Chapter 4

Remember the father is seeking for us to stand in the gap
The Holy Spirit is drawing us to a standing point
as we go forward we may at some point 
as we stand in the gate be reminded
of someone or something to reach out to.
If a scripture opens this then pause for a while
and allow the Holy Spirit to reveal it.

Heart be zealous 
and repent 40

Heart, listen to what we are saying. 
Let yourself believe, love, 
and be thankful for the truth!
God is good. 
It is evil that is evil! 
God is your friend!
(heart, think of Him that way!)
It says to 
"Repent, for the kingdom of heaven
is at hand." 
Mathew 3:2.
And, repentance means to 
change how we think.
Yet in context with other verses,
our repentance has to change 
how our heart thinks because it says,
They always go astray in their heart” 
Hebrews 3:10
“they were thinking in their heart” 
Luke 9:47
as he thinks within himself, so he is”
 Proverbs 23:7.
 Heart, God says to me to
be zealous and repent.” 
Revelation 3:19.
 So, it is God’s will for us to repent,
but we are training our heart 
to think about repentance
as God desires.
It is right to feel sorrow for sin 
but it is NOT God’s will
 for us to repent by
how bad we make ourself feel!
“the sorrow that is according to 
the will of God produces 
a repentance without regret.” 
2 Corinthians 7:10
“Regret” means to feel disappointed
or distressed about something.
Heart, hear this! we must change!
But God’s will for
 how we change is to do it
WITHOUT regret.”
Using regret as a tool for change
is against God’s will and
 we should consider it sin.
(heart, hear, believe 
and love God being close!)
trying to change by anger 
or self-hate only gives us 
a false sense of goodness before God
the anger of man does not achieve
the righteousness of God.” 
James 1:20.
Getting angry about 
our bad behaviour 
does not achieve 
the righteousness that we desire.
(heart, believe and love the truth!)
trying to repent by anger 
and self-contempt
makes us feel religious,
but it does nothing 
to change our behavior!
we repent of pride
 from how much pain
we cause because of wanting 
to do better next time:
"the appearance of wisdom
 in self-made religion
and self-abasement are of no value
against fleshly indulgence."
Colossians. 2:23.
Let no one keep defrauding you 
of your prize by 
delighting in self-abasement”
 Colossians 2:18.
is “self-made religion”
because it eases our
 sense of guilt for sin,
just enough so that
 we don’t feel the need
to trust the power of
 the cross of Christ.
But no amount of 
feeling bad will ever make
 the payment or justify 
what we have done wrong.
Self-inflicted pain 
doesn't justify us
before God because,
“God is the one who justifies” 
Romans. 8:33
(heart, believe and love the truth!)
self-contempt may punish us
into a temporary appearance 
of doing better,
but it does nothing to change 
our behavior long term. 
Heart hear this! 
Beating ourself up
 won’t help us
to stop doing 
the wrong things.
we repent of using 
as a tool for trying
 to produce change!
Repentance by anger
 and self-contempt is sin.
(heart, hear, believe 
and love the truth!)
we repent of trying to 
“help” ourself and others
by a
 “ministry of condemnation”
2 Corinthians. 3:9
Condemnation is attractive
because it controls
 surface sins just enough
 to have the appearance of glory.
“the ministry of condemnation 
has glory”
2 Corinthians. 3:9
but all it produces is death 
in ourself and others
2 Corinthians. 3:7

Heart don’t try to improve 
by condemnation 41

 Heart, listen to what we are saying.
Let yourself believe, love,
and be thankful for the truth!
God is good. 
It is evil that is evil! 
God is your friend!
 (heart, think of Him that way!)
we repent of trying to
 improve by condemnation
for poor performance.
we repent of condemning others 
when they don’t perform.
 Condemnation feels religious
but it only shuts 
our-self and others,
off from being able
 to experience God:
woe to you, scribes 
and Pharisees, hypocrites,

 because you shut off 

the kingdom of heaven

from people” 

(Mathew. 23:13).
We repent of trying 
to control bad behavior
in ourself and others by a
“ministry of condemnation.”
Condemnation prevents us 
from drawing near and,
it closes us off 
from receiving the kingdom!
if we demand repentance 
by self-condemnation
we are trying to change
 in a way that is
according to the law 
and the “works of the flesh.”
The freedom we desire comes from
getting our heart to believe the truth
“and through Him 
everyone who believes 
is freed from all things, 
from which we could not be freed

through the Law of Moses”

 (Acts 13:39).
(heart, hear, believe and love the truth)

Heart, Trusting the 
Punishment of Christ 42
Heart, listen to what we are saying.
Let yourself believe, love, 
and be thankful for the truth!
Heart hear this: God is good.
It is evil that is evil! 
God is your friend!
(heart, think of Him that way!)
we can stop putting 
our faith in self-inflicted
No matter how bad 
we make myself feel it won’t
ever pay the price for our sin
we love that we can trust 
the power of the cross of Christ. 
Jesus paid with His blood
so we wouldn’t have to  
(heart, hear, believe, 
and love it as the truth!)
Heart, rejoice that 
the power of the cross is 
stronger than our sin. 
Anger and condemnation 
won’t help us, instead of that, 
we will trust God. 
Heart, it is right
 and good for us to
 trust that the Lord Jesus is our
we are confident that 
the anger of man
 does not achieve 
the righteousness of God.”
 (James 1:20).
(heart, let yourself feel 
confident and secure 
because of the truth!)
Heart, rejoice that it 
does not pay the price 
for our human weakness
 to just go along 
and live in dullness! 
we will trust 
the power of 
the blood of Christ 
to cover our
 human imperfections. 
The condemnation 
and pain that
Jesus suffered is enough for us. 
I love You Lord 
(heart, hear, believe, 
and love the truth!)
 Heart, we grab our soul and 
we turn it away from having to 
make the payment for 
what we do wrong! 
The pain Christ suffered 
and His death was 
enough for our sin
we love YOU God.
 we CAN draw near because 
YOU paid it all 
 (heart, let yourself feel confidence 
because of the truth!)
“He loved us and sent His Son 
to be the payment for our sins.” 
1 John 4:10
Jesus Christ paid for our sin
our faith is in the payment 
that He made for us, 
not in any payment
 that we could make  
(heart, hear, believe, 
and love the truth!)
 Heart, we can stop trying to 
change by making ourself feel regret
“the sorrow that is
 according to the will of God 
produces a repentance 
without regret, 
leading to salvation, 
but the sorrow of the world 
produces death." 
(2 Corinthians. 7:10)
 (heart, hear, believe, 
and love it as the truth!)
 Heart, it is right and good for us
 to be confident and secure about 
our relationship to God
because we are God’s
 and God is mine 
(2 Corinthians. 6:16). 
God has bought and paid for us
with the blood of Christ 
we turn our heart to enjoy 
and be thankful that Jesus 
was punished enough for our sins 
(1 Corinthians. 6:20;
 Romans. 3:24,25)
(heart, hear, believe, 
and love it as the truth!)
 Heart, we are confident 
and secure because, 
God is not a man, 
that He should lie” 
(Numbers. 23:19).
“having been justified by faith, 
we have peace with God 
through our Lord Jesus Christ”
(Romans. 5:1).
 Heart, we believe in
 our head already, 
it is our heart that doesn’t get it. 
So, we are commanding 
our heart to hear, 
believe, and love that 
the power of the cross 
of Christ is far greater than our sin
and will assure our 
heart before Him in 
whatever our heart 
condemns us; 
for God is greater
 than our heart
and knows all things. 
Beloved, if our heart 
does not condemn us, 
we have confidence before God” 
(1 John 3:19-21)
(heart, let yourself feel
 relieved and reassured 
because of the truth!)
Trusting the Punishment of 
Christ 43
 Heart, listen to what we are saying. 
Let yourself believe, love, 
and be thankful for the truth!
Heart hear this: God is good. 
It is evil that is evil! 
God is your friend! 
 (heart, think of Him that way!)
 Heart, we repent of feeding
 on religious pride 
from how well 
we put ourself down: 
the appearance of wisdom
 in self-made religion 
and self-abasement are of no value 
against fleshly indulgence.”
(Colossians. 2:23). 
 (heart, hear, believe, 
and love it as the truth!)
Heart, we repent of trying
 to change by how well
we perform and then 
condemning others 
when they don’t. 
It feels religious but it only
 shuts ourself and others, 
off from being able
 to experience God:
woe to you,
 scribes and Pharisees,
because you shut off 
the kingdom of heaven 
from people”
(Matthew. 23:13).
 (heart, let yourself feel 
relieved and reassured 
because of the truth!)
Heart, we repent of condemning 
and making myself 
feel guilty for sin because 
the blood of
Jesus His Son cleanses 
us from all sin” 
(1John 1:7).  
(heart, hear, believe 
and love the truth)
we humble ourself from loving 
how well we punish ourself. 
we repent of punishing 
ourself even where 
we sense that our humanity
 is not enough
we don’t have to be! 
 God designed us
 inadequate so that 
we could depend on Him
Lord, we love Your 
nearness as our adequacy
You are what makes us enough  
(heart, let yourself feel 
confidence and 
be reassured by God’s presence!)
Heart, rejoice in the truth that 
we don’t have to hurt 
ourself even when 
we know that something
 is wrong with us. 
No amount of self-inflicted
 pain will ever earn justice 
for what we do wrong
Jesus You paid the price. 
It is safe and right for us 
to trust God and not ourself 
 (heart, feel confidence from it!)
it doesn’t hide us from God 
to harden our heart by 
that will never justify
 what we do wrong.
 Jesus You took 
the punishment for our sin
You died so that 
we wouldn’t have to. 
Lord, we love
 the power of the cross
 (heart, let yourself feel 
confidence because of the truth!)
we grab our soul 
and we turn it away 
from trying to feel bad in order to 
earn forgiveness for
 what we do wrong. 
The death of Christ is more
 powerful than our sin. 
we repent from trying to 
improve by selfcondemnation
(heart, let yourself feel confidence
 because of the truth!)
 Heart, it is right and good for us to 
be confident about being justified. 
Being justified by God
is far greater than anything 
we could ever earn. 
we are justified as a gift from God 
(Roman. 3:24,25).
 we don’t have to work 
at justifying ourself to 
God because God has done it all.
 Heart hear this: 
Jesus took the punishment
 for our sin 
so that He could bring 
us to the Father
For Christ also died 
for sins once for all, 
the just for the unjust,
 so that He might 
bring us to God” 
(1 Peter 3:18).  
(heart, let yourself feel
because of the truth!)
Jesus said
no one comes to
 the Father but through Me”
 (John 14:6).
 (heart, feel reassured by it!)
 Heart, it is right and good for us
 to be confident about God forgiving us
because it says of Jesus that 
“He Himself is 
the payment for our sin”
 (1 John 2:2).

