
the Lord will not abandon 
His people on account of His great name” 
(1 Sam. 12:22)
It is better to take refuge in the Lord than to trust in man.” (Psalm. 118:8)
The Lord is my strength and I will praise Him
 (Exo. 15:2)
My soul clings to You” 
(Psalm. 63:8)
he who comes to God must believe
that He is a rewarder of those who seek Him.”
 (Heb. 11:6).
I have set the Lord continually
 before me my heart is glad 
and my glory rejoices; 
My flesh also will dwell securely.
 (Psalm. 16:8,9)
My heart trusts in Him, and I am helped” 
(Psalm. 28:7)
You, O Lord, are the lifter of my head.” 
(Psalm. 3:3)
soul my hope is from Him. He only is my rock and my salvation, My stronghold; I shall not be shaken.
On God my salvation and my glory rest; The rock of my strength, my refuge is in God.
 (Psalm. 62:5-7).
My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever.”
 (Psalm. 73:26 )
By faith I am trusting that 
my eyes are looking 
at Your power and glory Lord:
 “You are my God
My soul thirsts for You, 
my flesh yearns for You
Thus I have seen You in the sanctuary, 
to see Your power and Your glory
My soul is satisfied
 (Psalm. 63:1,2,5).
I have hope in Him.” 
(Lam. 3:24)
Be strong, and let your heart take courage, all you who hope in the Lord.” 
(Psalm. 31:24)
Hope in God, 
for I shall again praise Him 
for the help of His presence.” 
(Psalm. 42:5)
  (Heart, hear, believe, and love it as the truth!)
Heart Remove Addiction  189
 heart, listen to what we are saying. 
Let yourself believe, love,
 and be thankful for the truth!
we turn our soul to draw near 
and rest in You Lord. 
we have no other option 
but to let God draw near 
so that we can find the rest 
we need in His presence. 
we turn and open ourself to You Lord
we don’t have to be angry with people 
 we turn from frustration with people
who keep us from being alone.
we turn from wanting
 to feed ourself that way. 
The Lord is our God. 
we turn and draw near to You Lord
we don’t have to find the thrill 
we need in a feeding frenzy on food. 
God offers more. 
Lord we love that we can find
the pleasure we need by a feeding on You. 
our greatest thrill is that 
we don’t hold back 
from gorging on God. 
God is our delight.
 we love that You feed us with Yourself
we take hold of our soul 
and we turn it away from 
our having to stuff ourself 
and then purge in order to find 
the cleansing we crave. 
we turn to God. 
we reject and renounce that
 as a way to deaden my desire for God
(Heart, hear, believe, 
and love it as the truth!)
“I, the Lord, am your God
Open your mouth wide and I will fill it.” 
(Psalm. 81:10).
the fountain of living water, even the Lord.” 
(Jer. 17:13)
“I will fill the soul of the priests with abundance, And My people will be satisfied with My goodness,’
declares the Lord.” 
(Jer. 31:14; ).
he who comes to God must believe
that He is a rewarder of those who seek Him.” 
(Heb. 11:6);
 “God said, "I will dwell in them 
and walk among them; 
and I will be their God, 
and they shall be My people
 (2Cor 6:16).
“come to the watersdelight 
yourself in abundance.” 
(Isa. 55:1,2).
Do not be afraid, little flock, 
for your Father has chosen gladly
 to give you the kingdom.
 (Luke 12:32).
“the kingdom of God does not 
consist in words but in power” 
(1Cor 4:20).
I will pour out water on the thirsty land 
And streams on the dry ground;
 I will pour out My Spirit on your offspring 
And My blessing on your descendants; 
And they will spring up among 
the grass Like poplars by
streams of water
 (Isa. 44:3,4).
It is better to take refuge 
in the Lord than to trust in man.” 
(Psalm. 118:8)
the nations will bless themselves in Him, 
And in Him they will glory.”
 (Jer. 4:2)
the one who comes to Me 
I will certainly not cast out.
