Chapter 7

Remember the father is seeking for us to stand in the gap
The Holy Spirit is drawing us to a standing point
as we go forward we may at some point 
as we stand in the gate be reminded
of someone or something to reach out to.
If a scripture opens this then pause for a while
and allow the Holy Spirit to reveal it.

God is Our Adequacy and Strength 100
Heart, rejoice that the adequacy
and strength we NEED are that
 we turn to God.
The glory of God is greater
than ours!
we humble ourself to
believe and to let ourself
be reassured by the closeness
of Your adequacy Lord

(let ourself feel confidence from the
closeness of God’s power and glory!)

not from how well we perform.
God is the standard
 not us.
 we love how well You perform Lord
not from how much influence we have.
We are reassured by the power of the Holy Spirit.
 we drink from You God

(let ourself feel confidence from the
 closeness of God’s power and glory!)

not from how well we do in sports.
we trust and we receive Your adequacy
 and strength Lord.
God is our adequacy
(let ourself feel confidence from the
closeness of God’s power and glory!)

not from our physical strength.
Our adequacy is from the closeness of God.
And right now, We are letting ourself
enjoy feeling reassured
because of the closeness of Your adequacy
all around us Lord
not from the car we ride in,
or the cloths we wear.
we can draw near to God and He does draw near to us. 
Right now We are trusting that We are before the Lord.
 The kingdom of God is all around us here.
Angels are here.
And, the God who is right here before us now,
He is the commander of the armies of heaven
not from the (earthly possession) that we have.
The closeness of God is our adequacy.
Right now, We are letting ourself feel adequate
because God is with us here

(Heart, believe, and love it as the truth!)

not from how clean our house is,
or how good our yard looks.
we praise You Lord for the beauty of Your adequacy,
and We are strengthened by Your kingdom
being all around us here

(Heart, love it as truth!)

It is thrilling to turn from earthly sources and toward God. Our adequacy is to
 stand before the Lord of hosts and praise
His presence close to us.
 we will not hold back.
Our eyes are on You Lord
O God, You are awesome
from Your sanctuary God gives strength
and power to the people.
Blessed be God!”
(Psalm. 68:35).
God has promised with an
everlasting covenant,
to be God to you and to your descendants
(Gen. 17:7; and also Gal. 3:29).
 “Be strong and let your heart take courage
hope in the Lord
(Psalm. 31:24).
Be on the alert, stand firm in the faith,
act like men, be strong.”
 (1 Cor. 16:13).
 “Be strong in the Lord and in
 the strength of His might.”
(Eph. 6:10).

 (let ourself feel confidence from the
 closeness of God!)
Behold, God is our salvation,
we will trust and not be afraid;
for the Lord God is our strength and song,
and He has become our salvation.”
(Isa. 12:2).

(Heart, believe and love the God who is close!)

confidence is ours through Christ before God
our competence comes from God
 (2 Cor. 3:4,5 ).
I love You, O Lord, our strength.”
(Psalm. 18:1).

 (Heart, be thankful and love the God who is close!)

The Lord is our strength and our shield;
our heart trusts in Him,
and We are helped;
therefore our heart exults,
and with our song I shall thank Him”
(Psalm. 28:7).

(Heart, be thankful and love the truth!)

Our God is greater than 
the little gods this
 world has to offer. God says to us,
 “You shall not fear other gods,
nor bow down yourselves to them
nor serve them nor sacrifice to them
(2 Kings 17:35)
do not fear their intimidation,
and do not be troubled.”
(1 Pet. 3:14).

(Heart, hear and love it)

Heart, God is Our Strength 101
Heart, rejoice that the adequacy
and strength we NEED are
not from the results we get
or from how hard we work.
we turn and we rest into believing God’s adequacy
on our behalf

(let ourself feel confidence from the
closeness of God’s power and glory!)

not from how well we justify ourself.
God is the one who justifies
not us.
Our eyes and our ears are on You
not from how well we achieve being perfect
It is the closeness of our perfect God
That reassures us

(Heart, let ourself feel
confidence because of the truth!)

not from how tough We are apart from God.
The strength of God is adequate
and we turn to put our trust in You Lord
not from pride in our own strength to fight.
The Lord is the God who fights on our behalf.
 Our confidence is in God
not from the things we get done on our list.
God is the standard.
we receive God’s perfect presence and We are reassured
not from how well we stay in control.
The strength that reassures us is the closeness of God.
 we set our affections on Him

(Heart, let ourself feel
confidence because of the truth!)

heart, let ourself love that we don’t have to be afraid about not having enough discipline
to keep drinking from God
use our neediness as motivation!
Heart, we love that we can receive
from the radiance of God.
Our need is so great,
that the more we love and enjoy being secure
and strong in God’s presence,
the more it helps motivate us
in our inner being, pointed toward
the closeness of Lord and His kingdom
24 hours-a-day.

(love it!)

In God I have put our trust,
 I shall not be afraid
 (Psalm. 56:11)
confidence is ours through 
Christ before God 
competence comes from God
 (2 Cor. 3:4,5 NIV).
You are our God I exalt you.
 (Psalm. 118:28 NIV).

(Heart, believe and love the God who is close!)

Heart hear the word of the Lord!
“the Lord God, the Holy One of Israel,
has said,
 ‘In repentance and rest you will be saved,
in quietness and trust is your strength’
 (Isa. 30:15).

(Heart, feel reassured by it!)

Though a host encamp against us,
 our heart will not fear;
 though war arise against us,
 in spite of this we shall be confident.
One thing we have asked from the Lord, 
that we shall seek:
 that we may dwell in the house of the Lord
 All the days of our life,
 to behold the beauty of the Lord
and to meditate in His temple.
For in the day of trouble
He will conceal us in His tabernacle;
in the secret place of His tent
He will hide us;
He will lift us up on a rock.
And now our head will be lifted up
above our enemies around us,
and we will offer in His tent 
sacrifices with shouts of joy;
 we will sing, yes, we will
 sing praises to the Lord.”
(Psalm. 27:3-6).

(let ourself feel confidence from the
closeness of God’s power and glory!)