Heart, Trusting the 
Punishment of Christ 44
 Heart, listen to what we are saying. 
Let yourself believe, love, 
and be thankful for the truth!
Heart hear this: God is good. 
It is evil that is evil!
 God is your friend! 
 (heart, think of Him that way!)
 Heart, the pain that
 Jesus took on Himself
 is payment and justice
 enough for our sin
Surely our griefs He Himself bore,
 and our sorrows He carried
 He was pierced through 
for our transgressions, 
He was crushed for our iniquities; 
the chastening for our well-being 
fell upon Him, 
and by His scourging 
we are healed.” 
(Isaiah. 53:4,5)
we have believed 
in Christ Jesus, 
so that we may 
be justified by faith 
in Christ and not
 by the works of the Law;
 since by the works of the Law 
no flesh will be justified.”
 (Galassians. 2:16)
For I am not ashamed 
of the gospel, 
for it is the power 
of God for salvation 
to everyone who believes”
(Romans. 1:16).
But to the one 
who does not work, 
but believes in Him
 who justifies the ungodly,
 his faith is credited 
as righteousness,” 
(Romans. 4:5)
Beloved, if our heart 
does not condemn us, 
we have confidence
 before God” 
(1 John 3:21). 
And, we love You Lord.
we love Your presence
and, we set our heart to love 
You with more and more 
freedom and delight all the time.
 Heart, we are confident
 and we are secure because 
having forgiven us 
all our transgressions
He canceled out 
the certificate of debt
against us having 
nailed it to the cross.”
(Colossians. 2:13,14).
 we love our God who is close: 
He Himself bore our sins 
in His body on the cross, 
so that we might die to sin
and live to righteousness”
 (1 Peter 2:24).  
(heart, hear, believe, 
and love the truth!)  
Heart, rejoice that we can
humble ourself
 from loving pride 
because of how
 much we hurt people. 
we can stop punishing
 other people in
order to make them pay 
the price for what
 they do wrong
Jesus paid the price
 for their sin too
 (heart, hear and love it)
Rejoice in the truth 
that we don’t have to punish 
ourself for our human
we rest in the truth
 that our humanity 
will never be enough
it doesn’t have to be 
because God is my adequacy
 (2 Corinthinans. 3:5).
 Lord, we love that You 
want to be our God 
 (heart, let yourself feel confidence 
because of the truth!)
we grab our soul and we turn it from 
trying to feel bad in order to earn justice 
and forgiveness for what we do wrong. 
The death of Christ is more powerful 
than my sin.
 we repent and turn from trying to 
improve by self-condemnation
 (heart, let yourself feel confidence 
because of the truth!)
 Heart, we are confident 
and secure in the truth 
that our God is 
“a compassionate 
and gracious God, 
slow to anger, abounding 
in love and faithfulness.” 
(Psalms. 86:15).  
(heart, enjoy it!)
Beloved, if our heart 
does not condemn us, 
we have confidence before God” 
(1 John 3:21).  
(heart, let yourself feel confidence 
because of the truth!)
It is right and good for us to be 
confident and secure because 
“I trust in your unfailing love;
 my heart rejoices in your salvation.” 
(Psalms. 13:5 ).
 “soul my hope is from Him. 
He only is my rock
 and my salvation, 
my stronghold; 
I shall not be shaken. 
On God my salvation 
and my glory rest;
 the rock of my strength, 
my refuge is in God.”
 (Psalms. 62:5-7)
(heart, hear, believe, 
and love the God who is close)

Heart, Trusting the 
Punishment of Christ 45
  Heart, listen to what we are saying.
Let ourselves believe, love,
and be thankful for the truth!
Heart hear this:
God is good. It is evil that is evil!
God is your friend!

 (heart, think of Him that way!)
  Heart, we repent of 
trying to achieve
our own righteousness.
we repent of trying to improve
by anger toward ourselves:
the anger of man does not achieve
the righteousness of God

 (James 1:20).
  Heart, we are turning away
from a hard heart
and we are letting our heart hear,
believe, and love that
the power of the cross of Christ
is far greater than our sin :
and will assure our heart before Him
in whatever our heart condemns us;
for God is greater than our heart
and knows all things.
Beloved, if our heart does not condemn us,
we have confidence before God

(1 John 3:19-21).
  Heart, we grab our soul
and we turn it away
from trying to earn justice and forgiveness
for what we do wrong.
The death of Christ is
more powerful than our sin.
we repent and turn from trying to
improve by self condemnation
  Heart, we set our faith
in the death of Christ
as payment for us because
He Himself is the payment for our sin
(1 John 2:2).
we are confident and secure because
God has given us His righteous.
we are not sin any longer.
 God has made us
to be the righteousness of God

 because of our faith in Jesus Christ

God has done it!
 (2 Cor. 5:21; Rom. 3:22)
(heart, hear, believe,
and love it as the truth!)
  Heart, if we do sin,
we can still be confident
because Jesus Christ
is speaking to the Father
in our defense
(1 John 2:1 ).
 (heart, let ourselves feel confidence
because of the truth!)
  Heart, we are confident and secure because,
God is not a man, that He should lie
(Num. 23:19).
having been justified by faith,
 we have peace with God
through our Lord Jesus Christ

(Rom. 5:1).
 (heart, let ourselves feel confidence from it!)
  Heart, we grab our soul
and we turn it away from
having to make the payment
for what we do wrong!
The pain Christ suffered
and His death was enough
for our sin
we love YOU God.

we can draw near 

because YOU paid it all
 (heart, let ourselves feel confidence
 because of the truth!)
“ The Lord’s loving kindnesses indeed never

for His compassion's never fail.”
 (Lam. 3:22).
“Gracious is the Lord, and righteous;
yes, our God is compassionate.”
(Psa. 116:5).
“His anger is but for a moment,
His favor is for a lifetime”
(Psa. 30:5).
Thank You God that Your favor toward us
last our entire lifetime!
 (heart, let ourselves feel confidence
 because of the truth!)
 the pain Jesus suffered was enough
so that we can draw near to God without fear:
 “For Christ also died for sins once for all,
the just for the unjust,
so that He might bring us to God”
(1 Peter 3:18).
  Heart, determine to be joyous about God:
“How precious is Your loving kindness,
O God”
(Psa. 36:7).
Thank You God for this wonderful truth.
 (heart, let ourselves feel
confidence because of it!)
Turning Away from 
Self-Sabotage 46

  Heart, let our heart find joy and delight
that the protection we need

is not by escaping through self-induced
and self-controlled failure.
we can keep doing good
because even if
there is failure outside our control,
we can be confident that
God will be right there
to soothe us and love us through it
 (heart, let ourselves feel confidence and
be reassured by God’s presence!)
is not to make ourselves fail now in order to
avoid uncontrolled failure in the future.
Lord God, it is Your presence that is our security,
our refuge of power and strength.
You are the One who soothes our fears
is not from self-sabotage
because of fear that we might not be able to
keep doing the right things.
It is God who is our righteousness
 and our perfection
 (heart, hear, believe,
and love it as the truth!)
is not to use sin
 as a way to sabotage ourselves
with the hard shell of depression that results
we don’t have to be afraid
to draw near to God.
we rejoice about NOT having to fear success.
It is safe and right and good to
stand open before God and
enjoy receiving the Holy Spirit being radiated
into us and onto other people around us is not
to force ourselves to fail
because of insecurity or fear
God is always gracious and giving.
He never stops radiating the Holy Spirit
upon those who draw near
we grab our soul and turn it from
having to damage ourselves in order
to feel protected from failure.
our hope is in God
not in how well we achieve
 and then maintain
human success.
we are turning our heart to enjoy confidently
trusting God’s grace to
draw near to us intensely.
And heart, rejoice about the truth
that we don’t have to be afraid
to succeed spiritually

 (heart, let ourselves feel confidence
because of it!)
My help comes from the Lord,
Who made heaven and earth
 (Psa. 121:2)
The Lord is my light and my salvation;
Whom shall I fear?
The Lord is the defense of my life;
Whom shall I dread?

 (Psa. 27:1) 
(let ourselves feel confidence from the
closeness of God’s power and glory!)
Behold, God is our helper;
The Lord is the sustainer of our soul.

(Psa. 54:4)
You are my hiding place and my shield
(Psa. 119:114)
O Lord, You are my God; I will exalt You
(Isa. 25:1)
Lord, “You are my hiding place and my shield
 (Psa. 119:114)
I have set the Lord continually before me
Therefore my heart is glad and my glory rejoices;
my flesh also will dwell securely
(Psa. 16:8,9)
 (heart, hear, believe,
and love the God who is close!)
God is our protection:
My heart trusts in Him, and I am helped
 (Psa. 28:7)
When I am afraid, I will put my trust in You.
 In God, whose word I praise,
In God I have put my trust;
 I shall not be afraid.
What can mere man do to me?

 (Psa. 56:3,4)

Turning Away from 
self-failure 47
  Heart, let our heart find joy
and delight that the protection we need

is not by forcing ourselves to fail
because of fear that God
might not like us back.
we don’t have to agree with lies.
God is kind.
He loves us and wants to draw near to us.
is not to distract ourselves from
entering into the throne room and
confidently receiving heaven all around us here.
 we turn our heart to trust that
our eyes are on You Lord.
The safest thing for us is to trust that the
glorified Jesus and the Father are
right here with us right now.
 (heart, hear, believe, and love the truth!)
we grab our soul
and turn it from having to damage
ourselves in order to feel protected from failure.
our hope is in God
not in how well we achieve
and then maintain
 human success.
 we are turning our heart to enjoy confidently
trusting God’s grace
to draw near to us intensely.
And heart, rejoice about the truth
that we don’t have to be
afraid to succeed spiritually

 (heart, let ourselves feel
 confidence because of it!)
we have access to enter and draw near to God
by faith in the Holy Spirit to make it happen.
for through Him we have our access in one
Spirit to the Father
(Eph. 2:18).
have boldness and confident access
through faith in Him

(Eph. 3:12).
O Lord God, You are my confidence
(Psa. 71:5)
our “confidence is through Christ before God
competence comes from God

(2 Cor. 3:4,5 ).
You, O Lord, are the lifter of my head.
(Psa. 3:3 TAB).
“’The Lord is my portion,’ says my soul,
‘Therefore I have hope in Him
(Lam. 3:24)
Though the fig tree should not blossom and
there be no fruit on the vines,
though the yield of the olive should fail and
the fields produce no food,
though the flock should be cut off from the fold
and there be no cattle in the stalls,
yet I will exult in the Lord,
I will rejoice in the God of my salvation.
The Lord God is my strength,
 and He has made my feet like hinds' feet,
and makes me walk on my high places.