 (John 6:37)
none of those who take refuge 
in Him will be condemned.
 (Psalm. 34:22)
(Heart, hear, believe, 
and love it as the truth!)
Heart Remove Addiction  190

 heart, listen to what we are saying. 
Let yourself believe, love, 
and be thankful for the truth!
God is my friend! 
Drinking from the glory around You 
fills us far better than better than being thin. 
My eyes are on Your perfection Lord
we turn from wanting to punish ourself 
by denying our body of food.
 Jesus was punished on the cross 
with great pain 
and we set our heart 
to trust the power of the cross 
and the blood of Christ 
for the things we have done wrong 
(Heart, hear, believe, 
and love it as the truth!)
we don’t have to punish other people 
for their wrong expectations of us
we don’t have to get back at them by
forcing ourself to be thinner 
than they want us to be
we don’t have to feel dirty when we eat.
 God is my righteousness. 
Lord we turn to You 
and receive Your cleansing
 (Heart, hear, believe, and love it as the truth!)
we don’t have to find the perfection
 we desperately long for 
by starving ourself into measuring up
to their expectations. 
I don’t have to reassure myself by proving how well I can stay in control of my life.
 The closeness of God 
is our perfection because 
we take refuge in His presence around us
It is heaven that rules
(Dan. 4:26) 
(Heart, hear, believe, and love it as the truth!)
we repent of wanting to kill myself doing this
 because of things we have done wrong. 
The power of the cross
and the sin and punishment
 that Christ took on Himself 
are greater than our sin.
we turn away from having to 
quench our thirst by pride about our thinness.
 we turn from pride
about how well we control 
our relationship with God
 and with people.
 we set ourt heart to feed 
on God and
our praise is toward You Lord, 
NOT ourself
The closeness of God is our refuge of perfection;
 “O Lord God, You are my confidence” 
(Psalm. 71:5)
I have set the Lord continually before me
my heart is glad and my glory rejoices; 
My flesh also will dwell securely.
 (Psalm. 16:8,9)
 “the nearness of God is my good; 
I have made the Lord God my refuge” 
(Psalm. 73:28)
we repent of putting faith in ourself. 
“the Lord is our righteousness.
 (Jer. 33:16)
we don’t have to stay out of 
the throne room because God
 is the one who makes us holy; 
I am the Lord who
sanctifies you,” 
(Lev. 22:32).
Now may the God of peace 
Himself sanctify you entirely
 (1 Thess. 5:23).
I will sprinkle clean water on you,
 and you will be clean;
 I will cleanse you from 
all your filthiness and
from all your idols”
 (Ezek. 36:25)
 “draw near with a sincere heart 
in full assurance of faith,
 having our hearts sprinkled clean 
from an evil conscience
 and our bodies washed with pure water.” 
(Heb. 10:22).
sanctified by faith in Me.” 
(Acts 26:18).
“Who will bring a charge against God's elect? 
God is the one who justifies;
 (Rom. 10:33)
(Heart, hear, believe, and love it as the truth!)
Heart Remove Addiction  191
 heart, listen to what we are saying. 
Let ourself believe, love,
 and be thankful for the truth!
 we set our heart
to turn from the lie 
that we are so bad that God can’t fix us.
 God CAN fix us! 
And, the power of His washing us
and the power of God forgiving us
are far greater than what we did 
or did not do.
we don’t have to hide from 
the truth that anorexia 
will never help us enough.
 God can quench our thirst. 
we can turn our heart 
to draw near and feed on Him 
(Heart, hear, believe, 
and love it as the truth!)

Lord, You are our peace. 
Your presence is what calms us
God has given me a Spirit of
love and of discipline
but not so we can praise ourself 
instead of Him.
 we praise You Lord. 
we turn from praise toward us
 (Heart, hear, believe, and love God!)