I will not be afraid because
 it is Heaven that rules.”
(Dan. 4:26);
 “O Lord God, You are our confidence
 (Psalm. 71:5);
 “In God I have put our trust, I shall not be afraid
(Psalm. 56:11);
I love You, O Lord, our strength.”
 (Psalm. 18:1);
Behold, God is our helper;
The Lord is the sustainer of our soul.”
(Psalm. 54:4)

Heart, God is Our Adequacy and Strength 102
Heart, rejoice that the adequacy
and strength we NEED are
not from what we haven't done.
 we turn from wanting religious pride.
Our praise goes to the adequacy
and purity of God

 (let ourself feel confidence from the
closeness of God’s power and glory!)

not from how well we discipline ourself.
The sovereign control of God is what reassures us.
 we submit to You Lord.
It is heaven that rules and
You are the commander of the armies of heaven
not from how well we plan and organize.
 we turn from having to depend on ourself.
we trust the Holy Spirit to speak to us

(Heart, let ourself feel
confidence because of the truth!)

not from what we provide.
 we humble ourself into being reassured
by the closeness of God’s adequacy
to provide for us

 (Heart, let ourself feel confidence
because of the truth!)

not from how well we set standards and achieve goals.
we love the closeness of God who is adequate to do
What He wants

(let ourself feel confidence from the
closeness of God’s power and glory!)

not dependent on our getting more.
we humble ourself into trusting
the closeness of the adequacy of God
not from how well we 
anticipate what might happen next.
 It is God who knows the future.
we turn our ear to You Lord

(Heart, let ourself feel
confidence because of the truth!)

not from our having conquered people.
It is God’s power that is the adequacy
and strength that we love
not our own

 (let ourself feel confidence from the
closeness of God’s power and glory!)

are not from our finding friends
who will share our dreams.
God is our adequacy.
we feed on Him and not our daydreams

(let ourself feel confidence from the
closeness of God’s power and glory!)

not from how well we fit in.
The courage we need comes from God.
 Lord we turn and we let Your closeness refresh us
 By salvation we have the acceptance of God
by our faith,
 we have His approval and pleasure.
 we turn to God!
 It is the acceptance of God that thrills us.
we love that our faith gives God pleasure

 (Heart, let ourself feel confidence
because of the truth!)

God approves of us and We are strengthened
by Him not from relationships with people.
God is our adequacy.
It is relationship with God that thrills us
not from how well we related to them.
 we turn from pride because of that.
Our adequacy is the closeness of God

(let ourself feel confidence from the
closeness of God’s power and glory!)

not from how hard we push ourself 
to do something
that avoids disapproval.
Our protection is the closeness of God.
When we draw near to God
He draws near by 
bringing heaven with Him
By faith We are trusting that 
our eyes are looking
at Your power and glory Lord:
 “You are our God
Our soul thirsts for You,
our flesh yearns for You
Thus we have seen You in the sanctuary,
to see Your power and Your glory
Our soul is satisfied
 (Psalm. 63:1,2,5).

Heart, God is Our Adequacy and Strength 103
Heart, rejoice that the adequacy
and strength we NEED are
not from doing enough to deserve acceptance.
 we trust the power of the blood of Christ for salvation,
forgiveness, and for the acceptance of God
we submit into believing that 
we have God’s full acceptance
a burnt offering he shall offer it that
 he may be accepted before the Lord.”
(Lev. 1:3).
Christ also loved you and
gave Himself up for us,
an offering and a sacrifice to God”
(Eph. 5:2).
Christ also accepted us to the glory of God.”
(Rom. 15:7).

 (Heart, feel confidence from it!)

not from how tough We are apart from God.
we turn to You Lord!
 In quietness and in resting in God
is our strength.
And right now,
We are letting ourself feel strengthened
by confidently trusting that we have drawn near
 to the Lord and that the kingdom of God
is all around us here

(Heart, love it as the truth!)

not from the counsel we give to important people.
 we turn our heart to love the counsel
 that freely comes from the Holy Spirit in us
and the Holy Spirit being radiated onto us
from the fountain of God not from people
who want to talk to us.
God is our boast.
Our adequacy is God.
we turn to You Lord 
not from the compliments we get. 
Heart hear this!
Our “praise is not from us, but from God.”
(Rom. 2:29)

(Heart, let ourself feel confidence
because of the truth!)

Heart, we love that we can receive from
the radiance of God .
we CAN draw near to God
and our need is so great,
 that the more we love and enjoy being secure
and strong in God’s presence,
 the more it helps motivate us to keep
drinking to our inner being,
pointed toward the closeness of Lord
and His kingdom 24 hours-a-day.
O Lord God, You are our confidence”
(Psalm. 71:5);
 will not fear,
 though the earth should change 
and though the mountains 
slip into the heart of the sea”
 (psalm. 46:2);
I will say to the Lord,
‘Our refuge and our fortress,
our God, in whom I trust!’”
 (Psalm. 91:2)
Heart hear this:
 “You shall not fear man,
for the judgement is God’s
(Deut. 1:17). ..
The Lord is for us;
I will not fear;
what can man do to us?”
 (Psalm. 118:6)
Do not fear,
for those who are with us
are more than those who are with them
(2 Kings 6:16).
Heart hear this:
Do not fear or be dismayed
because of this great multitude,
for the battle is not yours but God's”
(2 Chron. 20:15).
In the fear of the Lord there is strong confidence,
and his children will have refuge
(Prov. 14:26).
In God I have put our trust,
I shall not be afraid
 (Psalm. 56:11);
 we will not give up or  give in because our
 confidence is ours through Christ before God
(2 Cor. 3:4 ).
(Heart, feel confidence from it!)

God’s word to us is:
do not be afraid for the Lord your God
 is the one who goes with you
(Deut. 31:6).
Be strong and courageous, and act
 (1 Chron. 28:20)
Heart hear and believe this!
I will say to the Lord,
‘Our refuge and our fortress,
our God, in whom I trust!’
For it is He who delivers you from the snare
of the trapper and from the deadly pestilence.
He will cover you with His wings,
and under His wings you may seek refuge;
 His faithfulness is a shield and buckler.
You will not be afraid of the terror by night,
 or of the arrow that flies by day
a thousand may fall at your side
and ten thousand at your right hand,
 but it shall not approach you
(Psalm. 91:2-5,7).

Heart, God is Our Adequacy and Strength 104
rejoice that the adequacy
and strength we NEED are
not from how well we fix other people’s problems.
 Jesus is the Messiah not us!
we put our trust in God as Savior

(let ourself feel confidence from the
closeness of God’s power and glory!)

not from how well we achieve “spiritual goals.”
 The adequacy we love is the closeness of our God.
 we feed on You Lord
not from the dreams we have for the future.
we turn from exalting us and we feed on God.
 we love exalting You Lord
not from people who desire us.
The measure of our adequacy is God.
We are strengthened by Your closeness Lord.
 Our God is the commander 
of the armies of heaven. 
And, it is heaven that rules
not from how much money we earn.
we turn our soul to receiving and possessing
the closeness of the Lord as our God,
not money

(let ourself feel confidence from the
closeness of God’s power and glory!)

not from how tough we are apart from God.
God is our strength.
And when we draw near to God,
 it is the commander of the armies of heaven
who comes close to us here.
The kingdom and angels are here
not from people who are 
impressed with our spirituality.
 we turn from adequacy that is from us.
The Lord is our God

(let ourself feel confidence from the
 closeness of God’s power and glory!)

not from our being able to cause pleasure in others.
 we love that our faith gives God pleasure
 (Heb. 11:1,2,6)

(let ourself feel confidence from the
closeness of God’s power and glory!)