(Hab. 3:17-19)
(heart, hear, believe,
and love the God who is close!)
I will say to the Lord,
‘My refuge and my fortress,
My God, in whom I trust!’

(Psa. 91:2)
the eyes of the Lord move to and fro
throughout the earth that
He may strongly support those
whose heart is completely His

 (2 Chron. 16:9) 
(heart, hear, believe,
 and love the God who is close!)
My help comes from the Lord,
Who made heaven and earth.

 (Psa. 121:2)
I love You, O Lord
(Psa. 18:1);
My soul clings to You
(Psa. 63:8)

Heart, Change your unbelief 
About God 48

One of the most common 
unsafe reactions to pain
is that we hold back from God 
because of fear.
The solution requires that 

we plow up the hard ground
of our heart by giving 
ourselves reasons
why it is far safer to hear 
and believe the truth
about God than to keep 
on believing lies.
  Heart, listen to what 
you are saying.
Let ourselves believe, 
love, and be thankful for
the truth!
Heart hear this:
 God is good. It is evil that is evil! 

God is your friend!

 (heart, think of Him that way!)
Heart, rejoice in the truth 
that we can be confident 
that we don’t have to 
stay away when we are 
hurting because
God comforts His people.

The Lord is near to
 the brokenhearted,
and saves those who 
are crushed in spirit.”
 (Psa. 34:18). 

(heart, feel reassured 
and to love the God
who is right up close 
and all around you!)

Heart, rejoice that we are free 
to be fully confident
about the Lord because 
God comforts the depressed
(2 Cor. 7:6). 

(heart, hear, believe, 
and love the God who is
we are confident about God 
because He is
the Father of mercies 
and God of all comfort
 (2 Cor. 1:3).
(heart, hear, believe, 
and love the truth!)
we are confident that we 
don’t have to stay away from 
God when we feel oppressed 
and want to hide.
Heart, rejoice that we can be
 completely confident
that God is very good 
to us because
“The Lord is a refuge 
for the oppressed,
a stronghold in times of trouble.”
 (Psa. 9:9 )
Heart, rejoice that 
God cares for me:
It is better to take 
refuge in the Lord
than to trust in man
(Psa. 118:8).

 (heart, hear, believe, 
and love the truth!
  read it again if you need to!)
Heart, rejoice that it is right
 and good for us to
completely rest in our trust 

toward God because
He is
the Father of mercies 
and God of all comfort
(2 Cor. 1:3).

 (heart, hear, believe, 
and love the truth!)
we grab our soul and
 we turn it to You Lord
because You are so very good.
God’s heart is to be kind to us!
Lord right now,
 we are trusting that 
Your radiant presence is
all around us.
And, instead of believing 
the devil’s lies about us,
we are trusting that You
 are being very good
and kind toward us 

(heart, believe and love it)
Heart, Change you unbelief 
About God 49
  Heart, listen to what 
we are saying.
Let ourselves believe, 
love, and be thankful for
the truth!

Our God is not like other people 

who have hurt
And, our God is NOT the evil 
that tries to hurt us.
Heart believe and love 
the truth about God   

(heart, believe and love the truth!)
Lord right now, 
we are remembering that it is the
devil who lies to us about
 what You are like.
Lord, we are trusting that
 Your radiant presence
is all around us and 
that the truth about You
is that You are cleansing us,
You ARE being good and
 compassionate toward
us. Heart, let ourselves
 believe the truth that
God is NOT a God 
who abandons or  
betrays His people.
And, even though 
evil might lie to us,
God will NOT abandon or betray us

 (heart, believe and love it)
  Heart, even though 
we may not understand it yet,
we love that we CAN receive from
the radiance of God.
we CAN draw near to God 

and our need is so great,
that the more we love and
 enjoy being secure
and strong in God’s presence,
the more of Him we can receive.
And heart, the more we trust
 the glory of God with
us as what makes us special,
the more it helps motivate us to keep
drinking  of our inner being, 
pointed toward
the closeness of the Lord
 and His kingdom 24

(heart, feel reassured 
and to love the God
who is right up close 
and all around us!)

Heart, in the Father 
we will Glory 50
 Heart, listen to what we are saying.
Let ourselves believe, love,
and be thankful for the truth!
Heart hear this: God is good.
It is evil that is evil!
God is our friend

(Heart, think of Him that way!)

It is written that
the nations will bless
 themselves in Him,
and in Him they will glory

 (Jer. 4:2).
So heart, turn away from wanting to
trust self-esteem in order to feel good.
Bless ourselves” in Him!
It is right, safe, and good for us to
bless ourselves” 
IN the presence of God
because our God is a river that
gushes His presence all the time.
He does NOT hold back.
Thank You for Your goodness
and grace for freely drawing near to us.
Heart, be free to open up 
and receive because
God’s presence gives us confidence,
makes us secure, 
and makes us feel hope.
we love YOU Lord!
heart, agree with 
King David who said,
My soul shall make
 its boast in the Lord;
the humble will hear it 
and rejoice
 (Psa. 34:2).
we are turning our heart 
to be determined to
humble ourselves into 
being confident and
because of the presence of God with us,
and NOT earthly things.
Heart, our human glory
 falls short of God’s glory
and that has to be good with us.
So enjoy the truth that we don’t
have to keep pushing to make
our humanity measure up
by our own efforts.
Heart, only God Himself 
measures up and
the closeness of His glory
 to us is the only thing
that makes us good.
Heart, it is the Lord 
who is our God.
So we turn from
 trying to depend
on ourselves or earthly things.
The presence of God in us 
and touching our skin
HE is the God 
we are depending on,
NOT ourselves, 
or earthly sources.
we are free of pushing 
for our human glory to
measure up to His glory.
Heart, cut ourselves off
 from having to boast
in ourselves or in earthly things.
Hear this and agree with it,
glory in Christ Jesus
and put no confidence 
in the flesh
 (Phil. 3:3).
The truth is that
 “Some boast in chariots,
and some in horses;
but we will boast
 in the name of the Lord, 
our God
(Psa. 20:7).
where we do wrong or 
don’t  measure up in some way,
we praise You Lord that
You, Lord are good, 
and ready to forgive
(Psa. 86:5);
I said to the Lord,
‘You are my Lord;
I have no good besides You

(Psa. 16:2).
And, You are always washing us,
I have set the Lord
continually before me
He is at my right hand

(Psa. 16:8).
Heart, rejoice in the truth
that we don't have to be afraid
about our humanity not having
what “it takes”
to be good.
The closeness of God 
is the love we need.
It is the presence of God
 that makes us far
better than just good.
The closeness of God is
our strength and confidence.
The closeness of God
 is our goodness.
 our reason to NOT be afraid.
And, we exalt YOU for that God,
NOT ourselves. 
we praise YOU God.
we love You Lord.
heart, rejoice our way 
into being confident
because the pressure isn’t
 on us to justify
our human glory.
Turn to trust that
You, O Lord, 
are a shield about us,
our glory, and the One
 who lifts our heads
(Psa. 3:3);
In God I have put my trust,
 I shall not be afraid

(Psa. 56:11). 
(Heart, believe and love the truth!)
Heart, rejoice
that our humanity 
won’t ever be enough
and it doesn’t have to be!
we turn from having to depend on
“esteeming” ourselves in 
order to feel good.
Heart, love that our
adequacy is from God.”
(2 Cor. 3:5).
heart, hear this and rejoice
your way out of despair
and into confident hope:
 “Why are you in despair,
 O my soul? And why are you
disturbed within me?
Hope in God,
for I shall again praise Him,
the help of my countenance 
and my God”
(Psa. 43:5).
Rejoice that we don’t 
have to define “success”
by the glory that 
we earn and achieve.
Be free of that!
 “Bless ourselves” because of
the presence of God
 is close to us.
Repent of pushing
 to find reasons to
pride ourselves with self-esteem.
Instead of that, 
we set our heart to find the thrill,
the confidence, the hope,
and the security that we need,
by enjoying the presence of
the Lord and the kingdom of God,
right here close to us and all around

Heart, get closer 
to God 51
 Heart, listen to what we are saying.
Let ourselves believe, love,
and be thankful for the truth!
Heart hear this: God is good.
 It is evil that is evil!
God is your friend!

(Heart think of Him that way!)
nothing is so desperately wrong
with us that we should avoid God!
The only solution is 
to get close to God
so that He can fix it.
 Instead of self-esteem,
My soul shall make
 its boast in the Lord;
the humble will hear
 it and rejoice
(Psa. 34:2).
(Heart, believe, 
and love the God who is close!)
our human glory does NOT 
have to be greater
before we “deserve” closeness to God.
we turn our heart to trust that
the nearness of God is our good;
we have made the
 Lord God our refuge
(Psa. 73:28).
 we love the truth that
the Lord is our righteousness
(Jer. 33:16).
(Heart, believe it and to love God!)
our human abilities don’t have to be
worthy of praise.
Instead of that, we set our heart to
glory in the presence of God 
by exalting Him
instead of ourselves.
It is better to find delight
 in exalting the Lord
because He is God:
In God I have put my trust,
I shall not be afraid

(Psa. 56:11).
(Heart, enjoy the Lord!)
we repent of defining “success”
by how much self-esteem we have.
we repent of worshiping 
other people
who seem to have
what it takes humanly speaking.
 Heart hear this:
“Be strong and courageous,
do not be afraid or 
tremble at them,
for the Lord your God
 is the one who goes with you.
He will not fail you or forsake you.”
(Deut. 31:6).
(Heart, hear, believe,  
and love the God who is close!)
God is the standard and 
He is our source
not other people.
we will not fear others 
who feast themselves
on self-esteem:
You shall not fear man,
for the judgement is God’s

 (Deut. 1:17).
do not fear their intimidation,
and do not be troubled.