I turn my soul away from having to punish myself by denying my body of food. I turn from feeding
myself with pride and the power I feel from how well I punish myself. I set my heart to feed on You
Lord. Heart, the Lord is my perfection and beauty because I am taking refuge inside the closeness of the
kingdom of God all around me here  
(Heart, believe, love,
 and enjoy God!)
we can trust God because He does not lie; 
has He spoken, and will He not make it good?”
 (Num. 23:19).
God is not a man, that He should lie” 
(Num. 23:19).
the will of God is, that which is 
good and acceptable and perfect.” 
(Rom. 12:2).
heart, depend on God as our refuge 
of perfection and beauty. 
The closeness of God and His kingdom
around me, 
that is our refuge and nothing else.
On God my salvation and my glory rest; 
The rock of my strength, my refuge is in God.” 
(Psalm. 62:7).
I will say to the Lord, 
‘My refuge and my fortress,
 My God, in whom I trust!’” 
(Psalm. 91:2)
Lord, “When I am afraid,
 I will put my trust in You.” 
(Psalm. 56:3)
The Lord is my rock 
and my fortress and my deliverer, 
My God, my rock, 
in whom I take refuge;
 My shield my salvation, my stronghold.” 
(Psalm. 18:2). 

we can be confident about 
God’s promise to us,
 “I will sprinkle clean water on you, 
and you will be clean; I
will cleanse you” 
(Eze. 36:25)
“sanctification by the Spirit and faith in the truth.” 
(2 Thess. 2:13)
God is our purity,
 “the Lord has washed away
 the filth by the spirit of burning,” 
(Isa. 4:4)
 (Heart, hear, believe, and love it as the truth!)
Heart Remove Addiction  192
 heart, listen to what we are saying.
 Let ourself believe, love, 
and be thankful for the truth!
 Lord we love that You
 are what completes us. 
we rest in receiving and enjoying 
Your presence Lord. 
You are our perfection
we don’t have to be angry
 and starve ourself when others 
make comments or tease us 
about our appearance.
Lord You are our God.
 we love Your grace to draw near. 
Your beauty close to us is what we depend on
we have nothing else. You are my God  
(Heart, hear, believe, 
and love it as the truth!)
we don’t have to want to pride ourself 
by showing off how thin we can be. 
we turn to thrill ourself with God. 
God’s presence is a far greater glory 
than anything we could ever achieve
apart from Him. 
Lord we love that receiving
Your presence isn’t based on 
how well we perform
we don’t have to hide from the truth
 that we will never perform to perfection
 in order to deserve God’s presence.
Heart hear this:
It is right and safe to trust that 
we are drawing near to God
 and that He is drawing near to us
without holding back  
we turn away from having to 
quench our thirst by pride
 about our thinness. 
we turn from pride
about how well we control 
our relationship with God 
and with people. 
we set our heart to feed on You Lord.
The Lord is our perfection
 and beauty because we
 are taking refuge inside 
the closeness of the
kingdom of God all around us here
 (Heart, believe and to love God!)
“I know that the Lord is great, 
And that our Lord is above all the gods.” 
(Psalm. 135:5).
you shall not worship any other god, for the Lord, whose name is Jealous, is a jealous God.” 
(Exo. 34:14).
it is Heaven that rules.”
 (Dan. 4:26)
God is Light
if we walk in the Light 
as He Himself is in the Light,  
we have fellowship with one
 (1 John 1:5,7).
The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, 
and the love of God,
 and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit,
 be with you all.” 
(2 Cor. 13:14).
God is spirit” 
(John 4:24)
 “Now the Lord is the Spirit” 
(2 Cor. 3:17).
and they shall call His name Immanuel, 
which translated means,
 ‘God with us.” 
(Mat. 1:23)
Draw near to God 
and He will draw near to you
 (James 4:8; )
we have confidence
 to enter the holy place 
by the blood of Jesus
draw near with a sincere heart 
in full assurance of faith, 
having our hearts sprinkled 
clean and our bodies washed with pure water.” 
(Heb. 10:19, 22)
(Heart, hear, believe, and love it as the truth!)