It is thrilling to turn from earthly sources
 and toward God.
Our adequacy is to stand before the
Lord of hosts and praise
His presence close to us.
Lord, we love that You draw near to us
without holding back

(Heart, let ourself feel confidence
because of the truth!)

we will not look at ourself and lose hope
in God’s promises to us because our
“confidence is ours through Christ before God”
(2 Cor. 3:4 ).

(Heart, be thankful and love the God who is close!)

adequacy is from God.”
(2 Cor. 3:5)
Lord, it is not to our inadequacies that I cling,
 “Our soul clings to You
(Psalm. 63:8);
Heart hear this:
He is your praise
(Deut. 10:21);
I love You, O Lord, our strength.”
(Psalm. 18:1).
we rest in God because
In repentance and rest you will be saved,
in quietness and trust is your strength’
(Isa. 30:15).
God is our confidence because He says to us,
“Our Spirit is abiding in your midst; do not fear!”
(Hag. 2:5).
(Heart, be thankful and 
love the God who is close!)
I have set the Lord continually before us;
Because He is at our right hand,
we will not be shaken.
Therefore our heart is glad 
and our glory rejoices;
 our flesh also will dwell securely.”
(Psa. 16:8,9)
I have become a marvel to many,
For You are our strong refuge
(Psalm. 71:7).
Listen to Me, you who know righteousness,
a people in whose heart is Our law;
do not fear the reproach of man,
nor be dismayed at their reviling.”
(Isa. 51:7).

 (Heart, believe and love the God who is close!)

Heart, God as Our Adequacy and Strength 105
Heart, rejoice that the adequacy
and strength we NEED are
not from how well we keep 
others impressed with us.  
God’s glory is greater.
 we look at Your closeness
and are refreshed

(let ourself feel confidence from the
closeness of God’s power and glory!)

we turn from feeding on how well they
accept our word.
Our fruit is from God
we turn our soul from having to be
adequate apart from God.
Lord, we turn and face toward You.
You are God not us.
You are Lord over all the armies of heaven.
It is heaven that rules!
And so heart hear this:
Our adequacy is from God

(Heart, enjoy confidence because of the truth!)

Heart, listen to what you are saying and let ourself believe and love the truth!
God says to us,
 “Do not fear, for we have redeemed you;
we have called you by name; you are Mine!
(Isa. 43:1).
we rest confidently in God because God says to us,
Our Spirit is abiding in your midst;
do not fear!”
(Hag. 2:5).

Heart hear and turn to God,
do not fear their intimidation,
and do not be troubled.”
(1 Pet. 3:14).
Do not fear or be dismayed
for the battle is not yours but God's
(2 Chron. 20:15).
Heart listen and believe God’s Word to us!
Be strong and courageous!
Do not tremble or be dismayed,
For the Lord your God 
is with you wherever you go.” 
(Jos. 1:9).

 (Heart, feel confidence from it!)

God said, "I will dwell in them
and walk among them;
and I will be their God,
and they shall be Our people
 (2Cor 6:16).
Be strong and let your heart take courage
hope in the Lord
(Psalm. 31:24);
Be strong in the Lord and in the
strength of His might.”
 (Eph. 6:10);
Be on the alert, stand firm in the faith,
act like men, be strong.”
 (1 Cor. 16:13).

(let ourself feel confidence from the
closeness of God’s power and glory!)

There will be no end 
to the increase of His government 
or of peace
To establish it and to uphold it with
justice and righteousness
The zeal of the Lord of hosts
 will accomplish this
(Isa. 9:7).
You know of Jesus of Nazareth,
how God anointed Him
with the Holy Spirit and with power,
and how He went about doing good and healing
all who were oppressed by the devil,
 for God was with Him.”
(Acts 10:38).
The Lord performs righteous 
deeds and judgments for all who are oppressed
 (Psalm 103:6).
righteousness and justice are
the foundation of His throne
(Psalm. 97:2).
a river of the water of life
 coming from the throne of God
(Rev. 22:1).
But let justice roll down like waters
and righteousness like an ever-flowing stream
(Amo. 5:24).
By faith We are trusting that our eyes are looking
at Your power and glory Lord:
You are our God
Our soul thirsts for You,
our flesh yearns for You
Thus we have seen You in the sanctuary,
to see Your power and Your glory
Our soul is satisfied
(Psalm. 63:1,2,5).
Heart, we delight that we don't have to agree
with demonic lies to find confidence
and adequacy, apart from God.
 Lord, we pray that You would rebuke
any one pushing us to boast
in something apart from You.
 we denounce these things!
The Lord is our God.
And Lord, we ask that with Your authority
and power You would command the forces of evil
to leave us alone
 and to never come back

(Heart, let ourself believe
that He is doing it).

Heart , have Confidence to Receive From God, 106
 Heart, we grab our soul and we turn it from wanting to distract ourself away from God.
we turn away hopelessness and despair because
the gush from the fountain of God IS available to us
in abundance.
the nations will bless themselves in Him,
and in Him they will glory
(Jer. 4:2)
And, we rest into believing that we can do
that too earthly things are not the best
we can confidently hope to feed on.
God forgives us freely by His grace.
Lord, We are thirsty for Your presence.
Heart, we CAN trust We are coming to the Lord.
And He will draw near to us here.
Heart, be confident about God’s promise to
quench our thirst with a river of the Holy Spirit
(John 7:37-39)
our glory is not to protect ourself with lies.
The presence of God is our glory!
 we CAN and we should be confident about that;
“glory in Christ and put no confidence in the flesh” 
(Phil. 3:3)

(Heart, be thankful!)

Heart, we grab our soul and we turn it from dulling our thirst for God
by soothing ourself with how much money
we spend
God has given us access
and freedom to draw near

(Heart, be thankful and love God 
and the radiance around Him! )
Isa 55:1,2
by sleeping too much
our access is free and clear.
we set our heart to thrill ourself 
with the abundance
of the throne room

(Heart, be thankful and love the truth!)

by playing too much
the intensity of the radiance around God
is always greater.
Lord, we love that you are a fountain of power
and glory

(Heart, hear, believe, and love the God who is close!)

even by watching too much TV
we can quench our thirst better with the presence
of our God.
Lord, we praise You
because your grace includes us

 (be thankful about drinking from God !)

we turn from trying to keep ourself away from God and we repent of letting ourself lose hope about
receiving His presence and
then punishing ourself for it.
we turn away from despair because God gives
grace and glory
(Psalm. 84:11).
Lord, we love Your radiance that You give so freely. Heart, let ourself believe
that We are near to the fountain of God
and that God is here.
By faith in the strength of the radiance around God, We are believing that God is shining His presence
onto us here.
And, His Spirit is INTENSELY present
because of the power of the radiance
that thunders from the fountain of God..