(1 Pet. 3:14).
(Heart, hear, believe,  
and love the God who is close!)
“success” is not to feed ourselves with
our having “achieved”
 a new spiritual experience.
we set our heart to stay
before the streams of God
 and exalt Him.
That way, God can work
because the kingdom of God is here
 Heart, our heart IS turning away
from our having to struggle
at what we need to be.
Lord You are our God
the pressure isn’t on us.
 we set our heart to glory
 in the nearness
and the greatness of God.
Right now Lord,
we are trusting that Your presence
is all around us reassuring us
 being our reason for confidence
 and being our reason 
to NOT be afraid
 Heart, we are confident 
and we are secure
about being able to 
“bless ourselves” 
in God because
“the nations will bless
 themselves in Him,
and in Him they will glory”
(Jer. 4:2).
 (Heart, love it!)
 Heart, we are confident about 
being able to cling
to God because 
“‘as the waistband clings
to the waist of a man,
so I made the whole 
household of Israel
and of Judah cling to Me,'
declares the Lord,
 'that they might
 be for Me a people,
for renown,
 for praise and for glory;
but they did not listen
(Jer. 13:11).
 we set our heart to cling to God.

(Heart, believe it 
and to love God!)

we are confident and
we are secure in God.
we repent of fear 
toward other people
 because IT IS WRITTEN:
Be strong and courageous, 
do not be
afraid or tremble at them,
for the Lord your God is
the one who goes with you.
He will not fail you 
or forsake you.”
(Deut. 31:6);
God said,
"I will dwell in them
and walk among them;
and I will be their God,
and they shall be My people

(2Cor 6:16).
we are confident and
 we are secure
about drawing near to God
because He says to us that
the one who comes to Me
I will certainly not cast out.

(John 6:37);
In God I have put my trust,
I shall not be afraid

(Psa. 56:11).
(Heart, feel confidence from it
and to love God
 for the truth of it!)
Heart, confidence and 
security is in God 52
 Heart, listen to 
what we are saying.
Let ourselves believe, love,
and be thankful for the truth!
Heart hear this: God is good.
 It is evil that is evil!
God is your friend!

 (Heart, think of Him that way!)
 Heart, confidence and
 security from the presence
of God is far better than
 what comes from
“esteeming” ourselves; 
we love the truth that
confidence is ours 
through Christ
before God our competence 
comes from God
(2 Cor. 3:4,5).
 “Behold, God is my salvation,
I will trust and not be afraid

(Isa. 12:2).
 let ourselves love 
the truth in saying,
O Lord God, 
You are my confidence
(Psa. 71:5).
And, we love turning from
having to depend on ourselves:
 “You are our God we exalt you
(Psa. 118:28).
we are confident and secure
in the presence of God.
 we will NOT fear others
who boast in themselves because
 “Do not fear them,
for the Lord your God
is the one fighting for you

(Deut. 3:21).
 we turn from fear about their
confidence in themselves
as their god because
You shall not fear
 other gods,
nor bow down 
ourselves to them
nor serve them nor 
sacrifice to them
 (2 Kings 17:35).
 (Heart, feel reassured 
and enjoy that
“my God is greater!”)
we are confident and
 we are secure
because by drawing near to God,
He draws near and by this we are
 “armed in 
the presence of the Lord
(Num. 32:32).
I love You, O Lord, my strength
(Psa. 18:1).
Be strong and courageous, and act
(1 Chron. 28:20). 
(Heart, love God who is close!)
 Heart, we are confident
and we are secure about
being able to glory in God because
the nations will bless
 themselves in Him,
and in Him they will glory
(Jer. 4:2).
 (Heart, hear it)
 Heart, hear this and
 rest with confidence
 “it is Heaven that rules
(Dan. 4:26).
 “the Lord God,
the Holy One of Israel,
has said,
 ‘In repentance and 
rest you will be saved,
 in quietness and trust
 is your strength’”
 (Isa. 30:15). 
(Heart, love God and 
His kingdom that is
close and all around!)
 Heart, we are confident
and we are secure
because the pressure
 isn’t on me
to be our own god:
O my God, in You I trust
(Psa. 25:1,2). 
(Heart, feel reassured and 
to love trusting God!)
 Heart, we are confident
and at peace
because we don’t have
 to live to the praise
of our own human glory;
My soul shall make
 its boast in the Lord
(Psa. 34:2).
we are not the one who
has to be worthy of praise!
You, O Lord, are my glory
 (Psa. 3:3).
Heart hear this,
 “He is your praise
(Deut. 10:21).
You are my King and my God
(Psa. 44:4).
 (Heart, hear, believe, 
and love the truth!)
 Heart, relax and believe the truth
 that we can find a 
refuge of power and love
in the presence of God:
“the Lord is good;
How blessed is the man
who takes refuge in Him!

(Psa. 34:8).
My soul clings to You
 (Psa. 63:8)).
 (Heart, let ourselves 
feel confidence
because of the truth!)
Do not fear or 
be dismayed because
the battle is not yours 
but God’s
(2 Chron. 20:15).
(Heart, hear, believe,  
and love the God who is close!)
 Heart, we are confident 
and we are secure
because it is not about us; Lord,
You are my God
My soul thirsts for You,
my flesh yearns for You
Thus I have seen
 You in the sanctuary,
 to see Your power
 and Your glory
My soul is satisfied

(Psa. 63:1,2,5).
we are turning away 
from our having to be
what quenches our thirst.
Right now Lord,
we are trusting that
Your presence is all around us
reassuring us 
being our reason for confidence
 , and being our reason
 to NOT be afraid
 (Heart, believe and love it)
Heart, God wants 
to be close 53
Heart, rejoice that 
we don't have to
avoid the truth about 
our human inadequacies.
God wants to be
 so close to us that
He becomes the God who
fills up our
 “falling short.”
we turn away from having
feed our need for the
presence of God,
 by enjoying the glory
 of our humanity.
 we want more than that!
So, we set our heart to
 “glory in Christ Jesus
and put no confidence in the flesh

(Phil. 3:3).
And, we turn our heart to love
 and enjoy Your closeness
to us here, God.
Lord, Your presence here makes
us confident and secure.
And we exalt You for it 
God, not ourselves
My soul, wait in silence
 for God only,
for my hope is from Him.
He only is my rock and my salvation,
my stronghold; 
I shall not be shaken.
On God my salvation
 and my glory rest;
 the rock of my strength, 
my refuge is in God
(Psa. 62:5-7).
Heart, rejoice that
we don’t have to define “success”
by how much we know or
of how much we are learning.
we repent of priding ourselves
with the approval of people
or with the impressiveness of
 our humanity.
Instead of that,
we set our heart to find
 the thrill we need,
by enjoying
 the presence of the Lord:
You, O Lord, 
are a shield about me,
my glory,
 and the One
 who lifts my head.”
 (Psa 3:3).
 (Heart, believe and love the God!)
Heart, rejoice in the truth that
we are turning from having to
 depend on ourselves 
to be what we need.
Lord You are my God
the pressure isn’t on us,
and we rest into putting 
our trust in You.
Right now Lord,
we are trusting that 
Your presence
 is all around us, reassuring us,
and filling our need

Heart, Enjoy 
God  54
 Heart, we rejoice that our
“goodness,” or “righteousness,”
or “perfection” is
not our human respectability.
 The nearness of God is our good.
 we love that we can stand 
before the Lord
and stay
inside the Spirit of God.

 we are trusting that our eyes
are looking at You Lord ..
not the things we don’t do.
we can draw near to God
and He draws near to us!
Lord we rest into enjoying the
closeness of the kingdom
all around us here.
we turn away from finding
confidence in what 
we do or don’t do.
Right now Lord, we are letting
ourselves enjoy the closeness
of Your righteousness
as our righteousness
not how well we discipline our
behavior and make good choices.
Doing that is a good thing,
 but Lord, we are letting ourselves
enjoy the closeness
 of Your perfection
as our perfection
(let ourselves enjoy it!)
not from the closeness 
of another person.
The nearness of God is our good.
And Lord, right now we are letting
ourselves enjoy
 the purity of Your goodness
with us is our goodness
not from my having 
done enough for God.
 Instead of that,
we are believing that God is at work
because He is in us.
And, He is also working all around us
because we are believing that
the kingdom of God is here
not how well we provide.
The Lord is the provider
who is worthy of praise not us.
we set our affections on God.
By faith we trust that we are
 looking at the closeness of God
and His kingdom all around us here
not based on whether the circumstances
cooperate with our plans.
 Right now, 
we are letting ourselves find courage
from the closeness and the sovereignty
of our God all around us here
not from the results we get. 
God is sovereign, not us.
we rest into You Lord
not the results we get 
from the things we do.
we turn our eyes to stay focused
on  God with us here 
(Heart, feel confidence from it!)
Jesus commanded that I should,
 “seek first His kingdom
and His righteousness

(Matt. 6:33).
And, it says to
Draw near to God
and He will draw near to us

(James 4:8).
have confidence to 
enter the holy place.”
(Heb. 10:19);
through Him we have our access
in one Spirit to the Father

 (Eph. 2:18).
By faith, we trust that we are
entering before God and that
by this we are receiving
the Holy Spirit that radiates
from the rivers of God.
we are trusting that our eyes
 are looking at the presence
of the kingdom of God
all around us here.
 And, we are letting ourselves
feel confidence from
believing that God’s presence
touching us is perfection,
our righteousness, our goodness.
Heart, God is your friend!
 (love it as truth!)
 Heart, we are confident
and secure because God’s presence
is around and in us.
the nearness of God is my good;
I have made the 
Lord God my refuge
(Psa. 73:28);
You are my hiding place 
and my shield
(Psa. 119:114).
I will say to the Lord, 
‘My refuge and my fortress,
My God, in whom I trust
(Psa. 91:2).
My eyes are on Your closeness
with us here Lord.
Your presence touching us 
is pure goodness
 (Heart, believe and 
love God as our
righteousness and goodness!)
 Heart, we believe God!
 The Lord is our Savior
 and our God.
 we are confident that 
we have God’s approval
because it says that
faith is the assurance 
of things hoped for,
the conviction of things not seen.
For by it the men of old 
gained approval
(Heb. 11:1,2).
Abraham believed God,
and it was reckoned to him as
righteousness he was called 
the friend of God
 (James 2:23).
Lord we are trusting that 
Your presence touching us
is making our humanity righteousness
(Heart, believe and love the truth!)
 Heart, our faith pleases God!
we are determined to let ourselves
believe that every time we come to
Him He will reward us 
with His presence:
 “And without faith it is impossible
to please Him for 
he who comes to God
must believe that He is
 a rewarder of those who seek Him.

 (Heb. 11:6).

Heart, Enjoy 
God 55
 Heart, we rejoice that our
“goodness,” or “righteousness,”
or “perfection” is
not how well we fix other people.
we rest in God because
the Lord is the wonderful counselor.