Heart dont harm yourself 193
Heart, listen to what we are saying. 
Let yourself believe, love,
 and be thankful for the truth!
 I love God’s grace to
draw near without holding back. 
God’s closeness is far greater 
than our greatest imperfection
we don’t have to avoid the pain
 of when others hurt us by 
hurting ourself even more.
 we turn and run to You Lord. 
You are the God who soothes us 
when we hurt
we don’t have to avoid the misery
 we feel by distracting ourself 
with a different kind of pain. 
Lord, Your presence
with us is our blanket. 
You are where we run and hide
we don’t have to demand justice 
by hurting ourself.
 God is the one who justifies us.
 we turn and will trust You to
draw near so that we can hide in You Lord. 
God is a refuge that comforts 
 by touching with His perfection and purity 
God’s perfection and purity become ours.
we don’t have to punish ourself 
and then pride ourself 
with the control we feel 
by threatening our body with pain.
God is a far greater glory. 
God is a stronger fortress.
 God is our deliverer in whom 
we confidently trust. 
we wrap ourself in You Lord 
we turn from wanting to feel clean 
or by hurting ourself.
 we turn from wanting pleasure, 
control, or reassurance by
hurting ourself.
we turn from faith in us 
for the purity and cleansing we need. 
we set our heart to turn and trust
God to wash us clean
the cleansing of God
 is far more powerful
 than all my weaknesses, imperfection,
and sin 
 (Heart, trust you are being washed by God.
 Let ourself be reassured by it!)
Therefore, brethren, since we have confidence to enter the holy place by the blood of Jesuslet us draw near
with a sincere heart in full assurance of faith, having our hearts sprinkled clean from an evil conscience and our
bodies washed with pure water.” 
(Heb. 10:19, 22).
repent and return,
 so that your sins may be wiped away, 
in order that times of refreshing may come from
the presence of the Lord
 (Acts 3:19).
 “My dwelling place also will be with them; and I will be their God, and they will be My people.” 
(Ezek. 37:27)
“the tabernacle of God is among men” 
(Rev. 21:3)
On God my salvation and my glory rest; 
The rock of my strength, 
my refuge is in God.” 
(Psa. 62:7)
I will say to the Lord, 
‘My refuge and my fortress,
 My God, in whom I trust!’”
 (Psa. 91:2)
Lord, “When I am afraid, I will put my trust in You.” 
(Psa. 56:3)
“I have wiped out your transgressions 
like a thick cloud, 
and your sins like a heavy mist. 
Return to Me, for I
have redeemed you.” 
(Isa. 44:22) 
I will sprinkle clean water on you, 
and you will be clean; 
I will cleanse you from all your filthiness and
from all your idols.”
 (Eze. 36:25)
(Heart, let yourself feel confidence because of the truth!)
Heart dont harm yourself  194
Heart, listen to what we are saying. 
Let ourself believe, love, 
and be thankful for the truth!
we don’t have to burn away 
the bad stuff ourself 
because it is Spirit of God who 
burns away the filth in the
daughters of Zion” 
(Isa. 4:4)
 we don’t have to make ourself 
feel better by the cuts or burns we make on ourself. 
The presence of God 
is our delight. 
Lord we turn to trust Your grace
not how much we do to deserve it
we don’t have to make ourself relax because
 By faith I confidently draw near and drink
from You Lord  
(Heart, let yourself feel confidence
 and be reassured by God’s presence!)
we don’t have to cut ourself 
when we can’t fix the problems we see. 
The Lord is our God
His presence is what
soothes the disappointment 
we feel in ourself
 we turn from faith in ourself 
for the purity and cleansing we need.
 we set our heart to turn and trust
God to wash us clean
the cleansing of God 
is far more powerful
 than all my weaknesses, 
imperfection, and sin 
you will rejoice in the Lord, 
You will glory in the Holy One of Israel.
 The afflicted and needy are seeking
water, but there is none,
 And their tongue is parched with thirst; 
I, the Lord, will answer them Myself, 
As the God of Israel I will not forsake them. 