(Heart, let ourself feel confident 
and be reassured by 
the kingdom of heaven 
coming and being HERE!)

God doesn’t hold Himself back from us:
Our God is always a fountain
who never stops gushing the Spirit intensely

 (Heart, be thankful and love God
and the radiance around Him!)
Isa 55:1,2
the fountain of living water, even the Lord.”
 (Jer. 17:13);
You give them to drink
For with You is the fountain
In Your light we see light.”
(Psalm. 36:8,9)
soul` our hope is from Him.
He only is our rock and our salvation,
Our stronghold;
 we shall not be shaken.
On God our salvation and our glory rest;
the rock of our strength,
our refuge is in God.”
 (Psalm. 62:5-7).

(Heart,believe and be thankful about
 drinking from God !
Love that God IS a fountain!)

’The Lord is our portion,’ says our soul,
‘Therefore we have hope in Him.’”
(Lam. 3:24)
we “have boldness and confident access
through faith in Him
(Eph. 3:12).
we have confidence to enter
the holy place by the blood of Jesus
draw near with a sincere heart
 in full assurance of faith,
 having our hearts sprinkled 
clean and our bodies 
washed with pure water.”
(Heb. 10:19, 22).
And, we rest into believing we can
receive Your kingdom HERE
because the Bible says that
since we receive a kingdom 
which cannot be shaken, 
let us show gratitude
(Heb 12:28).
Lord, “You are our God we exalt you.
 (Psalm. 118:28 )

Confidence to Receive From God, 107
Heart, we grab our soul and 
we turn it from despair because
sin is not our best hope 
of something to glory in.
God has promised to fill our soul
with abundance and with His goodness
 (Jer. 31:14)

(Heart, be delight in the abundance of
the goodness around Him!)
Isa 55:1,2
we compare ourself to other people.
we repent of that and we turn to You Lord
our not getting as much attention as other people.
 Lord we love that you keep your eye upon us.
Abiding in our love is what we crave.
By faith We are believing that 
Your love is touching us and 
our eyes are looking at You Lord
our not having the right things
or our not having the right clothes.
 God is our greatest possession.
Lord we love clothing ourself with You

(Heart, be thankful and love God
and the radiance around Him!)

our not being athletic enough.
Lord we love Your adequacy
 and You are our God.
we love Your closeness
Heart, we turn from dulling 
our thirst for God
by soothing ourself with a cigarette.
 God soothes us better

 (Heart, enjoy the radiance around God!)

by taking drugs.
we love that we can escape
 into God and His kingdom. 
Hiding in Him takes away all reason
To have to escape.
By receiving the presence of God,
the kingdom of heaven around us here
becomes a reality that is more real
than the material world

(Heart, be thankful and 
love the fountain of God!)

by drinking alcohol.
Lord, it is You that we are designed to drink.
Lord we love that we don’t 
have to lose confidence
to drink from You.
we love that You wash us clean
so that we can turn 
and trust that We are close.
we grab our soul and turn it 
away from using despair
 in order to soothe our pain.
we turn from trying to avoid hope.
And, we turn from letting 
ourself lose confidence about 
receiving God’s presence
and then punishing ourself for it.
Lord, we love that we can confidently
draw near to You and
drink of the river of Your delights
(Psalm 36:8).
we face our whole being toward You
and by faith We are trusting that
our eyes are looking at You

(Heart, thank God that you
 can receive God’s radiance
 on and all around you!)

Our flesh and our heart may fail,
but God is the strength of our heart
and our portion forever.
(Psalm. 73:26 ).
we have hope in Him
 (Lam. 3:24).

 (delight in the abundance of the fountain of God!
Isa 55:1,2)
Lord You have promised us that
we will never desert you, nor will we ever forsake you,” (Heb. 13:5)
You give them to drink For with You is the fountain
 (Psalm. 36:8,9)
for through Him we have our access in
one Spirit to the Father.
(Eph. 2:18).
draw near with confidence to the throne of grace,
so that we may receive mercy
and find grace to help in time of need
 (Heb. 4:16).
“Be strong, and let your heart take courage,
 all you who hope in the Lord.”
(Psalm. 31:24)
Hope in God, for we shall again praise Him
for the help of His presence.”
(Psalm. 42:5)
You are our hope; O Lord God,
You are our confidence
 (Psalm. 71:5)
You are our God
I exalt you.”
(Psalm. 118:28 ).

(Heart, be thankful; delight in the
abundance of God!)

Confidence to Receive From God, 108
Heart, rejoice that our glorying in God
is not prevented by
the people who didn't love us 
when we was growing up.
 Our God loves the weak and
He cares about those who hurt

(Heart, be thankful and 
delight to receiving
 the radiance around God!
Isa 55:1,2)
Our God isn’t the same as those who hurt us.
Our God is good and we can confidently trust Him ..
Lord we love that You are good and
that You do good.
the health that we don't have.
Our God is a God who heals.
Lord we love that we can 
trust You for healing
Heart, we turn from losing confidence 
and hope when other people love to glory in
their ability to intimidate people
with the strength of their anger
and contempt their cold shamelessness
their ability to make people hurt
their cunning deceitfulness and their ability to lie
their love of sin

(Heart, be thankful about not losing
confidence and hope!)
Strongly, we grab our soul and turn it away from thinking we should settle for hopelessness
and despair.
we can have more because our God
gives grace and glory
(Psalm. 84:11).
 we turn from letting ourself lose confidence
about receiving God’s presence
and then punishing ourself for it.
Lord, we love that we can confidently
draw near to You and
 “drink of the river of Your delights
(Psalm 36:8).
Lord, we love Your abundant grace

 (Heart, delight ourself in
 the abundance of the fountain of God!)

“’The Lord is our portion,’ says our soul,
‘Therefore we have hope in Him.’
 (Lam. 3:24)
“as for us, we will hope continually,
and will praise You yet more and more.”
 (Psalm. 71:14)
“Be strong, and let your heart take courage,
all you who hope in the Lord.”
(Psalm. 31:24)
we have hope in Him.”
(Lam. 3:24)
soul our hope is from Him.
He only is our rock and our salvation,
Our stronghold;
we shall not be shaken.
On God our salvation and our glory rest;
The rock of our strength, our refuge is in God.”
 (Psalm 62:5-7)

 (Heart, let ourself feel confidence
 and be reassured by God’s presence!)

Hope in God, for we shall again praise Him
 for the help of His presence.
 (Psalm. 42:5)
Lord, we rest into believing 
We are before Your throne:
the radiance around you is so great
it makes a lake and a river of the Spirit
before the throne!
 we love that we can drink
 from the fountain of God and from the
river of Your delights Lord
(Psalm 36:8).
a river of the water of life, clear as crystal,
coming from the throne of God and of the Lamb
 (Rev. 22:1).