God is worthy of praise because
 He is the One who causes 
the growth not us.
we love that You Lord Jesus
 made a way for us to
draw near to the Father 
(Heart, hear, believe,
and love it as the truth!)
not from how well we 
manipulate conversations.
we put our faith in God
 as our righteousness all around us.
By faith we trust 
the perfection of God
to be all around and touching us.
By this, God is our perfection
not how much we prayed today.
Praying is important,
but we are trusting that 
we can draw near to God
and He does draw near to us .
The nearness of the goodness
 of the Lord is touching us
and He is our goodness
not how much we read the Bible.
Reading our Bible is vital,
but we are trusting God’s grace
to draw near and 
be our righteousness
 (Heart, love and enjoy God
as your righteousness!)
not how much we share
 our faith with others.
Witnessing is important,
but we are trusting God as our good
our righteousness is not from exalting
ourselves above other people who
don't do enough, 
or who don't measure up
 (Heart, hear, believe, 
and love it as the truth!)
are struggling with sin and failing,
 or who are not spiritual enough 
(Heart, believe it!)
are not friendly enough,
or who don't know or
believe the right things
Jesus commanded that we should,
 “seek first His kingdom 
and His righteousness
 (Matt. 6:33).
And, it says
Draw near to God and 
He will draw near to us
(James 4:8).
Therefore I
 “have confidence to
enter the holy place
(Heb. 10:19);
through Him 
we have our access in
one Spirit to the Father

(Eph. 2:18).
So, we trust that we are entering
 before God right now
and that by this
God is drawing near so that the
Kingdom of God is here!
Angels are all around us.
we are letting ourselves feel
confidence and courage
because the righteousness
and the perfection of God are here.
Heart, God is your friend!
 (Heart,believe it!)
Lord, we are confident that
You have given us access
 into Your presence.
 we rest into opening up inside to You
and we receive Your Presence
around us as our goodness,
I said to the Lord,
‘You are my Lord;
I have no good besides You

(Psa. 16:2). 
(Heart, hear, believe,  
and love the God who is close!)
we am confident because
when we draw near to God
He draws near to us.
the nearness of God is our good;
we have made the 
Lord God our refuge
 (Psa. 73:28).
the Lord is our righteousness
 (Jer. 33:16).
we are secure in God’s love
because IT IS WRITTEN:
the Lord is righteous, 
He loves righteousness
(Psa. 11:7) .
 If we do sin, we can be confident
because Jesus Christ
is speaking to the 
Father in our defense
(1 John 2:1).
And, we are confident that
we are forgiven because God
 forgives us for His name sake
 (1 John 2:12).
 we are confident that 
we are washed
because we are trusting 
that God is washing us
with the Light that is 
God the Holy Spirit
 (Heb. 10:22; 1 Cor. 6:11; 
1 John 1:7; Acts 10:15).
 (Heart, hear, believe, 
and love it as the truth!)
we are confident
and secure
because God has made us
the righteous of God
 inside Christ.
we are not sin any longer.
we are the righteousness of God
because we have faith
that Jesus Christ has done this for us
(2 Cor. 5:21; Rom. 3:22).
we are confident that God is
our good because He has made us
to be a dwelling place for Himself
(Rev. 21:3).
God has made us a temple
where the Spirit of God dwells
(1 Cor. 3:16; 1 Cor. 6:19).

Heart, Enjoy 
God 56
 Heart, we rejoice that our
“goodness,” or “righteousness,”
or “perfection” is
not in how well we perform.
It is not about the work
 that we do for God.
Lord we are trusting
 that You are here,
Your power is here,
and we are believing that  
You are doing Your work
not in how well we make people laugh.
our greatest thrill is 
causing God pleasure
by our faith and our trusting in Him 
 (Heart, let ourselves feel confidence
 because of the truth!)
not in how clean our house is.
It is the nearness of God
 that is our good not our 
earthly appearances
not the church we go to.
The Lord is our righteousness
not our church.
The Lord is our God
not our church
(Heart, believe and love the
closeness of God as 
your righteousness and perfection!)
not in how well we 
manipulate circumstances
and conversations 
so that people think
 we are righteous.
we turn from praising 
ourselves for that.
Lord, we praise You God
 (Heart, hear, believe, 
and love the truth!)
not in how well we fit in at church.
The Lord is our righteousness.
 His is the acceptance 
we have and long for most
 (Heart, let ourselves feel confidence
because of the truth!)
not in how well we related to them.
we turn from putting faith
in our human goodness.
 we praise God as our good
(Heart, believe and love
 the closeness of God as
your righteousness and perfection!)
not in how nice we are to people.
The Lord is our righteousness.
 we set our love on 
God not on ourselves
not in how well we make
 them feel accepted.
It is God’s acceptance and
His love that they long for most
not the appreciation and thanks
we get from other people.
God is our good.
Lord, we praise You, 
not ourselves
(Heart, let ourselves 
feel confidence
 because of the truth!)
Heart hear this. 
we are turning away
from having to achieve
the reassurance 
we need in earthly ways.
we rest and rejoice into
believing the grace of God because
 His presence reassures us.
we turn our eyes to look at
Your closeness to us Lord.
And, we are believing
 that God’s presence
touching us is perfection
 (Heart, believe that God
 is touching us all
around and
HE is our righteousness, 
perfection, and goodness!)
Lord, our confidence and
 security is because
You ARE our I AM.
Your Presence around and
 in us is our goodness:
the nearness of God is our good;
 we have made the Lord God our refuge

 (Psa. 73:28);
we are confident about being “in” Christ
by His doing we are in Christ Jesus
 (1 Cor. 1:30);
the Lord is our righteousness.”
 (Jer. 33:16).
And, we love You Lord.
we are determined to love
Your presence with more and more
freedom and thrill all the time.
we submit into believing this truth:
we are not a slave to sin
God has made us sons and daughters
and His heir
 (Gal. 4:7).
 we set our heart to trust that
the Holy Spirit is leading us
we are not under the law
 that makes us have to
earn righteousness before God
(Psa. 23:1; Gal. 5:18).
 (Heart, hear, believe, 
and love the truth!)
we are confident and secure
because God has called us
 into fellowship with Jesus Christ
and that hasn’t changed
 (1 Cor. 1:9).
 God has put us in right
 relationship with
Himself. God has done it
 (2 Cor. 5:18).
Jesus Christ calls us His friend
(John 15:15).
God has chosen us, He wants us.
God wants the best for us
(2 Thess. 2:13; 1 Pet. 2:9; 
2 Chron. 29:11).
we are at peace because 
we are trusting
that God has justified us
(Rom. 5:1).
 we are confident because 
God has made us
Light in the Lord
 (Eph. 5:8,9).
God has made us 
the light of the world
(Matt. 5:14). 
(Heart, let ourselves feel 
confidence because of the truth!)
Heart, Enjoy 
God  57
 Heart, we rejoice that our
“goodness,” or “righteousness,”
or “perfection” is
not in how well we achieve
being a perfect Christian.
God is perfect

He is worthy of praise 
not ourselves not in the
 bad things we help
people avoid.
 God is their deliverer. 
we praise You Lord,
 NOT ourselves not
 in our being right
 and their being wrong.
God is the one who is right.
Lord, we praise You, not ourselves
(Heart, believe and enjoy God as your
righteousness and perfection!)
not in how “justified”
we feel about being “right.”
The Lord is our righteousness,
God alone is our good.
The Lord is the God who justifies
our value and our existence.
And, God is near
 (Heart, love Him!)
not to make ourselves feel bad
after we do something wrong.
Lord we love that we can admit
when we do wrong.
we don’t have to punish 
ourselves or hide.
we are confident that
 the cross is payment
that is enough for us.
And for our humanity,
the nearness of God
 is our good;
 we have made the 
Lord God our refuge
(Psa. 73:28).
not how well we impress them.
 The Lord is our righteousness.
 we turn from trying to 
impress them with
 we delight and praise You God
that Your kingdom
 comes with power
 to heal and do miracles.
Your kingdom is here
and we rest in the Spirit that
shines onto us from 
the radiance around God
not from how well we avoid that
we might have done
 something wrong
instead of that,
we set our heart to be 
confident that 
God is our good.
we love trusting that God
forgives and cleanses us completely.
we love the truth about our
 being completely washed;
washed in the Spirit of our God.
(1 Cor. 6:11)
Jesus commanded that we should,
seek first His kingdom
 and His righteousness
(Matt. 6:33).
And, it says to
Draw near to God and
 He will draw near to us
(James 4:8).
have confidence to 
enter the holy place.”
(Heb. 10:19);
through Him we have our access
in one Spirit to the Father

 (Eph. 2:18).
By faith, we trust that we are
 entering before God and
that by this we are receiving 
the Holy Spirit
that radiates from 
the rivers of God.
we are trusting that 
our eyes are looking
at the presence of 
the kingdom of God
all around us here:
You are my God
My soul thirsts for You,
my flesh yearns for You
Thus I have seen You 
in the sanctuary,
to see Your power 
and Your glory
My soul is satisfied

 (Psa. 63:1,2,5);
we are believing that 
God’s presence
touching us is perfection,
 righteousness, goodness.
Heart, the PERSON of God 
is touching us
and God is your friend! 
(Heart, BELIEVE it!)
we are confident about 
being cleansed because
we confesses sin to God
and He forgives and cleanses us
(1 John 1:9).
 we are secure about 
the forgiveness of God
because it is by my faith 
in Him that He does it
(Acts 26:18; Luke 5:20)
(Heart, believe that God is
 all around you here 
and that HE is your
Lord we are trusting that we are
 near to You right now.
 we are drawing into You.
You Lord are my reassurance 
and my good.
My soul clings to You
 (Psa. 63:8);
 “I said to the Lord,
‘You are my Lord;
I have no good besides You
(Psa. 16:2);
 “You are my God I exalt you.”
 (Psa. 118:28 NIV).
 (Heart, hear it)
 Heart, we are confident
because God has made me
 a new person inside Christ
(2 Cor. 5:17).
 we are confident because 
my Jesus Christ
is wisdom for me.
our Jesus is righteousness for us.
 our Jesus is sanctification for us.
our Jesus is redemption for us.
What we are inside Christ,
we are, because God has done it
(1 Cor. 1:30).
Because of being inside Christ,
God has made us complete
and we are confident because of it
(Col. 2:10).
we are confident because we repent
of putting faith in ourselves;
the Lord is our righteousness.”
(Jer. 33:16).
we love You Lord.
we love Your presence—
and, we set our heart 
to love Your presence
with more and more
 freedom all the time.
 (Heart, believe and love God as your
righteousness and perfection!)
Heart, Change from 
Performance to Grace 58

 Heart, listen to what we are saying.
Let ourselves believe, love,
and be thankful for the truth!
Heart hear this:
God is good. It is evil that is evil!
 God is your friend!