I will open rivers on the bare heights 
And springs in the midst of the valleys; 
I will make the wilderness a pool of water
 And the dry land fountains of water.” 
(Isa. 41:16-18).
“Do not call to mind the former things, 
Or ponder things of the past.
 I will do something new, 
Now it will spring forth; 
Will you not be aware of it? 
I will even make a roadway in the wilderness, 
Rivers in the desert.
To give drink to My chosen people. 
The people whom I formed for Myself,
 Will declare My praise.
(Isa. 43:18-21)
he who comes to God 
must believe
that He is a rewarder of those who seek Him.” 
(Heb. 11:6).
Lord, “You are my hiding place and my shield” 
(Psalm. 119:114)
the Lord will not abandon 
His people on account of His great name” 
(1 Sam. 12:22)
“I will say to the Lord, 
‘My refuge and my fortress, 
My God, in whom I trust!’” 
(Psa. 91:2)
“It is better to take refuge in the Lord 
than to trust in man.
 (Psa. 118:8)
My flesh and my heart may fail, 
but God is the strength of 
my heart and my portion forever.
 (Psa. 73:26 )
I have hope in Him.
 (Lam. 3:24)
 “Be strong, 
and let your heart take courage,
 all you who hope in the Lord.” 
(Psa. 31:24)
Hope in God, 
for I shall again praise Him 
for the help of His presence.” 
(Psa. 42:5)
 (Heart, let yourself feel confidence 
because of the truth!)
Heart dont harm yourself  195
 Heart, listen to what we are saying.
 Let ourself believe, love,
 and be thankful for the truth!
we don’t have to hurt ourself 
in order to have something else 
to blame for our lack of being perfect. 
Only God is perfect. 
Lord You are my God.
 we trust Your presence as our perfection
we don’t have to pride ourself 
with how much pain we can tolerate. 
The closeness of God 
is our power and strength.
 Lord we love Your grace to draw near.
 we trust that my eyes are looking 
at You right here now
(Heart, let yourself feel confidence 
and be reassured by God’s presence!)
we don’t have to pick at our skin
 in order to call that the reason 
for our being imperfect.
God is our perfection
we don’t have to distract ourself
 from the truth about us 
because God is our purity. 
we love that we can walk in
Your Light and that You cleanse
 us from all unrighteousness 
(1John 1:7)
we don’t have to hurt ourself
 in order to make people see how much 
we need their help. 
we put our hope in You Lord
God sees us. 
our help comes from the Lord. 
we turn our cries to God 
because His presence soothes our pain 
(Heart, let yourself feel confidence
 and be reassured by God’s presence!)
we don’t have to make imperfections
 in our body in order to distract ourself 
from what we feel inside. 
God is the One who washes us clean. 
we trust You Lord to burn away our filth 
(Isa. 4:4)
we don’t have to kill the pain we feel
 by cutting ourself . 
weturn to You Lord
we turn from wanting to feel clean 
or by hurting ourself. 
we turn from wanting pleasure,
 control, or reassurance by
hurting ourself.
 we turn from faith in ourself 
for the purity and cleansing we need.
 we set our heart to turn and trust
God to wash use clean
God's cleansing is far more powerful 
than all our weaknesses,
 imperfection, and sin
I have set the Lord continually before me
my heart is glad and my glory rejoices; 
My flesh also will dwell securely.” 
(Psa. 16:8,9)
 (Heart, let yourself feel confidence
 and be reassured by God’s presence!)
My heart trusts in Him, and I am helped” 
(Psa. 28:7)
You, O Lord, are the lifter of my head.” 
(Psa. 3:3)
You are my hope; O Lord God, 
You are my confidence”
 (Psa. 71:5)
You are my GodI exalt you.” 