(Heart, be thankful and delight 
ourself in the abundance around God!)

and before the throne there 
was something like a sea of glass, like crystal.”
(Rev. 4:6; 22:1)
Let the godly ones exult in glory
Let the high praises of God be in their mouth
 (Psalm. 149:56).

Confidence to Receive From God, 109
Heart, we turn from losing confidence 
to drink from God when
people try to prevent what is good

(be thankful about not losing
confidence to drink from God!)

people don't care enough about unrighteousness
and even seem to disapprove of what is right
people we care about,
seem love lies and think that evil is good

it feels like the risk is great and
 seems better

(be thankful about drinking from God!)

they don't share our hope for the future
and they don’t want to even try to understand
they are not the friend that we wanted them to be

(be thankful about being free to drink from God!)

everything seems to be going against us
and nothing is cooperating with our goals
they don’t value our contribution
or what we have to offer
loving kindness and compassion are not valued
some are insensitive and hurtful

 (be thankful about being free to drink from God!)

we turn from despair because our best hope
to quench our thirst is not with ourself.
we turn from trying to force ourself
to stay away from God.
And we repent of letting ourself
lose confidence about receiving God’s presence
and then punishing ourself for it.
Lord, we love that we can confidently
draw near to You and `
“drink of the river
of Your delights
 (Psalm 36:8).
The Lord is our God and we love
YOUR closeness Lord.
By faith in the strength of 
the radiance around God, 
We are believing that God 
is shining His presence
onto us here.
And, His Spirit is INTENSELY
present because of the power of the radiance
that thunders from the fountain of God

(Heart, let ourself feel confidence and
delight in the abundance of
the radiance from the fountain of God!)

Our flesh and our heart may fail, but God is the strength of our heart and our portion forever.”
(Psalm. 73:26);
“God said,  
"I will dwell in them and walk among them;
 and I will be their God, 
and they shall be Our` people” 
(2Cor 6:16).
 (Heart, hear, believe,
 and love the God who is close!)
we don’t have to lose confidence to glory in God
because we 
have boldness and confident
access through faith in Him
(Eph. 3:12).
You are our hope; O Lord God,
You are our confidence
(Psalm. 71:5)
Our soul clings to You
(Psalm. 63:8)

(Heart, hear, believe, 
and love the God who is close!)

Hope in God, for we shall again praise Him
for the help of His presence.”
(Psalm. 42:5)
as for us, we will hope continually,
and will praise You yet more and more.”
 (Psalm. 71:14)
Be strong, and let your heart take courage,
 all you who hope in the Lord.”
 (Psalm. 31:24)
The Lord is near to the brokenhearted,
and saves those who are crushed in spirit.”
(Psalm. 34:18)
’The Lord is our portion,’ says our soul,
‘Therefore we have hope in Him.’”
(Lam. 3:24)
Though the fig tree should not blossom 
and there be no fruit on the vines,
though the yield of the olive should fail
and the fields produce no food,
though the flock should be cut off
from the fold and there be no cattle in the stalls,
yet we will exult in the Lord,
we will rejoice in the God of our salvation.
 The Lord God is our strength,
and He has made our feet like hinds' feet,
and makes us walk on our high places.”
(Hab. 3:17-19).

(Heart, hear, believe, and love the
radiance around God!)

Confidence to Receive From God, 110
Heart, we turn from losing confidence 
to draw near and drink from God when
they just keep trying to justify themselves

(be thankful about not losing 
faith to drink from God!)

people seem to think We are a joke
and they want to gloat over being ‘above’
than us when other people try
to get us to do bad things
they won't receive our help

(be thankful about not losing confidence
 to drink from God!)

people are afraid to face the truth and change
people reject the gospel that God has used
to set us free
friends don't want to talk to us sometimes

(believe you CAN drink from the abundance of God!)

they put limits on us because they don't have vision
we delight that don't have to believe lies that
we need to avoid being confident of our
hope to glory in God.
we denounce these things!
Lord, You are the God of all glory.
 Lord, You are our God
we pray that You would
rebuke any enemy pushing us 
to protect ourself with disbelief.
 And Lord,
we ask that with Your authority
And power that You would
command the forces of evil 
to leave us alone and to never come back

(Heart, let ourself believe that God is doing it)

we turn away from hopelessness and despair.
 we turn from trying to keep ourself away from God.
we repent of letting ourself lose confidence
about receiving God’s presence
 and then punishing ourself for it.
 Lord, we love that we can confidently
draw near to You and
“drink of the river of Your delights”
(Psalm 36:8).
Heart, let ourself believe that We are near
to the fountain of God and that God is here.
By faith in the strength of the radiance
around God,
We are believing that God is shining His presence
onto us here.
And, His Spirit is INTENSELY present
because of the power of the radiance
that thunders from the fountain of God

 (Heart, let ourself feel confidence 
and be reassured because of 
believing you ARE receiving
from the abundance around God!)

“‘The Lord is our portion,’ says our soul,
‘Therefore I have hope in Him.’”
(Lam. 3:24)
love is from God
(1 John 4:7)

(Heart, believe the radiance of God 
is on and all around you!)

keep yourselves in the love of God
(Jude 1:21)
we rest into believing that You are radiating
Your Holy Spirit onto us:
God is the strength of our heart and
our portion forever.”
(Psalm. 73:26)

(Heart, hear, believe, and love the God who is close!)

How blessed are the people who know
the joyful sound!
O Lord, they walk in the light of Your countenance.
 In Your name they rejoice all the day,
and by Your righteousness they are exalted.
For You are the glory of their strength
For our shield belongs to the Lord,
and our king to the Holy One of Israel
(Psalm. 89:15-18).

 (Heart, believe the radiance 
around God is the Holy Spirit Himself
John 7:37-39)

Lord, we rest into believing We are before Your throne.
we love that we can drink from You  Lord.
a river of the water of life,
 clear as crystal,
coming from the throne of God 
and of the Lamb
 (Rev. 22:1).
and before the throne there was something
like a sea of glass, like crystal.”
 (Rev. 4:6; 22:1)

Confidence to Receive From God, 111
Heart, we turn from dullness 
about drawing near to God because of
our human condition or
our lack of ability apart from God
circumstances or people that aren’t cooperating
how much we have struggled with sin and failed
the clothes we don't have 
(Heart, be believe and love drinking
from the fountain of God!)

the promotion or the job we didn't get
our human imperfections
our not thinking as clearly as others

 (Heart, delight ourself in abundance
 Isa 55:1,2)

Heart, we grab our soul 
and we turn it from 
dulling our thirst for God
by sleeping too much
the radiance of God is readily
available to us personally.
Lord, we praise You God
by stuffing the pain with food
we can fill ourself with the presence of God.
 Lord, we love Your grace
by soothing ourself with sin
it is much easier and better to soothe ourself
with the radiance of God
close to us and touching us