 (Heart, think of Him that way!)
Heart, rejoice in the truth that
we don’t have to stay away from God
 because of fear about 
what people think.
Lord, we turn to You
because we are confident in You.
we reject being afraid.
we worship You Father.
Thank You Lord Jesus for being
the way to the Father
and for giving us access
(Joh 14:6, Eph 2:18)
Heart, rejoice in the truth
 that we don’t have to
let our desperation 
push us into trusting
how well we perform spiritually.
we turn from faith in ourselves.
Lord Jesus we love Your 
provision for us to enter.
we delight in Your grace.
we are confident that
You draw near to us
without holding back
 (Heart, love the truth!)
Heart, rejoice in the truth that
we don’t have to measure
our performance by how well
we feel Your presence Lord.
we turn our heart to 
confidently trust You
 to carry us near and 
to quench our thirst.
 we rest inside Your Presence
because we submit to the truth
about You being a river 
and coming here
(Heart, love Him!)
Heart, rejoice in the truth that
we don’t have to let pressure
from Christians be what drives us.
 we grab our soul and we turn it
from trying to perform for them.
Lord we turn to You
because You are our God.
My confidence and security is
because of Your presence on us
not how well they think of us
 (Heart, hear and believe it!)
we turn from fear of failure about
experiencing God’s presence.
 our confidence is in You Lord
NOT in our doing 
spiritual things just right
and NOT in how much excitement
we force into our worship toward You.
 we submit into being boldly 
confident about 
God’s grace and provision 
for us to draw near
and for You to draw near to us.
Heart, let ourselves 
believe that we are near
to the streams of God 
and that God is here.
By faith in the strength
of the radiance around God,
we are believing that God is
shining His presence onto us here.
 Heart, it is safe for us to 
open up and receive!
Believe that the Holy Spirit is
INTENSELY present 
because of the power
of the radiance that 
thunders onto us from
the rivers of God 
(Heart, love what you are believing
 that you are receiving!)
 Heart, we are secure about
experiencing God because
“It is better to take refuge 
in the Lord
than to trust in man”

(Psa. 118:8).
Lord, You are a refuge
 of power and beauty
around us
 Heart, we are confident that God
doesn’t hold back because
 “we receive the promise
of the Spirit through faith
 (Gal 3:14);
God said,
"I will dwell in them 
and walk among them;
and I will be their God,
and they shall be My people

(2Cor 6:16). 
(Heart, hear, believe, 
and love the God who is
 “he who comes to 
God must believe
that He is a rewarder 
of those who seek Him.”
(Heb. 11:6).
 “I will say to the Lord,
‘My refuge and my fortress,
My God, in whom I trust!
(Psa. 91:2).
 (Heart, hear, believe, 
and love God!)
 Heart, we are confident
about receiving God’s presence
because we are boldly 
believing God’s
grace to draw near to us;
it is by faith,
in order that it may be
 in accordance with grace,
so that the promise will 
be guaranteed to all
 (Rom. 4:16);
 “we receive the promise
 of the Spirit through
(Gal 3:14).
 Heart, we are confident in God
because we are
 “being built
into a dwelling of 
God in the Spirit.”
(Eph. 2:22). 
(Heart, hear, believe,
 and love the God who is close!)
 Heart, even though
we don’t understand it fully,
we are believing that we are
before the Lord right now.
 And, we are confident that
when we boldly believe
we are close to Him then 
He is here with us:
Draw near to God and 
He will draw near to you
 (James 4:8);
for through Him we have our access
in one Spirit to the Father.

 (Eph. 2:18; see also Heb. 4).
 (Heart, hear, believe, 
and love the truth!)

Changing from 
Performance to Grace 59
 Heart, listen to what 
we are saying.
Let ourselves believe, love,
and be thankful for the truth!
Heart hear this: God is good.
It is evil that is evil!
God is your friend!

 (heart think of Him that way!)
Heart, rejoice in the truth that
we don’t have to let our
“feeling God” be what justifies us.
our faith is in the power of 
the blood of Christ.
God is the One who justifies us.
our confidence is in the truth
that Jesus paid the price
so that we can draw near to the Father.
Thank You that You are here
 (Heart, love God!)
we don’t have to let the
hopes of other Christians
make me feel pressure
to perform spiritually.
we turn from having 
to perform for them.
we rest into being confident
that we are looking and
 listening to the Holy Spirit
 who is pouring out from 
the glorified Jesus
we are confident because of boldly
believing that
we CAN do what David
 did where he said,
I have set the Lord 
continually before me
(Psa. 16:8)
Heart, rejoice in the truth that
we don’t have to be afraid
to believe because of 
how much we want
God’s presence.
we grab our soul and 
we turn our fears away
from wanting to avoid God.
 we rest into boldly believing
the grace of God for
His drawing near to us.
we are confident in You Lord
 (Heart, confidence from it!)
we grab our soul and
 we turn it away
from trusting the 
amount of excitement
 in my worship in order to
experience God’s presence.
our confidence is 
NOT in how perfectly
or in how much excitement
we have in our worship toward God,
our confidence is in You Lord
and, we will 
NOT fear failure.
we are boldly confident 
about God’s grace
and provision for us
 to draw near
and that God is determined
 to draw near to us.
By faith in God to do
 what He says,
 we rest in faith that 
God’s presence is here
all around us
and touching us 
because of HIS grace 
(Heart, let ourselves
 enjoy God’s presence!)
 Heart, we are confident 
and secure
the one who comes to Me
I will certainly not cast out

(John 6:37).
Heart, let ourselves be 
delighted  and at peace that
none of those who 
take refuge in Him
will be condemned.

(Psa. 34:22). 
(Heart, hear, believe,
and love the God who is close!)
 Heart, we are confident
because we are commanded to
come to the waters 
delight ourselves in

(Isa. 55:1,2).
 (Heart, hear, believe,
 and love the God who is close!)
 Heart, hear this and 
have fun drinking up
the radiance around God.
 we will NOT hold back
 because we CAN
receive the kingdom
 of God like a child
(Luke 18:17);
Do not be afraid, little flock,
for your Father has chosen gladly
 to give you the kingdom
 (Luke 12:32).
the kingdom of God
 does not consist
in words but in power

(1Co 4:20).
 (Heart, love the
 closeness of His power!)
 Heart, it is not how 
well we perform!
Instead of that we are
building ourselves up 
on your most holy faith
(Jude 1:20);
And, our confidence 
is in You to do
what You say Lord because we
have boldness and confident
 access through faith in Him

 (Eph. 3:12).
 (Heart, feel confidence from it!)
 Heart, we are not holding back
because we are commanded to
draw near with confidence
to the throne of grace

 (Heb. 4:16).
 (Heart, hear, believe,
and love the God who is close!)
 Heart, rather than daydreaming
of earthly glories
it is by faith that we can do
what David did when he said,
I have set the Lord 
continually before me;
because He is at my right hand,
 I will not be shaken.”

(Psa. 16:8);
God said,
"I will dwell in them 
and walk among them;
and I will be their God,
 and they shall be My

(2Cor 6:16).
 Heart, we are confident and secure
because we can receive
 God’s presence by His
the one who has entered God’s rest
has himself also
 rested from his works,
as God did from His

(Heb. 4:10);
Come to Me, all who are
 weary and heavy laden,
and I will give you rest.
Take My yoke upon you 
and learn from Me,
for I am gentle and
 humble in heart,
and you will find 
rest for your souls
 (Mat. 11:28,29)
(Heart, hear, believe, 
and love it as the truth!)
Heart, Change from 
Performance to Grace 60
 Heart, listen to what 
you are saying.
Let ourselves believe, love,
and be thankful for the truth!
Heart hear this: God is good.
It is evil that is evil!
God is your friend!
(pause and think of Him that way!)
Heart, rejoice in the truth 
that we don’t have to
be afraid about not being
 able to achieve God’s
 we turn from letting Christians
put that kind of pressure on us.
we grab our soul and 
we turn it away from
having to come to
 God by faith in our works
 (Heart, let ourselves 
feel confidence
because of the truth!)
Heart, rejoice in the truth
 that we don’t have
to feel God’s presence
 in order to
measure up to the standards 
of other Christians.
Lord You are the standard.
we turn and we rest from 
having to achieve
Your Presence Lord
we just set our heart 
to love the God of heaven,
 who we are trusting is close,
 rejoice that we don’t have 
to let the pressure of
“getting and having” material things
to be what holds us back from God.
Instead of that, 
we set our heart to love getting
and having You Lord.
And, we love that it is 
right for us to receive
the kingdom like 
a branch drinks and to
“possess” You as our God
we don’t have to be 
spiritually distracted
by needing approval from people.
we are depending on You Lord.
You are the God that
 we love to please.
And Lord,we love that 
our faith causes You
(Heb 11:1,2,6)
we grab out soul and
 we turn it away
from pressure 
to perform in order to
experience God’s presence.
our confidence is in the truth
 about You Lord
we will NOT fear failure because
 Your Word is worthy
 of our complete trust.
By faith in God to do 
what He says,
we are believing that 
God’s presence is here
all around us and that 
He is touching us
because of HIS grace.
(believe it!)
 Heart, because God has done it
we rest in believing that we are
the ones who have Jesus Christ
and the Father also .

(1 John 2:23) 
(Heart, hear, believe,
and love the God who is close!)
 Heart, because God is doing it
we are the ones 
who have fellowship
with the Father and the Son
we are trusting 
God for His Light
to be continually shined upon us
(1 John 1:3; 1 John 1:7; 
1 John 1:5).
 Heart, because God has done it
we are kingdom priests to God
and a priest to other people 
on God’s behalf
(1 Pet. 2:9; Rev. 1:6).
 (Heart, hear, believe, 
and love the truth!)
 we submit into being confident that
none of those who take
refuge in Him will be condemned

(Psa. 34:22).
 (Heart, hear, believe,
and love the God who is close!)
But if it is by grace,
 it is no longer on the basis of works,
 otherwise grace is no longer grace.

(Rom. 11:6)
(Heart, hear, believe, 
and love the truth!)
 Heart, we set our heart 
to confidence
about believing because
they were not able to enter
because of unbelief”

 (Heb. 3:19).
he who comes to 
God must believe
that He is a rewarder 
of those who seek Him.
(Heb. 11:6). 