(Psa. 118:28)
“O Lord God, You are my confidence”  
(Psa. 71:5)
If we confess our sins, He is faithful 
and righteous to forgive us our sins 
and to cleanse us from all
(1 John 1:9)
the Lord is our righteousness” 
(Jer. 33:16)
the Lord loves righteousness
 (Psa. 11:7)
 (Heart, hear, believe,
 and love it as the truth!)
Heart dont harm yourself  196
 Heart, listen to what we are saying. 
Let ourself believe, love, 
and be thankful for the truth!
 God is our purity.
 He is the one who cleanses us.
Lord God, 
we turn from having to depend on ourself. 
You are our God
We have nothing else
we don’t have to calm our inner pain
 by distracting ourself with physical pain. 
God’s presence is what we want
and He soothes us best. 
we turn from depending on ourself
we don’t have to be cutting on ourself
 in order to distract ourself from fear. 
our humanity never has to be
enough because we don’t have to trust ourself. 
The Lord is our God. 
He is what makes us enough
we have nothing else 
(Heart, feel confidence 
and be reassured by God’s presence!)
we don’t have to find the forgiveness
 we need by how much we hurt ouryself physically.
 we turn from putting our faith in us. 
Heart hear this and love it!
 The Lord is our God, not us. 
we rest in You Lord
we don’t have to calm our insecurities 
by burning ourself or by
 we turn from having to earn
and deserve God’s presence. 
we submit to the truth 
about Your grace Lord.
 our eyes and our ears are
turned to You  
(Heart, hear, believe, 
and love it as the truth!)
we turn from faith in ourself 
for the purity and cleansing we need.
 we set our heart to turn and trust
God to wash us clean
The cleansing of God is far more powerful 
than all our weaknesses,
 imperfection, and sin
draw near in full assurance of faith, 
having our hearts sprinkled clean
and our bodies washed with pure water
 (Heb. 10:19, 22); 
“washed in the Spirit of our God.” 
(1 Cor. 6:11)
I will sprinkle clean water on you, and you will be clean; I will cleanse you from all your filthiness
and from all your idols.
 (Ezek. 36:25)
the Lord has washed away the filth
 of the daughters of Zion
by the spirit of judgement 
and the spirit of burning,” 
(Isa. 4:4)
I will cleanse them from all their 
iniquity by which they have sinned against Me
 (Jer. 33:8)
I have wiped out your transgressions 
like a thick cloud, and your sins 
like a heavy mist. 
Return to Me,
for I have redeemed you.” 
(Isa. 44:22) 
by the sanctifying work of the Spirit
sprinkled with His blood” 
(1 Peter 1:2)
“It is better to take refuge in the Lord
 than to trust in man.
 (Psa. 118:8)
“the one who comes to Me
 I will certainly not cast out.” 
(John 6:37)
none of those who take refuge in Him 
will be condemned.” 
(Psa. 34:22)
Heart turn from Emotional Addiction 197
 Heart, listen to what we are saying.
 Let ourself believe, love,
 and be thankful for the truth!
 Lord, we love that depression is not
 the best refuge that is realistic for us
You offer us far more; 
we don’t have to be afraid of You 
(Heart, hear, believe,
 and love it as the truth!)
the protection we need is not from
 finding refuge in depression 
when we lose hope to glory in God 
here and now.
we don’t have to use sleep 
as a way to escape when we get depressed.
 The Lord is our God 
and we turn to His presence 
for what soothes and protects us. 
The presence of God is our escape 
when we hurt
the protection we need is not by using sin
 as a tool that forces us
 into the cocoon of depression
God is a refuge that is safer 
because His closeness is a refuge of power
 and strength 
(Heart, believe and love it!)
anger toward ourself is not the power that we love.
 It is God’s power and glory
 to satisfy in us 
(Psa 63:1-5). 
Hearing and believing the truth changes us
 far better than anger
self-directed anger doesn’t achieve 
the righteousness of God
(Heart, let yourself feel confidence
 because of the truth!)
we don’t have to dull our thirst for God
 using self-hate as a tool 
to keep us hiding in depression
we can fortress ourself in God. 