 (Heart, hear, believe, 
and love the God who is close!)

by wanting to find pleasure in rebellious sin
standing before the Lord and
having Him before us is far more thrilling

(Heart, believe the radiance from God is the Holy Spirit Himself John 7:37-39)

we turn from despair because our best hope to quench our thirst is not with ourself.
The Lord is our God.
we turn from trying to avoid God
by letting ourself lose confidence
about receiving His presence 
and then punishing ourself for it
Why are you in despair, O our soul?
And why are you disturbed within us?
Hope in God, for we shall again raise Him,
the help of our countenance and our God.”
(Psalm. 43:5)
Our soul shall make its boast in the Lord
 (Psalm. 34:2)
Heart hear this: 
He is your praise
(Deut. 10:21)
as for us, we will hope continually,
and will praise You yet more and more.”
(Psalm. 71:14)
This we recall to our mind, 
therefore we have hope.
 The Lord's loving kindnesses 
indeed never cease,
for His compassion's never fail.
They are new every morning;
great is Your faithfulness.
‘The Lord is our portion,’
says our soul,
‘Therefore we have hope in Him.’”
(Lam. 3:21-24)
Lord, we humble ourself 
into believing we can,
worship in the Spirit of God
and glory in Christ Jesus”
(Phil. 3:3);
as for us, we will hope continually
(Psalm. 71:14)
I will give thanks to You, O Lord our God,
with all our heart,
and will glorify Your name forever.”
(Psalm. 86:12);
Our soul clings to You
 (Psalm. 63:8)

. (Heart, let ourself love God’s presence!)

Confidence to Receive From God, 112
Heart, we turn from losing confidence about drawing near and drinking from God
when unrighteousness seems like it is everywhere.
when other people try to get us to do bad things

(Heart, enjoy the Holy Spirit 
that shines from God!)

when it is a struggle to allow our heart to believe

when evil is just being evil

when injustice wants to overwhelm us
when the right things didn't get done

when the circumstances don't cooperate or when circumstances want to overwhelm us
when other people make God’s approval
 a thing to achieve
when someone doesn’t want to be our friend
when they won't move ahead because of their fears

 (Heart, delight ourself in abundance from God)

we turn from despair because
 our best hope to quench our thirst 
is not with ourself.
we turn from trying to distract 
ourself from God.
 we turn away from letting ourself lose faith
about receiving His presence
and then punishing ourself for it.
The Lord is our God
and He is our best hope 
to feed our neediness
Be strong, and let your heart take courage,
all you who hope in the Lord.”
(Psalm. 31:24)
The Lord is our God.”
 (Zech.. 13:9).
I have hope in Him.”
 (Lam. 3:24);
 “Our soul clings to You
 (Psalm. 63:8)
as for us,
we will hope continually, 
and will praise You
yet more and more.”
 (Psalm. 71:14).
Why are you in despair, O our soul?
And why are you disturbed within us?
Hope in God,
for we shall again praise Him,
the help of our countenance 
and our God.”
 (Psalm. 43:5).
Our soul shall make its boast in the Lord
 (Psalm. 34:2);
 “He is your praise
(Deut. 10:21).
Our flesh and our heart may fail,
but God is the strength of our heart
and our portion forever.”
(Psalm. 73:26)
soul our hope is from Him.
He only is our rock and our salvation,
our stronghold; we shall not be shaken.
On God our salvation and our glory rest;
the rock of our strength, our refuge is in God.”
(Psalm. 62:5-7)
we can draw near and drink 
(receive) the Holy Spirit,
anytime, anywhere,
as much as we want
come to Me and drink
From our innermost being 
will flow rivers
of the Spirit
(John 7:37-39).
come to the waters delight 
ourself in abundance.”
 (Isa. 55:1,2)
How precious is Your loving kindness, O God!
 And the children of men take refuge in
the shadow of Your wings.
They drink their fill of the abundance 
of Your house;
 and You give them to drink of
the river of Your delights.
For with You is the fountain of life;
in Your light we see light.”
(Psalm. 36:7-9)
Praise the Lord! Praise God in His sanctuary”
(Psalm. 150:1).

Heart, Letting God Reach into us 113
 “Come, let us return to the Lord
He will bandage us.
 He will revive us
He will raise us up 
that we may live before Him 
(Hos. 6:1,2).
 “I, the Lord, am your healer.
(Exo. 15:26).
!Thank You Lord that we don’t have
to be afraid of You!
And, we turn away from agreeing
with demonic pressure to avoid exposing
our hurt to You for healing!”
Isa 55:1,2
!Heart hear this,
 because We are telling you 
to believe and to feel delight about this truth!
Jesus said, 
“we have come as Light into the world
(John 12:46).
 “unto you
the Sun of Righteousness arise 
with healing in His wings ,
and you shall go forth
and grow like calves from the stall
and leap for joy
(Mal 4:2).
We Trust you are entering 
and are now before the Lord.
Open up to God and let ourself receive:
Right now Lord We are trusting that Your
holy and healing Light is shining on us,
reaching into us and is giving us
healing for past and recent hurts
healing for the result from the darts,
the lies, and the poison of the enemy”
healing from the emotional and
spiritual damage done by sin”

 (Heart, believe that God is reaching
into you and that He IS healing you! )

healing from the damage done by
the sin of others toward us”
healing from the result of 
hurtful or careless words 
from other people,
 or from other Christians”
(Heart, believe that God is reaching into you 
and that He IS healing you!)

Moreover, we will give you a new heart
 and put a new spirit within you;
and we will remove the heart of stone
(Ezek. 36:26).
!Trust you are before the Lord and open up.
“Right now Lord We are trusting 
that You are reaching in and that You are
removing any hardness of
heart in regard to ;
 remove hardness from
fears about human
(Heart, believe that God is reaching into you 
and that He IS healing you!)

heart God is reach out to you 114
we Trust that the veil was torn
and you are NOT separated from heaven.
Trust that you have entered
before the Lord and God is before you here.
Open up to God and let ourself receive
Right now God We are trusting that
You are reaching in and are giving us
a soft heart toward being able to 
have greater relationship with You,
toward obeying You God,
toward believing that 
You are supremely good”
a soft heart toward the truth
toward loving the truth 
and toward obeying the written
and spoken word of God
a soft heart toward loving others
toward living in righteousness 
and purity 
and a soft heart to forgive others 
and to forgive ourself”

(Heart, believe that God is
reaching into you and that He IS healing you!)

!Thank You Lord that we don’t have
to be afraid of You!
And, we turn away from agreeing with demonic
pressure to avoid exposing
our hurt to You for healing!”
we will give them a heart to know Us,
for We are the Lord;
and they will be Our people,
and we will be their God,
for they will return to Me  
with their whole heart
(Jer. 24:7).