 Heart, we are confident 
and secure because
 “Ho! Every one who thirsts,
come to the waters;
and you who have 
no money come,  
buy and eat.
Come, buy wine 
and milk without money
 and without cost.
Why do you spend money
 for what is not bread,
and your wages for 
what does not satisfy?
Listen carefully to Me,
and eat what is good,
and delight ourselves in abundance
 (Isa. 55:1,2);
I, the Lord, am your God
Open your mouth wide
 and I will fill it.
(Psa. 81:10);
has He spoken, 
and will He not make it good?”
(Num. 23:19);
 “My people will be satisfied
 with My goodness,’
 declares the Lord
(Jer. 31:14).
 (believe and love God 
and His kingdom here!)
 Heart, let ourselves love 
the closeness of God.
Lord, You are
my rock and my fortress.
(Psa. 71:3).

You are my hiding place and my shield”
(Psa. 119:114)
 (believe and love the truth!)
Heart, Change from 
Performance to Grace 61
 Heart, listen to what 
you are saying.
Let ourselves believe, love,
and be thankful for the truth!
Heart hear this: God is good.
 It is evil that is evil!
 God is your friend!

(Heart, think of Him that way!)
Heart, rejoice in the truth that
we don’t have to let other people
define what it means to be
a “successful” Christian.
Lord, we trust Your word.
 we rest into drawing near to You
and we rest into letting
 You draw near
to us because it is right
(James 4:8)
 (Heart, let ourselves feel
 confidence and be
reassured by the closeness 
of God and His
Heart, rejoice in the truth 
that we don’t have to
put pressure on ourselves
 to perform spiritually
for those we love.
we rest and we trust in You Lord
 (Heart, let ourselves feel confidence
because of the truth!)
Heart, rejoice in the truth
 that we don’t have to
try to feel God’s presence
 because of pressure from
 the religious culture around us.
Lord we love that we can 
trust You to carry us closer.
You are the God who quenches
 our thirst we have nothing else but You 
(Heart, hear, believe, and love the truth!)
we don’t have to put our faith in
the experience of other people.
we turn and will trust the truth in the Bible
about drinking from God.
It is right and good for us to draw near
 (Heart, feel reassured by it!)
we don’t have to perform
 for other Christians
because that doesn’t
 justify us before God.
we turn from having to 
prove ourselves to them.
God is our glory
not what other Christians 
think about us
we don’t have to be afraid
because of how thirsty 
we are for God.
He doesn’t hold back.
we turn from fear because 
we don’t have to trust
ourselves we don’t have
 to perform for God.
Lord we rest in You we 
don’t have to be afraid about 
entering before the Lord.
we turn our soul to 
rest confidently in God.
Lord we trust we are drawing near
but we put our faith in You
to carry us close.
God doesn’t hold back
we grab our soul and 
we turn it away from
pressure to perform
 to experience God’s
our confidence is in You Lord
we will NOT fear failure.
 we are boldly confident 
about God’s grace and
provision for us to draw near
and for Him to draw near to us.
we believe that we are near 
and that God is here
 (Heart, let ourselves feel confidence
and be reassured by God’s presence!)
 Heart, we turn from fear because God
will not abandon His people:
 God says to me that
I will never desert you,
nor will I ever forsake you
(Heb. 13:5). 
(Heart, believe and 
love God who is close!)
the Shepherd and 
Guardian of your souls.”
(1 Peter 2:25).
 (Heart, feel confidence from it!)
 Heart, we love that 
we can trust God!
the Lord will not abandon
His people on account of
 His great name

(1 Sam. 12:22). 
(Heart, hear, believe, 
and love the God who is
 Heart, we are confident 
and secure because
 “those who know Your name 
will put their trust
in You, for You, O Lord,
have not forsaken those who seek You.

(Psa. 9:10).
 (Heart, hear it)
 Heart, heart hear this
stop fighting against the truth
and let ourselves believe it!
He will not fail you
(Deut. 4:31). 
(Heart, hear, believe,
 and love the God who is close!)
 Heart, we are secure because
the Lord will not 
abandon His people,
nor will He forsake us,
as His inheritance
(Psa. 94:14). 
(Heart, hear, believe,
and love the God who is close!)
we are confident
because God is our inheritance
God is our portion in this land
(Num. 18:20; Deut. 18:2). 
(Heart, hear, believe, 
and love the God who is
Heart, Change from 
Performance to Grace 62
 Heart, listen to what we are saying.
Let ourselves believe, love,
and be thankful for the truth!

Heart, rejoice in the truth that
we don’t have to make
pleasing others to be our “god.”
The Lord is our God
not other Christians,
not members of our family,
not our co-workers, not our pastor.
we turn and rest into faith that
believes God to draw near to us
because that is what pleases Him
(Heb 11:6)
we don’t have to agree with pressure
 to achieve spirituality that
would let us draw near.
 Lord we love that we don’t have to
 put our faith in works.
we turn and we trust Your grace.
we love You Lord
 (Heart, hear it)
we don’t have to measure up to
the unspoken spiritual standards in
the Christian culture around us.
The Lord is my God
we love You Lord,
not the standards other Christians
want us to live up to
we turn from fear of failure.
we reject pressure to 
perform spiritually .
 Experiencing God is 
about confidence in You Lord
NOT in ourselves .
we are confident about God’s grace and
provision for us to draw near
and for Him to draw near to us.
we are boldly believing that we are near
and that God is here.
Heart, God is a PERSON
 who is touching us 
(Heart, let ourselves feel confidence, be
reassured, and love God’s presence!)
 Heart, we are confident 
and secure because
Draw near to God
 and He will draw near to you

(James 4:8).
And, God promised with an
everlasting covenant,
to be God to you
and to your descendants

(Gen. 17:7;Gal. 3:29). 
(Heart, hear, believe,
and love the God who is close!)
 Heart, we rest in the truth because
My dwelling place
 also will be with them;
and I will be their God,
 and they will be My people
(Ezek. 37:27);
the will of God is,
that which is good 
and acceptable and perfect.
(Rom. 12:2).
 (Heart, hear, believe, 
and love the truth!)
the tabernacle of God
 is among men
(Rev. 21:3);
God said,
"I will dwell in them 
and walk among them;
and I will be their God,
 and they shall be My

(2Cor 6:16).
 “the river of living water, 
even the Lord.”
(Jer. 17:13).
 (Heart, hear, believe,
and love the God who is close!)
we experience God
because we set our heart
to find a safe refuge of strength
in His presence:
 “How precious is 
Your loving kindness,
O God!
And the children of men take refuge
in the shadow of Your wings.
They drink their fill
of the abundance of Your house;
and You give them to drink of
the river of our delights.

 For with You is the river of life;
in Your light we see light.

(Psa. 36:7-9)
 Heart, we are confident and secure in
directing our heart to glory in God,
because IT IS WRITTEN:
the nations will bless
 themselves in Him,
and in Him they will glory
(Jer. 4:2)
 Heart, we can enter and stay
before the Lord because
 “O Lord, I love
 the habitation of Your
house and the place where
 Your glory dwells.”
(Psa. 26:8);
and because it says,
where your treasure is,
 there will your heart be also

(Mat. 6:21).
 (Heart, hear, believe,
and love the God who is close!)
 Heart, we are confident
about experiencing God
here because
“God is Light if we 
walk in the Light as
He Himself is in the Light,
we have fellowship 
with one another
(1 John 1:5,7).
The grace of the 
Lord Jesus Christ,
and the love of God,
 and the fellowship 
of the Holy Spirit,
 be with you all
(2 Cor. 13:14);
God is spirit
(John 4:24);
the Lord is the Spirit
(2 Cor. 3:17).
 Heart, we are confident
and secure about experiencing
the fullness of God
Draw near to God and
He will draw near to you

(James 4:8);
God is not a man,
 that He should lie
(Num. 23:19).
“'See, the Lord your God
has placed the land before you;
go up, take possession
Do not fear or be dismayed.
(Deut. 1:21);
 “God is to us a 
God of deliverance
(Psa. 68:20).
 (Heart, believe and love it!)

Heart, God offers 
you more 63

 Heart, listen to what we are saying. 
Let ourselves believe, love,
and be thankful for the truth!
Heart, rejoice in the truth 
that we don’t have to
settle for where we have been 
and where we are now.
Lord we love what 
You have done for us
but we turn from wanting 
to satisfy ourselves
with spiritual achievements
 of the past.
Heart hear this:
God offers more, 
we need to want more
 (Heart, feel reassured by it!)
we delight that we don’t have 
to feed ourselves
with the level that 
God has brought us to.
we turn from feeding 
ourselves with spiritual pride
because of what 
God has done in us.
we turn, draw near, 
and we feed on You Lord.
Thank You for walking 
and sitting with us here 
(Heart, hear, believe,
and love it as the truth!)
we delight that we don’t have
to satisfy ourselves with pride
because of spiritual experiences.
our God is the river of glory
and we set our heart 
to stay feeding on Him,
not ourselves. 
we love that You are 
with us here Lord
 (Heart, let ourselves 
feel confidence
and be reassured 
by God’s presence!)
we delight that we 
don’t have to drink from
daydreams about 
spiritual victories of the past.
we will quench our thirst with God
and not turn away.
God is God. He offers far more
we need to want more 
we don’t have to drink
 from daydreams about 
our hopes for future

spiritual experiences with God.
we turn to You Lord 
because it is from You
that our fruit comes
 (Heart, hear, believe,
and love the truth!)
we don’t have to relax
 from drinking from God.
Even when things go 
well for several days
Lord we will stay turned to You.
Heart hear this!
God is our best hope for 
quenching our thirst
not earthly things
Heart hear these truths
and let ourselves love that we can
press forward without 
having to hold back at all! 
(let ourselves feel confidence 
from the closeness
of God’s power and glory!)
but indeed, as we live,
 all the earth will be filled
with the glory of the Lord

(Num. 14:21).
For the earth will be filled
With the knowledge of 
the glory of the Lord,
as the waters cover the sea

the nations will 
bless themselves in Him,
and in Him they will glory

 (Jer. 4:2).
In the Lord all the offspring
of Israel will be justified
and will glory

(Isa 45:25).
worship in the Spirit of God
and glory in Christ Jesus
and put no confidence 
in the flesh,”
(Phil. 3:3).
to the end that we would
be to the praise of His glory