The glory of the Lord can be our “rear guard”
 (Isa. 58:8)
we turn from hiding ourself in depression 
and we turn to hide ourself in God
His presence given freely by
His grace, is safer, stronger, more kind, 
more tangible and a far better way 
to soothe our pain. 
God is my safe refuge of power and strength. 
we are trusting that our eyes 
are looking at God’s power and radiance
all around and touching me here  
(Heart, let yourself feel confidence from it!)
 It isn’t about my being 
good enough to deserve God’s presence. 
we turn oury heart to trust that 
“the Lord is our righteousness.”
 (Jer. 33:16)
  We turn the loves of our heart to find refuge in God.
 “the nearness of God is my good;
 I have made the Lord God my refuge” 
(Psa. 73:28). 
God said, "I will dwell in them
 and walk among them; 
and I will be their God, 
and they shall be My people” 
(2Cor 6:16).
  God says that 
“I will sprinkle clean water on you,
 and you will be clean; I will cleanse you”
 (Eze. 36:25).
 I am confident that for me it is 
“sanctification by the Spirit and faith in the truth.
 (2 Thess. 2:13).
I have set the Lord continually before me; 
because He is at my right hand,
 I will not be shaken
my heart is glad and my glory rejoices; 
my flesh also will dwell securely.
 (Psa. 16:8,9).
  “The Lord is my light and my salvation;
 whom shall I fear? 
The Lord is the defense of
my life; whom shall I dread? 
Though a host encamp against me,
 my heart will not fear; 
though war arise against me,
 in spite of this I shall be confident.
One thing I have asked from the Lord, 
that I shall seek:
that I may dwell in the house of the Lord 
all the days of my life, 
to behold the beauty of the Lord 
and to meditate in His temple.
 For in the day of trouble 
He will conceal me in His tabernacle;
 in the secret place of His tent He will hide me; 
He will lift me up on a rock
(Psa. 27:1,3,4,5)
  (Heart, let yourself feel confidence and be reassured by God’s presence!)
Heart turn from Emotional Addiction 198
 Heart, listen to what we are saying.
 Let ourself believe, love, 
and be thankful for the truth!
 we are turning our heart 
to trust the closeness of the kingdom of God 
as our safe refuge of strength.
the protection we need is not by using
 self-hate and depression as tools 
to dull our thirst for God
we don’t have to hide from Him 
because it is by our faith in Him 
that we have His approval and His pleasure
it is far better to hide in Him  
(let yourself feel confidence 
from the closeness of God’s power and glory!)
heart listen and love the truth 
that the pain from depression will never increase 
God’s love or His acceptance
toward us
The protection we need is not to use sin 
as a way to sabotage ouryself with the
depression that results.
 And, we don’t have to use sleep
 as a way to escape when we get depressed.
 The Lord is our God and 
we turn to His presence for what 
soothes and protects us. 
The presence of God is our escape 
and our hiding place
we turn from bring depressed in order to protect ourself.
 weI reject and renounce depression.
 we turn to You Lord. 
By faith, our eyes are on the strong power 
and glory of God 
that shines from Him onto us here
we turn from hiding ourself in depression 
and we turn to hide ourself in God
His presence given freely by
His grace, is safer, stronger, more kind, 
more tangible and a far better way to 
soothe our pain. 
By faith Lord, we are trusting that our eyes are looking at You with us here
 we either find a false sense of security in depression 
or it is the presence of God. 
 God is a better refuge 
because it is by the radiance of the glorified Christ 
upon us that we 
put on the armor of light
put on the Lord Jesus Christ” 
(Rom. 13:12, 14).
 Heart, we are confident about the power of God 
to make us acceptable.
 we set our heart to trust
God to do this for use: 
“the Lord has washed away the filth
by the spirit of burning,
 (Isa. 4:4)
the Lord is my light and my salvation; 
whom shall I fear?
 The Lord is the defense of my life
 (Psa. 27:1); 
God is to us a God of deliverances” 
(Psa. 68:20);
You are my hiding place
 (Psa. 32:7);
 “My soul clings to You”
 (Psa. 63:8)
and not to depression.