(Heart, hear, believe, and love God)

we Trust the power of God:
 “Right now Lord We are trusting that You
are reaching in and are giving us
a whole heart that returns easily
and keeps moving forward to
know You more intimately”
a hope and faith filled heart that returns
and stays continually turned 
toward You as our God”
But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness,
self-control; against such things there is no law
(Gal. 5:22,23).
we Trust we are before the Lord 
and that God is before us here.
 Open up to God and to the radiance of
the Holy Spirit coming to us
because of His shine.
“Right now Holy Spirit We are trusting that You
are working into us and out of us
the fruit that only You can produce 
(Heart, hear, believe, and love God)

Heart, Letting God Reach in 115
for it is God who is at work in you,
 both to will and to work for His good pleasure
(Phil. 2:13).
we are Trust that the veil was torn and
we are NOT separated from heaven. 
Let ourself confidently believe that we have entered
before the Lord and God is before us here:
“Right now Lord We are trusting that You are reaching in and are working into us
the will and the willingness to
work for Your good pleasure

(Heart, believe God is HERE
shining onto and into you
and that you ARE receiving!)

a passion and zeal for abiding,
for drinking from God,
 and for a continual sacrifice of praise
a passion and zeal for continually 
receiving the kingdom of God.
we planted, Apollos watered,
but God was causing the growth
God causes the growth
(1 Cor. 3:6,7).
we are Trust that we are 
before the Lord and that God is before us here.
“Right now Lord We are trusting that
Your Holy Spirit is a person
who is strong and an intense
Your Holy Light is shining on us
and is reaching in and is working in us to
cause growth in character

 obedience to You God
 greater capacity for intimacy with You
a strong will and moral resolve to say,
“No,” to temptation and sin
!Thank You Lord that we don’t have
to be afraid of You!
And,  we turn away from agreeing
with demonic pressure to avoid
exposing our hurt to You for healing!”
Peace I leave with you;
Our peace I give to you;
not as the world gives do I give to you.
 Do not let your heart
be troubled, nor let it be fearful”
 (John 14:27).

we are Trust that we are entering
 and are now
before the Lord here.
Open up to God and let ourself receive:
“Right now Lord We are trusting
that You are reaching in and are giving us
a confident and restful peace about
who You are and about
what You are doing with us”
And God is able to make all grace abound to you,
so that always having all sufficiency in everything,
you may have an abundance for every good deed
 (2 Cor. 9:8)
we are Trust that the veil was torn
and we are NOT separated from heaven.
Let ourself confidently believe
that we have entered before the Lord
and God is before us here:
Right now, I present our body before You Lord
and We are trusting that Your holy Light
is shining on us.
Thank you for reaching in and working into us
an abundance of grace
 for sufficiency in everything 
and an abundance of grace 
for every good deed

 (let ourself feel confidence about 
God’s power to heal you,
receive, and expect healing!)

Heart, God is Reach in and Giving a New Heart 116
God says to us that
We are the Lord who sanctifies you
 (Lev. 20:8).
So, “walk by the Spirit,
and you will not carry out the desire of the flesh
 (Gal. 5:16).
if by the Spirit you are putting to death
the deeds of the body, you will live
(Rom. 8:13).
Therefore do not let sin reign in your mortal body
 so that you obey its lusts,
and do not go on presenting 
the members of your body
 to sin as instruments of unrighteousness;
but present yourselves to God as those
 alive from the dead,
and your members as instruments
of righteousness to God
(Rom. 6:12,13).
present your bodies 
 a living and holy sacrifice, 
acceptable to God,
which is your spiritual service of worship
 (Rom. 12:1).
just as you presented your members as slaves
to impurity and to lawlessness,
resulting in further lawlessness,
so now present your members as slaves
to righteousness,
resulting in sanctification
(Rom. 6:19).
we are before the Lord and that God
is before us here.
Open up to God and to the radiance
Of the Holy Spirit coming to us
because of His shine:
“Right now Lord, we present our body before You Lord and We are trusting that
You are reaching into our body
we present our body before you
as a slave to righteousness”

(Heart, believe, receive, and love Him)

work in us so that the result is sanctification
that makes us holy”
We are trusting that You Holy Spirit
will work in us and put to death
 the deeds of the body”
As we continue to present our body before You
we will keep trusting that You
are putting to death the deeds of the body
and that You are also working through us
and are using us as an instrument of righteousness”

(Heart, believe, receive, 
and to love God’s presence 
working in and all around you!)

Believing and Enjoying the Love of God 117
 Heart, listen to what we are saying.
Let ourself believe, love,
and be thankful for the truth!
we don’t have to do some righteous thing
before we let ourself believe God loves us
it is safe to trust God’s love for us is
not overcome by how bad we have been.
we love the closeness of Your love Lord
we don't have to justify God’s love for us.
 we love that we can draw near to God
and that He does draw near to us.
we rest into letting God’s love touch us all around
and We are letting ourself enjoy that right now
we don’t have to be proud of our human goodness
 before we let ourself believe God loves us.
It is because of our
getting close to the radiance around You that
 we can enjoy the touch of Your abiding love
we don’t have to (example of some good behavior )
in order to keep ourself inside the love of God
showered down all around us

 (Heart, let ourself feel confidence
because of the truth!)
Heart, rejoice in the truth that 
we do repent of trying to find security 
through disbelief about God’s love!
Heart hear and be soft.
Listen and let ourself enjoy God’s love!

(Heart, love His love!)

we delight that it is safe and right for us to rest
and openly receive God’s love.
we grab our soul and we turn
it away from believing lies from
the devil about God’s love for us!
we turn from fear about our having to
maintain spiritual “success”
 in order to keep deserving His love.
Right now Lord,
 We are trusting that Your presence 
is all around us touching us 
and we rest into believing
the truth that You are right here loving us
without any holding back
Lord, we delight to draw near to You—
it is safe and thrilling to hide ourself
in the love that You shine upon us from Your face

(Heart, let ourself feel confidence
because of the truth!)

May your unfailing love rest upon us,
 O Lord, even as we put our hope in you.”
(Psalm. 33:22).
“love is from God”
 (1 John 4:7);
 “God is love, and the one who abides in love,
abides in God
 (1 John 4:16).
we hide ourself inside the substance of Your love
because You said to 
abide in Our love.”
(John 15:9);
 “keep yourselves in the love of God
 (Jude 1:21).
we love that Jesus commands us,
abide in Our love.”
(John 15:9);
So right now Lord,
We are resting in the truth about Your love
 touching us and staying all around us
 and We are letting ourself enjoy it
the Lord is good and his love endures forever,
 his faithfulness continues”
 (Psalm. 100:4);
great is your love toward us”
(Psalm. 86:13);
O taste and see that the Lord is good;
 How blessed is the man
who takes refuge in Him!”
 (Psalm. 34:8);
none of those who take refuge in Him
will be condemned.”
 (Psalm. 34:22);
 “He has not despised the afflicted;
 neither has He hidden His face from him”
(Psalm. 22:24);
 “the Lord loves His people
(2 Chron 2:11);
I in them and You in Me,
that they may be perfected in unity,
so that the world may know that You sent Me,
 and loved them,
even as You have loved Me
 (John 17:23);
 And right now,
We are letting ourself enjoy the
love of God touching us all around
'For as the waistband clings 
to the waist of a man,
so I made the whole household of Israel
and of Judah cling to Me,'
declares the Lord,
'that they might be for Me a people,
for renown,
 for praise and for glory;
but they did not listen.'”
(Jer. 13:11).