(Eph. 1:12).
 (Heart, feel reassured by it!)
For as the earth brings 
forth its sprouts,
and as a garden causes
the things sown in it to spring up,
So the Lord God 
will cause righteousness
and praise to spring up 
before all the nations.
For Zion's sake 
I will not keep silent,
And for Jerusalem's sake 
I will not keep quiet,
until her righteousness 
goes forth like
and her salvation like 
a torch that is burning.
The nations will see 
your righteousness,
and all kings your glory;
and you will be 
called by a new name
which the mouth of 
the Lord will designate.
You will also be a crown of beauty
in the hand of the Lord,
and a royal diadem
 in the hand of your God
(Isa. 61:11-62:3).
Abide in Me, and I in you.
As the branch cannot
 bear fruit of itself
unless it abides in the vine,
so neither can you unless 
you abide in Me
(John 15:4).
In the days to come 
Jacob will take root,
 Israel will blossom and sprout,
and they will fill 
the whole world with fruit
(Isa. 27:6).
 (let ourselves feel confidence
 from the closeness
of God’s power and glory!)
No Vacations 
from God 64
 Heart, listen to what 
we are saying.
Let ourselves believe, love,
and be thankful for the truth!

we don’t have to 
satisfy ourself with
where we have been with God.
we will not turn
 from moving ahead.
More is always possible with God.
Heart hear this!
 Want more!
Move ahead and don’t hold back
we don’t have to relax
from drinking from God
when we go to work or school.
we refuse to go on 
vacation from God
when we are at home,
 when we are alone,
when we are with Christians,
or with unbelievers.
God is our hope of
glory no mater where 
we are or when
 (Heart, hear, believe,
and love it as the truth!)
we don’t have to stop drinking
 from God when we leave town.
 we love that we can 
exalt and honor God
 by continuing to drink from Him
and not from earthly sources.
 God fills us better.
our eyes and our ears 
are turned to You Lord
 (Heart, hear, believe,
and love it as the truth!)
we don’t have to pride ourselves
with how well we 
have done spiritually.
 we praise You Lord for the growth
You have caused.
we turn from spiritual pride.
God is how we quench
 our thirst, not pride
 (Heart, believe it)
we don’t have to let ourselves
 get comfortable
and satisfy ourselves with
 the heights to which 
we have climbed.
God is our shepherd.
He is the one who causes 
the growth, not us.
we turn from worship toward us.
The Lord is our God.
we will follow where You lead 

(Heart, hear, believe, 
and love it as the truth!)
Heart, rejoice to turn
 from and die to
self-directed praise
even attitudes of self-praise
 for little reasons.
Lord, we praise You because
 You are God, not us
God has shone in our hearts
to give the Light of the knowledge
of the glory of God
in the face of Christ
we have this treasure
 in earthen vessels,
so that the surpassing greatness 
of the power will
be of God
and not from ourselve
(2 Cor. 4:6,7).
the god of this world has 
blinded the minds of
the unbelieving so that
 they might not see the
light of
the gospel of the glory of Christ

(2 Cor. 4:4).
but indeed, as I live,
all the earth will be filled
with the glory of the Lord

(Num. 14:21).
For the earth will be filled
with the knowledge of
the glory of the Lord,
 as the waters cover the sea

(Hab. 2:14).
the Lord gives grace and glory;
no good thing does
He withhold from those 
who walk uprightly
 (Psa. 84:11). 
(let ourselves feel confidence 
from the closeness

God’s power and glory!)
There will be no end 
to the increase of
His government or of peace
To establish it and to
 uphold it with justice
and righteousness
The zeal of the Lord of hosts
will accomplish this

(Isa. 9:7).
righteousness and justice
 are the foundation of His throne

(Psa. 97:2).
a river of the water of life coming
 from the throne of God

(Rev. 22:1).
But let justice roll down 
like waters and
righteousness like an
 ever-flowing stream
 (Amo. 5:24).
In Your loving kindness
 You have led the
people whom 
You have redeemed;
in Your strength 
You have guided them
to Your holy habitation 
You will bring them
and plant them in the 
mountain of Your

the place, O Lord,
which You have made 
for Your dwelling,
 the sanctuary, O Lord, which
Your hands have established

(Exo. 15:13,17).
And it will come about
 in the last days
that the mountain of 
the house of the Lord
will be established
as the chief of the mountains
And the peoples will stream to it.
Many nations will come and say,
‘Come and let us go up to
the mountain of the Lord
 And to the house
That He may teach us about His
ways and that 
we may walk in His paths’”
(Micah 4:1,2).
 (Heart, believe it)
.Heart dont Be Afraid 
before God 65
Pursue peace with all men,
 and the sanctification 
without which
no one will see the Lord

(Heb 12:14).
Are we afraid and feel
 unworthy to come before
God? our body needs cleansing.
We ARE sons and daughters of God
(Rom 8:15).
We ARE royalty and 
ARE priests in God’s kingdom.
We WILL reign with Him.
(Rev 5:9,10).
As priests, we are to 
come to the throne of God
with confidence
(Heb 4:16).
We are to stand before 
the Lord, minister to Him,
and be His ministers
(2 Chron. 29:11).
Yet even with confidently 
believing all of this,
for some it can be terrifying
to be intimately close to God.
What is the cause of our fear
and feeling so unworthy?
Why do we sometimes want
to get dirty again after being
close to the Lord?
How can we apply 
an effective solution
that solves all of these things?
When Isaiah saw the Lord,
he felt so unworthy he said,
Woe is me, for I am ruined!
Because I am 
a man of unclean lips
(Isa 6:5).
To solve the problem
God had an angelic being 
touch Isaiah’s lips.
When Moses saw 
the bush burning,
the Bible says that 
God made the dirt holy.
Then God had 
Moses take his shoes off
so that the holy dirt 
could touch Moses
 and make him holy also
(Exo 3:2-5).
Our Body isn’t Redeemed Yet
Even though,
you have received
a spirit of adoption as sons
(Rom 8:15),
 it also says that
we groan within ourselves,
waiting eagerly for 
the redemption of our body
(Rom 8:23).
And also that
 “If Christ is in you,
though the body is 
dead because of sin,
yet the spirit is alive
because of righteousness

(Rom 8:10).
So our body, our humanity
 hasn’t been fully
“redeemed” yet.
And this problem isn’t 
completely fixed
until we go to be with the Lord
we get a new body
(1Co 15:51-53).
We ARE alive to God.
We ARE His sons and daughters
whom He loves deeply.
Yet, when we are inviting the
presence of the Lord,
we are inviting Him to come close
 to our human body
that the Bible says is still
 “dead because of sin”
(Rom 8:10).
And God says to us,
"By those who come near Me
 I will be treated as holy
(Lev 10:3).
He also says to us,
"be holy, for I am
 the Lord your God"
 (Lev 20:7).
How do we do that?
The answer can ONLY be that 
He has to be the one 
to make our body holy.
And we have to 
completely trust Him
to do it.
Breaking through to higher levels
requires that it has to be easy for us
to receive His cleansing for our body.
And God is good,
so it must work.
Heart hear this and embrace it.
Our relationship with God
includes our humanity HERE
"the body is for the Lord,
and the Lord is for the body

(1 Cor. 6:13).
Start by letting our heart 
believe that it is
safe and good for us to 
let God touch our skin.
Our part and God’s
God says,
I am the Lord your God.
Consecrate ourselves therefore,
and be holy, for I am holy

(Lev 11:44).
Consecration means that
 WE are to separate ourselves 
from evil and to the Lord.
Our part is to consecrate 
ourselves from the
and to the Lord.
God’s part is the act of actually
 making us holy by touching us
with the Holy Spirit.
The Bible calls this sanctification.
Four times in the Bible God says to

Heart, Cleanse 
ourselves 66
HE is the God who “sanctifies us” 
the God who makes us holy
 (Exo 31:13; Lev 20:8; 
Lev 21:8; Lev 22:32).
The Old Testament 
priests were told,
consecrate the altar,
and the altar shall be most holy

(Exo 40:10).
And when the priests did 
their part to consecrate
the altar then God came 
and did His part
to actually make it holy.
God says of
 “the veil the altar 
My sanctuaries
I am the Lord who sanctifies them

(Lev 21:23).
The priests did the consecrating,
and God did the part of
 actually making them
God does His part
 to make things holy.
He will do that for us.” 
When we do our part,
God does His.
God doesn’t hesitate.
He doesn’t hold back.
The Bible explains how 
something becomes
sanctified when it says that
 “the altar shall be most holy,
and whatever touches
 the altar shall be holy
(Exo 29:37).
In our case, we are
"sanctified by the Holy Spirit"
(Rom 15:16),
touching us, inside and out
(1 Thess. 5:23).
Regarding our salvation 
God says that
you were washed 
you were sanctified
in the Spirit of our God

(1Co 6:11).
And Paul wrote about 
us after salvation,
"may the God of peace Himself
sanctify you entirely;
and may your spirit and soul
and body be preserved complete,
 without blame

(1 Thess. 5:23).
It also says that we are
sanctified by faith in Him
(Acts 26:18).
God says,
 “I will sprinkle clean water on you,
and you will be clean;
I will cleanse you from 
all your filthiness
and from all your idols

 (Ezek. 36:25).
So whenever you feel unworthy,
or unholy, 
trust God to touch us 
with the Holy Spirit.
BELIEVE that God
 is sanctifying us
because anything 
He touches becomes holy.
 Believe it and enjoy Him doing that!
Let us say it again.
we are
sanctified by faith in Him
(Acts 26:18)
to be doing it.
Our part of consecration works 
together with
God’s part sanctifying us holy.
The benefit of consecrating
ourselves is that it prepares us
for drawing near to the Lord.
Now that we have consecrated
ourselves to the Lord, come near

(2Ch 29:31).
So heart, hear this.
We really ARE
sanctified by faith in Him
(Acts 26:18)
What does that mean?
It means that even 
our body is made holy
by our  faith that God is touching us
and making us holy.
 “it is by faith,
in order that it may be
 in accordance with grace,
so that the promise will
 be guaranteed to all
(Rom. 4:16).
So if we are believing God
 is cleansing us,
 then we are guaranteed that 
He is actually doing it.
Related is where it says to
"put on the armor of light
put on the Lord Jesus Christ
 (Rom. 13:12,14).
God is Light if we walk in
the Light as He Himself
 is in the Light,
we have fellowship 
with one another,
and the blood of Jesus His Son
cleanses us from all sin

(1Jo 1:5,7).
So it is right for us to believe
that God is washing our body
with the Holy Spirit,
washing us with His Light.
 Believe it with freedom.
Lower our guard and 
let Him touch our body.
Enjoy His cleansing that makes
us perfect and holy.
God makes us holy
by your faith in Him to be doing it.
 And, God doesn’t hold back.
Receive that because it is true.
 Tell Him now,
I LOVE You God!”
And love that He really
 IS washing us now.

Chapter 5




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