 I rest in the presence of God: 
“I have made the Lord God my refuge” 
 (Psa. 73:28).
Heart, God’s presence is our refuge:
 “On God my salvation and my glory rest; The rock of my
strength, my refuge is in God.” 
(Psa. 62:7); 
I will say to the Lord,
  ‘My refuge and my fortress,
 My God, in whom I trust!’”
 (Psa. 91:2). 
God is a better place to hide because Lord, 
When I am afraid,
I will put my trust in
 (Psa. 56:3); 
God has promised with an
 “everlasting covenant,
 to be God to you and to your descendants
(Gal. 3:29); 
“I love You, O Lord, my strength.” 
(Psa. 18:1)
 (Heart, let yourself feel confidence from God’s presence!)
Heart turn from Emotional Addiction 199
 Heart, listen to what we are saying.
 Let ourself believe, love, 
and be thankful for the truth!
 Heart, the power of the cross is greater 
and is enough for us. 
we can trust the power of the forgiveness of God
By faith we are trusting that our eyes 
are looking at Your power and glory Lord:
 “You are my God
My soul thirsts for You,
 my flesh yearns for You
Thus I have seen You in the sanctuary, 
to see Your power and Your glory
My soul is satisfied
 (Psa. 63:1,2,5). 
 Heart, the protection we need is not by 
using depression as a way to harden ourself 
toward people who might reject us. 
And, we don’t have to use sleep
as a way to escape when we get depressed.
The Lord is our God 
and we turn to His presence 
for what soothes and protects us
Heart, we set our heart to trust 
the presence of God 
as our security and defender. 
“You are my hiding place and my shield” 
(Psa. 119:114). 
God said, "I will dwell in them and walk among them; and I
will be their God, and they shall be My people”  
(2Cor 6:16). 
By faith, we are trusting that our eyes
 are looking at the great power and 
strength of our God close,
 all around, and touching us here
Heart, heart hear this: 
The Lord bless you
the Lord make his face shine upon you 
and be gracious to you;
 the Lord turn his face toward you
 and give you peace.” 
(Num. 6:24-26).
You will not be afraid of the terror by night, 
or of the arrow that flies by day;
of the pestilence
or of the destruction
it shall not approach you
For you have made the Lord
even the Most
High, your dwelling place” 
(Psa. 91:5-9). 
“Praise the Lord, O my soul!” 
(Psa. 146:1).
 Heart, let ourself love that
 you don’t have to be afraid
 about not having enough discipline
 to keep drinking from God 
 use our neediness as motivation! 
we can keep drinking from God
 because we love glory and power
and our God is a radiant fountain 
of glory and power! 
And heart, we are letting ourself 
love that our need is great enough
 that it helps us to keep drinking 
of our inner being 
pointed toward the Lord
and His kingdom all around us
 and close to use here.
 Heart, we turn our heart from
 loving the “protective” of a cocoon of depression.
we “cling” to the kingdom of God
 around us here,
 by resting the weight of our entire being, 
Heart, our refuge for being safe 
is the closeness of God 
and His kingdom around us here.
Lord, we love that You are a refuge 
of great goodness, strength, and power. 
we set our heart to find security by
trusting that Your power
 is all around us here.
God is not a man, that He should lie” 
(Num. 23:19):
 “The Lord is our rock 
and our fortress and our deliverer,
 our God, our rock, 
in whom we take refuge;
 my shield my salvation, my stronghold.”
(Psa. 18:2) 
(Heart, let yourself feel confidence and be reassured by God’s presence!)
 Heart, we love that we can receive 
from the radiance of God. 
we CAN draw near
to God and our need is so great,
 that the more we love 
and enjoy being secure 
and strong in God’s presence,
 the more it helps motivate us 
to keep the drinking of our inner being, 
pointed toward the closeness 
of Lord and His kingdom
 24 hours-a-day.



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