 (Heart, hear, believe, 
and love the God who is close!

the Lord your God turned the curse into a blessing
for you because the Lord your God loves you.”
 (Deut. 23:5).
“He will quiet you with His love,
He will rejoice over you with singing.”
(Zeph. 3:17);
the Lord takes pleasure in His people;
He will beautify the afflicted ones with salvation.”
(Psalm. 149:4).

(Heart, hear)

Believing and Enjoying the Love of God 118
Heart, listen to what we are saying.
Let ourself believe, love,
and be thankful for the truth!
Heart, rejoice in the truth that
God’s love for us is not
because of what we do for God.
It is You who are worthy of praise.
 we praise You Lord

(Heart, let ourself feel confidence
because of the truth!)

Heart, rejoice in the truth that God’s love
for us is not because of pity.
 we rest into receiving the touch of God’s perfect
and good love abiding in us and all around us
Heart, rejoice in the truth that 
the amount of effort we make 
will never earn God’s love for us.
 we praise You Lord that
Your love for us is so great 
and free just for believing
Heart, rejoice in the truth that 
we don’t have to
 protect ourself from believing 
God loves us
it is safe and good to believe God’s love for us

 (Heart, let ourself feel confidence
because of the truth!)

we don't have to do more in order to possess God’s love.
 we rest into receiving His love lavished onto us from
the continual blast of fountain of God
we don't have be more impressive
 spirituality in order to earn God’s love.
Oh, how we love You Lord
Heart, rejoice in the truth that we don't have to believe
the lies of the enemy that
we have to try and earn God’s love.
we denounce these lies! Lord,
You are our God;
we rebuke any enemy pushing us 
to try to earn Your love
we repent of having to protect ourself 
with disbelief about God’s love for us.
 And, we repent and we turn from believing
that we could fail and then lose His love!
Lord, Your love is what we wrap ourself with.
 Right now,
We are trusting that Your presence
 is all around us and we rest into believing 
the truth that You are
right here touching us with Your love
Heart, rejoice in the truth that 
God’s love is perfect enough to cast out our fears!
(1 John 4:18)
Heart, enjoy that God’s love 
for us is patient and kind! 
(1 Cor. 13:4)
rejoice that God’s love looks 
for ways of being constructive with us!
(1 Cor. 13:5)
enjoy that God’s love for us is not
irritable and is never touchy!
 (1 Cor. 13:5)
rejoice in the truth that God’s love 
for us is not condemning in any way!
(Rom. 8:1)
rejoice that God’s love for us is never
like a roaring lion that is seeking to devour us!
 (1 Peter 5:8)
be comforted by letting ourself believe
and love the truth that God 
knows everything about us, 
yet still, He deeply loves us –
I cannot escape it!
(Psalm. 139)
Heart, rejoice in the truth that God’s love
does not decrease when we fail!
(1 Cor. 13:8; Rom. 5:8; Rom. 8:36-39)
Heart, rejoice in the truth that God’s love for us
does not increase when we succeed!
(Eph. 3:17-19)
Heart, enjoy the truth that 
God’s love for us is good. 
Lord, Your love for us is good 
enough for us to trust!
(Psalm. 34:8; John 15:9).
God’s love for us is a jealous love.
We get jealous because we can’t have.
But, You Lord, 
You get jealous when You can’t give.
 (Isa. 30:18; Psalm. 84:11,12).
Our God does not abandon His people.
Heart hear this:
Our God will never abandon us:
the Lord will not abandon His people,
 Nor will He forsake us, 
as His inheritance.”
(Psalm. 94:14);
 “the Lord will not abandon His people
 on account of His great name
(1 Sam. 12:22);
I will never desert you,
nor will I ever forsake you,”
(Heb. 13:5).
those who know Your name will put their trust
in You, for You,
O Lord, have not forsaken those
Who seek You.”
(Psalm. 9:10).

(Heart, hear, believe, 
and love the God who is close!)

Heart, there is Joy and freedom in God 119
Heart, listen to what we are saying.
Let ourself believe, love,
and be thankful for the truth!
heart, let ourself find joy 
and freedom that success is 
NOT defined by our own human glory.
Success is in our exalting
 and honoring God by our childlike dependency
on God being near
 and surround us with His kingdom,
His power, His love.
 enjoy that God IS being exalted
by our depending on Him
the success we love is NOT 
from exalting ourself with 
subtle forms of internal praise:
 we will exalt God 
with a continual sacrifice of praise
for His attributes, not ours.
we turn from feeding ourself 
with praise toward ourself.
we turn our heart to love worshiping God,
 not ourself. 
Heart, God IS being honored 
and we enjoy that
the success we love is NOT 
to enjoy exalting ourself
with evidence of how good We are.
we love praising You Lord
because it is You who are good.
Our good is because Your goodness is near to us
 and touching us.
And we set our heart to keep
 on receiving the radiance that shines from God
because We are determined to depend on God
to do His work by the Holy Spirit
flowing from Him as He walks with us
here heart the success we long for
 includes loving God
 by a continual sacrifice of not exalting ourself.
we delight that we can love God
and exalt Him by praising His attributes
and not ours.
 we love You Lord, and we set our will to
sacrificially love God
with continual praise that would normally go toward us
the success we love is in NOT trying to find reasons
why they should be impressed with us.
You are the God of all glory.
Heart, success is NOT to bring honor to ourself.
Any human glory that comes to us,
we will exalt You with it Lord.
 Our God is the commander of the armies of heaven
and it is heaven that rules the success we love is NOT in fighting to achieve and then defend our “self-worth.”
we don't have to play that game anymore.
 we pause and trust that our eyes 
are looking at You Lord. 
we trust that You are walking with 
and in us here.
we enjoy exalting you God,
not ourself.
 Our ears are set to keep listening for You to
 speak to us here
 Heart, believe and ENJOY
 that our freedom in worship 
and praise has great value for eternity! 
Heart, let ourself enjoy that God feels pleasure

and is greatly honored 
by our childlike faith
 in depending on His closeness 
as our refuge,
our strength, and our glory. 
Our freedom in worship, 
our praise toward God,
and our childlike dependency on the closeness
of His kingdom,
 GREATLY exalts and honors Him before
a vast audience of heavenly beings!

Chapter 8



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